Olav Reksen

Olav Reksen


  • Seksjon for ambulatorisk klinikk og besetningsmedisin

Jeg er veterinær og underviser ved Ambulatorisk klinikk ved Veterinærhøgskolen, NMBU. Min forskning har i hovedsak vært innenfor reproduksjon og jurhelse hos mjølkeku. 

  • Publikasjoner

    Liste med publikasjoner fra min forskning. (Cristin)

    Utvalgte artikler i fagfellevurderte internasjonale tidsskrift

    Blazhko, Uladzislau; Magnussen, Eirik Almklov; Reksen, Olav; Kohler, Achim. Breaking spurious and systematic correlations by augmenting datasets. SensorFINT2024; 2024-05-29 - 2024-05-31NMBU

    Olofsson, Charlott Kjærre; Toftaker, Ingrid; Rachah, Amira; Reksen, Olav; Kielland, Camilla. Pathogen-specific patterns of milking traits in automatic milking systems. Journal of Dairy Science (JDS) 2024 ;Volum 107.(8) s. 6035-6051 SINTEF NMBU

    Rachah, Amira; Reksen, Olav; Tafintseva, Valeria; Stehr, Felicia Judith Marie; Rukke, Elling-Olav; Prestløkken, Egil; Martin, Adam Dunstan; Kohler, Achim; Afseth, Nils Kristian.
    Exploring Dry-Film FTIR Spectroscopy to Characterize Milk Composition and Subclinical Ketosis throughout a Cow’s Lactation. Foods 2021 ;Volum 10.(9) s

    Bhatti, Muhammad Azher; Chanza, Winfred; Klevar, Siv; Kamwanja, Leonard A; Klem, Thea B.Blystad; Jansen, Dan Christoffer; Holm, Harald; Chipandula, Mphatso; Njunga, Gilson; Stokstad, Maria; Reksen, Olav. A Cohort Study of Reproductive Performance, Associated Infections and Management Factors in Zebu Cows from Smallholder Farms in Malawi. I: Climate Impacts on Agricultural and Natural Resource Sustainability in Africa. Springer Nature 2020 ISBN 978-3-030-37536-2. s. 227-238

    Bhatti, Muhammad Azher; Chanza, Winfred; Kamwanja, Leonard A.; Chikomola, Stewart; Chipandula, Mphatso; Chikaonda, Aleda; Jansen, Dan Christoffer; Klevar, Siv; Klem, Thea B.Blystad; Stokstad, Maria; Reksen, Olav. Effect of Dry Season Supplement Feeding of Malawi Zebu Cows on Reproductive Performance, Lactation and Weight Gain in Calves. I: Climate Impacts on Agricultural and Natural Resource Sustainability in Africa. Springer Nature 2020 ISBN 978-3-030-37536-2. s. 239-248

    Rachah, Amira; Reksen, Olav; Afseth, Nils Kristian; Tafintseva, Valeria; Ferneborg, Sabine; Martin, Adam Dunstan; Kohler, Achim; Prestløkken, Egil.
    Fourier transform infrared spectral data as a tool to predict energy balance, energy- and dry matter intake in lactating dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Research 2020 ;Volum 87. s. 436-443

    Dalen, Gunnar; Rachah, Amira; Nørstebø, Håvard; Schukken, Ynte H; Reksen, Olav.
    Dynamics of somatic cell count patterns as a proxy for transmission of mastitis pathogens. Journal of Dairy Science (JDS) 2019 ;Volum 102.(12) s. 11349-11358

    Nørstebø, Håvard; Dalen, Gunnar; Rachah, Amira; Heringstad, Bjørg; Whist, Anne Cathrine; Nødtvedt, Ane C. W.; Reksen, Olav. Factors associated with milking-to-milking variability in somatic cell counts from healthy cows in an automatic milking system. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 2019; Volume 172. s. 11349-11358.

    Dalen, Gunnar; Rachah, Amira; Nørstebø, Håvard; Schukken, Ynte H; Reksen, Olav. The detection of intramammary infections using online somatic cell counts. Journal of Dairy Science (JDS) 2019; Volum 102.(6) s. 5419-5429

    Nørstebø, Håvard; Rachah, Amira; Dalen, Gunnar; Østerås, Olav; Whist, Anne C; Nødtvedt, Ane C. W.; Reksen, Olav. Large-scale cross-sectional study of relationships between somatic cell count and milking-time test results in different milking systems. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 2019; Volum 165. s. 44-51

    Dalen, Gunnar; Rachah, Amira; Nørstebø, Håvard; Schukken, Ynte H.; Gröhn, Yrjo T.; Barlow, John W.; Reksen, Olav. Transmission dynamics of intramammary infections caused by Corynebacterium species. Journal of Dairy Science 2018 ;Volum 101.(1) s. 472-479

    Rachah, Amira; Dalen, Gunnar; Nørstebø, Håvard; Reksen, Olav; Barlow, John W.. Deterministic modeling of the transmission dynamics of intramammary infections. Journal of Physics, Conference Series 2018 ;Volum 1132.(1) s. 1-8

    Rachah, Amira; Dalen, Gunnar; Nørstebø, Håvard; Reksen, Olav; Barlow, John W.. Multiphase modeling of intramammary infections caused by Corynebacterium species. Journal of Physics, Conference Series 2018 ;Volum 1132.(1) s. 1-7

    Nørstebø H, Rachah A, Dalen G, Reksen O. Milk-flow data collected routinely in an automatic milking system: an alternative to milking-time testing in the management of teat-end condition? January 2018. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 60(1). DOI 10.1186/s13028-018-0356-x

    Kielland C, Wisløff H, Valheim M, Fauske AK, Reksen O, Framstad T. Preweaning mortality in piglets in loose-housed herds – etiology and prevalence Animal. 2018. DOI 10.1017/S1751731117003536

    Rachah A, Dalen G, Reksen O, Nørstebø H,  Barlow J W. Modelling and dynamics of intramammary infections caused by Corynebacterium species. 2017 7th International Conference on Modeling, Simulation, and Applied Optimization; 2017-04-04 - 2017-04-06

    Kielland C, Rootwelt V, Reksen O, Framstad T. “The Association Between Immunoglobulin G in Sow Colostrum and Piglet Plasma.” Journal of Animal Science; 2015; 93: 4453-4462

    Martin AD, Asfeth NK, Kohler A, Randby Å, Waldmann A, Ekænes M, Dørum G, Måge I,  Reksen O.  “The Relationship between Fatty Acid Profiles Identified by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy of Milk Samples and Onset of Luteal Activity in Norwegian Dairy Cattle.” 2015. Journal of Dairy Science. 2015;98(8):5374-84

    Rootwelt V, Reksen O, Farstad W, Framstad T. “Postpartum Deaths: Piglet, Placental, and Umbilical Characteristics.” Journal of Animal Science. 2013;91:2647-56.

    Espetvedt MKN, Reksen O, Rintakoski S, Østerås O. “Data Quality in the Norwegian Dairy Herd Recording System: Agreement between the National Database and Disease Recording on Farm.” Journal of Dairy Science. 2013;96(4):2271-82.

    Reksen O, Gröhn YT, Barlow JW, Schukken YH. “Transmission Dynamics of Intramammary Infections with Coagulase-negative Staphylococci.” Journal of Dairy Science. 2012;95(9):4899-910.

    Rootwelt V, Reksen O, Farstad W, Framstad T. “Associations between Intrapartum Death and Piglet, Placental, and Umbilical Characteristics.” Journal of Animal Science. 2012;90(12):4289-96.

    Rootwelt V, Reksen O, Farstad W, Framstad T. “Blood Variables and Body Weight Gain on the First Day of Life in Crossbred Pigs and Importance for Survival.”  Journal of Animal Science. 2012;90(4):1134-41.

    Rootwelt V, Reksen O, Framstad T. “Production Traits of Litters in Two Crossbred Duroc Pig Lines.” Journal of Animal Science. 2012;90(1):152-8.

    Chang'a JS, Løken T, Mdegela R, Reksen O. “Factors Associated with Body Weight Attainment in Calves on Smallholder Dairy Farms i Tanzania.” Open Journal of Veterinary Medicine. 2012;2:66-73.

    Andersen F, Østerås O, Reksen O, Gröhn YT. “Mastitis and the Shape of the Lactation Curve in Norwegian Dairy Cows.”  Journal of Dairy Research. 2011;78(1):23-31.

    Andersen F, Østerås O, Reksen O, Toft N, Gröhn YT. “Associations between the Time of Conception and the Shape of the Lactation Curve in Early Lactation in Norwegian Dairy Cattle.” Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica. 2011;53.

    Chang'a JS, Reksen O, Løken T, Mdegela RH. “Calf Health and Growth in Small-holder Dairy Farms in Tanzania.” Livestock Research for Rural Development. 2011;23(7):8.

    Chang'a JS, Robertson LJ, mtambo A, Mdegela R, Løken T, Reksen O. “Unexpected Results from Large-scale Cryptosporidiosis Screening Study in Calves in Tanzania.” Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology. 2011;105(7):513-9.

    Martin AD, Lystad M, Reksen O, Ropstad E, Waldmann A, Nafstad O, et al. “Assessment of Progesterone Profiles and Postpartum Onset of Luteal Activity in Spring Calving Hereford Beef Suckler Cattle.” Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica. 2010;52(42):598-607.

    Garmo RT, Waage S, Sviland S, Henriksen B, Østerås O, Reksen O, et al. ”Reproductive Performance, Udder Health, and Antibiotic Resistance in Mastitis Bacteria Isolated from Norwegian Red Cows Managed Conventionally and Organically.” Acta Vet Scand. 2010;52:13.

    Chang'a JS, Mdegela RH, Ryoba R, Løken T, Reksen O. “Calf Health and Management in Smallholder Dairy Farms in Tanzania.” Tropical Animal Health and Production. 2010;42(8):1669-76.

    Mdegela RH, Ryoba R, Karimuribo ED, Phiri ECJH, Løken T, Reksen O, et al. “Prevalence of Clinical and Subclinical Mastitis and Quality of Milk on Smallholder Dairy Farms in Tanzania.” Journal of the South African Veterinary Association (Tydskrif van die Suid-Afrikaanse Veterinere Vereniging.) 2009;80(3):163-8.

    Garmo RT, Ropstad E, Havrevoll Ø, Thuen E, Steinshamn H, Waldmann A, et al. “Commencement of Luteal Activity in Three Different Selection Lines for Milk Yield and Fertility in Norwegian Red Cows.” Journal of Dairy Science. 2009;92(5):2159-65.

    Garmo RT, Martin AD, Martin AD, Thuen E, Havrevoll Ø, Steinshamn H, et al. “Characterization of Progesterone Profiles in Fall-calving Norwegian Red Cows.” Journal of Dairy Science. 2009;92(10):4919-28.

    Reksen O, Sølverød L, Østerås O. “Relationships between Milk Culture Results and Composite Milk Somatic Cell Counts in Norwegian Dairy Cattle.” Journal of Dairy Science. 2008;91(8):3102-13.

    Mtengeti EJ,  Phiri ECJH, Urio NA, Mhando DG, Mvena ZSK, Ryoba R, et al. “Forage Availability and its Quality in the Dry Season on Smallholder Dairy Farms in Tanzania.” Acta agriculturae Scandinavica Section A, Animal science. 2008;58(4):196-204.

    Matiko M, Kanuya NL, Waldmann A, Ropstad E, Reksen O. “Environmental Constrains on Post-partum Ovarian Activity in Tanzanian Zebu Cows.” Theriogenology. 2008;69(7):896-904.

    Garmo RT, Refsdal AO, Karlberg K, Ropstad E, Waldmann A, Beckers JF, et al. “Pregnancy Incidence in Norwegian Red Cows Using Nonreturn to Estrus, Rectal Palpation, Pregnancy-Associated Glycoproteins, and Progesterone.” Journal of Dairy Science. 2008;91(8):3025-33.

    Reksen O, Sølverød L, Østerås O. “Relationships Between Milk Culture Results and Milk Yield in Norwegian Dairy Cattle.” Journal of Dairy Science. 2007;90:4670-8.

    Haugan T, Gröhn YT, Kommisrud E, Ropstad E, Reksen O. “Effects of Sperm Concentration at Semen Collection and Storage Period of Frozen Semen on Dairy Cow Conception.” Animal Reproduction Science. 2007;97:1-11.

    Haugan T, Gaustad A-H, Reksen O, Gröhn YT, Hofmo PO. “Fertility Results of Artificial Inseminations Performed with Liquid Boar Semen Stored in X-cell (TM) vs BTS Extender.” Reproduction in Domestic Animals (1990). 2007;42:94-9.

    Østerås O, Sølverød L, Reksen O. “Milk Culture Results in a Large Norwegian Survey - Effects of Season, Parity, Days in Milk, Resistance, and Clustering.” Journal of Dairy Science. 2006;89(3):1010-23.

    Reksen O, Sølverød L, Branscum AJ, Østerås O. “Relationships between Milk Culture Results and Treatment for Clinical Mastitis or Culling in Norwegian Dairy Cattle. Subclinical Mastitis, Treatment and Culling.” Journal of Dairy Science. 2006;89(8):2928-37.

    Kanuya NL, Matiko M, Nkya R, Bittegeko SBP, Mgasa MN, Reksen O, et al. “Seasonal Changes in Nutritional and Reproductive Performance of Zebu Cows Kept under a Traditional
    Agro-pastoral System in Tanzania.” Tropical Animal Health and Production. 2006;38:511-9.

    Kanuya NL, Matiko M, Kessy BM, Mgongo FO, Ropstad E, Reksen O. “A Study on Reproductive Performance and Related Factors of Zebu Cows in Pastoral Herds in a Semi-arid Area of Tanzania.” Theriogenology. 2006;65(9):1859-74.

    Haugan T, Reksen O, Gröhn YT, Kommisrud E, Ropstad E, Sehested E. “Seasonal Effects of Semen Collection and Artificial Insemination on Dairy Cow Conception.” Animal Reproduction Science. 2005;90(1-2):57-71.

    Haugan T, Gaustad-Aas A-H, Reksen O, Gröhn YT, Hofmo PO. “A Retrospective Study on Effects of Storage Time of Liquid Boar Semen on Reproductive Performance in Norwegian Swine.” Theriogenology. 2005;64(4):891-901.

    Lyche JL, Oskam IC, Skåre JU, Reksen O, Sweeney T, Dahl E, et al. “Effects of Gestational and Lactational Exposure to Low Doses of PCBs 126 and 153 on Anterior Pituitary and Gonadal Hormones and on Puberty in Female Goats.” Reproductive Toxicology. 2004;19:87-95.

    Reksen O, Havrevoll Ø, Gröhn YT, Bolstad T, Waldmann A, Ropstad E. “Relationships among Body Condition Score, Milk Constituents, and Postpartum Luteal Function in Norwegian dairy cows.” Journal of Dairy Science. 2002;85:1406-15.

    Reksen O, Gröhn YT, Havrevoll Ø, Bolstad T, Waldmann A, Ropstad E. “Relationships among Milk Progesterone, Concentrate Allocation, Energy Balance, Milk Yield and Conception Rate in Norwegian Cattle.” Animal Reproduction Science. 2002;73(3-4):169-84.

    Reksen O, Gröhn YT, Havrevoll Ø, Bolstad T, Waldmann A, Ropstad E. “Influence of Concentrate Allocation and Energy Balance on Postpartum Ovarian Activity in Norwegian Cattle.” Journal of Dairy Science. 2001;84(5):1064-8.

    Gillund P, Reksen O, Karlberg K, Gröhn YT. “Body Condition Related to Ketosis and Reproductive Performance in Norwegian Dairy Cows Body Condition, Ketosis and Reproductive Performance.” Journal of dairy science. 2001;84:1390-6.

    Reksen O, Tverdal A, Landsverk K, Kommisrud E, Bøe KE, Ropstad E. “Effects of Photointensity and Photoperiod on Milk Yield and Reproductive Performance of Norwegian Red Cattle.” Journal of Dairy Science. 1999;82:810-6.

    Reksen O, Tverdal A, Lang-Ree JR, Glattre E, Ropstad E. “Reproduction Management of Tethered Cows on Norwegian Dairy Farms.” Animal Reproduction Science. 1999 Dec 15;57(3-4):141-51

    Reksen O, Tverdal A, Ropstad E. “A Comparative Study of Reproductive Performance in Organic and Conventional Dairy Husbandry.” Journal of Dairy Science. 1999 Dec;82(12):2605-10.


  • Mer om meg og CV

    Jeg startet doktorgradsstudiene høsten 1995 etter å ha jobbet som dyrlege i kombinert praksis siden 1990.

    Fra 2000 til 2006 jobbet jeg som førsteamanuensis ved Ambulatorisk klinikk på Veterinærhøgskolen

    Jeg ble professor i reproduksjon og obstetrikk hos store dyr i 2006.

    Jeg har vært instituttstyrer for Institutt for produksjonsdyrmedisin ved Veterinærhøgskolen i to perioder (2010-2014) og (2018-2021)