Natural resources have political as well as physical energy. State and corporate claims for energy and resource security frequently fail to align with local concerns for sustainable livelihoods or popular sovereignty.
My research largely considers the causes and histories of this misalignment. It considers the dynamics of conflicts it produces in the present. It also aims to explore and identify possible appropriate and legitimate political and legal responses to the worst social and environmental consequences of these developments.
As such my work makes good use of theoretical insights drawn from political anthropology, the political economy of Latin America and a growing political ecology of the subterranean. It highlights the terrible socio-economic disparities, violence and epistemological conflicts at work. It furthermore encourages a co-productive dialogue betweeen indigenous and peasant communities, researchers, development practitioners and policy-makers both within and without the region.
Liste med publikasjoner fra min forskning. (Cristin)
McNeish, J.A (2024) The Problematic Political Ecology of the Atrato Ruling, Colombia. International Journal of Human Rights. 10.1080/13642987.2024.2324121
Postero, N; McNeish, J.A; Ruckstuhl, K & Velasquez, I.A Eds (2023) Indigenous Futures: A Critical Reader to Indigenous Development. Routledge.
McNeish, J.A (2023) Indigenous Peoples: Extraction and Extractivism. Chapter in Postero, N; McNeish, J.A; Ruckstuhl, K & Velasquez, I.A Eds (2022 forthcoming) Indigenous Futures: A Critical Reader to Indigenous Development. Routledge.
McNeish, J.A (2023) The River as Subject: Legal Innovations and their Consequence for Human Development. Chapter in Bull, B (ed) Handbook on International Development and Environment. Routledge.
McNeish, J.A; Matute, A: Rojas, E & Fruhling Ehrlich, H (2022) Comparative Perspectives on Community Based Policing in Latin America. Journal of Human Security.
McNeish, J.A (2021) Sovereign Forces: Everyday Challenges to Natural Resource Governance in Latin America. Berghahn Books
Shapiro, J & McNeish, J Eds (2021) Our Extractive Age: Expressions of Violence and Resistance. Routledge
McNeish, J; Martinez- Prado, S & Fruhling Ehrlich, H (2019) Community-Based Policing in Nicaragua: Do the Claims of Communitarian, Proactive and Preventative Hold True? Journal of Human Security Vol 15. Issue 2. Librello. See:
McNeish, J (2018) Resource Extraction and Conflict in Latin America. Introduction to Special Issue on Extractive Violence. Colombia Internacional. Issue 93.
McNeish (2017) A Vote to Derail Extraction. Popular Consultation and Resource Sovereignty in Tolima, Colombia. Third World Quarterley. Vol 38. Issue 5. pp 1128-1145.
McNeish, J (2016) Extracting Justice? Colombia´s Commitment to Mining and Energy as a Foundation for Peace. International Journal of Human Rights. Issue 4. pp500-516.
McNeish, J; Borchgrevink, A & Logan, O Eds (2015) Contested Powers: The Politics of Energy and Development in Latin America. Zed Books.
McNeish, J & Borchgrevink, A (2015) Recovering Power from Energy: Reconsidering the Linkages Between Energy and Development. In McNeish, J; Borchgrevink, A & Logan, O eds. Contested Powers: The Politics of Energy and Development in Latin America. Zed Books: London & NY
McNeish, J (2015) Latin America Transformed? In McNeish, J; Borchgrevink, A & Logan, O eds. Contested Powers: The Politics of Energy and Development in Latin America. Zed Books: London & NY
Logan, O & McNeish, J (2015) From King ́s Peace to Transition Society. In McNeish, J; Borchgrevink, A & Logan, O eds. Contested Powers: The Politics of Energy and Development in Latin America. Zed Books: London & NY
McNeish, J (2015) The Devil Never Left: Indigeneity and Protest in Morales’ Bolivia. Chapter in Berg-Norlie, M; Saglie, J & Sullivan, A (eds) Indigenous Politics: Institutions, Representation, Mobilization. ECPR Publications. Colchester: UK
McNeish, J; Rojas Andrade, G & Vallejo, C (2015) Striking a New Balance: Civil Military Relations in Colombia at a Time of Hope. CMI Working Paper Series 05. ISSN: 0804-3639
McNeish, J (2015) A Hawk in Dove ́s Feathers: Colombian Civil-Military Relations Under Santos. CMI Insight Series February No.1.
Sieder, R & McNeish, J Eds (2014) Genero y Justicia Plural: Perspectivas Africanas y Latinoamericanos. CIESAS Mexico.
Sieder, R & McNeish, J (2013) Introduction. In Seider, R & McNeish, J (eds). Gender Justice and Legal Pluralities: African and Latin American Perspectives. Routledge: London & NY
McNeish, J & Arteaga Bohrt, A.C (2013) An Accumulated Rage: Legal Pluralism and Gender Justice in Bolivia. In Seider, R & McNeish, J (eds) (2012) Gender Justice and Legal Pluralities: African and Latin American Perspectives. Routledge: London & NY
McNeish, J (2013) Extraction, Protest and Indigeneity in Bolivia: The TIPNIS Effect. Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies (LACES). Taylor & Francis. Volume 8 Issue 2. pp. 221- 242.
McNeish, J & Logan, O Eds (2012) Flammable Societies: Studies in the Socio-Economics of Oil and Gas. Pluto Press.
Logan, O & McNeish, J (2012) Rethinking Responsibility and Governance in Resource Extraction. In McNeish, J.A & Logan, O (eds) (2012) Flammable Societies: Studies in the Socio-Economics of Oil and Gas. Pluto Press: London & NY.
McNeish, J (2012) On Curses and Devils: Resource Wealth and Sovereignty in an Autonomous Tarija, Bolivia. In McNeish, J.A & Logan, O (eds) (2012) Flammable Societies: Studies in the Socio-Economics of Oil and Gas. Pluto Press: London & NY.
McNeish, J & Logan, O (2012) All Other Things Do Not Remain Equal. In McNeish, J.A & Logan, O (eds) (2012) Flammable Societies: Studies in the Socio-Economics of Oil and Gas. Pluto Press: London & NY.
McNeish, J (2012) The Multiple Forms of Violence in Guatemala. In Suhrke, A & Berdal, M (eds) The Peace Inbetween: Post-War Violence and Peacebuilding. Routledge: London & NY
McNeish, J (2012) More than Beads and Feathers: The Indigenous Problem in Latin America. In Haarstad, H (ed) New Political Spaces in Latin American Natural Resource Governance. Palgrave Macmillan. London & NY
McNeish, J & Irias, A (2012) Evaluation of the Norwegian National Labour Union ́s Support to the Cuban Workers Unions. See: globalassets/import-2162015-80434-am/ evaluations/evaluation-of-cooperation-between-lo-norway-and-the-ctc- cuba.pdf
McNeish, J (2011) Rethinking Resource Conflict. 2011 World Development Report Background Paper. See:
McNeish, J.A.; Camargo, M & Pedroni, L. (2011). Real-Time Evaluation of Norway's International Climate and Forest Initiative. Contributions to National REDD+ Processes 2007-2010. Country Report: Brazil Evaluation Report (Vol. 13/2010). Oslo: Norad.
Barrientos, C; Alvarez Aragon; McNeish, J.A (2011) Guatemala Case Study: Child Rights. Commissioned by Norad and Sida. Sida UTV Working Paper 1. ISBN 978-91-586-4169-3
McNeish, J.A & Sande Lie, J. (eds) (2010) Security and Development. Berghahn Books: Social Analysis/Critical Interventions Series. UK.
McNeish, J & Sande Lie (2010) Hearts and Minds: A Security Development Nexus? In McNeish, J.A & Sand Lie, J. (eds) Security and Development. Berghahan Books: Social Analysis/Critical Interventions Series. UK
McNeish, J (2010) Securing Resources Through Exceptional Means. In McNeish, J.A & Sand Lie, J. (eds) Security and Development. Berghahan Books: Social Analysis/Critical Interventions Series. UK
McNeish, J (2010) Estrategias para la gestion de agua en los Andes y mas alla. In Poupeau, F & Gonzalez, C eds. Modelos de gestion de agua en los Andes. IFEA; Embajada de Francia en Bolivia; PIEB. Tomo 6. ISBN: 978-9972-623-67-7. pp 297-327. See: publicaciones/articulo.php?codart=2061
McNeish, J (2010) Sobre Maldiciones y Demonios: Hidrocarburos y soberanía. In Wanderley, F (ed) Hidrocarburos, política y sociedad. UMBRALES 20 Abril. CIDES: La Paz
Enghoff, M; Jørgensen, A; McNeish.J.A; Baltazar Jørgensen, A; Arnegaard, T (2009) Joint Review of IWGIA ́s framework agreements with Danida and Norad. Norad Report Review no. 10. ISBN 978-82-7548-391-9. See http:// agreements-with.pdf
McNeish, J.A (2008) Beyond the Permitted Indian? Bolivia and Guatemala in an Era of Neoliberal Developmentalism. Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies. Vol 3, No.1 Routledge: Taylor and Francis.
McNeish, J.A (2008) Constitutionalism in an Insurgent State: Rethinking the Legal Empowerment of the Poor in a Divided Bolivia. In Banik, D (ed) Rights and Legal Empowerment in Eradicating Poverty. Ashgate Publications. UK.
McNeish, J.A (2008) The Ugly Poetics of Violence in Post−Accord Guatemala. Forum for Development Studies: Nordic Journal of Development Research. Vol 35. Number 1. Universitetsforlaget.
McNeish, J.A (2008) Beyond the Permitted Indian? Bolivia and Guatemala in an Era of Neoliberal Developmentalism. Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies. Vol 3, No.1 Routledge: Taylor and Francis.
McNeish, J.A (2007) Fighting for Prosperity: Reflections on the Crisis and the Politics of Poverty in Bolivia. Iberoamericana: Nordic Journal of Latin American Studies. VOL XXXVI, pp 107−132
McNeish, J.A (2007) Review of Postero, N (2006) Now We are Citizens: Indigenous Politics in Post−multicultural Bolivia. Journal of Latin American Studies. University of London.
Eversole, R; McNeish, J.A; Cimadamore, A (eds) (2006) Pueblos Indígenas y Pobreza desde una perspectiva multi-disciplinario. Buenos Aires: Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales.
Frode F. Jacobsen and John-Andrew McNeish (eds) (2006) From Where Life Flows: The Local Knowledge and Politics of Water in the Andes.Trondheim: Tapir Academic Press.
McNeish, J.A (2006) The Politics of Water in Bolivia. In Jacobsen, F & McNeish, J.A (eds) From Where Life Flows: Local Water Management Strategies and Poverty Reduction in the Highlands and Lowlands of Bolivia and Ecuador. Tapir Akademiske Forlag.
McNeish, J ( 2006) Stones on the Road: The Politics of Participation and the Generation of Crisis in Bolivia. In Lazar & McNeish (eds) Bulletin of Latin American Research Vol 25:2. Wiley Blackwells: Cambridge.
McNeish, J (2006) New Publications on Protest and Possibility in Bolivia: A Critical Review Essay. IberoAmericana XXXVI. Inst. of Latin American Studies. University of Stockholm.
Eversole, R; McNeish, J.A; Cimadamore, A (eds) (2005) Indigenous Peoples and Poverty in International Perspective. CROP Series in Poverty Studies. Zed Books: London and NY.
McNeish, J (2005) The Right to Self-Determination. In Eversole, R; McNeish, J.A; Cimadamore, A (2005) Indigenous Peoples and Poverty in International Perspective. CROP Series in Poverty Studies. Zed Books: London and NY.
McNeish, J (2005) Indigenous People’s Perspectives on Poverty and Development. In Eversole, R; McNeish, J.A; Cimadamore, A (2005) Indigenous Peoples and Poverty in International Perspective. CROP Series in Poverty Studies. Zed Books: London and NY.
McNeish, J & Eversole, R (2005) Poverty, Peoples and the Meaning of Change. In Eversole, R; McNeish, J.A; Cimadamore, A (2005) Indigenous Peoples and Poverty in International Perspective. CROP Series in Poverty Studies. Zed Books: London and NY.
McNeish, J (2005) Poverty, Policy and "Sleight of Hand" in Bolivia and Latin America. Chapter in The Poverty of the State: Reconsidering the Role of the State in the Struggle against Global Poverty. Cimadamore, A, Dean, H y Siqueira, J (eds). Buenos Aires: Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales.
McNeish, J (2005) "Luchando para la Prosperidad: Reflexiones sobre él crisis y la politica de pobreza en Bolivia". Chapter in Alvarez, S (ed) Trabajo y la Produccion de Pobreza. Buenos Aires : Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales.
McNeish, J (2005) "Luchando para la Prosperidad: Reflexiones sobre el crisis y la politica de pobreza en Bolivia". Chapter in Lopez Rivera, O (ed) La Pobreza: Un Problema de Todos. Memoria del Seminario Internacional Agosto 2004. FLACSO Guatemala.
McNeish J.A. (2005) "An Insurgent Bolivia at the start of the 21st Century". LAG Magazine. Oslo.
McNeish, J (2003) Globalization and the Reinvention of Andean Tradition: The Politics of Community and Ethnicity in Highland Bolivia. In Brass, T (ed) Latin American Peasants. Frank Cass: London & Portland.
McNeish, J. A (2002) Globalisation and the Reinvention of Andean Tradition. Chapter in Latin American Peasants. Library of Peasant Studies 21. Frank Cass: London & New York.
McNeish, J.A (2001) Pueblo Chico, Infierno Grande: Globalisation and the Politics of Participation. PhD Thesis. University of London.
ECN 352 Poverty
EDS 349 Energy and Society
EDS305 Development Theory and Policy
EDS333 Practicum
McNeish successfully completed PPUN400 Course in University Pedagogy (Universitetspedagogikk for vitenskapelige ansatte) in May 2022
Dual Norwegian/British
English, Norwegian, Spanish
Professor of International Environment and Development Studies.
McNeish is a Social Anthropologist who has worked in the field of international/global environment and development studies for over 20 years. His research has primarily focused on energy and natural resource politics, indigenous and gender rights, and the operation of the development -security nexus. The majority of this work has been conducted on the basis of long-term field research in several Latin American countries. He currently teaches courses and supervisors postgraduate students in the Global Development and International Environmental Masters Programmes at NMBU.