Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson

Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson


  • Ecology and Natural Resource Management Section

I am a professor in conservation biology here at the Norwegian Univ. of Life Sciences, and also an author of several non-fiction books about nature and insects, translated into more than 25 languages. The majority of my research deals with how human land use affect forest biodiversity and thus also the ecosystem services forests provide. I am particularly interested in the elusive and unseen species diversity, like insects and fungi in old and dead trees, as well as in the ecological role of insects in nature. I also enjoy research communication.

For more information on me & my stuff, please have a look at my homepage.

  • Areas of Work
    • Bevaringsbiologi / Conservation biology
    • Skogøkologi og bærekraftig skogbruk / Forest Ecology and sustainable forestry
    • Fragmentering og artsovervåking / Fragmentation and species monitoring
    • Vedlevende insekters økologi / Ecology of wood-living organisms
  • Publications