Jin Xue

Jin Xue


  • Institutt for by- og regionsplanlegging

Jin Xue is professor in urban and regional sustainability planning. Her research interests are in urban and housing sustainable development, second-home planning, post-growth urban development and planning, urban futures based on scenario planning, and critical realism. 

  • Fagfelt
    • Sustainable urban and housing development
    • Degrowth and urban planning
    • Scenario planning
    • Second-home planning
    • Critical Realism
  • Publikasjoner

    Liste med publikasjoner fra min forskning. (Cristin)


    Xue, J. (2014). Economic growth and sustainable housing: an Uneasy relationship. London: Routledge.

    International peer-reviewed scientific journal papers

    Overvåg, K., Xue, J., Steffansen, R. N., & Singsaas, M. (2024). Land use planning as an instrument for more environmentally sustainable second-home developments: Hindrances and potentials. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift-Norwegian Journal of Geography, 1-12.

    Mapis, C., & Xue, J. (2024). Mountains of meaning: the empty signification of environmental sustainability in Norwegian second-home planning. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 1-23.

    Kronenberg, J., Andersson, E., Elmqvist, T., Łaszkiewicz, E., Xue, J., & Khmara, Y. (2024). Cities, planetary boundaries, and degrowth. The Lancet Planetary Health, 8(4), e234-e241.

    Steffansen, R. N., Xue, J., Stefansdottir, H., & Næss, P. (2022). Perceptions and Justifications of Environmental Impacts of Second Home Use: A Norwegian Study. Environment, Space, Place14(2), 104-131.

    Xue, J., & Kębłowski, W. (2022). Editorial: Spatialising degrowth, degrowing urban planning. Local Environment, 27(4), 397-403.

    Xue, J. (2022). A critical realist theory of ideology: Promoting planning as a vanguard of societal transformation. Planning Theory, 14730952211073330.

    Xue, J. (2021). Urban planning and degrowth: a missing dialogue. Local Environment. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13549839.2020.1867840  

    Mete, S., & Xue, J. (2020). Integrating environmental sustainability and social justice in housing development: two contrasting scenarios. Progress in Planning. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.progress.2020.100504

    Xue, J., Næss, P., Stefansdottir, H., Steffansen, R. & Richardson, T. (2020). The hidden side of Norwegian cabin fairytale: climate implications of multi-dwelling lifestyle. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 1-26.

    Næss, P., Xue, J., Stefansdottir, H., Steffansen, R. & Richardson, T. (2019). Second home mobility and climate impacts: travel modes, considerations and justifications. Journal of Transport Geography, 79(1-12).

    Nørgård, J. & Xue, J. (2017). From green growth towards a sustainable real economy. The myth of decoupling, rebound effects, and the I=P*A*T equation. Real-World Economics Review, 80.

    Xue, J. (2017). Eco-metropolis planning conditioned by the growth ideology: The case of Greater Copenhagen. Urban Design and Planning, 1-10.

    Xue, J., Walnum, H. J., Aall, C., Næss, P. (2016). Two contrasting scenarios for a zero-emission future in a high-consumption society. Sustainability, 9(20).

    Xue, J. (2014). Is eco-village / urban village the future of a degrowth society? An urban planner's perspective. Ecological Economics, 105: 130-138.

    Xue, J. (2014). Sustainable housing development: decoupling or degrowth? A comparative study of Copenhagen and Hangzhou.   Environment and Planning C, 33.

    Xue, J. (2012). A critical realist perspective on decoupling negative environmental impacts from housing sector growth and economic growth. Journal of Critical Realism, 11 (4): 438-461.

    Xue, J. (2012). Potentials for decoupling housing-related environmental impacts from economic growth. Environmental Development, 4: 18-35.

    Xue, J. (2012). Limits to decoupling strategies for sustainable housing development: The Hangzhou experience. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 55 (8): 1004-1021.

    Xue, J. (2012). Indicators of decoupling housing-related environmental impacts from economic growth. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 27 (4): 495-516.

    Xue, J., Arler, F. & Næss, P. (2012). Is the degrowth debate relevant to China? Environment, Development and Sustainability, 14 (1): 85-109.

    Xue, J., Næss, P., Yao, Y. & Li, F. (2011). The challenge of sustainable mobility in urban planning and development: A comparative study of the Copenhagen and Hangzhou metropolitan areas. International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development, 3 (2): 185-206.


    Chapters of international scientific books

    Xue, J. (2022). Planning law and post-growth transformation. In: F. Savini, A. Ferreira & K. C. Schönfeld (eds.) Post-Growth Planning: Foundations for an Urbanization Beyond the Market Economy. New York: Routledge.

    Xue, J. (2018). Housing for degrowth: Space, planning and distribution. In: A. Nelson & F. Schneider (eds.) Housing for Degrowth: Principles, Models, Challenges and Opportunities. London: Routledge. In press.

    Stefansdottir, H. (2018). The quality of small dwellings in a neighborhood context. In: A. Nelson & F. Schneider (eds.) Housing for Degrowth: Principles, Models, Challenges and Opportunities. London: Routledge. In press.

    Xue, J. (2016). Arguments for and against economic growth. In: P. Næss & L. Price (eds.) Crisis System: A Critical realist and critical environmental critique of contemporary economics. London: Routledge.

    Xue, J. (2016). China at the crossroad: ecological modernization or ecosocialism? In: P. Næss & L. Price (eds.) Crisis System: A Critical realist and critical environmental critique of contemporary economics. London: Routledge.

    Næss, P. & Xue, J. (2016). Housing standards, environmental sustainability and social welfare. In: P. Næss & L. Price (eds.) Crisis System: A Critical realist and critical environmental critique of contemporary economics. London: Routledge.

    Nørgård, J. & Xue, J. (2016). Between Green Growth and Degrowth: Decoupling, Rebound Effects and the Politics for Long-Term Sustainability. In: Santorius, T., H. J. Walnum & C. Aall (eds.) Rethinking Climate and Energy Policies. Springer.

    Popular journal papers

    Xue, J. (2022). Bærekraftig bosetting – et sammensatt spørsmål av rom, livsstil og valgfrihet. Nyt Fokus, 20: 36-39. http://www.nytfokus.nu/nummer-20/

    Xue, J. (2021). Hva kan være en bærekraftig hytteutbygging i framtiden? Dekar, 5: 40-41. https://issuu.com/magasinetdekar/docs/eiendomsmagasinet_dekar_5_nett?fbclid=IwAR14PBECuZ-ea_1iaDwFL4CpFN0qeu6nEQfQoya6Rw0-yeUsp3iV4pp4xIk

    Næss, P. & Xue, J. (2016). Boligstandard, bærekraft og rettferdig fordeling. Rødt, 2: 34-45.


    Book reviews

    Xue, J. (2011). Book review: Explaining Society: Critical Realism in the Social Science. Journal of Architectural / Planning Research and Studies, 8 (2): 153-155.

    Xue, J. (2010). Book review: Towards a Sustainable Northern European Housing Stock. Journal of Architectural / Planning Research and Studies, 7 (1): 129-131.

    Opinion pieces

    Stefansdottir, H. & Xue, J. (2024). Skipulagning frístundahúsabyggða á tímum náttúru- og loftslagskreppu. https://www.bbl.is/skodun/a-faglegum-notum/skipulagning-fristundahusabyggda-a-timum-natturu--og-loftslagskreppu

    Xue, J., Singsass, M., Steffensen, R. N. (2022). Statens nye veileder for hytteutbygging svarer ikketil problemene. Morgenbladet. https://www.morgenbladet.no/ideer/kronikk/2022/12/08/statens-nye-veileder-for-hytteutbygging-svarer-ikke-til-problemene/

    Xue, J. (2020). Den norske hytta – fra nærhet til naturen til klimaversting. Aftenposten. https://www.aftenposten.no/meninger/debatt/i/86PRwE/den-norske-hytta-fra-naerhet-til-naturen-til-klimaversting

    Xue, J. (2016). Vi må tenke nytt om bærekraftig byutvikling. Aftenposten. http://www.aftenposten.no/meninger/debatt/Stopp-eneboligbyggingen_-begrens-reisingen-og-reguler-bilholdet--Jin-Xue-605231b.html

    Xue, J. (2013). Does city growth have to sacrifice the environment? Chinadialogue, https://www.chinadialogue.net/article/show/single/en/6397-Does-city-growth-have-to-sacrifice-the-environment-

    Contributions to journalist articles/media

    2024 Podcast for Planning Theory. https://sagepolitical.libsyn.com/discussion-with-jin-xue

    2023 Cristiano, S. (2023). A scientific conversation with Jin Xue on socio-ecological sustainability and post-growth spatial design and planning. Tracce urbane. Rivista italiana transdisciplinare di studi urbani, 10(14), 28-39.

    2023 Fritidspendlerne. Weekendavisen. https://www.weekendavisen.dk/2023-27/ideer/fritidspendlerne

    2023 Podcast Degrowth and the Future of Sustainable Planning. https://anchor.fm/political-ecology-forum/episodes/Episode-5-Degrowth-and-the-Future-of-Sustainable-Planning-e1u1dke/a-a9831la

    2022 Podcast Becoming a Post-Growth planner (#14). https://www.postgrowthplanning.com/podcast/becoming-a-post-growth-planner-14-jin-xue/

    2021 Norsk natur har en halv million hytter. Er det nok nå? Forksning.no. https://forskning.no/klima-naturvern-skog/norsk-natur-har-en-halv-million-hytter-er-det-nok-na/1904131     

    2021 Etterlyser en nasjonal hyttepolitikk. Morgenbladet.  https://www.morgenbladet.no/aktuelt/2021/08/13/den-moderne-norske-hytta-er-en-klimaversting/

    2018 Teknologien kan ikke redde oss fra klimakatastrofe. Forksning.no. https://forskning.no/klima-partner-nmbu-norges-miljo-og-biovitenskapelige-universitet/teknologien-kan-ikke-redde-oss-fra-klimakatastrofe/289589

    2014 Predictions for China’s environment in 2014. Chinadialogue. https://www.chinadialogue.net/blog/6609-Predictions-for-China-s-environment-in-2-14/en  

  • Undervisning

    Responsible for course:

    • APL360 Planning for Sustainable Urban Regions (15 ECTs) https://www.nmbu.no/en/course/apl360 
    • SDP416 Critical realism in environment, development and planning studies (5 ECTs) https://www.nmbu.no/en/course/SDP416 



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