Ingrid L. P. Nyborg

Ingrid L. P. Nyborg


  • Institutt for internasjonale miljø- og utviklingsstudier, Noragric

Ingrid Nyborg spent the early years of her career working with research and education programs in agriculture and resource management issues in Africa and South Asia. She now specializes in post-conflict and post-crisis development in South Asia, with a focus on Pakistan and Afghanistan. She has since 2005 been studying rural livelihoods in Afghanistan, focusing on participatory methods and co-production of knowledge with local development organizations as an example of capacity-building research. Her focus in Pakistan has been the study of human security, gender and development in the Swat Valley, where she explores how local perceptions of security and development compare with the policy narratives. She also is studying humanitarian policy and social vulnerability to climate change in Pakistan, where she has conducted fieldwork in Swat and Sindh, areas hard hit by the 2010 superfloods. In 2015 she received funding from the EC Horizon 2020 research program for a five-year study of Community-Based Policing in Post-Conflict Police Reform. This is a global study of 11 case countries where she and her team of international researchers are studying examples of alternative, non-militarized forms of policing which focus on trust-building, and broader understandings of security and well-being, as well as the use of ICT.  She is currently the Head of the Center for Community-Based Policing and Post-Conflict Police Reform (ICT4COP Center), based at the Department of International Environment and Development Studies, Norwegian University of Life Sciences.


  • Fagfelt
    • Post-Conflict/Crisis Development
    • Gender and Development
    • ICT/Technology and Development
    • Human Security
    • Power Relations
  • Publikasjoner

    Liste med publikasjoner fra min forskning. (Cristin)

    Selected list of Publications

    Academic articles in international peer-reviewed journals:

    Ingrid Nyborg (Forthcoming 2022).  ‘Who is the Community in Community-Oriented Policing? Linking Community, Gender and Partnerships in Post-Conflict COP Training.’(Journal of Human Security).

    Abda Khalid and Ingrid Nyborg ( 2021) Gendering Community-Based Policing and the Role of Information and Communication Technologies:  A Case Study of Gender-Based Violence in Pakistan. Journal of Human Security 18(2), 6-22. (DOI) 10.12924/johs2022.18020006

     Nyborg, Ingrid and Bahadar Nawab (2021). Civil Security in the Wake of Crisis - Renegotiating Police-Community Relations in Post-Crisis Development in Swat, Pakistan. Journal of Human Security, 16(2), 134-148. doi:10.12924/johs2021.16020134

    Arifeen, Awais., and Ingrid Nyborg (2021). How humanitarian assistance practices exacerbate vulnerability: Knowledges, authority and legitimacy in disaster interventions in Baltistan, Pakistan. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Vol 54 102027.

    Shah, Qasim Ali, Bahadar Nawab, Ingrid Nyborg, Noor Elahi (2020) The Narrative of Militancy: A Case Study of Swat, Pakistan. Journal of Human Security 16 (2), 55-65. DOI: 10.12924/johs2020.16020055

    Shakir Ullah, Bahadar Nawab, Ingrid Nyborg, Noor Elahi (2020)  The Underlying Causes of Violent Conflict in the North Waziristan Tribal Areas of Pakistan. Civil Wars; Vol 22(1), 114-136.

    Coyne, A Heather and Ingrid Nyborg (2020) Pushing on a String? An Argument for Civil Society-driven Community Policing as Alternative to Ministry-centric Approach in Conflict-affected States. Journal of Human Security 16 (2), 31–43. DOI: 10.12924/johs2020.16020031

    Nyborg, Ingrid and Daniel Juddson Lohmann (2020). Emerging Perspectives on Post-Conflict Police-Community Relations II. Journal of Human Security 16 (2), 1–8. DOI: 10.12924/johs2020.16020001

    Nyborg, Ingrid, Jaishankar Ganapathy and Ajmal Nimruzi (2019). From Guns to Roses: Understanding Community-Oriented Policing in Afghanistan. Journal of Human Security 15 (2), 54-69. doi:10.12924/johs2019.15020054

    Nyborg, Ingrid (2019). Emerging Perspectives on Post-Conflict Police-Community Relations. Journal of Human Security 15(2), 1-6. doi:10.12924/johs2019.15020001

    Nimruzi, Ajmal, Jaishankar Ganapathy and Ingrid Nyborg. (2018) Can Technology Build Trust? Community-Oriented Policing and ICT in Afghanistan. In: Leventakis G., Haberfeld M. (eds) Community-Oriented Policing and Technological Innovations. Springer Briefs in Criminology. Springer, Cham

    Nawab, Bahadar, Shakir Ullah, Ingrid Nyborg and Tahir Maqsood (2019).  Community-Oriented Policing: Political, Institutional and Technical Reforms in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) Police. Journal of Human Security. 15(2), 41-53. doi:10.12924/johs2019.15020041

    Maqsood, Tahir, Sajjad A. Madani, Bahadar Nawab, Shakir Ullah and Ingrid Nyborg (2019). Role of ICT in Community-Oriented Policing in South Asia: Challenges and Opportunities. Journal of Human Security. 15(2), 21-40. doi:10.12924/johs2019.15020021

    Nyborg, Ingrid and Bahadar Nawab (2017). Social Vulnerability and Local Adaptation in Humanitarian Response: The Case of Pakistan.  IDS Bulletin Vol.48:4

    Nawab, Bahadar and Ingrid Nyborg (2017) Climate Change and Disasters: Institutional Complexities and Actors' Priorities for Mitigation, Adaptation and Response. IDS Bulletin Vol.48:4

    Khan, Ihsan Ullah, Shams Ali Baig, Bahadar Nawab, Tahir Mahmood and Ingrid Nyborg (2016).  Analysis of community led total sanitation and its impacts on groundwater and health hygiene. International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering. Vol. 8(9), pp. 113-119

    Elahi, Noor, Ingrid Nyborg & Bahadar Nawab (2015) Participatory Development Practices: A Critical Analysis of Gender Empowerment and Development in Pre- and Post-crises Swat, Pakistan. Forum for Development Studies, 42:2, 333-356.

    Khalid, Abda, Ingrid Nyborg and Bahadar Nawab (2015) Whose property whose authority? Gendering the legal and customary practices in ownership and access to land: A case of Swat, Pakistan. Journal of Rural Studies, Volume 41, pp. 47-58.

    Khan, Kashif. Shanmugaratnam, Nadarajah and Ingrid Nyborg  (2015). Recovering from disasters: A study of livelihoods in post-quake villages in northern Pakistan, Disasters, Vol 39, Issue 2 pp. 185-205.

     Khan, Kashif. and Ingrid Nyborg (2013). False Promises False hopes: Local perspectives on liberal peace building in north-western Pakistan, Forum for development studies Volume 40(2) pp. 261-284.

    Lund, Trine, Ingrid Nyborg, Mai-Guri Sæthre, O. Coulibaly, and M.H. Rahman (2013). Social impacts of an integrated pest management project on urban and peri-urb an vegetable producers in Cotonou, Benin. Ajfand (African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development) Vol. 13 No. 3.

    Nyborg, Ingrid, Bahadar Nawab, (2010) Towards sustainable rural sanitation: the role of the university in participatory technology development in Pakistan.  Science Vision (2010) Vol 15 (1), pp. 51-62.

    Ali, Jawad and Ingrid Nyborg (2010). Corruption or Just an ’Alternative System’? Reassessing the Role of the Forest Department in the Northern Areas of Pakistan. International Forestry Review. Vol 12.(3) pp. 209-220.

    Lund, Trine, Ingrid Nyborg, Mai-Guri Sæthre O. Coulibaly, and M.H. Rahman. (2010) Farmer field school-IPM impacts on urban and peri-urban vegetable producers in Cotonou, Benin. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 19–31

    Lund, Trine; Sæthre, May-Guri; Nyborg, Ingrid; Coulibaly, O.; Rahman, Md Hafizur.
    Increased IPM knowledge among Beninese farmers. Pesticides news 2010 (89) pp. 8-11

    Bed Mani Dahal, Ingrid Nyborg, Bishal Kumar Sitaula and Roshan Man (2009). ’Agricultural intensification: food insecurity to income security in a mid-hill watershed of Nepal’.  International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 7(4), pages 1-12.

    Nawab,  Bahadar and Ingrid L. P. Nyborg (2009). Institutional challenges in water supply and sanitation in Pakistan: revealing the gap between national policy and local experience. Water Policy Vol 11 No 5 pp 582–597

    Tiwari, Krishna R.; Nyborg, Ingrid; Sitaula, Bishal K.; Paudel, Giridhari. (2008). Analysis of the sustainability of upland farming systems in the Middle Mountains region of Nepal. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability Vol 6 (4) s. 289-306

    Tiwari, Krishna R.; Sitaula, Bishal K.; Nyborg, Ingrid; Paudel, Giridhari. (2008). Determinants of farmers' adoption of improved soil conservation technology in a Middle Mountain watershed of Central Nepal. Environmental Management Vol 42 (2) s. 210-222

    Nyborg, Ingrid, Trygve Berg and Jens Aune (2007). New Paradigms in Technology Development: Exploring Innovative Approaches to Linking Agricultural Research and Practice. In: Bissrat Ghebru and Tadesse Mehari (Editors), Innovative Agricultural Approaches of Promoting Food Security in Eritrea: Trends, Challenges and Opportunities for Growth. Proceedings of the Workshop of the Association of Eritreans in Agricultural Sciences (AEAS), 2-3 March, Asmara, Eritrea. University of Bern: Geographica Bernensia, 169pp.

    Nawab, Bahadar, Ingrid Nyborg, Kjell Esser, & Petter D. Jenssen (2006). Cultural preferences in ecological sanitation systems in North West Frontier Province, Pakistan. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 26, pp. 236-246.

    Nyborg, Ingrid and Ruth Haug, (1995) Measuring Household Food Security: A Participatory Process Approach. FORUM for Development Studies, No.1.

    Rochin, Refugio I.; Nyborg, Ingrid (1989). Organizing Credit Cooperatives for Small Fanners: Factors Conducive for Operational Success. Journal of Rural Cooperation - Special Issue, Nos. 1 and 2, (Paper based on MA thesis, presented at the Seventh World Congress for Rural Sociology, Bologna, Italy, June 28, 1988)

    Book chapters, peer reviewed

    Nyborg, Ingrid (2011) ‘When Local Meets Global - Negotiating Rural Livelihoods in the Face of Multiple Security and Development Discourses and Approaches in Afghanistan’. In: The Political Economy of Environment and Development in a Globalised World - Exploring the Frontiers.’ D. Kjosavik and P. Vedeld (eds) Trondheim: Tapir Academic Press. Pp 373-393.


    Nyborg, Ingrid (2002) Yours Today, Mine Tomorrow?  A Study of Women and Men’s Negotiations over Resources in Baltistan, Pakistan.  Noragric PhD Dissertation No. 1, Noragric, Agricultural University of Norway, Ås.

    Non-peer reviewed articles and reports (for policymakers and practitioners)

    Nyborg, Ingrid and Katarzyna Struzińska (2019) ‘Downloading Trust: Can information and communication technology (ICT) help police and communities better address gender-based violence? ICT4COP Policy Brief # 5-2019.

    Nyborg, Ingrid, Jaishankar Ganapathy and Ajmal Nimruzi (2018) ‘Aiming for Trust’.  ICT4COP Policy Brief #1-2018

    Nyborg, Ingrid and Linn Jaeckle (2017) Focused Study Report. Exploring Rural Livelihoods in Afghanistan: A study of two villages in Dai Kundi province.  Noragric Report No. 79

     Nyborg, Ingrid and Bahadar Nawab (2016) ‘On Building Trust With Technology’. ICT4COP Policy Brief #2-2016

    Nyborg, Ingrid (2015) Report on Training Process for Focused Study in Dai Kundi, Afghanistan.

    Nyborg, Ingrid et al (2012) Rural Development in Swat, Pakistan: Understanding Food and Livelihood Security in Post-Conflict Contexts. Noragric Report no. 62.  Department of International Environment and Development Studies, Noragric, Norwegian University of Life Sciences.

    Jenssen, Petter and Ingrid Nyborg (Autumn 2009) ‘Wast (ing) Water’. The New Economy.

    Nyborg, Ingrid, Bahadar Nawab, Ola Hanserud and Gry Synnevåg (2009). Collaborative Workshop on Participatory Research and Capacity Building of Institutions in Afghanistan and Pakistan in Sustainable Sanitation, Noragric Report no. 27. Norwegian University of Life Sciences.

    Nyborg, Ingrid, Aslaug Gotehus and Jalaluddin Akramy (2008). Incorporating Lessons Learned into NCA Kabul’s Rural Development Programs. Report for NCA Afghanistan.

    Nyborg, Ingrid et al. (2007) Exploring Rural Livelihoods in Afghanistan: A Study of 10 Villages in Dai Kundi Province. Norwegian Church Aid Report/ Noragric Working Paper No. 40.

    Nyborg, Ingrid and Bahadar Nawab (2010) Livelihoods, Security and Development in Post-Conflict Swat, NWFP, Pakistan. Workshop Report. Noragric/CIIT.

    Nyborg, Ingrid and Jawad Ali (2005) Exploring Nature, Wealth and Power Issues in Agriculture and Resource Management: A Case Study on the Aga Khan Rural Support Program, Northern Pakistan. University of Georgia, USA/USAID Study.

    Ali, Jawad and Ingrid Nyborg (2005) Exploring Ecological and Socio-Economic Issues for the Improvement of Area Enclosure Management: A Case Study from Ethiopia.  Dryland Coordination Group Report Nr. 38, Ås, Norway. 

    Nchimbi-Msolla, S.; Mlangwa, J.E.D.; Johnsen, Fred Håkon; Nyborg, Ingrid; Mwinjaka, S.; Nyaki, A.S.; Lazaro, E.A.; Kamasho, J.A.; Magayane, F.T.; Iranga, G.M.; Mbaga, S.H.; Mussei, A.N.; Makungu, P.J.; Elanga, A.M.; Mwaseba, Dismas; Madalla, N. (2005). ‘The impact : assessment and perspectives : the case of the project Food Security and Household Income for Smallholder Farmers in Tanzania: Applied Research with Emphasis on Women’. Vol. 2. Morogoro, Tanzania: Sokoine University of Agriculture, TARP II SUA Project 2005 (ISBN 9987422055) 224 s.

    Nchimbi-Msolla, S.; Mlangwa, J.E.D.; Johnsen, Fred Håkon; Nyborg, Ingrid; Mwinjaka, S.; Nyaki, A.S.; Lazaro, E.A.; Kamasho, J.A.; Magayane, F.T.; Iranga, G.M.; Mbaga, S.H.; Mussei, A.N.; Makungu, P.J.; Muzanila, Y.; Elanga, A.M.; Mwaseba, Dismas; Madalla, N. (2005). ‘Adoption of technologies for sustainable livelihoods: assessment of the effects of TARP II-SUA research projects one year after Project completion’. Morogoro, Tanzania: TARP II - SUA Project 2005 (ISBN 9987422136) 312 s. 

    Brouwers, Ria, Paul Clarke, Richard Montgomery, John Cool, Paul Eastman, and Ingrid Nyborg (1995). "Report of the Joint Monitoring Mission to Aga Khan Rural Support Program, Pakistan." Report to the AKRSP Donor Liaison Group, Pakistan.

    Nyborg, Ingrid and Ruth Haug (1995). ‘Measuring Household Food Security: A Participatory Process

    Approach.’ Noragric Working Papers No. 6. Ås.

    Nyborg, Ingrid and Frøydis Kvaløy (1995). "Impact Assessment of the FAO project 'Enhancing the Agricultural Production Capacity of Rural Women' in Nepal." Report for FAO.

    Nyborg, Ingrid and Ruth Haug (1994). "Food Security Indicators for Development Activities by Norwegian NGOs in Mali, Ethiopia and Eritrea. NORAGRIC, SSE-Program.

    Nyborg, Ingrid and Hameed Ullah (1995). "Review of Aga Khan Rural Support Program's (AKRSP) Sustainable Forestry Development Program' report for NORAD.

    Brouwers, Ria, Paul Clarke, Anne Coles, John Cool, Paul Eastman, and Ingrid Nyborg (1994). "Report of the Joint Monitoring Mission to Aga Khan Rural Support Program, Pakistan." Report to the AKRSP Donor Liason Group, Pakistan.

    Nyborg, Ingrid, Robert Mitchell, Dr. Sindhu Phadke, Jan Erik Studsrød (1993). "Mid-Term Evaluation of the Sadguru Water and Development Foundation's Five-Year Plan." for NORAD, Aga Khan Foundation and SWDF.

    Navrud, Ståle and Ingrid Nyborg (1992). "Social Costs and Benefits of Desert Locust Control and Alternative Actions: A Case Study in Sudan." for Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

    Shanmugaratnam, Anne Mossige, Ingrid Nyborg and An-Magritt Jensen (1992). ‘From Natural Resource Degradation and Poverty to Sustainable Development in Malawi: A Study of Population-Environment-Agriculture Nexus’, for the World Bank.

    Nyborg, Ingrid L . P., Taylor, A.A ., Senghore, A.B. (1990). "Evaluation of the Chamen Self-Development and Training Center," for the Royal Norwegian Society for Rural Development.

    Nyborg, Ingrid- L.P., Jack, I., Manneh, K. (1990). ‘Evaluation of the Bakau and Lamin Horticultural Cooperative Societies, The Gambia’, for the Royal Norwegian Society for Rural Development.

    Svads, H. S. Sutton, A.G.M. Ahmed, I. Nyborg (1989). "Evaluation of the Norwegian Red Cross - Sudanese Red Crescent Society's Integrated Rural Development Project (IDRP) in Sinkat District, Red Sea Hills, Sudan."

    Presentations of research at academic workshops and conferences

    Nyborg, Ingrid (2018) Gender and community-oriented policing in Afghanistan: Local innovation in the transformation of gender relations, or reconfirmation of uneven power relations? Paper presented at the ISA Conference, San Francisco, California. April 2018.

    Nyborg, Ingrid (2016). Complex Contexts and Humanitarian Aid: The case of Pakistan. Presentation at Humanitarian Policy and Practice in a Changing Climate International Conference, Oslo. December 1-2, 2016

    Nyborg, Ingrid (2016) ‘Coming to Terms with Emerging Community-Oriented Policing Approaches in Post-Conflict Police Reform’ Presentation at the International Police Executive Symposium (IPES), Washington, D.C. (August).

    Nyborg, Ingrid and Bahadar Nawab: Tiptoeing through a Volatile Valley: Experiences and methodological challenges in conducting field research in Post-Conflict Swat, Pakistan. Draft presented at Conference for Environmentally Sustainable Development (ESDEV) 2013. COMSATS University, Abbottabad, Pakistan, August 2013

    Nyborg, Ingrid and Bahadar Nawab: Civil security in the wake of crisis – Renegotiating police-community relations in post-crisis development in Swat, Pakistan. Draft paper presented at International Studies Conference (ISA), San Francisco, CA, April 2013.

    Nawab, Bahadar and Ingrid Nyborg: Post Crisis Humanitarian and Development Aid: Power, Politics and Process in Khyber Pakhthunkhwa, Pakistan. Draft presented at Conference for Environmentally Sustainable Development (ESDEV) 2013. COMSATS University, Abbottabad, Pakistan, August 2013

    Nyborg, Ingrid (2013).  Methodology: Exploring Complexity. Presentation at NGO Workshop ‘Gender, Human Security and Development: Learning through Research’ in Kabul, Afghanistan. November 18th-19th 2013

    Khan, Faheema Taj, Hamayun Khan, Ingrid Nyborg and Bahadar Nawab: Gendered Perspectives on and Experiences of Conflict and Human Insecurity in Swat, Pakistan. Draft presented at Conference for Environmentally Sustainable Development (ESDEV) 2013. COMSATS University, Abbottabad, Pakistan, August 2013

    Nyborg, Ingrid ‘Human security in post-crisis Swat: exploring the interface of local and global experiences and perceptions of gender, security and development’. Draft paper presented at International Studies Conference (ISA), San Diego, CA, April 2012.

    Nyborg, Ingrid (2011) ‘Gender and Human Security in Post-Conflict Pakistan’. Keynote presentation, Comsats University Workshop, Abbottabad, Pakistan. July 2011.

    Nyborg, Ingrid (2011) 'Securing livelihoods and lives: Re-thinking security and development in post-crisis Swat, Pakistan'. Presentation at NFU Conference ‘The Future of Development Research: Exploring the Nordic Perspective(s)?’Copenhagen, Denmark, 24-25th November, 2011.

    Gunnarsdottir, Ragnhildur; Jenssen, Petter D.; Nyborg, Ingrid; Kallenborn, Roland; Villumsen, Arne; Erland-Jensen, P. (2010). Environmental and social benefits of improved wastewater handling in Greenland. Workshop presentation (by Gunnardottir)  in Arctic Frontiers; 25-27 October 2010.

    Nyborg, Ingrid and Shai Divon (2009) ‘Unintended consequences - an obstacle to sustainability’ presented at STEPS Water Symposium, November 2-3, 2009, at Institute for Development Studies, Brighton, UK.

    Nyborg, Ingrid and Bahadar Nawab (2009) ‘Towards sustainable rural sanitation:  The role of the University in participatory technology development in Pakistan’.  Paper presented at ‘Conference for Environmentally Sustainable Development 2009’. COMSATS University, Abbottabad, Pakistan, August 2009.

    Hanserud, Ola Stedje and Ingrid Nyborg. Post disaster water and sanitation reconstruction – potential for improvement.  Presentation at World Water Week, Stockholm August 2009.

    Nyborg, Ingrid (2009). ‘Human Security in Practice? Linking Participatory Livelihood Security Analysis with Community Security Reform in Afghanistan. Presentation at conference ‘Reconsidering

    Human Security: Does it Work for the Insecure?’ at Institute for Development Studies, Brighton, UK May 28-29th 2009.

    Nyborg, Ingrid, Trygve Berg and Jens Aune. (2007) New Paradigms in Technology Development: Exploring Innovative Approaches to Linking Agricultural Research and Practice. Paper presented at Workshop for Association of Eritreans in Agriculture

    Nawab, Bahadar and Ingrid Nyborg (2004). Potential Role of Traditional Institutions in the Management of Natural Resources in Pashtun Society of NWFP, Pakistan. International Conference on Environmental Challenges in the New Millenium.  University of Peshawar, Pakistan.

    Nyborg, Ingrid (2004). ‘Discovering’ Farmer – Livestock-keeper Relations: Experiences in exploring context in cassava research in Tanzania.  Workshop on Collaborative Research for Food Security, Morogoro, Tanzania.

    Johnsen, Fred and Ingrid Nyborg (2004) The Impact: Assessments and Perspectives.  The Case of the Project ‘Food Security and Household Income for Smallholder Farmers in Tanzania, Applied Research with Emphasis on Women’. Tanzania Agricultural Research Project, Phase II, Sokoine University, Morogoro, Tanzania.

    Laswai, H.S.; Mpagalile, J.J.; Ballegu, W.R.; Nyborg, Ingrid; Mtunda, K.J.; Chilosa, D.N.; Silayo, V.C.K. (2004). ‘Chemical composition, acceptability and economic value of Cassava-wheat substitutions in buns, chapatti and bread’. Presentation at the Third Collaborative Research Workshop; 2004-05-24 - 2004-05-24.

    Lazaro, Evelyne; Magayane, F.T.; Makungu, P.J.; Mussei, A.N.; Johnsen, Fred Håkon; Nyborg, Ingrid. (2004). ‘Impact of socio-economic research: fact or fiction?’. Presentation at the Third Collaborative Research Workshop; 24.05.04

    Lekule, F.P.; Shem, M.; Mutayoba, S.K.; Silayo, V.C.K.; Laswai, H.S.; Mpagalile, J.J.; Laswai, G.H.; Sarwatt, S.V.; Makindara, J.R.; Mbwile, P.R.; Ballegu, W.R.; Mtunda, K.J.; Malole, J.; Chilosa, D.N.; Nyborg, Ingrid. (2004). ‘Cassava and sweet potato commercialization’. I: Processing, marketing and utilization of agricultural commodities. Morogoro: Tarp II- SUA Project 2004 s. 27-45

    Silayo, V.C.K.; Mpagalile, J.J.; Ballegu, W.R.; Laswai, H.S.; Mtunda, K.J.; Chilosa, D.N.; Nyborg, Ingrid. (2004). ‘Strategic processing of cassava into flour for maximization of profits: experience from the eastern zone of Tanzania’. The Third Collaborative Research Workshop 24.05.04.

    Nawab, Bahadar; Nyborg, Ingrid; Ahmad, Iftikhar (2004). ‘Potential role of traditional institutions in the management of natural resources in Pashtun society of NWFP, Pakistan’. Paper presented at the International Conference on Environmental Challenges in the New Millenium, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Peshawar 10-3 March 2004.

    Presentations of research at non-academic conferences and forums (communication and dissemination)

    Nyborg, Ingrid (2020) ICT4COP Main findings and findings from Pakistan.  Presented at the conference ‘Community-Based Policing in Pakistan: Charting the Way Forward’, 10th March 2020, Islamabad, Pakistan.

    Nyborg, Ingrid (2020) Community-Oriented Policing and Post-Conflict Police Reform: Main Findings.  Presented at the Workshop ‘Between the Police and the Community: Findings of the ICT4COP Project from the Western Balkans, 25–27 February 2020 Budva, Montenegro.

    Nyborg, Ingrid (2019) Community-oriented policing in post—conflict societies – ICT4COP project. Presentation at the 14th Meeting of the Community of Users on Safe, Secure and Resilient Societies Workshop on Citizen’s Awareness, 19th September 2019. Brussels, Belgium. European Commission DGHOME.

    Nyborg, Ingrid (2018) Presentation on the Citizen Awareness Panel at the EC Security Research Event 2018 (SSRE2018), 5-6 December, Brussels, Belgium. European Commission

    Nyborg, Ingrid (2017) Community-Oriented Policing in Post-Conflict Contexts – the case of Pakistan.  Presentation at the International Symposium on Conflict, Peace and Development, Abbottabad, Pakistan. October 16-17, 2017

    Nyborg, Ingrid and Bahadar Nawab (2016). Climate Change Adaptation and Humanitarian Aid: The case of Pakistan. Presentation for the FAO Food Security Working Group Meeting, Islamabad November 15th, 2016

    Nyborg, Ingrid (2016) Emerging Community-Oriented Policing Approaches in Post-Conflict Police Reform. Presentation for Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation, September 8th 2016.

    Nyborg, Ingrid and Jai Ganapathy (2014) Emerging Experiences of Community Policing in Afghanistan: What have we learned so far? Presentation at workshop for Norwegian Police and policy makers on June 23rd, 2014, Litteraturhuset, Oslo

    Nyborg, Ingrid (2013). Courting catastrophe? Humanitarian policy and practice in a changing climate. Presentation for Ministry of Foreign Affairs, October 21, 2013

    Nyborg, Ingrid and Jai Ganapathy (2012). ‘Introducing the Issues: Human Security, Development and the Civil Police in Afghanistan’. Presentation at workshop ‘The Norwegian Police Engagement in Afghanistan: Perspectives on security and development for local women and men’, 10 December, 2012. Noragric, UMB, Police University College, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Refleks).

    Nyborg, Ingrid (2011) ‘Gender and Human Security in Post-Conflict Pakistan’. Presentation at Norwegian Embassy, Islamabad, for UN Women’s Network. July 2011.

    Nyborg, Ingrid (2011) ‘Complaints Mechanisms for REDD++’. Presentation at Workshop ‘Complaints & Readiness Mechanism for REDD+ in Pakistan: The Way Forward’, Sustainable Development Policy Institute, Islamabad, Pakistan.

    Nyborg, Ingrid (2010) ‘Negotiating rural livelihoods through local organizations: Consequences of competing security and development discourses on local development in Afghanistan’, Invited presentation at Danish Association of Development Researchers Annual Conference, Århus, March 2010.

    Nyborg, Ingrid  (2010) “Human Security, Livelihood Security and Police Reform in Pakistan” Invited workshop presentation, Norwegian Institute of Foreign Affairs Workshop, March 2010.

    Nyborg, Ingrid (2005) Strategies to Mobilize Women in Rural Communities: The case of Aga Khan Rural Support Program, Northern Areas of Pakistan. Presentation at Workshop on Hygiene Education in Rural Water and Sanitation in Afghanistan.  Kabul.

    Nyborg, Ingrid and Bahadar Nawab (2005) Mobilizing the Community for Behavioral Change – Case of Water and Sanitation Practices in NWFP, Pakistan.  Presentation at Workshop on Hygiene Education in Rural Water and Sanitation in Afghanistan.  Kabul. 

    Johnsen, Fred and Ingrid Nyborg et al. (2002)  Baseline Data on the Food Security and Household Income for Smallholder Farmers Research Projects. Vol. 1, 2 and 3.  TARP II, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro.

    Nyborg, Ingrid, Dismas Mwaseba, and Said H. Mbaga (2001) Agricultural Research Impact Assessment: Baseline Data Collection Manual.  TARP II-SUA Project.  Morogoro: Sokoine University of Agriculture

    Nyborg, Ingrid (2001) ‘Women and Land Rights’.  A presentation prepared for discussion in the parallel session ‘Property Rights and Development’ at NORAD’s Regional Bistandskonferanse, March 2001.

    Nyborg, Ingrid (2001) ‘Indicators for Measuring Food Security: A Case Study from Ethiopia’. In: Methodology for Agricultural Research Impact Assessment.  Proceedings of workshop under TARP II Research Project.  Morogoro: Sokoine University of Agriculture. ISBN: 9987 605 24 9

    Nyborg, Ingrid (1998). Gender, Food Security and Environment - a case study in Sultanabad, Baltistan, Pakistan.  Presentation at AKRSP, Skardu, Pakistan.  (Seminar series presenting preliminary findings from fieldwork, 13. June, 20. July og 5. September 1998.)

    Ahmad, Nazir, Nyborg, Ingrid and Gulcheen Aqil (1998) Gender, resource management and livelihood security. High altitude integrated natural resource management. Report No. 5.  Skardu / Ås: Aga Khan Rural Support Programme / Norges landbrukshøgskole.  ISSN:1501-5947

    Nyborg, Ingrid (1997).  ‘Gender and resource management in Northern Pakistan: the relevance of studying gendered power processes’.  Norwegian Association for Development Research Annual

    Conference 1997 proceedings: People Food and the Environment - 200 years after Malthus. Ruth Haug, (ed.)  Ås: Agricultural University of Norway, pp. 191-212.

    Nyborg, Ingrid (1997). Agriculture, Natural Resources and Gender - A Holistic Approach.  Presentation at workshop for CARE, Norge, Oslo, Norway

    Nyborg, Ingrid (1997) Gender and Resource Management in Northern Pakistan: The Relevance of Studying Gendered Power Processes. Paper presented at the NFU Annual Conference, Ås, June 1213, 1997.




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