I completed my PhD degree within thermochemical conversion of biomass in molten salts at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) in 2014. After the PhD period, I worked as a post doctoral researcher within CO2 capture in molten salts, before I started as associate professor within energy physics at REALTEK in 2018.
My main research field is currently within sustainable power systems of the future. Topics that interest me are power flexibility, smart grids and integration of variable renewable energy in future power systems. I am also involved in several projects related to molten salt technology.
Liste med publikasjoner fra min forskning. (Cristin)
Iveland, Sondre G.; Westbye, Alexander; Marchetti, Jorge M.; Olsen, Espen; Nygård, Heidi S. A kinetic model of CO2 absorption in molten CaO-CaF2-CaCl2. Electrochemistry 92 (4), 043014-043014
Nygård, Heidi S.; Olerud, Ruth; Lunde, Petter. Evaluation of battery energy storage systems (BESS) in the Norwegian power grid to cope with increased vehicle electrification. CIGRE Paris Session 2024.
Opstad, Aurora; Bakken, Bjørn Harald; Nygård, Heidi S.; Doorman, Gerard; Sevdari, Kristian. Flexibility from electric vehicles – residential charging coincidence factors in Norway. CIGRE Paris Session 2024.
Onsaker, Thorbjørn Lund; Nygård, Heidi S.; Gomila, Damiá; Colet, Pere; Mikut, Ralf; Jumar, Richard; Maass, Heiko; Kühnapfel, Uwe; Hagenmeyer, Veit; Schäfer, Benjamin. Predicting the power grid frequency of European Islands. Journal of Physics: Complexity 4.1, 2023, 015012.
Trebbien, Julius; Pütz, Sebastian; Schäfer, Benjamin; Nygård, Heidi S.; Gorjão, Leonardo Rydin; Witthaut, Dirk. Probabilistic forecasting of Day-Ahead Electricity Prices and their Volatility with LSTMs, 2023 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT EUROPE), Grenoble, France (2023)
Nygård, Heidi S.; Mørch, Ingrid Maria; Bergland, Olvar. Smart charging of electric vehicles based on scheduling theory, 27th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2023), pp.3889-3893.
Martinsen, Thomas; Devik, Georg; Nygård, Heidi S. Load scheduling and V2G to minimize power demand-exploring potential for airport parking facility, Norway, 27th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2023), pp.3324-3327.
Ollé, Plana P.; Farrukh, Farhan; Thoma, Malte; Miltzer, Gesa, Nygård, Heidi S. Business case of DSO peak shaving to reduce capacity payments to upstream network operators, 27th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2023), pp. 1754-1758.
Ollé, Plana P.; Farrukh, Farhan; Mazza, Andrea; Nygård, Heidi S. Business, regulatory, and technical challenges for integration of network aware algorithms in local flexibility markets, 27th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2023), pp. 1661-1665.
Farrukh, Farhan; Dunks, Ciara; Dypvik, Per Olav, Nygård, Heidi S. Investment planning for electrification of transport in an industrial port, 27th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2023), pp. 1675-1679.
Redhu, Surender; Raja, Rameez; Bremdal, Bernt A.; Nygård, Heidi S. Cognitive data fusion for improving flexibility in smart homes, 27th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2023), pp. 2848-2852.
Iveland, Sondre Grevle and Olsen, Espen and Westbye, Alexander and Nygård, Heidi S., Experimental Validation of Carbon Capture in Molten Salts at Low CO2 Concentrations (1-5 Vol%) (GHGT-16, 2022).
Niazi, Sepideh; Nygård, Heidi S.; Reis, Bruno; to Baben, Moritz. Consistent thermodynamic modeling of H2O-HCl-KOH-KCl between 200 K and 1,000 K, Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 264, 2022, 118209.
Grøtan, Åshild; Martinsen, Thomas; Tveitane, Rasmus Gåsemyr; Nygård, Heidi S. The potential for load shifting with flexible EV charging at Oslo airport Gardermoen, CIRED Porto Workshop 2022: E-mobility and power distribution systems, 2022 p. 975-979.
Niazi, Sepideh; Olsen, Espen; Nygård, Heidi S. Electrochemical removal of Cu, Fe and Mn from molten ZnCl2:KCl:NaCl, Separation and Purification Technology 2022, Volume 299, 121705.
Nygård, Heidi S.; Ruud, Nils Amund Rusås; Olsen, Espen. Investigation of Sulfation of CaO and CaCO3 in Eutectic CaF2-CaCl2, Energy & Fuels 2022, 36, 12, 6343-6352.
Niazi, Sepideh; Bonk, Alexander; Hanke, Andrea; to Baben, Moritz; Reis, Bruno; Olsen, Espen; Nygård, Heidi S. Thermal stability, hydrolysis and thermodynamic properties of molten KCl-CuCl, Materialia 2022, Volume 21, 101296
Niazi, Sepideh; Olsen, Espen; Nygård, Heidi S. Hydrolysis of eutectic compositions in the ZnCl2:KCl:NaCl ternary system and effect of adding ZnO. Journal of Molecular Liquids 2020, 317, 114069.
Ottesen, Stig Ø.; Haug, Martin; Nygård, Heidi S. A Framework for Offering Short-Term Demand-Side Flexibility to a Flexibility Marketplace. Energies 2020, 13 (14), 3612.
Grøtan, Åshild; Olsen, Espen; Nygård, Heidi S. Carbon Capture with Metal Oxides in Molten Salts: MgO, SrO and CaO as Sorbents. SINTEF proceedings 2019 (4) s. 63-75
Nygård, Heidi S.; Meyer, Julien; Di Felice, Luca; Eldrup, Nils Henrik; Haug, Alf Tore; Olsen, Espen. Techno-economic study of the CCMS Technology for CO2 capture from ferro-silicon production. SINTEF proceedings 2019 (4) s. 63-75
Nygård, Heidi S; Hansen, Mari; Alhaj-Saleh, Yasen; Palimaka, Piotr; Pietrzyk, Stanislaw; Olsen, Espen. Experimental evaluation of chemical systems for CO2 capture by CaO in eutectic CaF2-CaCl2. AIMS Energy 2019. 7. p. 619-633.
Olsen, Espen; Hansen, Maria; Nygård, Heidi S. Hydrolysis of molten CaCl2-CaF2 with additions of CaO, AIMS Energy 2017; 5, (6), p. 873-886.
Nygård, Heidi S.; Tomkute, Viktorija; Olsen, Espen. Kinetics of CO2 absorption by calcium looping in molten halide salts, Energy Procedia 2017; 114, p. 250-258.
Nygård, Heidi S.; Olsen, Espen. Molten salt pyrolysis of milled beech wood using an electrostatic precipitator for oil collection, AIMS Energy 2015; 3 (3), p. 284-296.
Nygård, Heidi S.; Olsen, Espen. Effect of salt composition and temperature on the thermal behavior of beech wood particles in molten salt pyrolysis. Energy Procedia 2014; 58, p. 221-228.
Barletta, Antonio; Tyvand, Peder A.; Nygård, Heidi S. Onset of thermal convection in a porous layer with mixed boundary conditions, Journal of Engineering Mathematics 2015; 91, p. 105-120.
Nygård, Heidi S.; Danielsen, Filip; Olsen, Espen. Thermal History of Wood Particles in Molten Salt Pyrolysis. Energy & Fuels 2012; 26 (10) p. 6419-6425.
Westerhof, R. J. M.; Nygård, Heidi S.; Swaaij, W. P. M. van; Kersten, S. R. A.; Brilman, D. W. F.. Effect of Particle Geometry and Microstructure on Fast Pyrolysis of Beech Wood. Energy & Fuels 2012; 26 (4) p. 2274-2280.
Nygård, Heidi S.; Olsen, Espen. Review of thermal processing of biomass and waste in molten salts for production of renewable fuels and chemicals. International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 2012; 7 (4) p. 318-324.
Nygård, Heidi S.; Tyvand, Peder A.. Onset of Convection in a Porous Rectangle with Buoyancy Along an Open Sidewall. Transport in Porous Media 2011; 90 (2) p. 403-420.
Nygård, Heidi S.; Tyvand, Peder A. Onset of Thermal Convection in a Vertical Porous Cylinder with a Partly Conducting and Partly Penetrative Cylinder Wall. Transport in Porous Media 2011; 86 (1) p. 229-241.
Nygård, Heidi S.; Tyvand, Peder A. Onset of Convection in a Porous Box with Partly Conducting and Partly Penetrative Sidewalls. Transport in Porous Media 2010; 84 (1), p 55-73.
Supervision of master students
Supervision of PhD students