EDS313 Internship
Credits (ECTS):10
Course responsible:Morten Jerven
Campus / Online:Taught campus Ås
Teaching language:Engelsk, norsk
Course frequency:Annually, both spring and autumn semester
Nominal workload: The guiding principle is the length of the internship to balance the theoretical and practical component. Typically, we recommend that an internship with a duration approximating 4, 8 and 12 regular works weeks corresponds to option 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Note that all options are conditional on an application before a pre announced biannual application deadline. Partial credits are not awarded. Number of credits depends on the lenght of internship, report and litterature review. Details can be found on internship contract.
Teaching and exam period:Fall term and spring parallell.
About this course
The internship can be approved for 10, 20 or 30 ECTS. The internship report and literature review will have to correspond in length to the number of ECTS, in connection with the duration of the internship. Consult the internship contract for the specific ECTS-requirements. When contract is submitted, no changes are possible.The course consists of a practical work component (the internship) and an analytical writing component. The student can apply for existing internships that are contracted with the Faculty of Landscape and Society, or apply to get an individually arranged internship approved for the practical component. Enrollment is conditional on an identified supervisor and the approval of a proposal for an internship posting (300 words) as well as a proposal for a literature review (300 words + proposed syllabus). The student can only have one internship in her/his study plan.
The literature review is to be approved before the internship commences and should be directly related to the work to be conducted during the internship. The literature review should combine components related to the core requirement courses in the master's degree. These core components should be narrowed down to a specific question to be explored in a classic literature review. The literature review is submitted first as a proposal with a research question accompanied by a literature list. The application has to include a justification for the intership component. Both have to be approved prior to enrollment. At the end of the internship the student submits literature review and an intership report.
The internship report (A) intends to document the objectives and expectations of the internship, as well as analytical reflection of the role and function of the organization in which the internship was conducted. The report should digest the practical lessons learnt, as well as being an analytical report that links elements in the literature review (B) with the practical experience.
Bachelor students must have completed 120 study points before taking the internship course, and the internship can be approved for maximum 10 ECTS.
Learning outcome
Learning activities
Assessment method
Mandatory activity
Preferential right