Lindis Skipperud

Lindis Skipperud


  • Seksjon for miljøkjemi

Professor and head of the Isotope Laboratory and the Environmental Chemistry Section with years of experience within environmental chemistry, radiochemistry and radioecology, and has published over 100 papers in the international literature, more that 50 is in peer-review journals and books and book chapters. I am responsible for managing courses and laboratory training at the Isotope Laboratory and is substantially involved in post-graduate education including the European MSc program in Radioecology. I have been actively involved in international collaboration, i.e. EU projects within nuclear education and training area and other EURATOM projects, NATO programs and bilateral projects. Research interests have been radiochemistry and environmental chemistry, speciation and kinetics, radioecology and the use of isotopes to study environmental processes. The recent work has been focusing on mobility and bioavailability studies of radionuclides and metals together with method development and tracer techniques, particularly directed towards the transuranics and other “exotic” radionuclides using different MS instruments (AMS, ICP-MS). Another field of research interest is measurements and environmental behaviour of NORM nuclides together with important trace metals. I have experience from fieldwork and sample work related to the Chernobyl accident, both in Ukraine, Belarus and Norway, and from dumped waste in the Kara Sea and in Novaya Zemlya fjords, radioactive releases from Mayak PA and Krasnoyarsk plants in Ural, Russia and from Sellafield, UK and La Hague, France, together with contaminated uranium mining sites in Central-Asian Countries and metal contamination in Ethiopia.