18 buildings on campus are protected. This was done by the Directorate for Cultural Heritage in consultation with the Ministry of Education (Riksantikvaren) in 2014.
In addition to being a beautiful and traditional campus, the facility is evidence of a national commitment, which is worth preserving. Some of the buildings and facilities are protected, this corresponds to protection class 1. Other buildings and facilities are preserved. This corresponds to protection class 2 in the protection decision.
The protected buildings and park area are listet in attatchment 33 i §9-1. Omfang og vedlegg.
Building name, when it was built, and scope
- Aud Max - constructed 1969 to 1970 - exterior/interior
- Botanisk klimalaboratorium - constructed 1962 - exterior
- Cirkus - constructed 1859 to 1902 - exterior/interior
- Damsgård, Kirkeveien 1 - constructed 1899 - exterior/interior
- Fruktkonserveringen - constructed 1901 - exterior
- Gartnerboligen, Åsbakken 3/5 - constructed 1887 to 1888 - exterior/interior
- Lindemannhuset, Fougnerbakken 16 - constructed 1899 - exterior/interior
- Meieribygningen - constructed 1949 to 1953 - exterior/interior
- Meierimuseet - constructed 1900 to 1901 - exterior
- Palasset - constructed in 1859 - exterior
- Palmyra, Fougnerbakken 18-20 - constructed 1898 to 1899 - exterior/interior
- Parkgården – constructed 1866 to 1867 - exterior
- Smia – constructed 1859 - exterior/interior
- Stabburet – constructed 1859 - exterior/interior
- Tivoli – constructed 1859 to 1902 - exterior/interior
- Tårnbygningen – constructed 1921 to 1925 - exterior/interior
- Urbygningen – constructed 1898 to 1900 - exterior/interior
- Utomhus - constructed 1864 to 1951
- Økonomibygningen – constructed 1897 - exterior/interior

Buildings and park areas that are preserved
Several buildings and park areas are protected in protection class 2.
- Trillingene, Sørstua, Høgskoleveien 5c
- Trillingene, Midtstua, Høgskoleveien 5b
- Trillingene, Nordstua, Høgskoleveien 5a
- Stallmesterboligen, Høgskoleveien 3
- Posthusgården
- Varmesentralen
- Area at Parkgården (P9)
- Smiebakken and area at fruktkonserveringen (P12)
- Area at Trillingene (P13)
- Area at Palasset og Meieriet (P14)
- Area at Damsgården (P15)

Is treated as if preserved
Samfunnet is a building from 1934, where there is a verbal agreement with the county conservator (Fylkeskonservator), that it should be treated as if it is preserved.

Regulations and deciosions
Regulation of protection on the State's cultural historical heritage Properties
§ 1-1.Formålet med fredning ( Purpose of protection)
Protection by regulation aims to secure and preserve a representative selection of cultural heritage in the form of buildings and sites related to state activities. The protection shall contribute to
- Ensure that the architectural or cultural historical values of the buildings and facilities are preserved
- show the historical development of state sectors and their importance, for example for social development, the construction of Norway as a welfare state and the relationship to indigenous peoples and minorities
- ensure that representative examples from different periods of development are preserved
- convey understanding of the sectors and epochs they represent
- preserve the buildings and facilities as historical references and source of knowledge
- preserve original elements and later additions if these are considered to have an independent value as a representative of a historical development
- ensure that the mutual context of the buildings and facilities is maintained
- ensure that the outdoor areas are preserved and that the functional and visual connection with the protected complexes is maintained