Shai André Divon

Shai André Divon


  • Institutt for internasjonale miljø- og utviklingsstudier, Noragric

Shai André Divon is an Associate Professor of Global Studies at the Department of International Environment and Development Studies (Noragric) at LANDSAM, NMBU. He has previously served as the Head of Department at Noragric. His research focuses on power mechanisms and human security in Africa. He has taught numerous courses within the Global Development Studies, International Relations, and International Environmental Studies Master programs. Divon is a specialist in development politics, culture, security, and society, exploring various issues at the intersection of human security, environment, and development. He has initiated and participated in several research and education projects funded by the Norwegian Center for International Cooperation and Education, EU Horizon 2020, EU FP7, and the Norwegian Research Council. His professional experience spans four continents, including significant work in several African and Asian countries, as well as the Middle East and North America. Divon has authored numerous peer-reviewed articles and is the lead author of the book United States Assistance in Africa: Exceptional Power (Routledge, 2017). In 2016, he was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship and served as a Visiting Scholar at the School of International Service, American University in Washington, D.C.