TEL310 Probabilistisk Robotikk
Ansvarlig fakultet:Fakultet for realfag og teknologi
Emneansvarlig:Antonio Candea Leite
Campus / nettbasert:Undervises campus Ås
Undervisningens språk:Engelsk
Forventet arbeidsmengde:Lectures, computer exercises, lab exercises and homework, approximately 250 hours.
Undervisnings- og vurderingsperiode:This course starts in the autumn parallel. This course has teaching and evaluation during the autumn parallel.
Om dette emnet
This course provides a comprehensive overview of probabilistic algorithms for robotics at the Master's level and focuses on a critical element of robotics: uncertainty in robot perception and action. The key idea of probabilistic robotics is to represent uncertainty explicitly, using the calculus of probability theory. It includes basic concepts of Probability, Bayes Filters, Gaussian and Non-parametric Filters, Robot Motion, Perception, Mobile Robot Localization, Grid and Monte Carlo Localization, Occupancy Grid Mapping, SLAM and Markov Decision Processes. The course also addresses the main sources of uncertainty in robotics: environments, sensors, actuators, robot models, and computational algorithms.
Dette lærer du
After completing the course, the students have acquired knowledge about and skills in designing, analyzing, and applying probabilistic approaches for robotic systems. This includes the combination of practical work and programming, with algorithms for filtering, planning, localization, and so on. The students should also have basic knowledge about, and skills in, applying the most used methods in probabilistic robotics for a wide variety of robotic applications.
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