I am professor of ethology at the Department of Animal and Aquacultural Sciences, Norwegian University of Life Sciences. I have been working with behaviour and welfare of farm animals since 1994, and my main topics in ethology have been maternal behaviour, social behaviour and social dynamics of animals. As my interest areas are broad, I have worked with several species, but I have done most research in pigs and goats. At present my focus is on pig and horse behaviour and welfare. In pigs, my main areas have been maternal behaviour, farrowing environment and management in relation to piglet survival. In most of my research projects, I have a close collaboration with stake holders and farmers. My recent research interests are behavioural indicators of positive emotions and environmental enrichment in farm animals, and I have a growing interest for fish behaviour and welfare. At present, I am the head of the "Ethology and Farm Animal Environment" research group in our department at NMBU and I am also the leader of the National Animal Ethics Committee since three years ago.