Ruth Haug is Professor of International Development Studies at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU). She received her Ph.D. from the University of Maryland and began her professional career working nationally and internationally within the field of food security and rural development. At the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ruth Haug was Deputy Vice Chancellor in the period 2008-20013, and before that she was heading the Department of International Environment and Development Studies (Noragric) for seven years. Her field of expertise is within food systems, food security and international food policy; conflicts, forced migration and humanitarian action; climate change and management of natural resources; agricultural extension and community development; and gender issues in development. Ruth Haug has research, teaching and consultancy experience in Africa and Asia, and has worked with NORAD, the World Bank, and the Norwegian Ministry of Agriculture. She has supervised many M.Sc and Ph.D students and has a good publication record. She likes teaching and has taught many university courses. Ruth Haug has been member of numerous national and international boards and commmittes; and she has been involved in several international policy processes in relation to food and agriculture. In particular, she has been representing Norway in CGIAR meetings in the period 1995 to 2012 and has been a member of the CGIAR Fund Council. She was a member of the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) Board of Trustees until the end of 2017, and the Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) board until the end of 2020. She has also been representing Norway in several CFS and FAO meetings and was a member of the Svalbard Seed Vault Council for eight years.
Liste med publikasjoner fra min forskning. (Cristin)
Desta, G.A. and R. Haug (2024). Empowerment or Disempowerment through Formalization? The Case of Women Entrepreneurs in Food Processing in Northern Ethiopia. Forum for Development Studies. DOI:
Haug, R., J.P. Hella, T.H. Mulesa… et al. (2023). Seed systems development to navigate multiple expectations in Ethiopia, Malawi and Tanzania. World Development Sustainability (Elsevier). Volume 3,
Juskaite, G. and R. Haug (2023). Multiple meanings of ‘equitable food systems’: food systems and discursive politics of change. Frontiers in sustainable food systems. Vol 7.
Athman Ahmad, Camilius Sanga, Kenneth Mapunda, Dismas Mwaseba, Ruth Haug. (2023). Strengthening Extension and Advisory Services Delivery through Village Knowledge Centre in Rungwe District, Tanzania: Lessons Learned from InnovAfrica Project. International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology. 19 2. Pp 191-206.
Branca, G., L Cacchiarelli, R Haug, A Sorrentino (2022). Promoting sustainable change of smallholders’ agriculture in Africa: Policy and institutional implications from a socio-economic cross-country comparative analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production 358, 131949.
Brigham, M. and R. Haug (2022). Home-Grown School Feeding in Low-Income Countries: Harvesting Benefits for Smallholder Farmers. A study funded by Norad. Noragric report no 87. NMBU. Aas, Norway.
Haug, R.; Mwaseba, D.L.; Njarui, D.; Moeletsi, M.; Magalasi, M.; Mutimura, M.; Hundessa, F.; Aamodt, J.T. (2021). Feminization of African Agriculture and the Meaning of Decision-Making for Empowerment and Sustainability. Sustainability 13, 8993. su13168993.
Biadgilgn D., D. Teklemariam, M. Haile, H. Meaza, J. Nyssen, P. Billi, W. Abera, M. Gebrehiwot, R. Haug, V. Van Eetvelde (2021). Flood Hazard and semi-closed basin in Northern Ethiopia: Impact and resilience. Geo: Geography and Environment. 8 (2) pp 1-20.
Haug, R., S. Nchimbi-Msolla, A. Murage, M. Moeletsi, M. Magalasi, M. Mutimura, et al. (2021). From Policy Promises to Result through Innovation in African Agriculture? World. Vol. 2 Issue 2. Pages 253-266. Doi:10.3390/world2020016. pp 253-266.
Mulesa, TH, SP Dalle, C Makate, R Haug, OT Westengen. (2021). Pluralistic Seed System Development: A Path to Seed Security? Agronomy 11 (2), 372.
Hailemichael, S. and R. Haug. (2020). The use and abuse of the model farmer approach in agricultural extension in Ethiopia. The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension (Routledge). DOI: 10.1080/1389224X.2020.1757475
Haug, R. (2020). The impact of Covid-19 on African food systems: Food supply and access for vulnerable groups. Unpublished policy report to the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. pp: 1-5.
Haug, R. and O. Westengen. (2020). Policy and Action for food and climate uncertainty in Malawi. In: Singh, B.R et al (Eds.) Climate Impact on Agricultural and Natural Resource Sustainability in Africa. Chapter 20. Springer. pp 331-347.
Westengen O.T, Haug R, Guthiga P, Macharia E. (2019). Governing seeds in East Africa in the face of climate change: Assessing political and social outcomes. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 2019;3: 53.
Tumbo, S.D. et al. (including R. Haug). (2018). Exploring information seeking behavior of farmer’s in information related to climate change adaptation through ICT. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning. 19:3. pp 1-21.
Haug, R. (2018). Food security indicators: How to measure and communicate results. Noragric Report No 83. Ås: Norwegian University of Life Sciences. Pp 1-37.
West, J. and R. Haug. (2017). The Vulnerability and Resilience of inclusive agro-investments in Tanzania. Journal of Eastern African Studies. 11:4 pp 670-691 (DOI: 10.1080/17531055.2017.1367994).
Haug, R. and B.K.G. Wold (2017). Social Protection or Humanitarian Assistance: Contested Input Subsidies and Climate Adaptation in Malawi. IDS-Bulletin. 48:4 pp 93-110 (DOI: 10.19088/1968-2017.155).
Eriksen, S., L. Naess, R. Haug, L. Lenaerts and A. Bhonagiri (2017). Courting Catastrophe? Can humanitarian actions contribute to transformational adaptation in the face of climate change? IDS Bulletin. 48:4 pp 1-15 (DOI: 10.19088/1968-2017.149).
West, J. and R. Haug. (2017). Polarised narratives and complex realities in Tanzania’s Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor. Development in Practice. 27:4 pp 418-431 (DOI: 10.1080/09614524.2017.1307324)
Hella, J.P., G.J. Sanga, R. Haug, N. Mzieay, H. Senga, M. Haji, S. Lyimo, A. Moshi, S.Mboya and M. Bakar (2016/2017). Climate Change, Smallholder Farmers Adaptation in Pangani Basin and Pemba. Implications for REDD+ Initiative. In: K. Kulindewa et al. Lessons and Implications for REDD+. Dar es Salaam: E&D Vision Publishing. pp 65-96.
Haug, R. (2016). Emergency preparedness and early recovery for enhanced food security in Africa. Noragric report 79. Norwegian University of Life Sciences. pp 1-46.
Haug, R., J.P. Hella, S. Nchimbi-Msolla, D.L. Mwaseba, and G. Synnevag (2016). If technology is the answer, what does it take? Development in Practice. 26:3 pp 375-386 (DOI: 10.1080/09614524.2016.1151478).
Haug, R. (2016). From Ujamaa to Big results now: Sustainable transformation of Tanzanian agriculture? In: Ruttan, L et al. (Eds.) Climate Change and Multi-Dimensional Sustainability in African Agriculture. Book Chapter 25. The Netherlands: Springer. pp 467-482.
Kiberiti, B.S.; Sanga, C.A.; Mussa, S.D.; Tumbo, M.R.S.; Haug, R. (2016). Farmers’ Access and Use of Mobile Phones for Improving the Coverage of Agricultural Extension Service: A Case of Kilosa District, Tanzania. International Journal of ICT Research in Africa and the Middle East. Vol 5(1) pp 35-48.
Sanga, C.S.; Phillipo, J.; Mlozi, M.R.S.; Haug, R.; Tumbo, S.D. (2016). Crowdsourcing platform ‘Ushaurikilimo’ enabling questions answering between farmers, extension agents and researchers. International Journal of instructional technology and distance learning. Vol 13 (10) pp 19-29.
Cunningham, P., E. Banda, H. Bernard, R. Haug, K.J.Kurzydlowski, D. Lacey, H. Lindberg, M. Makarow, L. Tsipouri, and D. Urge-Vorsatz. (2015). Ex-Post evaluation of the direct actions of the joint research centre under the seventh framework program 2007-2013. Technical report. European Commission.
EDS 285 Global food systems and food security
EDS 430 PhD course in International Environment and Development Studies
Guest lecture: EDS 201, EDS 260 and EDS 305. In addition: HFX 130 and ECN 180
Supervision of Bachelor and Master students
Supervision of PhD candidates
Professor Dr RUTH HAUG
Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), P.O.Box 5003, N-1432 Aas, Norway
Tel: +4767230000/1339, Cell phone: +4797167976
Development studies1 with focus on the political economy of food systems, food security, climate change, seed
systems, innovations, forced migration, crisis and humanitarian actions.
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) - University of Maryland, USA, May 1992.
Master of Science (M.Sc.) - Agricultural University of Norway (now Norwegian University of Life Sciences),
December 1981 (five years combined Bachelor and Master program).
Africa: Zambia, Uganda, Sudan, South-Sudan, Tanzania, Malawi, South Africa, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, Mali, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda.
Asia: Sri Lanka, India, Nepal.