Andreas Brunner

Andreas Brunner


  • Forestry and Renewable Energy Section
    • Skogproduksjon (Growth and yield)
    • Skogskjøtsel (silviculture)
  • List of publications from my research. (Cristin)

    Reviewed Publications

    1. Himes A, Bauhus J, Adhikari S, Barik SK, Brown H, Brunner A, Burton PJ, Coll L, D’Amato AW, Diaci J, Dorji Y, Foli EG, Ganz DJ, Hall JS, Keenan R, Lu Y, Messier C, Munanura I, Piotto D, Seifert T, Sheil D, Shorohova E, Sisay K, Soto D, Tanaka H, Umunay P, Velázquez-Martínez A, Puettmann KJ (2023) Forestry in the Face of Global Change: Results of a Global Survey of Professionals. Current Forestry Reports. doi:10.1007/s40725-023-00205-1
    2. Houtmeyers, S., and A. Brunner. 2022. Individual tree growth responses to coinciding thinning and drought events in mixed stands of Norway spruce and Scots pine. Forest Ecology and Management 522: 120447.
    3. Brunner, A., and S. Houtmeyers. 2022. Segmentation of conifer tree crowns from terrestrial laser scanning point clouds in mixed stands of Scots pine and Norway spruce. Eur J Forest Res.
    4. Brunner, A. 2021. Stand volume growth varies with age, site index, and stand density - Comments on Stokland (2021). Forest Ecology and Management, 495.
    5. Siipilehto, J., Allen, M., Nilsson, U., Brunner, A., Huuskonen, S., Haikarainen, S., Subramanian, N., Antón-Fernández, C., Holmström, E., Andreassen, K., Hynynen, J.  2020. Stand-level mortality models for Nordic boreal forests. Silva Fennica 54(5): 1-21.
    6. Allen, M., II, A. Brunner, C. Antón-Fernández, and R. Astrup. 2020. The relationship between volume increment and stand density in Norway spruce plantations. Forestry 94(1): 151-165.
    7. Brunner, A., and D. I. Forrester. 2020. Tree species mixture effects on stem growth vary with stand density - An analysis based on individual tree responses. Forest Ecology and Management 473: 1-15.
    8. Houtmeyers, S., and A. Brunner. 2020. Thinning responses of individual trees in mixed stands of Norway spruce and Scots pine. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 35(7): 351-366.
    9. Sharma, R.P., Brunner, A. 2016. Modelling individual tree height growth of Norway spruce and Scots pine from national forest inventory data in Norway. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 27(7): 619-636.
    10. del Río M., Pretzsch H., Alberdi I., Bielak K., Bravo, F., Brunner A., Condés S., Ducey M.J., Fonseca T., von Lüpke N., Pach M., Peric S., Perot T., Souidi Z., Spathelf P., Sterba H., Tijardovic M., Tomé M., Vallet P., Bravo-Oviedo A. 2016. Characterization of the structure, dynamics, and productivity of mixed-species stands: Review and perspectives. European Journal of Forest Research 135: 23-49.
    11. Sterba, H., del Río, M., Brunner, A. & Condes, S. 2014. Effect of species proportion definition on the evaluation of growth in pure vs. mixed stands. Forest Systems, 23 (3): 547-559.
    12. Brunner, A., & Gizachew, B. 2014. Rapid detection of stand density, tree positions, and tree diameter with a 2D terrestrial laser scanner. European Journal of Forest Research, 133: 819-831.
    13. Gizachew, B., Brunner, A., Øyen, B.-H. 2012. Stand responses to initial spacing in Norway spruce plantations in Norway. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 27: 637-648.
    14. Sharma, R.P., Brunner, A., Eid, T. 2012. Site index prediction from site and climate variables for Norway spruce and Scots pine in Norway. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 27: 619-636.
    15. Gizachew, B., Brunner, A. 2011. Density-growth relationships in thinned and unthinned Norway spruce and Scots pine stands in Norway. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 26: 543-554.
    16. Sharma, R.P., Brunner, A., Eid, T., Øyen, B.-H. 2011. Modelling dominant height growth from national forest inventory individual tree data with short time series and large age errors. Forest Ecology and Management 262: 2162-2175.
    17. Hynynen, J., Niemistö, P., Viherä-Aarnio, A., Brunner, A., Hein, S., Velling, P. 2010. Silviculture of birch (Betula pendula Roth. and Betula pubescens Ehrh.) in northern Europe. Forestry 83: 102-119.
    18. Solberg, S., Brunner, A., Hansen, K.H., Lange, H., Næsset, E., Rautiainen, M., Stenberg, P. 2009. Mapping LAI in a Norway spruce forest using airborne laser scanning. Remote Sensing of environment 113: 2317-2327.
    19. Brunner, A., Hahn, K., Biber, P., Skovsgaard, J.P. 2006. Conversion of Norway spruce: A case study in Denmark based on silvicultural scenario modelling. In: Hasenauer, H. (ed.), Sustainable forest management. Growth models for Europe. Springer, Berlin. 343-371.
    20. Lüpke, B. von, Ammer, C., Bruciamacchie, M., Brunner, A., Ceitel, J., Collet, C., Deuleuze, C., Diplacido, J., Jankovic, J., Kantor, P., Kazda, M., Larsen, J.B., Lexer, M., Löf, M., Longauer, R., Madsen, P., Modrzynski, J., Mosandl, R., Pampe, A., Pommerening, A., Stefancik, I., Tesar, V., Thompson, R., Zientarski, J. 2004. Silvicultural strategies for conversion. In: Spiecker, H., Hansen, J., Klimo, E., Skovsgaard, J.P., Sterba, H., Teuffel, K. von (Eds.), Norway spruce conversion - options and consequences, European Forest Institute Research Report 18, Brill, Leiden, Boston. Pp. 121-164.
    21. Brunner, A., Kimmins, J.P. 2003. Nitrogen fixation in coarse woody debris of western red cedar and western hemlock forests on northern Vancouver Island. Can. J. For. Res.: 33: 1670-1682.
    22. McFarlane, D.W., Green E.J., Brunner, A., Amateis, R.L. 2003. Modeling loblolly pine canopy dynamics for a light capture model. Forest Ecology and Management 173: 145-168.
    23. McFarlane, D.W., Green E.J., Brunner, A., Burkhart, H. 2002. Predicting survival and growth rates for individual loblolly pine trees as a function of light capture under different stand conditions. Can. J. For. Res. 32: 1970-1983.
    24. Brunner, A., Nigh, G. 2000. Light absorption and bole volume growth of individual Douglas-fir trees. Tree Physiology 20: 323-332.
    25. Brunner, A. 1998. A light model for spatially explicit forest stand models. Forest Ecology and Management 107: 19-46.
    26. Ammer, C., Burschel, P., Brunner, A. 1994. Erste Ergebnisse einer Untersuchung über die Eignung verschiedener Baumarten zur Rekultivierung von Tonabbauflächen. [First results from an investigation into the suitability of various tree species for the recultivation of former open clay pits.] Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt 113: 175-193.
    27. Brunner, A. 1994. Ökologische Lichtmessung im Wald. [Ecological light measurements in forests.] Forstarchiv 65: 133-138.
    28. Brunner, A., Huss, J. 1994. Die Entwicklung von Bergmischwaldkulturen in den Chiemgauer Alpen. [The development of artificially regenerated species of the mixed mountain forest in the eastern Bavarian Alps.] Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt 113: 194-203.



    Other publications

    1. Brunner A, Hanssen KH, Granhus A (2023) Selektive hogster - en kunnskapssammenstilling. MINA fagrapport 88. 51 s.
    2. Brunner, A., Nybakken, L. 2023. Det finnes ikke dårlig vær, bare dårlige trær. Kronikk 21.03.2023.
    3. Brunner, A. 2022. Omstillingen til lukkede hogstformer kommer til å ta tid … lang tid. Debattlinnlegg Nationen 26.06.2022.
    4. Brunner, A., 2022. Vi vet fortsat for lite om karbonlagring i gamle skoger. Debattinnlegg 03.04.2022.
    5. Brunner, A. 2022. Ja, hvorfor ikke prøve selektive hogster? Debattinnlegg Nationen 14.02.2022.
    6. del Río, M., H. Pretzsch, I. Alberdi, K. Bielak, F. Bravo, A. Brunner, S. Condés, M. J. Ducey, T. Fonseca, N. von Lüpke, M. Pach, S. Peric, T. Perot, Z. Souidi, P. Spathelf, H. Sterba, M. Tijardovic, M. Tomé, P. Vallet, and A. Bravo-Oviedo. 2018. Characterization of mixed forests. In: Bravo-Oviedo A., Pretzsch H., del Río M. (eds) Dynamics, Silviculture and Management of Mixed Forests. Managing Forest Ecosystems, vol 31. Springer, Cham.: 27 - 71.
    7. Brunner, A. 2016. Overview of mixed forests in Norway. COST Action FP1206 EuMIXFOR Country Report. 4 pages [Online publication,]
    8. Brunner, A. 2016. Tynne mer, tidlig, kraftig og ofte. Norsk Skogbruk 5-2016: 46-47.
    9. Brunner, A. 2012. Skogen vokser bedre i dag! Norsk Skogbruk 5-2012: 32-33.
    10. Eid, T., Brunner, A., Søgaard, G., Astrup, R., Tomter, S., Løken, Ø., Eriksen, R. 2010. Estimation, availability and production of tree biomass resources for energy purposes – a review of research challenges in Norway. INA fagrapport 15. Department of Ecology and Natural Resource Management. Norwegian University of Life Sciences. 91 pp.
    11. Bøhler, F., Brunner A., Øyen, B.-H. 2008. Toppkapping i ungskogpleie av gran: vekstreaksjoner på toppkappede trær. Forskning fra Skog og landskap 4/08. 18 s.
    12. Øyen, B.-H., Brunner, A., Bøhler, F. 2007. Toppkapping som metode i ungskogpleien. Skogeieren 9/2007: 12-13.
    13. Brunner, A. 2007. Bioenergi fra norske trær. Debattinnlegg. Dagsavisen 15. 05. 2007: 4.
    14. Brunner, A., Johannsen, V.K., Vesterdal, L. 2005. Effekten af statsskovenes overgang til naturnær drift på kulstofbinding i skovene. [Effect of conversion to nature-based management in the Danish state forests on carbon sequestration] Arbejdsrapport fra Miljøstyrelsen Nr. 10. Miljøministeriet, København. 70 s.
    15. Brunner, A., Rune, F. 2004. Genetablering af skov på stormfaldsarealer ved naturlig foryngelse. [Restocking of storm-felled forests using natural regeneration] Arbejdsrapporter Skov & Landskab 11. Danish Centre for Forest, Landscape and Planning, KVL. 99 pp.
    16. Brunner, A., Butler Manning, D., Huss, J., Rozenbergar, D., Diaci, J., Schousboe, F., Hansen, L.W. 2004. Scenarios of regeneration and stand production of beech under different silvicultural regimes with Regenerator. EU-project Nat-Man “Nature-based management of beech in Europe”, Deliverable 18, 34 & 35. Danish Centre for Forest, Landscape and Planning, KVL. 90 pp.
    17. Brunner, A., Rajkai, K., Gacsi, Z., Hagyó, A. 2004. Regenerator – a forest regeneration model. EU-project Nat-Man “Nature-based management of beech in Europe”, Deliverable 10, 25 & 26. Danish Centre for Forest, Landscape and Planning, KVL. 74 pp. & software.,
    18. Skovsgaard, J.P., Brunner, A., Sørensen, I.H., Ravn, H.P. 2004. Konvertering af rødgran ved underplantning. [Conversion of Norway spruce by underplanting.] Videnblad 4.1-6, Skov & Landskab. 2 pp.
    19. Brunner, A., Sørensen, I.H. , Skovsgaard, J.P. 2003. Skærmstilling og underplantning af rødgran i Gludsted Plantage. [Shelterwood regeneration of Norway spruce in Gludsted Plantation] Arbejdsrapporter Skov & Landskab 13. Danish Forest and Landscape Research Institute. 75 pp.
    20. Brunner, A. 2003. Naturlig foryngelse af nåletræ. [Natural regeneration of conifers.] Videnblad 4.1-5, Skov & Landskab. 2 pp.
    21. Brunner, A. (ed.) 2002. Restocking of storm-felled forests: new approaches. Proceedings of an international workshop in Denmark, March 2001. Danish Centre for Forest, Landscape and Planning, Reports no. 12. 114 pp.
    22. Brunner, A. 2002. Plukhugst - et naturnært dyrkningssystem - kan det bruges? [Single tree selection – a nature-based silvicultural system – can it be used in practice?] Skoven 4/02: 196-198.
    23. Brunner, A. 2001. Plantningsmetodens indflydelse på rodudvikling. [Influence of planting methods on root development.] Videnblad 4.6-12, Skov & Landskab. 2 pp.
    24. Brunner, A. 2001. Naturlig tilgroning efter stormfald. [Natural restocking after storm damages.] Videnblad 3.1-6, Skov & Landskab. 2 pp.
    25. Brunner, A., Klitgaard, O.L. 2001. Genopbygning af tyske skove efter orkanskader – fra temadag i Freiburg. [Restocking of German forests after storm damages - workshop in Freiburg.] Skoven særnummer februar 2001: 60 - 62.
    26. Brunner, A. 2000. Sammenligning af naturnær og traditionel skovdrift i Hestehave og Ringelmose Skov, Kalø. FSL forsøg nr. 1396. Beskrivelse af skovenes tilstand i efteråret 1999. [Comparing nature-oriented and traditional forestry in Hestehave and Ringelmose Forest, Kalø. FSL experiment no. 1396. Description of the forest’s composition and structure in fall 1999.] Naturnær skovdrift, Arbejdsnotat nr. 12. Forskningscentret for Skov & Landskab. 134 pp.
    27. Brunner, A. 2000. Genopbygning af tyske skove efter orkanskader: Erfaringer fra Sydtyskland efter 1990. [Restocking of German forests after storm damages: experiences from Southern Germany after 1990.] Skoven 02/00: 90-93. (også i særnummer februar 2001: 52-55)
    28. Brunner, A. 2000. Genopbygning af tyske skove efter orkanskader: Erfaringer fra Nordtyskland. [Restocking of German forests after storm damages: experiences from Northern Germany.] Skoven 06-07/00: 285-288. (også i særnummer februar 2001: 56-59)
    29. Brunner, A. 1993. Die Entwicklung von Bergmischwaldkulturen in den Chiemgauer Alpen und eine Methodenstudie zur ökologischen Lichtmessung im Wald. [The development of artificial regeneration of the mixed mountain forest presented at the example of a permanent research project in the eastern Bavarian Alps and a methodical study of ecological light measurements in forests.] Forstliche Forschungsberichte München 128. 262 pp.
    30. Brunner, A. 1991. Root investigations in energy forests on rotavated peat soils in southern Sweden. In: McMichael, B.L., Persson, H. (eds.): Plant Roots and their environment. Proceedings of an ISSR-symposium, August 21st - 26th, 1988, Uppsala, Sweden. Developments in agricultural and managed-forests ecology 24: 199-203. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
    • SKOG200
    • SKOG220
    • SKOG303
  • Research topics: 

    • Continuous cover forestry: silvicultural methods
    • Climate adaptation
    • Site classification and site adaptation
    • Individual tree based forest growth models 
    • Growth of mixed stands 
    • Growth in stratified mixtures of birch and spruce 
    • Growth responses to thinning 
    • Growth responses to initial density 
    • Site index models 
    • Growth trends 
    • Decision support for harvester operators during thinnings 
    • Light measurement and modelling