George Neil Furey

George Neil Furey

Post Doctor

  • Soil and Water Science Section

Statement of Research Interests

“While it is true that a species individual responds to its soil niche, it is also true that it modifies that niche, which, in turn, reacts upon the individual. A broader approach is called for, the joint development of soil, vegetation and animal life with their mutual interrelated feedbacks (Jenny, 1961). It is embodied in the concept of the ecosystem.” (Jenny et al., 1969)

Despite more than a century of work, the ecosystem remains an enigma. I am fascinated with this puzzle that nature has presented to us in the melding of the organic products of photosynthesis with the abiotic properties of soils. In this theme, my research seeks to understand plant-soil interactions at the intersection of soil biogeochemistry and plant ecology. As Jenny described, I believe the siloing of the study of life shrouds us from comprehending how biodiversity generates the emergent feedbacks that govern ecosystem nutrient cycles. I am building an interdisciplinary research program combining theory from soil science and ecology with empirical work in plant and soil modalities. Using an experimental field approach, I am seeking to deconstruct how plant functional biodiversity structures the cycling of elements within an ecosystem. Understanding the interwoven plant-soil processes that catalyze the flux of elements within an ecosystem is essential to both the restoration of degraded lands and the maintenance of the ecosystem services upon which we all depend. 

H. Jenny, R. J. Arkley, A. M. Schultz. 1969. The Pygmy Forest-Podsol Ecosystem And Its Dune Associates Of The Mendocino Coast, Madroño, Vol. 20, No. 2

  • Publications
  • Misc and CV

    Current affiliation 

    Title/Position: Postdoctoral Fellow
    Faculty: Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management
    University: Norwegian University of Life Sciences
    Location: Universitetstunet 3 (Street); 1433 (Postal); Ås (City); Norway
    Qualifications: PhD (USA), MSc (Canada), BA (Canada), BSc (Canada)

    Available for peer review requests via NMBU email. 

    Self-assignment to research areas within the European Research Council panels

    Physical Sciences and Engineering
    PE10 Earth Systems Science 
    PE10_4 Terrestrial ecology, land cover change
    PE10_9 Biogeochemistry, biogeochemical cycles, environmental chemistry
    PE10_12 Sedimentology, soil science, paleontology, earth evolution 

    Life Sciences 
    LS8 Ecology, Evolution and Environmental biology, behavioral ecology, microbial ecology
    L8_1 Ecosystem and community ecology, macroecology
    LS9 Applied Life Sciences, Biotechnology, and Molecular and Biosystems Engineering
    LS9_4 Applied plant sciences (including crop production, plant breeding, agroecology, forestry, soil biology)
    LS9_6 Biomass production and utilization, biofuels