Sjur Baardsen

Sjur Baardsen


  • Seksjon for fornybar energi og skogvitenskap
  • Fagfelt
    • Forest economics
    • Investment and finance
    • Nature-based tourism
  • Publikasjoner

    Liste med publikasjoner fra min forskning. (Cristin)

    Stensland, Stian; Baardsen, Sjur; Fossgard, Knut; Kristiansen, Amund Hagen; Skullerud, Esten Sødal; Aas, Øystein; Andersen, Oddgeir; Skår, Margrete; Øian, Hogne; agnarsson, sveinn; Helgason, Thorgils; Jóhannesson, Gunnar Þór; Larsen, Friðrik; Mehmet, Mehmetoglu 2017.
    Sustainable Salmon Angling Tourism In A Changing World (SALMONCHANGE). World Recreational Fisheries; 2017-07-16 - 2017-07-20

    Veisten, Knut; Haukeland, Jan Vidar; Baardsen, Sjur; Degnes-Ødemark, Heidi; Grue, Berit 2015.
    Tourist Segments for New Facilities in National Park Areas: Profiling Tourists in Norway Based on Psychographics and Demographics. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management 2015 ;Volum 24.(5) s. 486-510

    Kleinschmit, D; Lindstad, Berit Hauger; Thorsen, BJ; Toppinen, A; Roos, A; Baardsen, Sjur 2014.
    Shades of green: A social scientific view on bioeconomy in the forest sector. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 2014 ;Volum 29.(4) s. 402-410

    Aalmo, O.G. & S. Baardsen 2014. Environmental factors affecting technical efficiency in Norwegian steep terrain logging crews: a stochastic frontier analysis. Journal of Forest Research. DOI 10.1007/s10310-014-0466-x.

    Kumbhakar, S.S., Baardsen, S. & G. Lien 2012. A new method for estimating market power with an application to Norwegian sawmilling. Review of Industrial Organization, 20(2): 109-129.

    Stensland, S. & S. Baardsen 2012. The effects of property and landowner characteristics on profit efficiency in salmon angling tourism in Norway. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 20(4): 627-644.

    Baardsen, S. 2010. Contracts as a tool for improving efficiency in the Norwegian roundwood markets. Scandinavian Forest Economics, 43: 227-243.

    Baardsen, S., G. Lien & S. Størdal 2009. Profit efficiency in timber supply: Marginalization and other relevant influences. Forest Science, 55: 524-532.

    Størdal, S., G. Lien & S. Baardsen 2008. Analyzing determinants of forest owners' decision-making using a sample selection framework. Journal of Forest Economics, 14:159-176.

    Lien, G., S. Størdal, & S. Baardsen 2007. Technical efficiency in timber production and effects of other income sources. Small-scale Forestry, 6:65-78.

    Baardsen, S. 2003. A multi-output restricted profit function for Norwegian sawmilling. Pp 129-139 in Helles, F., N. Strange and L. Wichmann (eds) Recent Accomplishments in Applied Forest Economics Research, Forestry Sciences, Vol. 74, Dordrecht, Kluwer.

    Nyrud, A.Q. & S. Baardsen 2003. Production efficiency and productivity growth in Norwegian sawmilling. Forest Science, 49: 89-97.

    Størdal, S. & S. Baardsen 2003. An econometric analysis of differences in stumpage values using micro-level harvesting data. Pp 63-71 in Helles, F., N. Strange and L. Wichmann (eds) Recent Accomplishments in Applied Forest Economics Research, Forestry Sciences, Vol. 74, Dordrecht, Kluwer.

    Bolkesjø, T.F. & S. Baardsen 2002. Roundwood supply in Norway: micro-level analysis of self-employed forest owners. Forest Policy and Economics, 4: 55-64.

    Størdal, S. & S. Baardsen 2002. Estimating price taking behavior with mill-level data: the Norwegian sawlog market, 1974-1991. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 32: 401-411.

    Størdal, S. & S. Baardsen 2001. Concentration and market power in the Norwegian sawlog market 1974-1991. Scandinavian Forest Economics, 37: 136-151.

    Baardsen, S. 2000. An econometric analysis of Norwegian sawmilling 1974-91 based on mill-level data. Forest Science, 46: 537-547.

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    No teaching for the time being.

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