16 June - Erik Rasmussen (KBM)PhD degree – Public DefenceErik Rasmussen, Faculty of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science (KBM) will defend his PhD thesis “DNA methylation in a nutritional and social context: A study of cytosi…
15 June - Yidneckachew Ayele Zikargie - LANDSAMPhD degree: Trial lecture and public defence.Yidneckachew Ayele Zikargie, Noragric, Faculty of Landscape and Society, will defend his thesis "Modernist Sugar Industry Development in Pastoral Frontiers…
Nødvendig vedlikehold i våre veksthus utførtDe siste ukene har vi fått utført en rekke utbedringer i veksthusene i Åsbakken, Tilsynshuset og Kirkejordet Nord.
13 June - May Linn Buberg (VET)PhD degree - Trial Lecture and Public DefenseMay Linn Buberg, Department of Paraclinical Sciences (ParaFag), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine will defend her PhD thesis "Extended spectrum cephalosporinr…
9 June - Stine Alm Hersleth (KBM)PhD degree – Public DefenceStine Alm Hersleth, Faculty of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science (KBM) will defend her PhD thesis “Local food entrepreneurs in Norway: Case studies on successful pra…
Byggdyrking i nordLave sommertemperaturer på Island gjør det vanskelig for bygg å nå full modning. I sitt doktorgradsarbeid har Magnus Göransson belyst hvilke gener som er av betydning for tidlig modning og strålengde.
Hvor lang tid tar ting? Mikes forsking handler om hvor lang tid ting tar, for eksempel når en kunde ringer til kundeservice og selskapet skal løse kundens problem, og hvordan man kan forutsi og optimalisere dette med hjelp a…
9 June - Mike Riess (HH) PhD degree – Trial Lecture and Public Defence Mike Riess, School of Economics and Business (HH) will defend his PhD thesis "Essays on predictive and prescriptive process monitoring" on Friday 9 June …
Finansiell inkludering: trender, determinanter og bidrag Wuddasie Dereje Bekeles avhandling undersøker effekten av finansiell inkludering i Etiopia, en avgjørende del for et lands økonomi. Forskere, politikere og andre interessenter har en økende interesse …
7 June - Wuddasie Dereje Bekele (HH) PhD degree – Trial Lecture and Public Defence Wuddasie Dereje Bekele, School of Economics and Business (HH) will defend her PhD thesis "Financial inclusion: trends, determinants, and contributions" o…