I graduated as civil engineer and latter (PhD) specialized in in utilizing natural systems for wastewater treatment, focusing on closing the loop between agriculture and sanitation. From 1988 to 2008, I served as an associate professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at Tribhuvan University (TU), where I accumulated 20 years of teaching and consulting experience in urban and rural water supply, wastewater management, solid waste management, environmental impact assessments, and life cycle assessments.
In terms of project experience, I was the project manager for the Horizon 2020 EU project SiEUGreen (No. 774233), with a budget of €7 million. Additionally, I led the Life Cycle Analysis component of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-funded project, "Evaluation of Decentralized Small-Scale Sanitation (4S)" (Project amount: US $900,000). I also headed the NUFU-funded postgraduate program in Environmental Engineering at the Institute of Engineering (IOE), TU, from 1997 to 2001. At the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), I was involved in the development of NOMA funded Master’s program in Sustainable Water and Sanitation Health and Development from 2008 to 2014.
My current research interests include: