Master 2 år
Deltid over 4 år
Internasjonale relasjoner - deltid

Do you want to learn how to analyze and understand international relations in a rapidly changing world? This program gives students the skills to comprehend developments in global politics – multilateralism, diplomacy, security and power politics among other topics -  in theory and practice. Emphasis is placed on interactive learning – and in English in preparation for international careers.

The program can be taken over four years. Classes are on campus, and students can expect to have classes 1-2 days per week after the introduction course. Hybrid solutions might be available for some classes.

Full-time Master's in International Relations


Applicants outside EU/EEA: 1 December

Norwegian, Nordic, EU/EEA and Swiss citizens: 15 April 


Autumn 2024

Antall studieplasser:



Applicants must hold a Bachelor's degree or equivalent in political science, development studies, the social sciences, theology, humanities, strategic studies, economics, law or a related discipline.

  • Mer om opptakskrav
    Bachelorgrad eller tilsvarende innen statsvitenskap, utviklingsstudier, samfunnsfag, teologi, humnaistiske fag, strategiske studier eller juss.

NMBU's Master's in International Relations trains students in core concepts and theories to analyse, explain and understand contemporary events and processes in global order. The first year comprises a compulsory introductory course and core courses in International Relations theory and methods, as well as elective courses. Our program-specific electives cover a range of topics: security, international institutions, intelligence, maritime policy, feminist and critical theory, cities in global order, and European politics, amongst others. Students can select elective courses to take throughout the four year period. These elective courses are offered within the International Relations program and more broadly at NMBU. This ensures student choice within the individual study plan.

In the first year of the part-time program, students take the following courses. Autumn semester: EDS203 Introduction to International Relations (5 ECTS) and EDS374A International Relations Theory (10 ECTS). Spring semester: EDS374B International Relations Theory (10 ECTS). In the second year, students take the remaining obligatory courses. A Master's thesis is written in the fourth year of the program. 

Students can do an exchange with one of our many partner institutions throughout the world, learn on-the-job skills through an internship in Norway or abroad or choose amongst several electives on campus. The concluding element of the Master's program is the Master Thesis (30 ECTS), supported by a seminar course to create a community of learning and additional support around the thesis work.

NMBU's Master’s in International Relations prepares students with a strong conceptual understanding of global politics, and offers opportunities to build competence through a range of activities in class and beyond. A strong emphasis on empirical and contextual knowledge characterizes expertise within international relations at NMBU's Department of International Environment and Development Studies. Bringing the world to the classroom through a range of case studies, and also in the form of guest lecturers and participatory learning/classroom activities, provides a basis for exploring a variety of themes. Our students are regularly included in research activities, such as ongoing projects and relevant seminars. Students can, under the guidance of a dedicated team of researchers, develop their interests and ideas for further careers.

Best in Norway

International Relations at NMBU is currently rated the best Political Science-related Master’s degree in Norway. According to student evaluations conducted on behalf of Norway’s Ministry of Education and Research, NMBU’s IR degree came out tops in terms of teaching, study environment, organization and connections with the professional field of IR in practice, amongst other criteria.  


  • Diplomacy
  • Civil Society organizations
  • Risk assessment and Risk mitigation, also in the private sector.
  • Public Sector
  • Hva lærer du?

    Learning outcomes

    After completion of the master in International relations, the candidate shall be able to demonstrate:


    In-depth insight into theories of international relations and understanding of major factors stipulated in these approaches as drivers of international interactions.Good understanding of the diversity and overlaps within major theories, and the weaknesses of using such macro approaches.Understanding of micro-level analysis and the role of political, economic, and social developments in explaining global politicsUnderstanding of the contextual factors in theory generation and case studiesKnowledge of systematic analysis of International Relations with a theoretical and empirical focus


    Ability to apply theoretical perspectives to analyze current issues in international relations.Ability to identify, evaluate, and use a variety of sources (texts, digital material, popular culture, ethnography, etc.) in the study of international relationsConfidence in choosing appropriate research methods and operationalise their use in systematic analysisCompetence using relevant and innovative presentation techniquesCapability to write coherent and balanced argumentative essays, with correct use of referencesAccomplishment of independent research, in the form of a master thesis, applying relevant concepts, theories, and methods in International Relations

    General competence:

    Experience with interacting constructively with others in the study of international relations, to identify relevant research questions, analyze policies, strategies, develop projects, etc.Experience with practical international interaction through participation in multi-national classes, by exchange with other educational institutions, and/or conduct of internship.Sound ethical awareness in his/her conduct of professional work, and can account for power relations and value and interest conflicts and reflect on the researcher`s position in relation to a research fieldCompetence to engage in public debates, in media, in voluntary organizations, civil society and community meetings, and in meetings with policy makers

    Ability to develop solutions by bringing out strategic development and institutional issues, work collaboratively, and lead networks and centers

  • Muligheter for utveksling
    NMBU har utvekslingsavtaler med mange utenlandske universiteter. Det er rikelige muligheter for å gjøre deler av studiet i utlandet, både ved universiteter som NMBU har avtaler med og andre universiteter/institusjoner. Noen av disse institusjonene, slik som University of British Columbia, Stanford og Aberystwyth, blir betraktet som verdensledende innen internasjonal relasjoner. Programmet tilbyr også faglige opphold i nasjonale og internasjonale institusjoner / organisasjoner - internship - som en integrert del av studiet.
  • Programmets oppbygning

    Masterprogrammet er et deltidsprogram med 120 ECTS omfang og går over fire år. Studieprogrammet tilbys ikke som nettbasert studie, og undervisning foregår på campus. Etter introemnet i august som går over 3 uker med daglig oppmøte, studenter kan forvente å være på campus 1-2 dager i uke.
    Programmet består av en basis med obligatoriske emner: et introduksjonskurs (5), to kjernekurs (10+10), et metodekurs (15) og et masteroppgave (30). Som påbygging til basisen kan studentene velge mellom ulike valgfrie emner (55). Alle emner som gis ved Noragric er forhåndsgodkjente. Det er mulig å ta emner ved andre institutt eller ved andre universitet, men disse må godkjennes i hvert enkelt tilfelle. Det er mulig å integrere Internship, utveksling eller feltkurs som en del av studiet.

    Master in International Relations Program Structure - deltidsstudenter lager egen studieplan som kan gå over fire år.

  • Om programmet
    • Samfunnsrelevans
      Inngangen til det tjueførste århundret har konfrontert verden med nye utfordringer innen internasjonale relasjoner, særlig innen globalisering, fattigdom, miljø og klimaendring. En mastergrad i International Relations vil forberede studenter på en ny realitet ved å utstyre dem med kunnskap om hvordan ideologi, kultur, miljø, maktbalanse, religion, krig og konflikter influerer samkvem mellom stater, folkegrupper og personer. Arbeidsmuligheter finnes i akademia, innenfor statsforvaltningen, i nasjonale og internasjonale organisasjoner, og i private konsulentfirmaer.
    • Læringsaktiviteter
      I tillegg til vanlige forelesninger og gjesteforelesninger legges det vekt på problembasert undervisning, gruppe- og prosjektundervisning, individuelt arbeid, seminarer og feltturer.
    • Vurdering
      Metodene for evaluering er varierte og kan bestå av skriftlig og muntlig eksamen, semesteroppgaver, studentpresentasjoner og rapportering fra ulike aktiviteter.
    • Informasjon for studenter fra partner universiteter
      Programmet undervises på engelsk. Innreisende utvekslingsstudenter kan følge ulike semesterpakker parallelt med Noragrics studenter.
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