Ruth C. Newberry

Ruth C. Newberry


  • Etologi og dyrevelferd

Ruth C. Newberry is a Professor of Ethology in the Department of Animal and Aquacultural Sciences at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. She received her PhD from the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, where she investigated the social development of pigs in a semi-natural environment, the “Edinburgh Pig Park.” She conducted research on poultry behaviour and welfare at the Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre in Agassiz, British Columbia, Canada before moving to Washington State University in 1996, and to Norway in 2013. Ruth's research is focused on behavioural development, environmental enrichment and play behaviour. She and her students have conducted studies on a variety of species including dogs, cats, pigs, goats, chickens, turkeys, clouded leopards, grizzly bears, laboratory rats and mice. Ruth is a past President of the International Society for Applied Ethology (ISAE), and serves on various scientific advisory committees that address animal welfare issues. She is a recipient of the Poultry Science Association’s Poultry Welfare Research Award and the ISAE’s Creativity Award. Current projects include environmental enrichment for broiler chickens, positive emotions in pigs, and personality and behavioural plasticity of dogs.


Ruth C. Newberry er professor i etologi ved Institutt for husdyr- og akvakulturvitenskap ved Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet (NMBU) i Ås. Hun har ph.d.-grad fra Universitetet i Edinburgh i Skottland, der hun undersøkte sosial utvikling hos gris i et semi-naturlig miljø, «Edinburgh Pig Park». Hun har forsket på atferd og velferd hos fjærfe i Kanada, ved Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre i Agassiz, British Columbia. I 1996 flyttet hun til Washington State University, og i 2013 kom hun til Norge og NMBU. Ruths forskning dreier seg om atferdsutvikling, miljøberikelser og lekatferd. Hun har sammen med studenter forsket på en rekke ulike dyrearter, inkl. hunder, katter, geiter, høns, kalkun, treleopard, grizzlybjørn, laboratorierotter og –mus. Ruth har vært president i International Society for Applied Ethology (ISAE), den viktigste organisasjonen for husdyretologer. I tillegg har hun vært med i en rekke vitenskapelige komiteer innen dyrevelferd. Hun har mottatt to priser for sin vitenskapelige innsats: Poultry Science Association’s Poultry Welfare Research Award og ISAE’s Creativity Award. Nåværende prosjekter fokuserer på miljømessig berikelse for slaktekyllinger, positive følelser hos griser og personlighet og plasticitet i atferd hos hunder.

  • Fagfelt
    • Ethology and animal environment (Etologi og husdyrmiljø)
  • Publikasjoner

    Liste med publikasjoner fra min forskning. (Cristin)

    Journal Articles




    • Ocepek M, Newberry RC, Andersen IL. 2017. Trade-offs between litter size and offspring fitness in domestic pigs subjected to different genetic selection pressures. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 193, 7-14.



    • Goold C, Vas J, Olsen C, Newberry RC. 2016. Using network analysis to study behavioural phenotypes: an example using domestic dogs. Royal Society Open Science 3, 160268.



    • Gergely A, Compton AB, Newberry RC, Miklósi A. 2016. Social interaction with an “unidentified moving object” elicits A-not-B error in domestic dogs. PLoS ONE 11(4), e0151600.


    • Joyce-Zuniga NM, Newberry RC, Robbins CT, Ware JV, Jansen HT, Nelson, OL. 2016. Positive reinforcement training for blood collection in grizzly bears (Ursus arctos horribilis) results in undetectable elevations in serum cortisol levels - a preliminary investigation. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science 19, 210-215.


    • Iacobucci P, Colonnello V, D’Antuono L, Cloutier S, Newberry RC. 2015. Piglets call for maternal attention: Vocal behavior in Sus scrofa domesticus is modulated by mother’s proximity. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 171, 88-93.


    • Cloutier S, Wahl KS, Panksepp J, Newberry RC. 2015. Playful handling of laboratory rats is more beneficial when applied before than after routine injections. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 164, 81-90.


    • Banerjee D, Daigle CL, Dong B, Wurtz K, Newberry RC, Siegford JM, Biswas S. 2014. Detection of jumping & landing force in laying hens using wireless wearable sensors. Poultry Science 93, 1-10.



    • Keen HA, Nelson OL, Robbins CT, Evans M, Shepherdson DJ, Newberry RC. 2014. Validation of a novel cognitive bias task based on difference in quantity of reinforcement for assessing environmental enrichment. Animal Cognition 17, 529–541.


    • Cloutier S, Baker C, Wahl K, Panksepp J, Newberry RC. 2013. Playful handling as social enrichment for individually- & group-housed laboratory rats. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 143, 85–95.



    • Garner JP, Kiess AS, Mench JA, Newberry RC, Hester PY. 2012. The effect of cage & house design on egg production & egg weight of White Leghorn hens: An epidemiological study. Poultry Science 91, 1522-1535.


    • Kiess AS, Hester PY, Mench JA, Newberry RC, Garner JP. 2012. A standardized cage measurement system: A versatile tool for calculating usable cage space. The Journal of Applied Poultry Research 21, 657-668.


    • Colonnello V, Iacobucci P, Fuchs T, Newberry RC, Panksepp J. 2011. Octodon degus. A useful animal model for social-affective neuroscience research: basic description of separation distress, social attachments & play. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 35, 1854-1863.



    • Lay Jr DC, Fulton RM, Hester PY, Karcher DM, Kjaer JB, Mench JA, Mullens BA, Newberry RC, Nicol CJ, O’Sullivan NP, Porter RE. 2011. Hen welfare in different housing systems. Poultry Science 90, 278-294.


    • Colonnello V, Iacobucci P, Newberry RC. 2010. Vocal & locomotor responses of piglets to social isolation & reunion.  Developmental Psychobiology 52, 1-12.


    • Crespo R, Faux C, Dhillon SA, Newberry RC, Moore DA. 2010. Pet poultry training for veterinary practitioners. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education 37, 382-386.


    • Cloutier S, Newberry RC. 2010. Physiological & behavioural responses of laboratory rats housed at different tier levels & levels of visual contact with conspecifics & humans. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 125, 69-79.


    • McGowan RTS, Robbins CT, Alldredge JR, Newberry RC. 2010. Contrafreeloading in grizzly bears: implications for environmental enrichment. Zoo Biology 29, 484-502.


    • Thogerson CM, Hester PY, Mench JA, Newberry RC, Okura CM, Pajor EA, Talaty PN, Garner JP. 2009. The effect of feeder space allocation on productivity & physiology of Hy-line W36 hens housed in conventional cages. Poultry Science 88, 1793–1799.


    • Thogerson CM, Hester PY, Mench JA, Newberry RC, Pajor EA, Garner JP. 2009. The effect of feeder space allocation on behavior of Hy-line W36 hens housed in conventional cages. Poultry Science 88, 1544-1552.


    • Cloutier S, Newberry RC. 2008. The use of a conditioning technique to reduce the physiological & behavioural stress associated with repeated intra-peritoneal injections in rats. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 112, 158-173.


    • Dennis R, Newberry RC, Cheng H-W, Estevez I. 2008. Appearance matters: artificial marking alters aggression & stress. Poultry Science 87, 1939-1946.



    • Wibowo TA, Gaskins CT, Newberry RC, Thorgaard GH, Michal JJ, Jiang Z. 2008. Genome assembly anchored QTL map of bovine chromosome 14. International Journal of Biological Sciences 4, 406-414.



    • Gifford AK, Cloutier S, Newberry RC. 2007. Objects as enrichment: effects of object exposure time & delay interval on object recognition memory of the domestic pig. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 107, 206-217.


    • Newberry RC, Keeling LJ, Estevez I, Bilčík B. 2007. Behaviour when young as a predictor of severe feather pecking in adult laying hens: the redirected foraging hypothesis revisited. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 107, 262-274.



    • Cloutier S, Newberry RC, Cambridge AJ, Tobias KM. 2005. Behavioral signs of postoperative pain in cats following onychectomy or tenectomy surgery. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 92, 325-335.





    • Keeling LJ, Estevez I, Newberry RC, Correia MG. 2003. Production-related traits of layers reared in different sized flocks: the concept of problematic intermediate group sizes. Poultry Science 82, 1393-1396.








    • Špinka M, Newberry RC, Bekoff M. 2001. Mammalian play: training for the unexpected. The Quarterly Review of Biology 76, 141-168.


    • Šustr P, Špinka M, Cloutier S, Newberry RC. 2001. Computer-aided method for calculating animal configurations during social interactions from x, y coordinates of color-marked body parts. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers 33, 364-370.


    • Cambridge AJ, Tobias KM, Newberry RC, Sarkar DK. 2000. Evaluation of subjective & objective measurements of postoperative pain in cats. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 217, 685-690.


    • Cloutier S, Newberry RC. 2000. Recent social experience, body weight & initial patterns of attack predict the social status attained by unfamiliar hens in a new group. Behaviour 137, 705-726.


    • Cloutier S, Newberry RC, Forster CT, Girsberger KM. 2000. Does pecking at inanimate stimuli predict cannibalistic behaviour in domestic fowl? Applied Animal Behaviour Science 66, 119-133.









    • Blair R, Newberry RC, Gardiner EE. 1993. Effects of lighting pattern & dietary tryptophan supplementation on growth & mortality in broilers. Poultry Science 72, 495-502.



    • Newberry RC, Blair R. 1993. Behavioral responses of broiler chickens to handling: effects of dietary tryptophan & two lighting regimens. Poultry Science 72, 1237-1244.



    • Gardiner EE, Newberry RC, Keng J-Y. 1990. Avian vitreous humour concentrations of inosine, hypoxanthine, xanthine, uric acid, uracil & uridine as influenced by age & sex: their relevance as indicators of ante-mortem hypoxia. Forensic Science International 47, 123-127.



    • Gardiner EE, Newberry RC, Keng J-Y. 1989. Postmortem time & temperature affect the concentrations of hypoxanthine, other purines, pyrimidines & nucleosides in avian & porcine vitreous humor. Pediatric Research 26, 639-642.


    • Gardiner EE, Hunt JR, Newberry RC, Hall JW. 1988. Relationships between age, body weight, & season of the year & the incidence of sudden death syndrome in male broiler chickens. Poultry Science 67, 1243-1249.


    • Gardiner EE, Newberry RC, Hunt JR. 1988.  Effect of estradiol-17b-monopalmitate on the incidence of sudden death syndrome in male broiler chickens. Poultry Science 67, 156-157.


    • Newberry RC, Hunt JR, Gardiner EE. 1988. Influence of light intensity on the behavior & performance of broiler chickens. Poultry Science 67, 1020-1025.




    • Buckley KE, Newberry RC, Hunt JR. 1987. Fatty acid composition of hepatic & cardiac tissue from chickens dying of sudden death syndrome. Poultry Science 66, 1459- 1465.


    • Newberry RC, Gardiner EE, Hunt JR. 1987. Behavior of chickens prior to death from sudden death syndrome. Poultry Science 66, 1446-1450.


    • Newberry RC, Hunt JR, Gardiner EE. 1986. Light intensity effects on performance, activity, leg disorders & sudden death syndrome of roaster chickens. Poultry Science 65, 2232-2238.



    • Newberry RC, Hunt JR, Gardiner EE. 1985. Effect of alternating lights & strain on roaster chicken performance & mortality due to sudden death syndrome. CanadianJournal of Animal Science 65, 993-996.


    • Newberry RC, Hunt JR, Gardiner EE. 1985. Effect of alternating lights & strain on behaviour & leg disorders of roaster chickens. Poultry Science 64, 1863-1868.




    Scientific Reports


    • Mench J, Newberry R, Millman, S, Tucker, C, Katz, L. 2010. Environmental enrichment. Chapter 4. pp. 30-44 in Guide for the Care & Use of Agricultural Animals in Research & Teaching. 3rd Edition. Federation of Animal Science Societies, Champaign IL,


    Book Chapters

    • Galindo F, Newberry RC, Mendl M. 2018. Social conditions. Chapter 14. Animal Welfare 3rd edition. Ed. By M Appleby, A Olsson, F Galindo, CABI, Wallingford, UK. (in press)



    • Estevez I, Newberry RC. 2017. The contribution of environmental enrichment to sustainable poultry production. Chapter 13. Achieving
      Sustainable Production of Poultry Meat, Volume 3. Health & Welfare.
      Ed by T Applegate, Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Cambridge, UK.



    • Newberry RC. 2017. Behavioral, emotional, & cognitive effects of domestication. pp. 315-329 in APA Handbook of Comparative Psychology: Vol. 1. Basic Concepts, Methods, Neural Substrate, and Behavior. Ed by J Call, GM Burghardt, IM Pepperberg, CT Snowdon, TR Zentall, American Psychological Association, APA Books, Washington DC.


    • Newberry RC, Sandilands V. 2016. Pioneers of applied ethology. Chapter 2. pp. 51-76 in Animals & Us: 50 years & More of Applied Ethology. Ed by JA Brown, YM Seddon, MC Appleby, Wageningen University Press, Wageningen NL.


    • Colonnello V, Newberry RC, Panksepp J. 2016. Developmental underpinnings of social behavior. Chapter 4. pp. 91-118 in Sociobiology of Caviomorph Rodents: An Integrative Approach. Ed by LA Ebensperger, LD Haynes, Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken NJ.



    • Galindo F, Newberry RC, Mendl M. 2011. Social conditions. Chapter 14. pp. 228-245 in Animal Welfare. 2nd Edition, Ed by MC Appleby, JA Mench, IAS Olsson, BO Hughes, CAB International, Wallingford UK.


    • Newberry RC. 2009. Chickens. pp. 108-112 in Encyclopedia of Animal Rights & Animal Welfare. 2nd Edition. Vol 1. Ed by M Bekoff, Greenwood Publishing Group, Westport CT.


    • Newberry RC, Špinka M. 2007. Humans & pigs. pp. 1154-1159 in Encyclopedia of Human-Animal Relationships: A Global Exploration of Our Connections with Animals. Vol. 4. Ed by M Bekoff, Greenwood Publishing Group, Westport CT.




    • Newberry RC. 2000. The joy of bathing. pp. 148-149 in The Smile of a Dolphin Remarkable Accounts of Animal Emotions. Ed by M Bekoff, Discovery Books/Random House, New York.


    • Mendl M, Newberry RC. 1997. Social conditions. pp. 191-203 in Animal Welfare. Ed by MC Appleby, BO Hughes, CAB International, Wallingford UK.


    Articles in Proceedings


    • Newberry RC. 1999. Environmental factors impacting the well-being of animals in air transit. pp. 2-4 in Proc Live Animal Air Transport Workshop, 18 Feb 1999, Spokane WA. Center for the Study of Animal Well-being & International Air Transport Association, Washington State University, Pullman WA.


    • Newberry RC, Bergsten C. 1999. Well-being issues in dairy production. pp. 109-114 in Proc Northwest Dairy Shortcourse, Jan 22-23, 1999, Blaine WA.


    • Newberry RC, Webster AB, Lewis N, Van Arnam C. 1999. Gestion des poules de réformes. Cahiers Agricultures 8, 477-485.


    • Newberry RC. 1998. Designing alternative housing systems for poultry. pp. 248-258 in Proc Canadian Society of Animal Science Symposium, July 5-8, 1998, Vancouver BC. Ed by R Blair, R Rajamahendran, M Mohan, LS Stephens, MY Yang, Canadian Society of Animal Science, Ottawa ON.  


    • Newberry RC. 1997. The role of an animal scientist in the use of the Ag Guide. pp. 55-56 in 1997 Agricultural Animal Guide Workshop Presentations & Group Summaries, June 12-14, 1997, Indianapolis IN. USDA & Purdue University, West Lafayette IN.


    • Newberry RC, Webster AB, Lewis NJ, Van Arnam C. 1997. Management of spent hens. pp. 141-152 in Farm Animal Welfare in Canada: New Technologies, Research & World Trade, June 6, 1997, Lennoxville QB. Ed by S Robert, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, Lennoxville QB.


    • Newberry RC. 1996. Contemporary issues of animal well-being affecting animal agriculture. pp. 55-63 in Proc. 31st Pacific Northwest Animal Nutrition Conference, 1996, Seattle WA.


    • Newberry RC. 1994. Farm animal welfare. pp. 21-28 in Canadian Council on Animal Care 1994 Western Regional Workshop.  Animal Care Committees: Roles & Responsibilities. Canadian Council on Animal Care, Ottawa ON.


    • Newberry RC. 1994. Environmental enrichment: bringing nature to captivity. pp. 51-67 in Proc. International Congress on Applied Ethology 1994, National Institute of Animal Science, Foulum, Tjele DN.



    • Newberry RC, Hall JW. 1988. Space utilization by broiler chickens in floor pens. pp. 305-309 in Proc. International Congress on Applied Ethology in Farm Animals, Skara SE 1988. Ed by J Unshelm, G van Putten, K Zeeb, I Ekesbo, KTLB, Darmstadt FRG.



    • Hutton RCM. 1983. The development of social behaviour in piglets. PhD Thesis, School of Agriculture, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland UK.


    • Hutton RCM. 1979. Social facilitation as a measure of individual relationships in a pig group (Sus scrofa L). Honours Thesis, Department of Zoology, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland UK.
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