Manoj Kumar Pandey

Manoj Kumar Pandey


  • Seksjon for jord- og vannfag

I graduated as civil engineer and latter (PhD) specialized in in utilizing natural systems for wastewater treatment, focusing on closing the loop between agriculture and sanitation. From 1988 to 2008, I served as an associate professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at Tribhuvan University (TU), where I accumulated 20 years of teaching and consulting experience in urban and rural water supply, wastewater management, solid waste management, environmental impact assessments, and life cycle assessments.

In terms of project experience, I was the project manager for the Horizon 2020 EU project SiEUGreen (No. 774233), with a budget of €7 million. Additionally, I led the Life Cycle Analysis component of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-funded project, "Evaluation of Decentralized Small-Scale Sanitation (4S)" (Project amount: US $900,000). I also headed the NUFU-funded postgraduate program in Environmental Engineering at the Institute of Engineering (IOE), TU, from 1997 to 2001. At the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), I was involved in the development of NOMA funded Master’s program in Sustainable Water and Sanitation Health and Development from 2008 to 2014.

My current research interests include:

  • Circular Nutrient Economy: Closing the nutrient loop by recycling nutrients from household waste back into agricultural systems to reduce dependence on synthetic fertilizers.
  • Greywater and Blackwater Treatment: Sustainable treatment of household wastewater (greywater, blackwater) for safe reuse in agricultural irrigation.
  • Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Research on the interconnections between water recycling, energy use, and food production in agriculture.
  • Climate Resilience: Studying how waste-derived soil amendments contribute to building climate-resilient soils that can better withstand drought, flooding, and other stressors.
  • Economic Viability: Assessing the economic benefits of waste-to-resource technologies in agricultural applications.
  • Life Cycle Assessment (LCA): Evaluating the environmental impacts (e.g., carbon footprint, water use) of using recovered resources from domestic waste in agriculture.
  • Smart Agriculture: Integrating resource recovery with digital agriculture tools (e.g., sensors, IoT) for precision farming and efficient resource use.
  • Publikasjoner

    Liste med publikasjoner fra min forskning. (Cristin)

    Some selected publications

    2024-05                        Examining the effect of agrochemicals on soil microbiological activity, micronutrient availability, and uptake by Maize (Zea mays L) plants (Submitted and Accepted in Journal of Agroeconomy)

    2021-05                        Intervention mapping as a framework for planning the implementation of urine diversion toilets and Ecosan education in a community school in Kavre, Nepal. Waterlines

    2020-10                        Type: Article Title: Pre-Implementation Perceptions Among Teachers on the Use of Ecological Sanitation and Application of Human Urine as Fertilizer. International Education Studies 13(11):55

    2020-10                        Type: Article Title: Immediate influences of hygiene education sessions on handwashing behaviors of selected Nepali students. Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development 10 (1)

    2020-05                        Type: Article Title: Pre-implementation Perceptions Among Teachers on the Use of Ecological Sanitation and Application of Human Urine as Fertilizer. Research Square           

    2015-01                        Type: Article Title: Reed Beds for Sludge Dewatering and Stabilization Publishing: Journal of Environmental Protection, 6 (04): 341. Degree: Other Co-author(s): Jenssen, P. D.

    2013-12                        Type: Article Title: Comparison of vertical and horizontal flow planted and unplanted subsurface flow wetlands treating municipal wastewater Publishing: Water Science & Technology, 68, 117-123. Degree: Other Co-  author(s): Krogstad, T. & Jenssen, P. D.

    2010-09                        Type: Article Title: Feasibility study of municipal wastewater treatment using pilot scale constructed wetlands       in Nepal Publishing: 12th IWA International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control,   Venice, Italy. 769-775 pp Degree: Other Co-author(s): Kansakar, B. R., Tare, V. & Jenssen, P. D.

    2006-03                        Type: Article Title: Chromium and Nickel Removal in Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetlands Publishing: Journal of Institute of Engineering, Vol. 3 (1) Degree: Other Co-author(s): Sitaula, N

    2005-11                        Type: Article Title: Water Quality Assessment of the Bagmati River Using Biotic Index Publishing: The Nepalese Journal of Engineering (NJOE).Vol.1(1)


  • Mer om meg og CV

    Education/Academic Qualifications

    2015-06                        Ph.D. The Norwegian university of Life Sciences.

    1995-10 - 1997-06         Master of science in sanitary engineering, International Institute for Infrastructural, Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Delft, The Netherlands.

    1984-07 - 1988-07         Bachelor’s in civil engineering.  University of Roorkee (renamed as Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee wef. 2001), Roorkee, India

    Work experience

    2002-03 - 2008-09         Associate Professor. Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal.

    Coordinator, Post Graduate Program in Environmental Engineering (Responsible for supervising M.Sc. classes, Preparation of training material and supervising M.Sc. theses research works. Lab in-charge of environmental engineering Laboratory)

    Sept. 19917 - July 1998 (Deputy head of Department, civil engineering Department),

    1988-10 - 2002-03         Lecturer; Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal


    Teaching / mentor Qualifications

    2010-08 - 2022-08         Norwegian University of Life sciences, Ås, Norway. Courses Taught : THT 282; THT 383;and THT 384; Co-supervised – 1 PhD student; Supervised: 7 MSc.  Student; Co-supervision of 5 MSc. students

    2016-08 – to date          University of Oslo ; Guest lecturer - INTHE4013: Human and microbial ecology. Infectious disease control

    1988-10 - 2008-10         Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal; Course Taught, Water supply engineering, Wastewater engineering design,

                                           Solid waste management, Environmental Impact Assessment; Supervised 36 MSc. thesis students

    Project  / Research  Experience

    2018-01 – 2022-12        Project at NMBU: Sino-European innovative green and smart cities (SiEUGreen )/ Project Manager  responsible for daily operations

    Project Coordination;  Budget planning;  Reporting responsible ;Strategic planning and Dissemination;  Funding source: EU / size: NO 72 million


    2016-01- 2023-06          Project at NMBU: “Innovations in teaching and learning through contextualized approaches to   increase the quality, relevance and sustainability of education in Nepal”       RUPANTARAN Responsible for Ecosan component ; Funding source: NORAD / size: NOK 15 million

    2022-03- 2026-03          Project at NMBU: Capacity building in Integrated Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for ONE HEALTH WASH4ONEHEALTH)                     Project team leader from NMBU  Funding source: DIKU / size: NOK 8 million

    2016-01- 2017-06           Project at NMBU: Evaluation of decentralized small-scale sanitation (4S)”  Team leader from NMBU  Funding source: Bill Gate Foundation / size: NOK 6 million

    2008-10 - 2014-12         Project at NMBU: NOMA project- Development of MSc. program in sustainable water supply, sanitation and health;  Scope / workload: Cordinating NOMA program activities  Funding source: SIU (Now DIKU)/ size: NOK 8 million

    Some other project Experiences
    2008-10 - 2014-12 Project: NOMA
    Scope / workload: Coordinate NOMA program activities between Nepal, Pakistan and Norway (NMBU); Funding source: SIU Economy / size: NOK 8 million

    2007-02 - 2007-11 Project: Community-based Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Nepal Scope / workload: Assisting Community Based Organization (CBO) in planning and design of community water supply schemes, Prepared Initial environmental examination (IEE) guideline for the selection of schemes.
    Funding source: ADB project No 32249/loan No. 2008

    2004-08 - 2004-12 Project: Environment Sector Programme Support; Nepal (IEM/ESPS/DANIDA) Scope / workload: Lead Trainer for Training on Environmental Impact Assessment, Preparation of training resource kit on EIA including training plan, participants work book and source book and trainers guide ; Funding source: DANIDA

    2003-07 - 2003-11 Project: Municipal Governance and Environmental Sustainability Project in Nepal Scope / workload: Assisted/trained municipality engineers to plan, design and prepare project proposal (for donor funding): Water supply project in Waling municipality, Solid waste Management project in Siddhartha Nagar Municipality and Sewerage and wastewater treatment ;Funding source: Municipality Association of Canada

    2000-12 - 2001-04 Project: Harishiddhi Satellite Town Development Project Scope / workload: Environmentalist- - Identified the environmental (Physical,
    biological and Socio-economic) issues that need to be incorporated in the urban planning process; Preliminary design of low cost wastewater treatment facilities Funding source: Ministry of Housing and Physical Planning

    1999-12 - 2000-10 Project: Melamchi Water Supply Project ; Scope / workload: Environment specialist- Review of the detailed design, Preparation
    of environmental impact statement, conducting public hearings regarding project particulars and environmental impact review, assist clients with environmental
    compliance matters Environmental Impact Assessment Report Environmental management plan Funding source: Asian Development Bank, World Bank, Gulf foundation.

    1999-04 - 1999-11 Project: Water Resources Strategy Formulation, Phase-II Scope / workload: Environmental Management Specialist- Prepared report on environmental issues in the formulation of national water resources development policy Funding source: World Bank