Personvern og adferd Wasenden sitt doktorgradsarbeid bidrar med ny innsikt om folks holdninger til personvern og deres beslutninger knyttet til deling av personlige data når man bruker digitale tjenester.
26 June - Muhammad Rahmad Royan (VET)PhD degree - Trial Lecture and Public DefenceMuhammad Rahmad Royan, Department of Preclinical Sciences and Pathology, (Prepat), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, will defend his PhD thesis "Regulation o…
27 June - Ole Christian Berg Wasenden (HH) PhD degree – Trial Lecture and Public Defence Ole Christian Berg Wasenden, School of Economics and Business (HH) will defend his PhD thesis "Four Papers on Privacy and Human Behavior" on Tuesday 27 J…
Fra tradisjonell dataanalyse til moderne maskinlæringsmetoderRunar Helin har utforsket datamodelleringsteknikker som kombinerer tradisjonelle metoder med dyplæring og har utviklet nye tilnærminger for spektroskopiske applikasjoner. Prosjektet har gitt ny innsik…
22 June – Puchun Niu (BIOVIT)PhD degree – Trial Lecture and Public DefencePuchun Niu, Faculty of Biosciences (BIOVIT) will defend his PhD thesis “ Enteric methane emission from dairy cows: Prediction, mitigation, and rumen microb…
Utforming av en bærekraftig og ansvarlig mineralnæring Diana’s avhandling studerer markeder for mineralressurser, spesielt litium. Avhandlingen tar for seg miljøkonsekvenser av både utvinning og avfallshåndtering av mineraler, og betydningen av resirkuler…
23 June - Diana Roa (HH) PhD degree – Trial Lecture and Public Defence Diana Roa, School of Economics and Business (HH) will defend her PhD thesis "Sustainable use of minerals in the context of a digital and energy transitio…
16 Jun - Teodora Todorčić Vekić (MINA)Teodora Todorčić Vekić, Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management, will defend her PhD thesis “Mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions by pH management of agricultural soils in …
16 June - Runar Helin (REALTEK)PhD degree – Trial Lecture and Public DefenceRunar Helin, Faculty of Science and Technology (REALTEK) will defend his PhD thesis "Exploring the transition from traditional data analysis to machine- an…