Master 2 år
Landskapsarkitektur for global bærekraft

Ready to engage in the most pressing issues of our time? This Master's degree offers a unique combination of practice from landscape architecture with studies in global development, planning and ecology.


Applicants outside EU/EEA: 1 December

Norwegian, Nordic, EU/EEA and Swiss citizens: 15 April



Antall studieplasser:



Bachelor's degree or equivalent status in one of the following disciplines: Landscape Architecture, Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, Landscape Planning, Landscape sciences, Geography, Development Studies, Resource Management, Environmental Studies, Landscape Engineering and other relevant fields.

Photo: Shutterstock
Urban agriculture with plants growing in a rooftop garden in a Chinese city.
Mississippi River School November 2019, Louisiana USA. Part of research project: Mississippi: An Anthropocene River 2018–19 HWW and MPI, Berlin.


Graduates of the programme can look forward to various employment and professional opportunities including work in private practice, multidisciplinary firms, and public agencies. Our graduates are hired in private design firms, small and large, in multidisciplinary engineering consultancies, state and government agencies and planning authorities.

  • Programmets oppbygning
  • Om programmet
    • Samfunnsrelevans
      Global transformation processes, developments towards the planet’s limits to growth, drive systemic landscape change at a global scale; increased frequency of environmental disasters, climate change and migration, affect how people interact with and perceive their everyday surroundings. Shaping these surroundings in a manner that is locally responsive to such challenges is the goal of a landscape architecture which takes a global perspective. Landscape architecture education in a globalized world provides specific skills for working in ways that are sensitive to different socio-cultural and ecological contexts. The programme responds to the dynamic evolution of the landscape profession to navigate the challenges our environment presents. As such, it will train and prepare professionals who will work in designing, planning and managing sustainable and resilient places. Students will learn skills and methods to be equipped when confronted with undeterminable /(unknown) future challenges.


Grete Grindal Patil

Grete Grindal Patil

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