Ruth Haug

Ruth Haug


  • Institutt for internasjonale miljø- og utviklingsstudier, Noragric

Ruth Haug is Professor of International Development Studies at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU). She received her Ph.D. from the University of Maryland and began her professional career working nationally and internationally within the field of food security and rural development. At the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ruth Haug was Deputy Vice Chancellor in the period 2008-20013, and before that she was heading the Department of International Environment and Development Studies (Noragric) for seven years. Her field of expertise is within food systems, food security and international food policy; conflicts, forced migration and humanitarian action; climate change and management of natural resources; agricultural extension and community development; and gender issues in development. Ruth Haug has research, teaching and consultancy experience in Africa and Asia, and has worked with NORAD, the World Bank, and the Norwegian Ministry of Agriculture. She has supervised many M.Sc and Ph.D students and has a good publication record. She likes teaching and has taught many university courses. Ruth Haug has been member of numerous national and international boards and commmittes; and she has been involved in several international policy processes in relation to food and agriculture. In particular, she has been representing Norway in CGIAR meetings in the period 1995 to 2012 and has been a member of the CGIAR Fund Council. She was a member of the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) Board of Trustees until the end of 2017, and the Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) board until the end of 2020. She has also been representing Norway in several CFS and FAO meetings and was a member of the Svalbard Seed Vault Council for eight years.

  • Fagfelt
    • Development studies
    • Food systems
    • Food security
  • Publikasjoner

    Liste med publikasjoner fra min forskning. (Cristin)

    Desta, G.A. and R. Haug (2024). Empowerment or Disempowerment through Formalization? The Case of Women Entrepreneurs in Food Processing in Northern Ethiopia. Forum for Development Studies. DOI:

    Haug, R., J.P. Hella, T.H. Mulesa… et al. (2023). Seed systems development to navigate multiple expectations in Ethiopia, Malawi and Tanzania. World Development Sustainability (Elsevier). Volume 3,

    Juskaite, G. and R. Haug (2023). Multiple meanings of ‘equitable food systems’: food systems and discursive politics of change. Frontiers in sustainable food systems. Vol 7.

    Athman Ahmad, Camilius Sanga, Kenneth Mapunda, Dismas Mwaseba, Ruth Haug. (2023). Strengthening Extension and Advisory Services Delivery through Village Knowledge Centre in Rungwe District, Tanzania: Lessons Learned from InnovAfrica Project. International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology. 19 2. Pp 191-206.

    Branca, G., L Cacchiarelli, R Haug, A Sorrentino (2022). Promoting sustainable change of smallholders’ agriculture in Africa: Policy and institutional implications from a socio-economic cross-country comparative analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production 358, 131949.

    Brigham, M. and R. Haug (2022). Home-Grown School Feeding in Low-Income Countries: Harvesting Benefits for Smallholder Farmers. A study funded by Norad. Noragric report no 87. NMBU. Aas, Norway.

    Haug, R.; Mwaseba, D.L.; Njarui, D.; Moeletsi, M.; Magalasi, M.; Mutimura, M.; Hundessa, F.; Aamodt, J.T. (2021). Feminization of African Agriculture and the Meaning of Decision-Making for Empowerment and Sustainability. Sustainability 13, 8993. su13168993.

    Biadgilgn D., D. Teklemariam, M. Haile, H. Meaza, J. Nyssen, P. Billi, W. Abera, M. Gebrehiwot, R. Haug, V. Van Eetvelde (2021). Flood Hazard and semi-closed basin in Northern Ethiopia: Impact and resilience. Geo: Geography and Environment. 8 (2) pp 1-20.

    Haug, R., S. Nchimbi-Msolla, A. Murage, M. Moeletsi, M. Magalasi, M. Mutimura, et al. (2021). From Policy Promises to Result through Innovation in African Agriculture? World. Vol. 2 Issue 2. Pages 253-266. Doi:10.3390/world2020016. pp 253-266.

    Mulesa, TH, SP Dalle, C Makate, R Haug, OT Westengen. (2021). Pluralistic Seed System Development: A Path to Seed Security? Agronomy 11 (2), 372.

    Hailemichael, S. and R. Haug. (2020). The use and abuse of the model farmer approach in agricultural extension in Ethiopia. The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension (Routledge). DOI: 10.1080/1389224X.2020.1757475

    Haug, R. (2020). The impact of Covid-19 on African food systems: Food supply and access for vulnerable groups. Unpublished policy report to the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. pp: 1-5.

    Haug, R. and O. Westengen. (2020). Policy and Action for food and climate uncertainty in Malawi. In: Singh, B.R et al (Eds.) Climate Impact on Agricultural and Natural Resource Sustainability in Africa. Chapter 20. Springer. pp 331-347.

    Westengen O.T, Haug R, Guthiga P, Macharia E. (2019). Governing seeds in East Africa in the face of climate change: Assessing political and social outcomes. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 2019;3: 53.

    Tumbo, S.D. et al. (including R. Haug). (2018). Exploring information seeking behavior of farmer’s in information related to climate change adaptation through ICT. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning. 19:3. pp 1-21.

    Haug, R. (2018). Food security indicators: How to measure and communicate results. Noragric Report No 83. Ås: Norwegian University of Life Sciences. Pp 1-37.

    West, J. and R. Haug. (2017). The Vulnerability and Resilience of inclusive agro-investments in Tanzania. Journal of Eastern African Studies. 11:4 pp 670-691 (DOI: 10.1080/17531055.2017.1367994).

    Haug, R. and B.K.G. Wold (2017). Social Protection or Humanitarian Assistance: Contested Input Subsidies and Climate Adaptation in Malawi. IDS-Bulletin. 48:4 pp 93-110 (DOI: 10.19088/1968-2017.155).

    Eriksen, S., L. Naess, R. Haug, L. Lenaerts and A. Bhonagiri (2017). Courting Catastrophe? Can humanitarian actions contribute to transformational adaptation in the face of climate change? IDS Bulletin. 48:4 pp 1-15 (DOI: 10.19088/1968-2017.149).

    West, J. and R. Haug. (2017). Polarised narratives and complex realities in Tanzania’s Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor. Development in Practice. 27:4 pp 418-431 (DOI: 10.1080/09614524.2017.1307324)

    Hella, J.P., G.J. Sanga, R. Haug, N. Mzieay, H. Senga, M. Haji, S. Lyimo, A. Moshi, S.Mboya and M. Bakar (2016/2017). Climate Change, Smallholder Farmers Adaptation in Pangani Basin and Pemba. Implications for REDD+ Initiative. In: K. Kulindewa et al. Lessons and Implications for REDD+. Dar es Salaam: E&D Vision Publishing. pp 65-96.

    Haug, R. (2016). Emergency preparedness and early recovery for enhanced food security in Africa. Noragric report 79. Norwegian University of Life Sciences. pp 1-46.

    Haug, R., J.P. Hella, S. Nchimbi-Msolla, D.L. Mwaseba, and G. Synnevag (2016). If technology is the answer, what does it take? Development in Practice. 26:3 pp 375-386 (DOI: 10.1080/09614524.2016.1151478).

    Haug, R. (2016). From Ujamaa to Big results now: Sustainable transformation of Tanzanian agriculture? In: Ruttan, L et al. (Eds.) Climate Change and Multi-Dimensional Sustainability in African Agriculture. Book Chapter 25. The Netherlands: Springer. pp 467-482.

    Kiberiti, B.S.; Sanga, C.A.; Mussa, S.D.; Tumbo, M.R.S.; Haug, R. (2016). Farmers’ Access and Use of Mobile Phones for Improving the Coverage of Agricultural Extension Service: A Case of Kilosa District, Tanzania. International Journal of ICT Research in Africa and the Middle East. Vol 5(1) pp 35-48.

    Sanga, C.S.; Phillipo, J.; Mlozi, M.R.S.; Haug, R.; Tumbo, S.D. (2016). Crowdsourcing platform ‘Ushaurikilimo’ enabling questions answering between farmers, extension agents and researchers. International Journal of instructional technology and distance learning. Vol 13 (10) pp 19-29.

    Cunningham, P., E. Banda, H. Bernard, R. Haug, K.J.Kurzydlowski, D. Lacey, H. Lindberg, M. Makarow, L. Tsipouri, and D. Urge-Vorsatz. (2015). Ex-Post evaluation of the direct actions of the joint research centre under the seventh framework program 2007-2013. Technical report. European Commission.

  • Undervisning

    EDS 285 Global food systems and food security

    EDS 430 PhD course in International Environment and Development Studies

    Guest lecture: EDS 201, EDS 260 and EDS 305. In addition: HFX 130 and ECN 180

    Supervision of Bachelor and Master students

    Supervision of PhD candidates

  • Forskning og prosjekter

    Forskningsprosjekter med nettside utenfor NMBU

  • Mer om meg og CV


    Curriculum Vitae (December 2023 long)

    Professor Dr RUTH HAUG
    Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), P.O.Box 5003, N-1432 Aas, Norway
    Tel: +4767230000/1339, Cell phone: +4797167976


    Development studies1 with focus on the political economy of food systems, food security, climate change, seed
    systems, innovations, forced migration, crisis and humanitarian actions.


    Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) - University of Maryland, USA, May 1992.
    Master of Science (M.Sc.) - Agricultural University of Norway (now Norwegian University of Life Sciences),
    December 1981 (five years combined Bachelor and Master program).

    Employment record

    • 2014-present: Professor. Department of International Environment and Development Studies (Noragric). Faculty of
    • Landscape and Social Sciences (LANDSAM). Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU).
    • 2008-2013: Deputy Vice Chancellor - Research, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB). (Including 5
    • months as Acting Director of Research at UMB in 2008/09)
    • 2005-2008: Head of Department and Professor. Department of International Environment and Development Studies
    • (Noragric). Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB). (Both Noragric and the University changed
    • names in 2005)
    • 2001-2005: Director and Professor. Centre for International Environment and Development Studies - Noragric.
    • Agricultural University of Norway.
    • 1997-2001: Director of Research. Centre for International Environment and Development Studies (Noragric).
    • Agricultural University of Norway.
    • 1996-1997 Acting Director of Research. Centre for International Environment and Development Studies. Noragric.
    • Agricultural University of Norway.
    • 1995-1996: Associate Professor. Head of the Food security and Biodiversity Section. Centre for International
    • Environment and Development Studies. Noragric. Agricultural University of Norway.
    • 1993-1995: Project leader. Centre for International Environment and Development Studies (NORAGRIC).
    • Agricultural University of Norway, Ås.
    • 1991-92: NLVF fellow. (PhD candidate). NORAGRIC, Postbox 5002, Agricultural University of Norway, 1432
    • Ås. Writing PhD dissertation. Supervisor: Dr. S. W. Bie.
    • 1 Development studies in this context are defined as interdisciplinary and problem-oriented studies of processes
    • of change with the ultimate aim of contributing to an expansion of people’s capabilities, and, improvements in
    • well-being, equity and sustainability.
    • 1990-92: Consultant (part time). World Bank: Environment Division, Africa Technical Department. Tasks: The soil fertility initiative (Uganda and Burkina Faso).
    • 1989-92: Ph.D.-Program in International Agricultural Extension and Community Development. Department of Agricultural and Extension Education (AEED). University of Maryland. College Park. Advisor: Prof. W.M. Rivera.
    • 1987-88: Senior Executive Officer. Ministry of Agriculture. (1.jordbrukskontor) P.O.Box 8007 Dep. 0030 Oslo. Norway.
    • 1985-87: Extension and Training Advisor. Department of Agriculture, P.O.Box 410018, Kasama, Zambia. Two years NORAD-expert contract. The position involved working with the provincial extension and training officer on matters relating to agricultural extension and training of farmers at farmers training centers in the Northern province of Zambia.
    • 1984-85: Desk Officer. Division of Agriculture and Rural Development. Norwegian Agency for International Development (NORAD), P.O.Box 8142 Dep. 0033 Oslo, Norway. Rural development projects in Kenya, Botswana and Sri Lanka.
    • 1982-84: Executive Officer. Division of Extension, Education and Research. Ministry of Agriculture. P.O.Box 8007 Dep. 0030 Oslo. Norway.
    • 1981: Research assistant (3 months). Misamfu Research Station, Kasama, Zambia.
    • 2023 PhD committee (2.oponent). Understanding the influence of scaling up nutrition movement (SUN). Ann Louise Lie. Faculty of Medicine. University of Oslo (UiO).
    • 2021-pres: Main advisor PhD candidate Mayamiko N. Kakwera, Global Development Studies, NMBU
    • 2021 PhD committee member, NMBU: Awais Arifeen
    • 2020 PhD committee member, University of Bergen: Nina Bergan Holmelin
    • 2020 Lecturing PhD course in International studies, NMBU
    • 2020-pres: Main advisor PhD candidate Greta Juskaite, Global Development Studies, NMBU
    • 2020-pres: Guest lecturer: Bachelor intro course International Environment and Development Studies.
    • 2019-pres: Course responsible: Global food systems and food security (10 credits), Noragric, NMBU.
    • 2019-2021: Guest lecture in Political Economy, Noragric, NMBU.
    • 2018-pres. Guest lecture in Global Environmental Change, Noragric, NMBU
    • 2018-pres: Main advisor PhD candidate in development studies: Girmanesh Abreha Desta, NMBU.
    • 2017-2018: Course responsible: Introduction to Development Studies (EDS201).
    • 2017-2018: Program responsible: Master Program in International Development Studies.
    • 2017: PhD committee member (1.oponent). Pastoral Vulnerability in Ethiopia. The Case of Afar. Alexander Vadala. Faculty of Social Science. University of Oslo (UiO).
    • 2017-2022: Co-advisor PhD candidate in development studies: Teshome Hunduma Mulesa. Seed Security in Ethiopia. Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU). (Defended in 2022).
    • 2017: PhD committee member. Helene Lie. Norwegian University of Life Sciences.
    • 2016-2017: PhD committee member. Yeshtila Wondemeneh Bekele. Norwegian University of Life Sciences.
    • 2016: PhD committee member. Sigrid Nagoda. Norwegian University of Life Sciences.
    • 2016-2019: Co-advisor PhD candidate in Development Studies Melisew Dejene, Hawassa University, Ethiopia. (Defended in 2019).
    • 2015-2018: Lecturer – Course in global food security (Noragric, NMBU).
    • 2014-pres: Main advisor PhD candidate in development studies: Selam Ataklt Hailemichael, NMBU
    • 2014: PhD committee member. Conservation Agriculture Systems for Smallholder Farmers in Malawi: An analysis of agronomic and economic benefits and constraints to adoption. PhD thesis by Amos Robert Ngwira. Norwegian University of Life Sciences.
    • 2013: PhD committee member. Kashif Saeed Khan. Norwegian University of Life Sciences.
    • 2012: PhD committee member. Bridget Bwalya Umar. Norwegian University of life Sciences.
    • 2012-2017: Co-advisor PhD candidate in development economics: Arbogast Bernard Moshi, SUA, Tanzania.
    • 2011: Invited lecturer. Revisiting Scarcity: Drivers and dilemmas for future food policies. PhD course: From Scarcity to Access and Rights: Changing Perspectives on Food Insecurity. University of Oslo. September 30th.
    • 2010-2017: Main advisor PhD candidate in development studies: Jennifer J. West, UMB (defended in 2017).
    • 2010-pres: Journal article reviewer of four manuscripts: Forum for Development Studies (Routledge), Development in Practice, World Development and several other international development and environment journals.
    • 2008-pres: Internal PhD program opponent. Noragric start-up and mid-term seminars (Lars Kåre Grimsby, Nani Raut, Kashif S. Khan, Jason Miklian, Ansha Yesufe Nure, Devota Mwaseba; Helene Lie, Teshome Mulesa, Ida Arff Tarjem, Grace Tiome)
    • 32007-2014: Lecturer: PhD course in Development Studies - Food policy and development. Noragric, Norwegian University of Life Sciences.
    • 2007-2016: Lecturer: Global environmental change: How to feed the world in 2050? Noragric. Norwegian University of Life Sciences.
    • 2007-pres: Lecturer: Introduction to Development Studies. Norwegian University of Life Sciences.
    • 2004-2005. Lecturer. Conflict and migration in Sudan. MSc Program in Development Studies – conflict specialization, Noragric, Norwegian University of Life Sciences.
    • 2004: Member of Ph.D examination committee, department of Social Sciences, NTNU, Trondheim
    • 2003: Member of Ph.D examination committee, Department of Rural Development Studies, SLU, Uppsala, Sweden
    • 2003 Member of Ph.D examination committee, Faculty of Social Sciences and Norwegian College of Fishery Science, University of Tromsø
    • 2002-2005: Lecturing: Noragric/UMB M.Sc program in Development Studies
    • 2001: Member of Ph.D examination committee, Department of Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology, Stockholm University, Sweden
    • 2001-2004: Lecturing (guest lecture) Different courses at the Agricultural University of Norway. World Food situation and food security at individual level (Animal Husbandry and Crop Science Department)
    • 1998-2005: Lecturing: Noragric/UMB PhD course in Development Studies
    • 1998-2000: Lecturing, in service training courses for teachers at secondary school level (faglig pedagogisk dag), Livelihood security and the role of food and agriculture
    • 1997-2001: Responsible for developing the Ph.D. program at Noragric (in Development Studies with focus on sustainable agriculture, food security, natural resource management and community development). Lectures in Development Studies: a) Evolution of development theory in the field of agriculture and livelihood security, and b) Methodological perspectives - an overview.
    • 1997: Responsible for a three credits Ph.D. level reading list course: Food Security: Rural Poverty, Hunger and Access to Food (1100 pages)
    • 1996-2002: Advisor PhD candidate in Development Studies (Ingrid Nyborg, defended August 2002)
    • 1993-pres: Advisor for several M.Sc. students in international environment and development studies (Adelaida Bituro, Emma T. Liwenga, Petro E. Masolwa, Thorbjørn Litlere, Alice Ennals, Mohammed Alhassan, Josephat Sianchapa, Joyce G. Kessy, Ida Kristin Norman, Davy Siame, Elijah Kaijjubi, Astrid Thesen Tveteraas, Nina Brattvoll, Amalie Hilde Tofte, Ingjerd Hestnes, Kaja Wilse, Tone Fosse, Progress Nyanga, Christina Høysæther, Michael Foster, Marcy Kemunto Nyachoti, Irene Moe, Catherine Tolentino, Eric Kimathi, Eric Mungai Ndungu; Jorunn Bakke, Astrid Fuglesang Stokke, Karen Helene Jørgensen, Laurel Nixon, Julie Aamodt, Chiara Maria Magboo, Anna Schafer, Yerlith Viviana Gualdron Vasquez, Helene Berg Henriksen, Purity Wangechi Muchiri, Abigail Adjah, Henry Kofi Sarpong, Heba Lif Jonsdottir, Helle Beddari, Maria Luisa Hugues, Solomon Gebrhwiot Tesfi), Maria Gulbrandsrud, Sarah W. Mwangi.
    • 1994-1996: Annual guest lecturer (three weeks annually) at Sokoine Agricultural University in Tanzania (Short course in Management of Natural Resources and Sustainable Agriculture).
    • 1993-1997: Lectures and course responsibility within the NLH/NORAD M.Sc.-program on Management of Natural Resources and Sustainable Agriculture (Tropical Production Systems and Research Methods).
    • 1993-1997: Lectures on NLH-courses in Sustainable Agriculture and in Tropical Agriculture
    • 1993-1997: Lecturer (Natural resources, agriculture and farmers in Zambia) within the NORAD development assistance program (Bistandsskolen)


    a. Scientific publications (articles, book chapters and reports)

    • Desta, G.A. and R. Haug (2024). Empowerment or Disempowerment through Formalization? The Case of Women Entrepreneurs in Food Processing in Northern Ethiopia. Forum for Development Studies. DOI:
    • Haug, R., J.P. Hella, T.H. Mulesa… et al. (2023). Seed systems development to navigate multiple expectations in Ethiopia, Malawi and Tanzania. World Development Sustainability (Elsevier). Volume 3,
    • Juskaite, G. and R. Haug (2023). Multiple meanings of ‘equitable food systems’: food systems and discursive politics of change. Frontiers in sustainable food systems. Vol 7.
    • Athman Ahmad, Camilius Sanga, Kenneth Mapunda, Dismas Mwaseba, Ruth Haug. (2023). Strengthening Extension and Advisory Services Delivery through Village Knowledge Centre in Rungwe District, Tanzania: Lessons Learned from InnovAfrica Project. International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology. 19 2. Pp 191-206.
    • Brigham, M. and R. Haug (2022). Home-Grown School Feeding in Low-Income Countries: Harvesting Benefits for Smallholder Farmers. A study funded by Norad. Noragric report no 87. NMBU. Aas, Norway.
    • Branca, G., L Cacchiarelli, R Haug, A Sorrentino (2022). Promoting sustainable change of smallholders’ agriculture in Africa: Policy and institutional implications from a socio-economic cross-country comparative analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production 358, 131949.
    • Biadgilgn D., D. Teklemariam, M. Haile, H. Meaza, J. Nyssen, P. Billi, W. Abera, M. Gebrehiwot, R. Haug, V. Van Eetvelde (2021). Flood Hazard and semi-closed basin in Northern Ethiopia: Impact and resilience. Geo: Geography and Environment. 8 (2) pp 1-20.
    • Haug, R.; Mwaseba, D.L.; Njarui, D.; Moeletsi, M.; Magalasi, M.; Mutimura, M.; Hundessa, F.; Aamodt, J.T. (2021). Feminization of African Agriculture and the Meaning of Decision-Making for Empowerment and Sustainability. Sustainability 13, 8993. su13168993.
    • Haug, R., S. Nchimbi-Msolla, A. Murage, M. Moeletsi, M. Magalasi, M. Mutimura, et al. (2021). From Policy Promises to Result through Innovation in African Agriculture? World. Vol. 2 Issue 2. Pages 253-266. Doi:10.3390/world2020016., pp 253-266.
    • Mulesa, TH, SP Dalle, C Makate, R Haug, OT Westengen. (2021). Pluralistic Seed System Development: A Path to Seed Security? Agronomy 11 (2), 372.
    • Hailemichael, S. and R. Haug. (2020). The use and abuse of the model farmer approach in agricultural extension in Ethiopia. The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension (Routledge). 26:5. pp 465-484. DOI: 10.1080/1389224X.2020.1757475
    • Haug, R. (2020). The impact of Covid-19 on African food systems: Food supply and access for vulnerable groups. Unpublished policy report to the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. pp: 1-5.
    • Haug, R. and O. Westengen. (2020). Policy and Action for food and climate uncertainty in Malawi. In: Singh, B.R et al. (Eds.) Climate Impact on Agricultural and Natural Resource Sustainability in Africa. Chapter 20. Springer. pp 331-347.
    • Murage, A., D. Njarui and R. Haug. (2020). Identify structural and organizational constraints to the adoption of available technology packages in country case studies. H2020 InnovAfrica WP5 project report submitted to EU.
    • Westengen O.T, Haug R, Guthiga P, Macharia E. (2019). Governing seeds in East Africa in the face of climate change: Assessing political and social outcomes. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 2019;3: 53.
    • Tumbo, S.D. et al. (including R. Haug). (2018). Exploring information seeking behavior of farmers in information related to climate change adaptation through ICT. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning. 19:3. pp 1-21.
    • Haug, R. (2018). Food security indicators: How to measure and communicate results. Noragric Report No 83. Ås: Norwegian University of Life Sciences. Pp 1-37.
    • West, J. and R. Haug. (2017). The Vulnerability and Resilience of inclusive agro-investments in Tanzania. Journal of Eastern African Studies. 11:4 pp 670-691 (DOI: 10.1080/17531055.2017.1367994).
    • Haug, R. and B.K.G. Wold (2017). Social Protection or Humanitarian Assistance: Contested Input Subsidies and Climate Adaptation in Malawi. IDS-Bulletin. 48:4 pp 93-110 (DOI: 10.19088/1968-2017.155).
    • Eriksen, S., L. Naess, R. Haug, L. Lenaerts and A. Bhonagiri (2017). Courting Catastrophe? Can humanitarian actions contribute to transformational adaptation in the face of climate change? IDS Bulletin. 48:4 pp 1-15 (DOI: 10.19088/1968-2017.149).
    • West, J. and R. Haug. (2017). Polarised narratives and complex realities in Tanzania’s Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor. Development in Practice. 27:4 pp 418-431 (DOI: 10.1080/09614524.2017.1307324)
    • Hella, J.P., G.J. Sanga, R. Haug, N. Mzieay, H. Senga, M. Haji, S. Lyimo, A. Moshi, S.Mboya and M. Bakar (2016/2017). Climate Change, Smallholder Farmers Adaptation in Pangani Basin and Pemba. Implications for REDD+ Initiative. In: K. Kulindewa et al. Lessons and Implications for REDD+. Dar es Salaam: E&D Vision Publishing. pp 65-96.
    • Haug, R. (2016). Emergency preparedness and early recovery for enhanced food security in Africa. Noragric report 79. Norwegian University of Life Sciences. pp 1-46.
    • Haug, R., J.P. Hella, S. Nchimbi-Msolla, D.L. Mwaseba, and G. Synnevag (2016). If technology is the answer, what does it take? Development in Practice. 26:3 pp 375-386 (DOI: 10.1080/09614524.2016.1151478).
    • Haug, R. (2016). From Ujamaa to Big results now: Sustainable transformation of Tanzanian agriculture? In: Ruttan, L et al. (Eds.) Climate Change and Multi-Dimensional Sustainability in African Agriculture. Book Chapter 25. The Netherlands: Springer. pp 467-482.
    • Kiberiti, B.S.; Sanga, C.A.; Mussa, S.D.; Tumbo, M.R.S.; Haug, R. (2016). Farmers’ Access and Use of Mobile Phones for Improving the Coverage of Agricultural Extension Service: A Case of Kilosa District, Tanzania. International Journal of ICT Research in Africa and the Middle East. Vol 5(1) pp 35-48.
    • Sanga, C.S.; Phillipo, J.; Mlozi, M.R.S.; Haug, R.; Tumbo, S.D. (2016). Crowdsourcing platform ‘Ushaurikilimo’ enabling questions answering between farmers, extension agents and researchers. International Journal of instructional technology and distance learning. Vol 13 (10) pp 19-29.
    • Cunningham, P., E. Banda, H. Bernard, R. Haug, K.J.Kurzydlowski, D. Lacey, H. Lindberg, M. Makarow, L. Tsipouri, and D. Urge-Vorsatz. (2015). Ex-Post evaluation of the direct actions of the joint research centre under the seventh framework program 2007-2013. Technical report. European Commission.
    • Nchimbi-Msolla, S., J.P. Hella, R. Haug, D.L. Mwaseba, G. Synnevag, and A.M. Mwasha. (2015). Assessment of the impact of seed policies on availability and accessibility of improved seeds of staple crops by smallholder farmers in Tanzania. EPINAV research report. Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania. pp 1-78.
    • Sanga, C.; Mussa, M; Tumbo, S; Mlozi, M.R.S.; Muhiche, L; Haug, R. (2014). On the development of mobile-based agricultural extension system in Tanzania: A technological perspective. International Journal of Computing and ICT Research. Vol 8 1: 49-67
    • Bachke, M.E. & R. Haug. (2014). Food security in a climate perspective: What role could the private sector play regarding investments in smallholder agriculture in Ethiopia, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania and Zambia? NMBU/Ås: Noragric Report No 72. pp 42.
    • Vagstad, N. & R. Haug. (2014). Sustainable production of sufficient food. Book Chapter In Utviklingsfondet. Hvor mange bønder trenger vi? Oslo: Utviklingsfondet. pp 20-28.
    • Sanga, C., M.R.S. Mlozi, S. Tumbo, M. Mussa, M.C.R. Sheto, G.H. Mwamkinga & R. Haug (2013). On search for strategies to increase the coverage of agricultural extension service: Web based farmers ‘advisory information system. International Journal of Computing and ICT Research (IJCIR). Vol 7 1: 42-55.
    • Haug, R. (2013). Den vanskelig maten (the difficult food). Flyktningregnskapet 2013. Chapter. Norwegian Refugee Council: 20-26.
    • Haug, R. & J.P. Hella (2013). The art of balancing food security: securing availability and affordability of food in Tanzania. Springer: Food Security Journal. 5:415-426.
    • Haug, R. (2012). Climate smart and Women smart Agriculture: Food Security in the time of Climate Change. Popular scientific article. Women together. FOKUS. No 1. (pp 26-27).
    • Haug, R. (2012). Reflections on the 40-year journey of the CGIAR. In: The CGIAR at 40. Institutional Evolution of the World’s Premier Agricultural Network. Washington DC: CGIAR Fund Office. World Bank.
    • Haug, R. (2011). For lite og for mye mat (too little and too much food). Essay. In: Ministry of Education and Research. Vitenskapsåret 2011 – og veien videre mot forskningsmeldingen 2013. Oslo: Ministry of Education and Research (Kunnskapsdepartementet).
    • Haug, R. (2011). What can we learn from the IAASTD about the relations of agricultural science and technology to improvement in human livelihood and social relations? Comments. In: Eide, B.W., N. Ghezae and T. Kvil. (Eds.). Science for Science – and/or for Social Relevance? Oslo and Stockholm: Norad and IFS. (pp 21-23)
    • Haug, R. (2011). How to feed 9 billion in 2050? In: Development Fund. Hva koster en sultfri verden og hvordan komme dit (What’s the cost and what does it take to eradicate hunger)? Oslo: Development Fund Hunger Report 2011. (pp 14)
    • Haug, R. (2011). In the policy maze of food dilemmas. In: Kjosavik, D.J. & P. Vedeld. (Eds.). The Political Economy of Environment and Development in a Globalised World. Trondheim: Tapir Academic Press. (pp 219-237).
    • Hella, J.P., R. Haug & I.M.Kamile (2011). High global food prices - Crisis or opportunity for smallholder farmers in Tanzania. Development in Practice. Vol 21, No 4-5 (pp 652-665).
    • Kaarhus, R, R. Haug, J.P. Hella & J.R. Makindara (2010). Global agro-investment in Mozambique and Tanzania: Impacts on land and livelihoods. Noragric report no 53. Norwegian University of Life Sciences
    • Haug, R. (2010). Food and Crisis. Norwegian UN publication: FN-Magasinet. 4 1. (pp 8-11).
    • Haug, R., T. Worku, T. Lemma, T. Berg, A.R. Phiri, J.W. Banda, E.E. Kaunda, J. Hella, I. Kamile, C-E. Schulz (2009). High global food prices - Crisis or opportunity for smallholder farmers in Ethiopia, Malawi and Tanzania. Noragric report no 50. Norwegian University of Life Sciences.
    • Haug, R. (2008). Africa, a continent of opportunities: Partner and global actor – the role of African universities in agricultural development and trade. Book Chapter. Refleks. Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Oslo. (pp 59-71)
    • Haug, R. (2008). Living with war – preparing for peace: Between war and peace in Sri Lanka and Sudan. In N. Shanmugaratnam (Ed.). Between war and peace in Sudan and Sri Lanka. Chapter 9. Oxford: James Currey. (pp 169-186)
    • Tofte, A.H. & R. Haug. (2008). War, wealth and poverty in Southern Sudan. . In N. Shanmugaratnam (Ed.). Between war and peace in Sudan and Sri Lanka. Chapter 3. Oxford: James Currey. (pp 41-59)
    • Haug, R. (2003). What’s is a name? Environmental refugees in Northern Sudan. In N. Shanmugaratnam, R. Lund & K.A. Stølen. (2003). The maze of displacement: Migration, development and change. Chapter 7. Oslo: Høyskoleforlaget. (pp 156-177).
    • Haug, R. & E.C. Rauan (2002). Realising the right to food by integrating human rights thinking in poverty reduction strategies? Forum for Development Studies. No 2 (pp 265-291).
    • 6Haug, R. (2002). Forced migration, processes of return and livelihood construction among pastoralists in Northern Sudan. Disasters. Vol 26 No 1. (pp 70-84).
    • Haug, R. & E.C. Rauan. (2001). Operationalizing the right to food in Africa. Agricultural University of Norway: Noragric report series no 2. pp 41.
    • Haug, R. (2000). Livelihood security among pastoralists in Northern Sudan: Post-hunger development in a country at war. Working paper no 19. Ås: Noragric, Agricultural University of Norway. (pp 33).
    • Haug, R. & J. Teurling (Eds.). (2001). Successes in rural development. Noragric, Agricultural University of Norway. Printed at Nicolai Olsens Trykkeri. (pp 105). Introduction written by editors (pp 7-12).
    • Molteberg, E., C. Bergstrøm & R. Haug. (2000). Interdisciplinarity in development studies: myths and realities. Forum for Development Studies. 27 2. (pp 317-330).
    • Haug, R. (1999). From integrated rural development to sustainable livelihoods: What is the role of food and agriculture? Forum for Development Studies. No 2 (pp 181-201)
    • Haug, R. (1999). Some leading issues in international agricultural extension, a literature review. Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension. Vol 5. No 4. (pp 263-275).
    • Haug, R. & R. Øygard. (1999). Trade liberalization in agriculture: Consequences for growth, poverty reduction and environment in developing countries. Concept paper written for the Ministry of Agriculture, Norway. (pp 28).
    • Berg, T., R. Haug & K. Larsen. (1999). Gender, biodiversity and local knowledge systems to strengthen agricultural and rural development. Research Strategy developed for FAO. Rome: FAO, SDWW. pp 16.
    • Haug, R. (1998). Food security: Agriculture’s global challenge. Working paper no 18. Ås: Noragric, Agricultural University of Norway. (pp 16).
    • Haug, R. (1998). Globalizing public agricultural extension in Africa with marginalization as result? Working paper no 17. Ås: Noragric, Agricultural University of Norway. (pp 22).
    • Haug, R. (1998). Agricultural extension - The power of knowledge in processes of change: Lessons learned and future challenges for Africa. A NORAD funded study. Norway: Agricultural University, Noragric. (pp 44)
    • Haug, R. (1997). Forskningens rolle når det gjelder landbruksbistand, landbruksproduksjon, naturressursforvaltning og matvaresikkerhet. (The role of research in agricultural development assistance - productivity, natural resource management and food security). Noragric Occasional Paper. No 15. (pp 29-31)
    • Haug, R. (Ed.). (1997). People, Food and the Environment - 200 years after Malthus. Norwegian Association for Development Research. Conference report. Annual NFU Conference 1997. Agricultural University of Norway, Ås: June 12-13.
    • Haug, R. & E. Urstad (Eds.) (1997). Agricultural Development: Productivity, Distribution and the Environment. Proceedings. Seminar organized by MFA/NORAD and Agricultural University of Norway. Sem, Asker: March 11-12.
    • Haug, R., T. Berg, I. Bryceson, J.B..Aune & P. Vedeld. (1996). Mat og miljø - for en bærekraftig utvikling. (Food security and sustainable use of natural resources). Concept paper written for the Ministry of Environment Protection, Norway. (pp 55)
    • Haug, R., J.B.Aune & F. Johnsen. (1996). Environmental indicators for development activities by Norwegian NGOs in Mali, Ethiopia and Eritrea. SSE-Report to NORAD. Norway.
    • Wold, B.K. (Ed.) (1996). (with inputs from R. Haug). The Sub-Saharan African women farmer under structural adjustment - Supply-response in a gender perspective. Statistics Norway 97/23. (p 77). (Appendix 3: Participatory rural appraisal was undertaken by a team including Haug and fed in to the main publication (pp 1-57))
    • Nyborg, I. & R. Haug. (1995). Measuring household food security: A participatory process. Forum for
    • Development Studies. No 1 (pp 29-61).
    • Haug, R. (Ed.). (1995). Norge og Verdens matvaresikkerhetssituasjon (Norway and international food security). Seminarrapport (Proceedings). Den Norske FAO-komiteen og Noragric. Oslo: 10.11.95
    • Haug, R., T. Berg, K. B. Esser & H. Svads. (1994). Environmental impact assessment of development aid projects. Initial Environmental assessment - Agriculture. Report submitted to NIBR/NORAD. Published by NORAD in 1995: Environmental Impact Studies no 1. Norway.
    • Nyborg, I. & R. Haug. (1994). Food security indicators for development activities by Norwegian NGOs in Mali, Ethiopia and Eritrea. NORAD: SSE-program study report. NORAGRIC. Norges Landbrukshøyskole.
    • Haug, R. (1994). Norsk bilateral bistand til Eritrea og Ethiopia gjennom norske private organisasjoner. Gjennomgang av prosjektaktivitetene. NORAD: SSE-program. NORAGRIC. Norges landbrukshøyskole.
    • Haug, R. (1993). Norsk bilateral bistand til Mali og Sudan: Utfasingsplan og konsekvensanalyse. NORAD: SSE-program. NORAGRIC. Norges Landbrukshøyskole.
    • 7Erozer, S., R. Haug & B.T. Johnson. (1993). Report on the tripartite review of projects "Integrated agricultural project for women through community action" and "Revolving fund and storage component". Sierra Leone, Freetown: FAO-report. Food and Agriculture Organization. Rome.
    • Haug, R. (1991). Public-Private co-operation: Farmer-led Research and Extension Circles in Norway. In: Rivera, W.M. & D.J. Gustafson (Eds.). Agricultural Extension: World-wide institutional evolution and forces for change. Amsterdam: Elsevier. (pp 71-79).

    b. Invited speaker and papers presented at international and national conferences, workshops and seminars.

    • Haug, R. (2023). Dialogue forum for Norway’s new Africa Strategy. Round table participant. Poverty and Economic Development. Oslo: 8.12.2023.
    • Haug, R. (2023). Panel discussant: Food access in the global South in times of war, climate change and pandemic. NMBUs Arena for Bærekraftige Matsystemer og Forum for Utvikling og Miljø (ForUM). Frokostseminar. Verdens Matdag: Tilgangen til mat i det Globale Sør er forverret av krig, klimaendringer og pandemi, hvor finnes løsningene? Oslo: 16.10.2023.
    • Haug, R. (2023). The meaning of war for national and international food security. Vitenskapsakademiet. Krig og konflikt - konsekvensene for helse og miljø tilsier ‘no more war' | Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi ( Oslo. 12.10.2023.
    • Haug, R. (2023).Global food crisis and the role of Norway. Samfunnsøkonomenes høstkonferanse 2023 – Litteraturhuset. Oslo. 10.10.2023.
    • Haug, R. (2023). Food security panel member. University of Oslo discussing food security. Oslo: September 27th.
    • Haug, R. (2023). NMBU presented findings from the NFR funded project ACCESS: Seed systems development to navigate multiple expectations in Ethiopia, Malawi and Tanzania. Speaker. Ås: 27.09.2023.
    • Haug, R. (2023) Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus. Speaker. Norad seminar. Ås: 27.09.2023.
    • Haug, R. (2023). The security situation in the Horn of Africa: Recent development. Comments. Seminar by Noragric. Ås June 16.
    • Haug, R. (2023). Barriers to successful organization of farmers in Africa. Invited speaker. Seminar by Norges Vel. Oslo March 29.
    • Haug, R. (2023). Women’s day. Invited speaker. Student arrangement. Norwegian University of Life Sciences. 8.03.2023.
    • Haug, R. (2023). Food and Peace. Invited speaker. Vitenparken. Norwegian University of Life Sciences. 2.03.2023.
    • Haug, R. (2023). Food security trends and nexus. Caritas. Invited speaker. Oslo, Norway. 7.02.2023.
    • Haug, R. (2023). Norwegian People’s Aid. Food security. Invited speaker. Oslo, Norway. 9.01.2023.
    • Haug, R. (2022). Panel presentation. From seeds to livelihoods: Food crisis and food sovereignty. Norwegian People’s Aid. Oslo: December 12, 2022. Norsk Folkehjelp | Bli med på frokostmøte 12.12: Fra frø til levebrød…
    • Haug, R. (2022). Presentations in NORAD: Home-Grown School Feeding in Low-Income Countries: Harvesting Benefits for Smallholder Farmers (a Norad funded report). Presented twice: 31.08.2022 and 27.09.2022.
    • Haug, R. (2022). SDG Conference UiO. Invited panel chair. University of Oslo, Norway. October 31.
    • Haug, R. (2022). Food security and Norwegian Aid. Presentation. Fulbright seminar at NMBU, Aas, Norway. June 29, 2022.
    • Haug, R. (2022). Rethink Food Supply – Roundtable. Yara and Norfund. Oslo, Norway. May 5, 2022.
    • Haug, R. (2022). Future food. Invited panel discussant. Bikuben, Aas, Norway. March 30, 2022.
    • Haug, R. (2022). The war in Ukraine and vulnerable food systems. Invited speaker. Ministerial meeting. Parkveien Oslo. March 28, 2022.
    • Haug, R. (2022). Why the war in Ukraine increase hunger globally. Seminar. Invited speaker. NMBU, Aas, Norway. March 16, 2022.
    • Haug, R. (2022). Sustainable food systems. Literaturhuset, RoundTable Conference. Invited speaker. Oslo, Norway. March 10, 2022.
    • Haug, R. (2021). Gender and non-gendered research: Lessons learn from H2020 InnovAfrica project. European Research Area Workshops on the Gender dimension in research. Virtual Workshop. Invited plenary speaker. Germany: November 3, 2021.
    • Haug, R. (2021). UNFSS and the role of science. Invited speaker. Webinar 29. October. Noragric, NMBU, Aas, Norway.
    • Haug, R. (2021). The role of agricultural policy and institutions in enhancing food and nutrition security in Africa. Invited speaker. Brussels, Belgium: InnovAfrica Project Final Conference 12-13 October 2021.
    • Haug, R. (2021). Unequal food systems. Invited panel speaker.. Key Approaches in exploring hunger and food aid. CSD Conference 2021. King’s College, London June 10-11th, 2021. Home | CSD 2021 ( and
    • Haug, R. (2020). Panel discussant. Nobel peace prize seminar – World Food program. Oslo: Nobel Peace Center. October 10th., Discussion About The 2020 Nobel Peace Prize | Nobel Peace Center | Podplay
    • Haug, R. (2020). Panel participant discussing the launch of the FAFO report: The role of nutrition in development collaboration by Andresen & Hatløy 2020. Oslo May 15th, 2020.
    • Haug, R. (2020). Women leaders in academia and gendered academic research. Conference Presentation Women in STEM, Business and Leadership for Development. March 17-18, 2020. Mekelle, Ethiopia.
    • Haug, R. (2019). Hunger and sustainable food systems. Invited speaker. Seminar by KrF in Norwegian parliament. December 2, Oslo. 2019.
    • Haug, R. (2019). Food and climate. Invited panel participant. Seminar by Sp and NGOs. Norwegian Parliament. November 26, Oslo. 2019.
    • Haug, R. (2019). Hunger and climate change. Invited speaker. Zero hunger conference. Caritas. October 16, Oslo. 2019.
    • Haug, R. (2019). What works? Bridging research and policy on sustainable development goal 2. Invited panel introductory speaker and chair. Annual Oslo SDG Initiative Conference. October 14, Oslo. 2019.
    • Haug, R. (2019). The role of Norway in the global food system. Inter-rministreral Seminar. June 21, Oslo.
    • Haug, R. (2019). Governmental launching of action plan on sustainable food systems. Comments. June 21, Oslo.
    • Haug, R. (2019). Access to seeds: From emergencies to seed system development. Research based knowledge for development Seminar. Norglobal2. April 25. Oslo.
    • Haug, R. (2019). Food security indicators: How to measure and communicate results. Invited speaker NORAD meeting. 23.01.2019. Oslo.
    • Haug, R. (2018). SDG 2.3: Agricultural productivity and income of small-scale food producers. NFU conference: The sustainable development goals and the critical role of development research. November 8, Oslo, Norway.
    • Haug, R. and O. Westengen. (2018). Policy and action for food and climate uncertainties in Malawi. International Conference: Sustainable agriculture and natural resource management under changing climate in Sub-Sahara Africa. October 16-19, BICC, Lilongwe, Malawi.
    • Haug, R. (2018). How to promote food security and development in the midst of crisis in the Sahel. Invited panel participant. NORAD and Noragric. April 23rd. Oslo Norway.
    • Haug, R. (2018). The evolution of food security – where are we now? UiO and Development Fund Seminar. Invited speaker. March 22nd. Oslo, Norway.
    • Haug, R. (2018). How can work towards food security and work to improved nutrition be better integrated? MFA and Norad Seminar. Invited speaker. March 21st. Oslo, Norway.
    • Haug, R. (2018). Gender equality: Climbing high on the NMBU ladder. Landsam/NMBU. Invited speaker. January 10th. Moss, Norway.
    • Haug, R. (2017). Food security and nutrition on cities: How can rapidly expanding urban populations get enough safe and nutritious food? Norad and Noragric seminar. December 5th, Aas, Norway.
    • Haug, R. (2017). Framing the global food narrative. IDSA-PRIO workshop. Invited speaker. May 30th. Oslo, Norway.
    • Haug, R. (2017). Food Security, Climate Change and Conflict. Invited Discussant. May 12th. Aas, Norway.
    • Haug, R. (2016). Global transformation of Agri-Food Systems: Is the world becoming more food secure? December 15. Noragric 30+30 seminar. Aas, Norway.
    • Haug, R. (2016). Preparing for uncertainties – moving from crisis response to emergency preparedness. December 1-2. NFR – Courting Catastrophe Conference. Oslo, Norway.
    • Haug, R. (2016). Towards Next Generation Food Policy Research. SUM Food Group Seminar. November 23. University of Oslo, Norway.
    • Haug, R. (2016). Fragile States and long-term development: What role does rural development play in rebuilding fragile states and how can Norway contribute? November 3. Development Funds, Oslo, Norway.
    • Haug, R. (2016). Emergency preparedness, early recovery and food security. September 9, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Aas, Norway.
    • Haug, R. (2016). Scaling up nutrition in Norwegian development policy. Panel discussant. Launch of the Global Nutrition Report 2015. March 9. Norad, Oslo, Norway.
    • Haug, R. (2016). 50 years of university collaboration – making an impact on food and agriculture. Norad Food security seminar. March 9. Oslo, Norway.
    • Haug, R. (2016). From humanitarian action to contested resilience building and adaptation to climate change in Malawi. Invited speaker. Courting catastrophe seminar. March 3. NMBU, Aas, Norway.
    • Haug, R. (2016). The political economy of contested seeds in Tanzania. Invited speaker based on approved abstract. Contested agronomy conference. February 23-25. IDS, University of Sussex, Brighton.
    • Haug, R. (2015). Future challenges and opportunities for increased crop production and improved food security. Abstract. The Norwegian Academy of Science. October 23.
    • Westengen, O. and R. Haug. (2015). Crop adaptation to climate change: A seed system perspective. 2nd International Conference on Global Food Security. Abstract approved. Cornell University, USA. October 11-14.
    • Haug, R. (2015). From Ujamaa to Big results now: Sustainable transformation of Tanzanian agriculture: Climate Change and Multi-Dimensional Sustainability in African Agriculture. Paper presented. June 2015, Morogoro, Tanzania.
    • Haug, R. (2014). Resilience, adaptation and humanitarian aid. Invited speaker. Seminar. Norwegian University of Life Sciences. 19.06.14.
    • Haug, R. (2014). Conflicts and displacement: Dealing with humanitarian crisis. Invited chair. IFPRI 2020 Conference. Building resilience for food and nutrition security. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 15.05-17.05.14.
    • Haug, R. (2014). Agriculture investment and the CFS negotiations. Invited speaker. Seminar on responsible agriculture investment (RAI). Oslo: Norad. 7.05.14.
    • Malongo, RS; Mlozi, MRS; Sanga, C; Mussa, M; Muhiche, L; Tumbo, S; Haug, R; Shetto, M; Kiberiti, B. (2014). Farmers’ access and use of mobile phones for improving coverage of agricultural extension services: A case of Kilosa district. Second EPINAV Annual Scientific Conference; Tanzania. 8.04-9.04.14.
    • Haug, R. (2013). Global food challenges. World Food Day. Invited speaker. Seminar. Stavanger. Norwegian UN association in collaboration with other organizers. 16.10.13.
    • Haug, R. (2013). Sustainable Intensification in Africa. Invited panelist. Yara mini seminar. 3.06.13.
    • Haug, R. (2013). The global challenges of food security and climate change. Invited speaker. Norwegian Ministry of Agriculture and Food. 7.05.13.
    • Haug, R. (2013). Why Africa is (still poor)? Breaking myths and building structural change. Invited speaker. International Students’ Union. Norwegian University of Life Sciences. 30.04.13.
    • Haug, R. (2013). Poverty reduction and sustainable development: Research challenges in the field of natural resources. Invited speaker. Norad. 25.04.13.
    • Haug, R. (2013). Sharing for prosperity. Invited panelist. Norwegian University of Life Sciences. 22.04.13.
    • Haug, R. (2012). Large-scale land acquisition in the South: Commercialization for poverty reduction or marginalization of the poor? Welcome address. Oslo: Litteraturhuset. 28.11.12.
    • Haug, R. (2012). New research policy and the Norwegian Research Council. Invited speaker. Hamar. The Norwegian Association of Higher Education Institutions (UHR). 21.11.12.
    • Haug, R. (2012). Food relief and long-term food security. Invited panelist. Ministry of Foreign Affairs. World Food Program. 10.09.12.
    • Haug, R. (2012). Evaluation of the Norwegian Research Council. Invited Speaker. Ministry of Education and Research. 10.09.12.
    • Haug, R. (2012). The role of CGIAR in promoting food justice and protecting the environment. Invited speaker. Fridtjof Nansens’s Institute (FNI). 21.08.12.
    • Haug, R. (2012). Food security and sustainable agriculture: What do we want with Rio+20. Invited speaker to give a summary. Statens Landbruksforvaltning og Bioforsk. Oslo: Høyres Hus. 12.06.12.
    • Haug, R. (2012). Visions for the new University at Aas. Invited speaker. Nordic Association for Agricultural Scientists (NJF). Aas, Soerhellinga. 29.05.12.
    • Haug, R. (2012). How can increased food production lead to improved food security? Invited speaker. Seminar organized by Nordic Africa Institute. Oslo: Norad. 3.05.12.
    • Haug, R. (2012). Important questions for a new Norwegian research policy. Invited inputs to a new Norwegian White Paper on research policy. Conference organized by the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research (KD). Oslo: Håndverkeren. 28.03.12.
    • Haug, R. (2012). Will the North be flooded by refugees due to climate change? Invited speaker. Cicero/Refleks. Oslo: UiO. 20.03.12.
    • Haug, R. (2012). Consequences of climate change on food security. Invited speaker. UiO: SUM’s Rio+20 Mirror events. Oslo: Litteraturhuset. 2.03.12.
    • Haug, R. (2012). Food security and right based development. Invited speaker. UN gender equity conference organized by BLD and MFA. Oslo, Norwegian Opera. 17.01.12.
    • Haug, R. (2012). Old and new knowledge on Climate change. Inputs to the Norwegian Research Council’s Conference on Climate change research. Oslo: UiO. 13.01.12.
    • Haug, R. (2012). Can competence save Norwegian agriculture? Invited speaker. Discussion meeting organized by Naturviterne. The new Norwegian White Paper on agriculture and food. Oslo: VG-huset. 5.01.12.
    • Haug, R. (2011). “Bistand som metter”? Norwegian development support to agriculture 2006-2010? Forum for Development and Environment. Comment and invited panel discussant. Oslo: November 8, 2011.
    • Haug, R. (2011). Enough food for everybody. Humanitarian Forum. Comment and invited panel discussant. Norwegian Red Cross. Oslo: October 19, 2011.
    • Haug, R. (2011).Support to African Tertiary Agricultural Education: Lessons from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. World Bank Seminar: Aas: October 3, 2011.
    • Haug, R. (2011). Internationalization at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences: Past experience and future opportunities. SIU. Lillestrøm: September 29, 2011.
    • Haug, R. (2011). World challenges: The food crisis. Invited key note speaker. Christian Michelsen’s Institute’s (CMI) staff seminar. Haalandsdalen, Norway. September 27, 2011.
    • Haug, R. (2011). Too much or too little – food in a global perspective. Norwegian Science year seminar. Ministry of Education and Research. Stavanger: September 26, 2011.
    • Haug, R. (2011). Policy challenges in a globalized food system. Seminar. Norwegian Minister of Agriculture and Food, Lars Peder Brekk. Aas: September 5, 2011.
    • Haug, R. (2011). Enough food for everybody: The contribution of research to improved food security. Ministry of Foreign Affairs leader seminar. Oslo: August 23, 2011.
    • Haug, R. (2010). Internationalization – the next step. NOKUT conference. Oslo: Folkets hus. April 21, 2010.
    • Haug, R. (2010). Adapting to Changing Climate: Food Security and Genetic Resources in Developing Countries. Oslo: Norad/MFA. March 9, 2010.
    • Haug, R. (2009). Food and Environment - tell me what you eat! Lillehammer: Nansenskolen. October 27, 2009.
    • Haug, R. (2009). Food 2009: How to ensure a green, healthy and fair global food system. Seminar. Norwegian University of Life Sciences. May 28, 2009.
    • Haug, R. (2008). Food crisis: What is causing the food crisis and how to get out of it? Seminar. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Oslo, Norway. September 16, 2008.
    • Haug, R. (2008). Ecological agriculture – fata morgana or sustainable solution for Norway and the world. Presentation. Norwegian Research Council (NFR). Globalization workshop. Oslo: September 3.
    • Haug, R. (2008). Iceland in the wider world – Responsibilities and opportunities. Presentation. Iceland: Security Council candidate. Ministry of Foreign Affairs/Agricultural University of Iceland. Hvanneyri: January 15.
    • Haug, R. (2007). Social sciences and sustainable agricultural development. Presentation. Advances in Science for Sustainable development. Annual general meeting of the Consultative group on International Agricultural research (CGIAR). Beijing: December 4.
    • Haug, R. (2007). WDR08: Agriculture for development. Presentation. Norad seminar. Oslo: November 29.
    • Haug, R. (2007). Food production, food security and biodiversity. Introduction. The Trondheim UN conference on Ecosystems and people – Biodiversity for development – The road to 2010 and beyond. October 31.
    • Haug, R. (2007). Norwegian versus African agriculture – conflict or colonial trade structure. Panel presentation. U-landsseminaret. University of Oslo: October 23.
    • Haug, R. (2007). Contending approaches to the role of higher education in development. Presentation. The role of higher education in development: Norad’s program for master studies. Presentation. Maputo: October 18.
    • Haug, R. Post Washington consensus: The role of the World Bank in food and agriculture in Africa. Panel presentation. Norwegian Church Aid report launch. Oslo: September 9.
    • Haug, R. (2007). What can agriculture do for development? Introduction. Can Africa feed itself? Oslo: June 6.
    • Haug, R. (2007). Critical perspectives on development in the 21st century. Comments to Professor Samir Amin’s key note presentation. Conference. Oslo University College. May 10.
    • Haug, R. (2007). What promotes and what prevents food security for everybody? Oslo: MFA/Norad seminar on Hunger and Food security. Oslo, Norway. March 16.
    • Haug, R. (2007). Educating teachers in Environmental Sciences: Opportunities for the future. Seminar. Kopundol, Nepal. February 6.
    • Haug, R. (2007). Training teachers for sustainable development: The way ahead. Seminar. Lalitpur, Nepal. February 6.
    • Haug, R. (2007). Capacity strengthening in higher education institutions in Nepal: Opportunities and challenges. Seminar. Norwegian embassy, Kathmandu, Nepal. February 7.
    • Haug, R. (2007). International Environment and Development Studies: Collaboration for the future. Seminar on ATREE-Noragric research collaboration. Bangalore India. January 30.
    • Haug, R. (2007). Natural Resources and Development. Sanderstolen, Gol. Norad fellows: Agents of change? Winter seminar, January 2-6.
    • Haug, R. (2006). How to strengthen institutions of higher education in the South? Panel discussion. Oslo, November 16-17: SAIH (Norwegian Students’ and Academics’ International Assistance Fund). Conference Report. 133-134.
    • Haug, R. (2006). Food sovereignty: A strategy for food and agriculture, power and trade? Roundtable discussion. The Annual Norwegian Conference on Globalization. Oslo: Norway’s’ Social Forum. October 19-22.
    • Haug, R. (2006). The way ahead: Looking into the NOMA crystal ball. Norad’s Program for Master Studies (NOMA). Seminar. Bergen: September 25.
    • Haug, R. (2006). Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation. Agricultural Research and Development Program (ARDEP), Malawi. Talk at ARDEP seminar. Bunda College of Agriculture. June 29.
    • Haug, R. (2006). Peacebuilding – Development Relations: The Role of Livelihood security and Natural Resources. Talk. Seminar to celebrate Noragric’s 20 years anniversary. Aas. June 15-16.
    • Haug, R. (2006). Opportunities for future bilateral development cooperation. Oslo. Norad. French-Norwegian seminar. May 22-23.
    • Haug, R. (2006). The Research Development Continuum: Where should CGIAR be placed? Talk. CGIAR Science Council Seminar. The Netherlands. May 19.
    • Haug, R. (2005). Definition of Concepts and Processes of Formalization. Presentation. MFA. Oslo. December 16.
    • Haug, R. (2005). Making use of competence? SIU Vatnahalsen seminar. Bergen. October 12-13
    • Haug, R. (2005). Introduction to Sustainable Development. Presentation. Seminar on Teacher’s Training and Global Environmental Change. Nepal. September 18-19.
    • Haug, R. (2005). Poverty alleviation through rural development. Presentation. Workshop on Managing Mountain Watershed for Rural Development in Nepal. Pokhara, Nepal. September 12-13.
    • Haug, R. (2005). Formalization and the African farmer. Presentation. Legal empowerment of the poor. MFA, Oslo. September 2.
    • Haug, R. (2005). Living with war – preparing for peace: Development and peace-building in Sri Lanka and Sudan. Paper presented at the EADI 11th General Conference on Insecurity and development. Bonn: September 21-24.
    • Haug, R. (2005). Building sustainable peace in Sudan by improving people’s livelihoods. Presentation. World Bank. Washington DC. May 27.
    • Haug, R. (2005). The role of higher education and capacity strengthening in poverty eradication. Presentation. World Bank. Washington DC. May 26.
    • Haug, R. (2005). Best practices in support to agricultural development with focus on the more and better campaign. Presentation. Forum for environment and development. Oslo: May 10.
    • Haug, R. (2005). Food security and land reforms. Forum for Environment and Development. Presentation. Oslo: March 14, 2005.
    • Haug, R. (2004). Utviklingsmelding 2004 (Norwegian white paper on development). Presentation and panel discussant. Oslo, NUPI/Idegruppen: May 14, 2004.
    • Haug, R. (2003). Collaboration between university and civil society organizations (NGOs). Presentation. Oslo: Red Cross. December 2, 2003.
    • Haug, R. (2003). Ethical considerations in relation to externally funded research projects. Presentation. Agricultural University of Norway/Ås, Norway: September 17, 2003.
    • Haug, R. (2003). Participatory Plant Breeding and the UN millennium Goals. Presentation. NORAD/Development Fund, March 5, 2003.
    • Bie, S et al. including R. Haug, (2003). Agricultural development: A pathway out of poverty. Seminar given in NORAD, February 13 (gender network), and February 21 (general), 2003.
    • Haug, R. (2002). Hunger and food insecurity in Southern Africa: Causes and actions. Presentation. NORAD regional staff seminar. Oslo: Trollvasshytta. November 4-5, 2002.
    • Haug, R. (2002). Poverty reduction and sustainable development: research and policy challenges. Panel presentation and discussion. A Conference organized by the Norwegian World Bank Trust Fund for Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development (NTFESSD). June 18, 2002.
    • Haug, R. (2002). Vision, strategy and synergetic policies for agricultural research for development in Europe. Panel presentation. European Forum on Agricultural Research for Development (EFARD). Rome May 15-17, 2002.
    • Haug, R. (2002). What is the role of knowledge in sustainable development? Poverty and the Environment. National Conference on sustainable development. Norwegian Research Council. Oslo: March 6-7, 2002.
    • Haug, R. (2002). How to operationalize the right to food? Presentation in NORAD’s primary sector development network. Oslo: February 7.
    • Haug, R. (2002). A critical review of constraints and opportunities for civil society's participation and contribution in follow-up of conventions at international and national levels. Introduction at a Dryland Coordination Group/Forum for development and environment seminar. Oslo: January 15.
    • Haug, R. (2001). Food security - Agriculture's global challenge. Introduction. Norman Borlaug seminar - Nobel Peace Prize anniversary. Agricultural University of Norway. December 5.
    • Haug, R. (2001). Discourses of development and discourses of human rights: Poverty reduction and food as a human right in Africa. Keynote speaker. Paper. NFU Annual Conference 2001. University of Tromsø/SEMUT: November 13-14. Submitted to Forum for development Studies for publication.
    • Haug, R. (2001). Forced migration and poverty: Social and cultural change among the Hawaweer of Northern Sudan. Seminar given at Centre for Development and Environment (SUM), University of Oslo. September 25, 2001.
    • Haug, R. (2001). Successes in rural development. Presentation. NORADs regionale bistandskonferane på Ås: Development, Environment and Agriculture. March 8, 2001.
    • Synnevaag, G., I. Nyborg & R. Haug. (2001). Food security: How to secure poor men and women access to food? Presentation. NORADs regionale bistandskonferane på Ås: Development, Environment and Agriculture. March 8, 2001
    • Haug, R. (2001). Development Studies with focus on agriculture and the environment. Seminar. Norwegian Research Council. Oslo: January 31.
    • Haug, R. (2000). Presenting a book review of: Clay, E. & O. Stokke. (Eds.). (2000). Food aid and human security – is there a need for institutional reform? Norwegian Foreign Policy Research Institute (NUPI). Oslo: September 22.
    • Molteberg, E. and R. Haug. (2000). Interdisciplinarity: What, How and Why? Paper presented at an International EU-funded Workshop on Interdisciplinary Research on Development and the Environment. Hurdalsjøen May 29-31. (pp 17-20).
    • Scherr, S.J. & R. Haug. (1999). Sharpening the focus on poverty in Public International Agricultural Research for Development. Paper presented at the International Workshop on Assessing the Impact of Agricultural Research on Poverty Alleviation. San Josè, Costa Rica. September 14-16. (pp 32).
    • Haug, R. (1999). Poverty and development Studies. Presentation held at Noragric Seminar on Development Studies. Hankø, Norway: May 3-4. (pp 9).
    • Haug, R. (1998). Jordbruksveiledning i Øst-Afrika (Agricultural Extension in Eastern-Africa). Paper presented at an Agricultural Extension seminar. Hellerud, Norges Vel. December 17. (pp 24).
    • Haug, R. (1998). Fattigdom, sult og bistand. Matvaresikkerhet i en voksende verden. (Poverty, hunger and aid. Food security in a growing world). Paper presented at Faglig pedagogisk dag. Agricultural University of Norway (SEVU). January 5. (pp 6).
    • Haug, R. (1997). Matvaresikkerhet i ei felles framtid: Fattigdomsbekjempelse og bistand. (Food security for a common future: Poverty reduction and international collaboration. Paper presented at Working conference organized by the Norwegian FAO-committee. Lørenskog/Oslo: October 15-16. (pp 12).
    • Haug, R. (1997). Sustainable agriculture, people and the resource base: Impacts on food production and challenges for food security. Comments to Pretty, J. paper presented at the NFU annual conference 1997: People food and the environment - 200 years after Malthus. Ås: June 11-12 (pp. 5).
    • Haug, R. (1996). Matvaresikkerhet og fordeling: Hvordan løse verdens sultproblematikk? (Food security and distribution: How to solve the world’s hunger problem?). Paper presented at “U-landsseminaret, SAIH & SUM, University of Oslo, November 5.
    • Haug, R. (1996). Miljøets og matproduksjonens plass i en verden i endring. (Environment and food production for a changing world) Paper presented at a North South seminar. Oslo: April 19 and 20.
    • Johnsen, F.H. , I. Nyborg and R. Haug. (1996). Cost effectiveness analysis of food security projects. Symposium Paper. Food Security and Innovations: Successes and lessons learned. University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart. March 11-13.
    • Haug, R. (1996). Matvaresikkerhet og norsk bistand (Food security and Norwegian international aid assistance). Paper presented at the Agricultural University of Norway Seminar. February 21.
    • Haug, R. (1995). Nødhjelp versus langsiktig bistand (Relief versus long-term development) Paper presented at NORAD/UD/SSE/Noragric seminar 28.09.95.
    • Nyborg, I. & R. Haug. (1995). Indicateurs de sécurité alimentaire pour les activites de developpement des ONG Norvegiennes au Mali. In CARE Mali (Ed.): Agriculture Soutenable: Approches et Méthodologies. Tome 2: Exposés des Participants. Proceedings. Mali symposium: Segou: 10-15 Octobre, 1994. Chap 14: pp. 1-39.
    • Haug, R. (1995). Muligheter for samarbeid. In J. Jemima Garcia-Godos (Ed.) Undervisning om utvikling og bistand. Utfordringer og muligheter. SUM report No 1. Published by Centre for Environment and Development (SUM) and “Bistandsskolen”. 19.-20.06.95. Oslo, Norway.
    • Haug, R. (1994). Food security and sustainable development. In: CARE Norge (Ed.). The CARE Norge seminar for project managers. Proceedings. 24-28 October. (pp. 34-40).
    • Haug, R. (1993). Gender and food security. Paper presented at a Care Norge workshop: 3 February.
    • Haug, R. (1990). Self-directed farming systems development and the role of Extension services. Proceedings. Life-long Learning Research Conference. Washington D.C. February 19-20. (pp. 141-147).

    c. Some Popular scientific activities (after 2000)

    • Panel discussant: Agro-food systems, women and rights. FAO and Norad seminar. 19.10.3023.
    • Er det nok mat i verden? - Dagens Perspektiv Pluss ( Presentation. 8.09.2023.
    • Mat og kriser: - Det er nok mat på globalt nivå, men fordelingen er et problem - Nationen - Login ( Interview. Nationen. 3.06.2023.
    • -Kan bli svært alvorlig ( Interview Dagbladet 24.04.2023.
    • «Strupetak»: - Enda større problem ( Interview Dagbladet 25.02.2023.
    • FN: KRAFTIG FOORVERRING - Bergensavisen ( 13.01.2023.
    • Utsiktene er ikke bra - Tønsbergs Blad ( 11.01.2023.
    • Frykt for sultkatastrofe uten sidestykke: – Utsiktene ser ikke bra ut, sier ekspert - Nationen. 10.01.2023.
    • Frykt for sultkatastrofe uten sidestykke: – Utsiktene ser ikke bra ut, sier ekspert - Interview. 10.01.2023.
    • I dag - NRK P2 Nyhetsmorgen ( Ukraina. Grain transport by ship. Interview. 10.01.2023.
    • 15.11.2022. Norge er en stormakt på såfrø. Hvordan kan vi hjelpe fattigere land? ( Kronikk.
    • Dagbladet: 26.10.2022. Holder millioner som gisler ( On the out-transport of grain from Ukraine.
    • Vårt land. Norad vil gi folk penger rett i hånda: – Folk vet selv hva de trenger, sier professor – Vårt Land ( 13.09.2022.18.08.2022.
    • Arendalsuka. Ja til skolemat! – Caritas.
    • Dagbladet. 11.07.2022. Dette er Russlands hemmelige smuglerrute (
    • DN 1.07.2022. Ukraina-krigen fører til prishopp på norske dagligvarer. Denne uken skrus prisene opp igjen. | DN
    • TV2 News. 28.05.2022. Ekspert: - Bør gjøre det lettere for Russland å eksportere mat (
    • NORAD: 1.06.2022. CGIAR and small-scale farmers in marginal environments (meeting and written inputs).
    • VG. 22.05.2022. Frykter global matkrise: – Det er så veldig mange som trenger hjelp – VG
    • Vårt Land 19.05.2022. India skulle komme verden til unnsetning med hvete – nå stanser de eksporten etter hetebølge – Vårt Land (
    • 11.05.2022. Flere medier brukte feil tall om kornproduksjonen i Ukraina. Faktisk.
    • Bistandsaktuelt. 22.04.2022. – En mulighet for småbønder i Afrika (
    • Dagbladet. 13.04.2022.
    • VG. 11.04.2022. Dyrere mat og drivstoff gjør at folk tar til gatene i flere land – VG
    • Nettavisen. 2.04.2022. Ukraina-konflikten, Matproduksjon | Katastrofe-alarm: – Vi har en matpriskrise (
    • Bistandsaktuelt. 1.04.2022. Interview.
    • Aftenposten. Kronikk. 29.03.3022. Vi må ta innover oss hvor sårbare våre matsystemer er for sjokk (
    • NRK-nett. 20.03.2022. Food prices and Ukraine
    • Dagbladet. 18.03.2022. Krig i Ukraina - Advarer: - Dette vil merkes (
    • Nationen. 19.03.2022. Global food situation and hunger.
    • Aftenposten 17.03.2022. Food prices and Ukraine.
    • NRK Interview. Radio/TV 17.03.2022. 17. mar. kl. 14.00 - Dagsnytt - NRK Radio
    • TV2. TV news. 17.03.2022.
    • Vårt Land 14.03.2022. Ukraina-krigen sender matprisene til himmels: – Kan bli opptøyer – Vårt Land (
    • Nationen 13.03.2022. Ukraina-krigen: Hvorfor påvirker krigen matprisene? Og hvem vil få for lite mat? - Nationen
    • Nationen. 9.03.2022. FN: Ny prisrekord for matvarer - Nationen
    • Dagbladet Kronikk. 9.03.2022. Krig og økende matpriser: - Prisene når nye rekorder (
    • Vårt Land 7.03.2022. Ottar ser det mer meningsfullt enn noen gang å prøve å få til matkorn – Vårt Land (
    • Klassekampen 26.02.2022. High food prices.
    • Dagbladet din side 25.02.2022. Ukraina-krigen: - Slik får du merke krigen (
    • Østlandets blad 28.02.2022. Ukraina, Nyhet | Ås-forsker: – Slik kan krigen i Ukraina påvirke oss i Norge (
    • Ås avis 24.02.2022. The war in Ukraine.
    • Nationen 24.02.2022. Ukraina-konflikt og kostnadskrise: Frykter land med lav selvforsyning blir mer sårbare - Nationen
    • Peace price, hunger and inequality. Bistandsaktuelt 6.12.2021. Fredsprisen, sult og ulikheter (
    • Food System Summit Interview, Bistandsaktuelt 23.09.2021. – Rikinger i nord bør holde fingrene fra matfatet (
    • NRK P2 Studio 2. Discussion with Norad’s director related to hunger and the food system summit 2021. July 12th, 2021
    • Nobel Peace Center – interview and video filming. Gender, peace and development. Mai 21st, 2021. Watch | Facebook
    • NMBU talk on sustainability and hunger in the world. April 7th, 2021.
    • NRK P2 Studio 2. Nobel peace prize to World Food Program. Interview. December 10th, 2020.
    • World Food Program. Nobel Peace Center. Expert meeting. October 15th, 2020. Fredsprisen går til... Verdens matvareprogram! - YouTube
    • Nobel Peace Prize to World Food Program. Interview. Dagsavisen. October 10th, 2020.
    • Food crisis and Covid-19. Interview. Bistandsaktuelt. No 2/3 June 2020.
    • H2020 EU project policy brief InnovAfrica, May 2020.
    • Food availability and food security. Kronikk. Bondevennen no 15, April 30th, 2020
    • Climate and food security. Dagsavisen. 6 December 2019.
    • Climate, food and justice. Bistandsaktuelt. 4 December 2019.
    • Research policy. Panel discussion participant. Vitenparken. Aas. 30 October 2019.
    • Hunger and the Eat-Lancet report. Nationen 31 January 2019.
    • The political economy of the Eat report. Bistandsaktuelt 21 January 2019.
    • Proportion of people going hungry has decreased. Bistandsaktuelt 30 October 2018
    • Education programs in Development Studies. Interview. Bistandsaktuelt 5 April 2018.
    • Women professors. Interview. 8 March 2018.
    • Agro-food and private sector in Africa (Meninger). Bistandsaktuelt 1 March 2018.
    • Hunger or famine. Bistandsaktuelt 10 October 2017.
    • Hunger and Humanitarian action: The new famines. Bistandsaktuelt 2 March 2017.
    • Interview. Nutrition in Africa. Bistandsaktuelt. No 3 May 2017.
    • How and Why: Researcher of Excellence. Vitenparken. 25.01.2017.
    • Roundtable Panel with Dr Agnes Kalibata (AGRA), YARA House, 19.01.2016.
    • Kronikk: 14.01.2016. (Bernhoft et al)
    • Interview. No hunger 20130. 4.11.2015.
    • Invited speaker. Food security. Breakfast seminar. Vitenparken. NMBU. 30.10.2015.
    • Invited Panelist. Festaften Mat. Norwegian Research Council. 23.09.2015.
    • Interview. Food and small-scale farmers. Nationen. 24.06.2015.
    • Invited Panelist. Norad launching their Annual Food Security report, 22.06.2015.
    • Noragric Women Network projects. 28.04.2015. Voksenåsen, Oslo.
    • Input to Civita’s report 13/2015: Norsk landbruksbistand: Bistand på lavbluss. June, 2015.
    • Africa spends too little on agricultural research. Bistandsaktuelt 10.12.2014.
    • Climate change – last chance. Dagsavisen 29.03.14.
    • Food safety and food security. Nationen. 11.12.2013.
    • Added value of international PhD candidates. Dagens Næringsliv. 13.12.2013.
    • World Food Day. NRK Stavanger. 16.10.2013
    • Grain scarcity? Dagbladet. 26.04.2013.
    • Sharing for prosperity. Aas avis. 25.04.2013.
    • New white paper on research. Presentation to NFR and UHR boards. 24.04.2013.
    • Food security: Walk the talk. Bistandsaktuelt 2.04.2013.
    • Research policy. Norwegian parliament. Hearing. 8.04.13.
    • Three out of four Africans get their docorates and go home. Science Nordic. 8.03.2013.
    • Research policy. Aas avis. 8.03.2013.
    • Thor Heyerdahl. Aftenposten. 23.02.2013.
    • What happened to Africa’s green Revolution? 18.02.2013.
    • Food speculations. Interview. Utveier. ATTAC: no1, 2013.
    • Sustainable Food. NRK1 Dagsrevyen. 23.09.2012.
    • High food prices, drought and international food security. NRK1 Dagsrevyen. 26.08.2012.
    • Bioeconomy: After the oil. Aftenposten. 9.09.2012.
    • Forskningspolitikk: Vol 3:12-13. En god evaluering av et godt forskningsråd?
    • Food security, climate change and Rio+20. Interview. Asle Rønning. 15.06.2012
    • Bioeconomy for the future. Interview. Oslo: Student TV. 31.05.2012.
    • Not green enough (on Bioeconomy and opportunities). Cronicle. Dagsavisen. 31.05.2012
    • Food prices and the poor. Interview. Bistandsaktuelt No 4: May 2012. pp 24.
    • Agricultural Development and Food Security. Input to MFAs work with a new strategy. Oslo, MFA: 31.01.2012
    • Hvordan mate 9 milliarder. Interview. 23.11.2011.
    • Tertiary Agricultural Education in Africa. Østlandets blad &s Ås blad. October 2011.
    • Vårkonferanse med Miljøfokus. Interview. Østlandets blad. 1.06.2010.
    • Norske Månelandinger. Hoveddebatt. Dagbladet. 27.05.2010.
    • Siste sides interjuv- Miljø2010. Nationen. 27.05.2010.
    • UMB’s Miljøforskning. Forord. UMB Brosjyre. 25.05.2010.
    • Matpris-krisa presser fram nye løsninger. Bistandsaktuelt. 22.04.2010.
    • Husdyr viktig for matsikkerhet. Interview. 12.02.2010.
    • UMB’s forskning. Østlandets blad. 11.02.2010
    • Vi er også Østfoldleverandører. Foredrag. Østfoldkonferansen. 28.01.2010.
    • Food policy chronicle. Aftenposten. 16.07.09
    • Several radios, TV and news paper interviews in Norwegian media in 2009 on the food price crisis
    • Jubileumsfokus på mat. Bilag. Aftenposten. April 2009.
    • Bistandsaktuelt web. 2008: Rising food prices.
    • Radio interview NRK.13.10.08 crop diversity and agricultural development.
    • Iceland: Interviews ”Iceland in the Security Council?” on the radio Spegillin and Morgenbladir. 15.01.2008
    • Interview in Bistandsaktuelt in relation to World Development Report08. September 2007.
    • Bistandsaktuelt web 2007: Comments on Collier’s book: The bottom billion.
    • Ny Tid. Chronicle 10.08.2007: Agriculture and WTO and response comment 7.09.2007.
    • Consultative group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR): An exciting research opportunity NFR. 18.06.2007
    • Debate in Bistandsaktuelt 3/2006: Verdensbanken, Solheim og Soria Moria (on the role of WB and UN)
    • Interview CGIAR annual report 2006: Perspectives on engaging civil society and embracing diversity.
    • Ingen spør Norge om landbruk (Nobody asks Norway for agriculture).Chronicle in Bistandsaktuelt December 2005.
    • NFU-nytt, 2004: review of White Paper no 35 on Development Collaboration.
    • Dagbladet. 19.02.2004: Miljoevernministerens verneiver.
    • Bistandsaktuelt May 2004: Interview – the new action plan for agricultural development
    • Chronicle in Dagbladet 4.10.2003: Don’t tease us with peace (Sri Lanka).
    • Interview in Vårt Land 16.10.2003: World Food Day.
    • Debate in Bistandsaktuelt 8/2003: We need Bistandsaktuelt.
    • Chronicle in Dagsavisen 27.01.03: Hunger situation in Africa.
    • Chronicle in Dagbladet 14.0720.03: Avoid hunger in Africa.
    • Interview in RadiOrakel 14.07.2003: Leidarstein (99,3) Hunger situation in Africa.
    • Bistandsaktuelt 6/2003: Interview on NORAD’s focus on men and women in development cooperation
    • Bistandsaktuelt nr 3/2003: Interview on how to organise NORAD and MFA.
    • Bistandsaktuelt nr 3/2003 article about the millennium goals.
    • Interview in Bistandsaktuelt nr 6, 2001 on UNDP's Human Development Report 2001 and the role of biotechnology.
    • Several interviews in relation to the book: Haug, R. & J. Teurling (Eds.). (2001). Successes in rural development (Aftenposten, Bistandsaktuelt, Radio programs (P2 & P4).
    • Food security, food as a human right and poverty eradication. Presentation in Forum for Environment and Development. September 27th, 2001


    Africa: Zambia, Uganda, Sudan, South-Sudan, Tanzania, Malawi, South Africa, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, Mali, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda.
    Asia: Sri Lanka, India, Nepal.


    • Member of Landsam, NMBU nomination committee, 2023.
    • Member of Landsam, NMBU nomination committee, 2017-2021.
    • Member of scientific assessment committee – professor competence, Oslo University College. April 2016.
    • Member of a high-level external EC panel to conduct ex-post evaluation of JRC activities under the Seventh Framework Program, chaired by Professor Patrick Cunningham (2014-15).
    • Technical advisor to the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign affairs and representing Norway in the Committee on Global Food Security (CFS) RAI (responsible agriculture investment) negotiations, FAO, Rome (2013-14).
    • Member of a scientific expert committee to assess the professional qualifications of 25 candidates for two academic positions in Development Studies at Oslo and Akershus university college (HIOA). June-August 2012.
    • Member of Search Committee - CGIAR Science Council Secretariat: Executive Director. FAO, Rome: March-April 2010
    • Member of Search Committee – Director of Research, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (2008)
    • Member of advisory panel to CGIAR chair Cathy Sierra on employing new director of CGIAR (2007)
    • Member of academic assessment committees at Oslo University College, assessing candidates for associate professor positions in development studies, 2005.
    • Member of CMI evaluation committee “Nationalgave-selection” 2008-2012
    • Member of Search Committee - CGIAR Science Council Secretariat: Executive Director. FAO, Rome: May 2004.
    • Chair of the Evaluation Committee – CGIAR/IFAR Small Grant Program, 2004-2006.
    • Member of a scientific expert committee to assess the professional qualifications of five candidates for an academic position in Rural Development Studies at the Department of Rural Development Studies, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) (1999-2000).


    • 2011-2012 Participation in Fund Council meetings as member/head of Norwegian delegation (Montpellier 2011, Washington DC 2011, Seattle 2012, Uruguay 2012)
    • 2009-2010 Member of CGIAR Fund Council (Brussels2010, Rome 2010, Washington 2010)
    • 2008-2009 Member of CGIAR’s change steering team (including sub-groups).
    • 2008-2009 Member of CGIAR Executive Concil (ExCo) (Rome07, Ottawa08, Portugal08, Cali09, Rome09)
    • 2007-2012 Member of EIARD working group (European CGIAR members)
    • 2006-2014 Member of the board of IFAR/CGIAR (Fellowship program)
    • 2004-2005 Member of the CGIAR Task Force 1: Programmatic Alignment in Africa
    • 2004-2007 Member of ISNAR Program Advisory Committee (CGIAR/IFPRI)
    • 2003-2004 Member of Advisory Group for CGIAR review of partnership committees
    • 2002 Chair of the CGIAR program committee
    • 2001-02 Member of CGIAR Executive Concil (ExCo)
    • 2000-2001 Member of the steering committee of the CGIAR “change” task force (CDMT)
    • 1999-2001 Member of the CGIAR Oversight Committee
    • 1999 Member of the CGIAR task force on system-wide programs
    • 1995-2012 Representing Norway in CGIAR meetings:
      • MTMs: Kenya95, Indonesia96, Egypt97, Brazil98, China99, Germany00, South-Africa01
      • ICWs: Washington 1995-2000
      • AGMs: Washington01, the Philippines02, Kenya03, Mexico04, Morocco05, Washington06, China07, Mocambique08, Washington09
      • Several ad hoc donor meetings
    • 1995-2012 Representing Norway in the European coordination group: International Agricultural Research for Development (EIARD) annual meetings: Austria95, Sweden96, Germany97, Italy98, Greece99, Portugal00, Netherlands01, Spain02, Brussels03, Finland04, UK05, Ireland06, Italy07, Portugal08, Germany09, Sweden 10, Brussels 2011 & 2012, Switzerland 2012.


    • 2023-pres. Member of NMBU’s food system platform board
    • 2022-pres. Member of MFA’s consultative group: food security strategy (launched November 2022)
    • 2022-pres. Member of NMBU’s nomination committee
    • 2021-2022 Member of NMBU’s gender and diversity committee
    • 2021 Member of MFA led Norwegian coalition behind Access to Seeds and Seed Security as a “game-changer” proposal in the process leading up to the Food System Summit 2021 organized by the UN.
    • 2021 Member of a reference group for climate, food, and agriculture. Norad.
    • 2019-2022: Member of the reference group for the new Norwegian Action Plan on sustainable food systems
    • 2019-2020 Vice-chair ICARDA (CGIAR Center: International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas),
    • 2017-2021 Board member of the NMBU University board (second term)
    • 2017-2019 Chair of the Program Committee for master’s in global development studies (M-IDS)
    • 2016-2020 Board member ICARDA (CGIAR Center: International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas), (displaced from Aleppo, Syria).
    • 2016-2017 Member of the Advisory Committee for the CGIAR Research Program on Policy, Institutions and Markets (PIM).
    • 2015-2017 Deputy Chair and Chair of the Program Committee of the board of International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington DC.
    • 2014-2017 Member of the Advisory Council for the Svalbard Global Seed Vault
    • 2014 Member of Sida’s research committee (Swedish development cooperation)
    • 2014-2017 Member of the university board (US) (Norwegian University of Life Sciences)
    • 2014-2015 Member of reference group for the evaluation of CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions and Markets to strengthen food security and Income for the Rural Poor.
    • 2013 Chair of the UMB coordination group on Internationalization
    • 2013 Chair of the steering committee for UMB’s strategic Food Program
    • 2013 Chair of the steering committee for the UMB center of excellent on Ecology and Radioactivity (CERAD)
    • 2013 Chair of the UMB Spring conference committee: Akva 2013.
    • 2012-2013 Chair of the National Norwegian UHR Research Committee
    • 2012-1.01.2018 Member of the board of International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington DC.
    • 2012 Member of the Aas Campus group
    • 2011-2013 Chair of the Ethical Committee at the university (UMB)
    • 2010-2011 Member of the Fægri committee on organizational structure for the new university at Aas
    • 2010-2012 Chair of the University Spring Conference Committee: Environment2010 and Land2011 and member of the 2012 Spring Conference committee Bioeconomy2012
    • 2009-2010 Chair of the University Committee on organisational structure for the new university (NVH+UMB)
    • 2009-2013 Member of the Advisory Board for Forum for Development Studies (Routledge)
    • 2009 Chair of the University Spring Conference Committee: Food 2009 (150 years aniversary)
    • 2009-2010 Chair of the University cross-departemental Health Research Steering committee
    • 2009-2011 Co-chair of the Soria Moria research collaboration process: UMB+NVH
    • 2009-2011 Deputy Member of the Norwegian UHR Research Committee (member of several sub groups under UHR research committee)
    • 2009 Chair of the University Gender Equity Committee
    • 2008-2013 Chair of the University Research Committee (FON)
    • 2008-2013 Member of the two advisory leadership groups at the university (ILT & SLT)
    • 2008-2013 Member of the Advisory Council for the Svalbard Global Seed Vault
    • 2007 Member of a Zambia country evaluation reference group established by Norad
    • 2007-2013 Member of the board of CMI (Christian Michelsen’s Institute, Bergen, Norway)
    • 2007-2010 Member of SIDA (Sweden’s) research committee
    • 2006-2008 Member of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Hunger Task Force
    • 2006 Member of the UMB editorial committee
    • 2006-2008 Chair of the Norwegian UHR Academic Council for Development Studies
    • 2006-2008 Chair of the board for Norad’s Program for Master Studies (NOMA).
    • 2005-2007 Member of the board of the Norwegian Africa Network (NTNU)
    • 2005-2006 Member (deputy chair) of a MFA appointed task force to assess NGOs as a channel for Norwegian aid (Rattesø-utvalget)
    • 2005-2006 Member of Norad fellowship program steering committee
    • 2004-2010 Member (chair from 2007) of the Fridtjof Nansen Institute’s (FNI) Council
    • 2003-2006 Chair of the election committee of the Norwegian Association for Development Research (NFU)
    • 2003 Member of the Norwegian UNESCO committee
    • 2002 Noragric award for best popular scientific publisher in year 2001
    • 2002-2005 Board member in Norwegian Development and Environment Group (NODE)
    • 2002-2003 Member of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Agricultural Development Task Force
    • 2001-2002 Member of Editorial Committee of Bistandsaktuelt
    • 2001-2003 Member of the Norwegian Ministry of Agriculture's Council on Genetic Resources
    • 2001-2008 Member of ”Fellesrådet av representanter for Storting og vitenskap”
    • 2001-2002 Member of the planning committee of the National Conference on Sustainable Development: Poverty and the Environment (Norwegian Research Council) to be conducted in year 2002.
    • 2001 Member of the organising committee: NORADs regionale bistandskonferane på Ås: Development, Environment and Agriculture. March 8, 2001 (responsible for the professional program)
    • 2001-2008 Chair of the board of Noragric
    • 2000-2001 Chair of an Agricultural University Award Committee on popular publication
    • 2000-2002 Member: Direktoratet for Naturforvaltning’s Råd for Bistand (Council for development co-operation)
    • 1999-2001 Member (deputy chair) of the Research Committee at the Agricultural University of Norway (FON).
    • 1998-1999 Member of a working group on the role of social science at the Agricultural University of Norway
    • 1998-2000 Member of the board of the Norwegian NGO Development Fund
    • 1998-1999 Member of Nordic referee group on forced migration.
    • 1998 International Alumnus Award University of Maryland (International Alumna of
    • the Year). Award received October 23, 1998.
    • 1998 Member of the organising committee of the Norwegian Agricultural Development Forum. December 1998.
    • 1998-2005 Member of the Editorial Committee in the journal: Forum for Development Studies
    • 1997 Referee: Selection of best article in the Journal: Forum for Agricultural Economics. 1995-1996.
    • 1997-2001 Elected and appointed chair of the Research Committee at Noragric
    • 1997 Chair of the organising committee of the 1997 annual conference of the Norwegian Association for Development Research, Ås: June 11-12, 1997.
    • 1997-2001 Board member: The Norwegian Research Council: Områdestyret for Miljø og Utvikling (Environment and Development)
    • 1996-1999 Member of Referee-Group for the Norwegian Research Council: EUs fourth framework program for research: Co-operation with Third Countries (INTCO)
    • 1995-1997 Elected first substitute to the Noragric Education Committee
    • 1995-2004 Member of the Advisory Board of the journal "Landbruksøkonomisk Forum".
    • 1995-1997 Member of steering committee of the research program on Multilateral Development Assistance, Norwegian Research Council.
    • 1995-1997 Member of Steering Committee for the World Bank initiative on rock phosphate as a capital investment in Sub-Saharan Africa.
    • 1995-1998 Member of Steering Committee for United Nations Environmental Program Project Use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Agricultural Research Management
    • 1995-1999 Elected member from NORAGRIC Scientific Staff to the NORAGRIC board
    • 1993-1995 Elected board member, Norwegian Association for Development Research (NFU)
    • 1993-1996 Member of Norwegian Research Council (Environment and Development) Strategy Development Advisory Group
    • 1990-2000 Member of Association for Farming Systems Research and Extension
    • 1983-present Member of Norwegian Association for Development Research (NFU)
    • 1982-2004 Member of Association for Agricultural Economists (Norway)


    • Mother tongue: Norwegian
    • English: Very good
    • French: fair
    • German: fair