Emma Charlott Andersson Nordbø

Emma Charlott Andersson Nordbø

Associate Professor

  • Department of Public Health Science

Emma Charlott Nordbø holds a master's degree and PhD in public health science from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU). The aspirations for creating health-promoting and socially sustainable neighborhoods, local communities and settings of everyday life that promote active living, good health and wellbeing across the lifespan represent the key drivers behind her research interests. Nordbø is particularly interested in understanding how physical and social environmental factors influence health and wellbeing in different groups of the population.

In her doctoral thesis, Nordbø focused on examining the built environment as a resource for health promotion during childhood and adolescence. She investigated linkages between access to neighborhood green spaces, facilities and activity participation and wellbeing among children and adolescents. More recently, Nordbø has been involved in projects and studies focusing on green spaces, meeting places, shopping centers and air pollution.

Nordbø has experience with a variety of research methods and tools. This includes use of data from large population surveys, geographic information systems and map-based methods for public participation (PPGIS). She has extensive experience with linking geographical data to public health data. Through the research project Co-creating public health, Nordbø is involved in the testing of an innovative tool that monitor use of meeting places based on artificial intelligence.

  • Publications
  • Teaching

    Nordbø is involved both in teaching and supervision at the master's program in public health science. She is course responsible for M30-FOL (Master's thesis) and contributes in several other courses hosted by the master's programme.