Michael Heim

Michael Heim


  • Seksjon for jord- og vannfag

Michael Heim has retired as associate professor in geology at NMBU in 2018. Originally from Switzerland he studied geology at the ETH Zürich, moved to Norway and Trondheim in 1979 and the University in Ås in 1994. For many years he worked with specific and regional bedrock mapping (in total 1200 field days) for mining companies and the Geological Survey (NGU) all over Norway. One of his favourite topics is the tectonostratigraphy around Jotunheimen. During the last decade Michael's interests have been focused on the use of rock powder (e.g. mine waste) in agriculture, as soil amendment and plant nutrient source. Geodiversity and geoheritage is another field of interest. He has also been involved in several short courses for geoscience teachers. At the present Michael works with the establishment of a geopark at the university campus.