Gerard Cornelissen

Gerard Cornelissen

Professor II

  • Seksjon for jord- og vannfag
Affiliated With NMBU (20%), Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (80%) Main Email !!
  • Fagfelt
    • Soil
    • Sediment
    • Biochar
    • Organic pollution
    • Climate change mitigation
  • Publikasjoner

    Liste med publikasjoner fra min forskning. (Cristin)

    1. Lin, Diana; Eek, Espen; oen,      Amy; Cho, YeoMyoung; Cornelissen, Gerard; Tommerdahl, Jake; Luthy,      Richard. Novel Probe for In Situ Measurement of Freely Dissolved Aqueous      Concentration Profiles of HOCs at the Sediment-Water Interface. Environ      Sci Technol Letters, 2015.
    2. Gerard Cornelissen, Morten      Schaanning, Jonas S. Gunnarsson and Espen Eek. A large-scale field trial      of thin-layer capping of PCDD/F-contaminated sediments: Sediment-to-water      fluxes up to five years post-amendment. Integrated Environmental      Assessment and Management. Accepted Article 2015, Brief Communication.      DOI: 10.1002/ieam.1665
    3. Hans Peter Schmidt, Bishnu Hari      Pandit, Vegard Martinsen, Gerard Cornelissen, Pellegrino Conte, Claudia I.      Kammann. Fourfold Increase in Pumpkin Yield in Response to Low-Dosage Root      Zone Application of Urine-Enhanced Biochar to a Fertile Tropical Soil. Agriculture      2015, 5, 723-741.
    4. Theeba      Manickam, Gerard      Cornelissen, Robert      T. Bachmann, Illani      Z. Ibrahim, Jan      Mulder, Sarah E.      Hale. Biochar Application in Malaysian Sandy and Acid Sulfate      Soils: Soil Amelioration Effects and Improved Crop Production over Two      Cropping Seasons. Sustainability 2015, 7(12), 16756-16770;      doi:10.3390/su71215842
    5. Kupryianchyk      Hale Rumpel Schmidt Rutherford Zimmerman Knicker Harvey Cornelissen. Sorption      of hydrophobic organic compounds to a diverse suite of carbonaceous      materials with emphasis on biochar. Chemosphere 2015.
    6. Obia, A., Mulder, J., Martinsen, V., Cornelissen, G.,      & Børresen, T. (2016). In situ effects of biochar on aggregation, water      retention and porosity in light-textured tropical soils. Soil and Tillage Research, 155, 35-44.
    7. Hale, S.E.; Arp, H.P.H.;      Kupryianchyk, D.; Cornelissen, G. A synthesis of parameters related to the      binding of neutral organic compounds to charcoal. Chemosphere, 2016, 144,      65-74.
    8. Martinsen, V., Alling, V., Nurida, N. L., Mulder, J., Hale, S. E., Ritz, C., & Cornelissen, G. (2015). pH effects of the addition of three biochars to acidic Indonesian mineral soils. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, (ahead-of-print), 1-14.
    9. Jeffery, S.; Bezemer, T. M.; Cornelissen, G.; Kuyper, T. W.; Lehmann, J.; Mommer, L.; Sohi, S. P.; Voorde, T. F.; Wardle, D. A.; Groenigen, J. W. The way forward in biochar research: targeting trade‐offs between the potential wins. GCB Bioenergy.2015, 7 (1), 1-13.
    10. Abiven, S., Hund, A., Martinsen, V., & Cornelissen, G. (2015). Biochar amendment increases maize root surface areas and branching: a shovelomics study in Zambia. Plant and Soil, 1-11.
    11. Smebye, A., Alling, V., Vogt, R. D., Gadmar, T. C.,      Mulder, J., Cornelissen, G., & Hale, S. E. (2015). Biochar      amendment to soil changes dissolved organic matter content and      composition. Chemosphere.
    12. Obia, A., Cornelissen, G.,      Mulder, J., & Dörsch, P. (2015). Suppression of N2O and NO from      denitrification by biochar: the role of pH. PLOS One, in press.
    13. Kupryianchyk, D., Hale, S. E.,      Breedveld, G. D., & Cornelissen, G. (2015). Treatment of sites      contaminated with perfluorinated compounds using biochar amendment. Chemosphere.
    14. Samuelsson, G. S., Hedman, J.      E., Kruså, M. E., Gunnarsson, J. S., & Cornelissen, G. (2015). Capping      in situ with activated carbon in Trondheim Harbor (Norway) reduces      bioaccumulation of PCBs and PAHs in marine sediment fauna. Marine Environmental Research.
    15. Arp, H. P. H., Hale, S. E., Elmquist Kruså, M.,      Cornelissen, G., Grabanski, C. B., Miller, D. J., & Hawthorne, S. B.      (2015). Review      of polyoxymethylene passive sampling methods for quantifying freely      dissolved porewater concentrations of hydrophobic organic contaminants. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 34(4), 710-720.
    16. Hale, S.E.; Endo, S.; Arp,      H.P.H.; Zimmerman, A.R.; Cornelissen, G. Sorption of the monoterpenes α-pinene and limonene to soil and carbonaceous      geosorbents including biochar. Chemosphere      2015, 119, 881-888.
    17. Patmont, C. R.; Ghosh, U.;      LaRosa, P.; Menzie, C. A.; Luthy, R. G.; Greenberg, M. S.; Cornelissen,      G.; Eek, E.; Collins, J.; Hull, J.; Hjartland, T.; Glaza, E.; Bleiler, J.;      Quadrini, J. In situ sediment treatment using activated carbon: A      demonstrated sediment cleanup technology. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management.2015
    18. Kupryianchyk, D.; Rakowska, M.      I.; Reible, D.; Harmsen, J.; Cornelissen, G.; van Veggel, M.; Hale, S. E.;      Grotenhuis, T.; Koelmans, A. A. Positioning activated carbon amendment      technologies in a novel framework for sediment management. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management.2015
    19. Sparrevik, M., Adam, C., Martinsen, V., & Cornelissen, G.      (2015). Emissions of gases and particles from charcoal/biochar production      in rural areas using medium-sized traditional and improved “retort” kilns.      Biomass and      Bioenergy, 72,      65-73.
    20. Nsamba, H.K., Hale, S. , Cornelissen, G. and Bachmann, R. (2014). Sustainable Technologies for Small-Scale Biochar Production—A Review. Journal of Sustainable Bioenergy Systems, 5, 10-31.
    21. Nsamba, H.K., Hale, S. , Cornelissen, G. and Bachmann, R. (2014) Improved Gasification of Rice Husks for Optimized Biochar Production in a Top Lit Updraft Gasifier. Journal of Sustainable Bioenergy Systems, 4, 225-242.
    22. Arp, H. P. H.; Lundstedt, S.; Josefsson, S.; Cornelissen, G.; Enell, A.; Allard, A.-S.; Kleja, D. B. Native Oxy-PAHs, N-PACs, and PAHs in Historically Contaminated Soils from Sweden, Belgium, and France: Their Soil-Porewater Partitioning Behavior, Bioaccumulation in Enchytraeus crypticus, and Bioavailability. Environ. Sci. Technol.2014, 48 (19), 11187-11195.
    23. Sobek, A., Wiberg, K., Sundqvist, K.L., Haglund, P., Jonsson, P., Cornelissen, G. Coastal sediments in the Gulf of Bothnia as a source of dissolved PCDD/Fs and PCBs to water and fish. Science of The Total Environment, 487, 15 July 2014: 463–470.
    24. Alling, V.; Hale, S. E.; Martinsen, V.; Mulder, J.; Smebye, A.; Breedveld, G. D.; Cornelissen, G. The role of biochar in retaining nutrients in amended tropical soils. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science.2014, 177 (5), 671-680.
    25. Martinsen, V.; Mulder, J.; Shitumbanuma, V.; Sparrevik, M.; Børresen, T.; Cornelissen, G. Farmer‐led maize biochar trials: Effect on crop yield and soil nutrients under conservation farming. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science.2014, 177 (5), 681-695.
    26. Sparrevik, M., Lindhjem, H., Andria, V., Fet, A.M., Cornelissen, G. Environmental and Socioeconomic Impacts of Utilizing Waste for Biochar in Rural Areas in Indonesia–A Systems Perspective. Environ. Sci. Technol.48, 4664-4671  (2014).
    27. Oleszczuk, P.; Anna Zielinska, A.; Cornelissen, G. Stabilization of sewage sludge by different biochars towards reducing freely dissolved polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) content. Bioresource Technology 156 (2014) 139–145.
    28. Cornelissen G., Rutherford D.W., Arp H.P.H., Dörsch P., Kelly C.N., Rostad C.E. (2013) Sorption of Pure N2O to Biochars and Other Organic and Inorganic Materials under Anhydrous Conditions. Environmental Science & Technology 47:7704-7712.
    29. Sparrevik M., Field J.L., Martinsen V., Breedveld G.D., Cornelissen G. (2013) Life Cycle Assessment to Evaluate the Environmental Impact of Biochar Implementation in Conservation Agriculture in Zambia. Environmental Science & Technology 47:1206-1215.
    30. Cornelissen G., Martinsen V., Shitumbanuma V., Alling V., Breedveld G.D., Rutherford D.W., Sparrevik M., Hale S.E., Obia A., Mulder J. (2013) Biochar Effect on Maize Yield and Soil Characteristics in Five Conservation Farming Sites in Zambia. Agronomy 3:256-274.
    31. Hale S.E., Jensen J., Jakob L., Oleszczuk P., Hartnik T., Henriksen T., Okkenhaug G., Martinsen V., Cornelissen G. (2013) Short-Term Effect of the Soil Amendments Activated Carbon, Biochar, and Ferric Oxyhydroxide on Bacteria and Invertebrates. Environmental Science & Technology 47:8674-8683.
    32. Hale, S. E.; Alling, V.; Martinsen, V.; Mulder, J.; Breedveld, G. D.; Cornelissen, G. The sorption and desorption of phosphate-P, ammonium-N and nitrate-N in cacao shell and corn cob biochars. Chemosphere.2013, 91 (11), 1612-1619.
    33. Hale, S. E.; Cornelissen, G.; Werner, D. Strong sorption and remediation of organic compounds in soils and sediments by (activated) biochar. In: Biochar for Environmental Management, 2nd edition, Johannes Lehmann, Ed., 2013.
    34. Okkenhaug G., Amstätter K., Lassen Bue H., Cornelissen G., Breedveld G.D., Henriksen T., Mulder J. (2013) Antimony (Sb) Contaminated Shooting Range Soil: Sb Mobility and Immobilization by Soil Amendments. Environmental Science & Technology 47:6431-6439.
    35. Sobek, Anna; Arp, Hans-Peter; Wiberg, Karin; Hedman, Jenny; Cornelissen, Gerard. Aerosol-water distribution of PCDD/Fs and PCBs in the Baltic Sea region. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2013, 47 (2), 781–789.
    36. I Jośko, P Oleszczuk, J Pranagal, J Lehmann, B Xing, G Cornelissen. Effect of biochars, activated carbon and multiwalled carbon nanotubes on phytotoxicity of sediment contaminated by inorganic and organic pollutants. Ecological Engineering, 2013, 60, 50-59.
    37. Gerard Cornelissen, Katja Amstaetter, Audun Hauge, Morten Schaanning, Bjørnar Beylich, Jonas S. Gunnarsson, Gijs D. Breedveld, Amy M.P. Oen, and Espen Eek. Large-Scale Field Study on Thin-Layer Capping of Marine PCDD/F-Contaminated Sediments in Grenlandfjords, Norway: Physicochemical Effects. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2012, 46, 12030-12037.
    38. Hale, S. E.; Lehmann, J.; Rutherford, D.; Zimmerman, A. R.; Bachmann, R. T.; Shitumbanuma, V.; O'Toole, A.; Sundqvist, K. L.; Arp, H. P. H.; Cornelissen, G., Quantifying the Total and Bioavailable Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Dioxins in Biochars. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2012, 46, 2830-2838.
    39. A.M.P. Oen, B. Beckingham U. Ghosh, M.C. Elmquist Kruså, R.G. Luthy, T. Hartnik, T. Henriksen, G.Cornelissen, Sorption of Organic Compounds to Fresh and Field-Aged Activated Carbons in Soils and Sediments. Environ. Sci Technol 2012, 46, 810-817.
    40. L. Jakob, T. Hartnik, T. Henriksen, M. Elmquist, R. Brändli, S.E. Hale and G. Cornelissen, (2012) “Activated carbon amendment to a PAH-polluted soil: Effects on earthworm and plant growth and bioaccumulation”, Chemosphere 2012, 88, 699-705.
    41. Paola Meynet, Sarah E. Hale, Russell J. Davenport, Gerard Cornelissen,Gijs D. Breedveld, and David Werner. Effect of Activated Carbon Amendment on Bacterial Community Structure and Functions in a PAH Impacted Urban Soil. Environ Sci Technol. 2012 May 1; 46(9): 5057–5066.
    42. Oleszczuk, P.; Hale, S.; Lehmann, J.; Cornelissen, G., Activated Carbon and Biochar Amendments Decrease Porewater Concentrations of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Sewage Sludge. Bioresour. Technol. 2012,  111, 84-91.
    43. Oleszczuk, P.; Rycaj, M.; Lehmann, J.; Cornelissen, G. Influence of activatedcarbon and biochar on phytotoxicity of air-driedsewage sludges to Lepidium sativum. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2012, 80, 321-326.
    44. Hale, S. E.; Elmquist, M.; Brändli, R.; Hartnik, T.; Jakob, L.; Henriksen, T.; Werner, D.; Cornelissen, G., Activated carbon amendment to sequester PAHs in contaminated soil: A lysimeter field trial. Chemosphere 2012, 87 (2), 177-184.
    45. Amstaetter, K.; Eek, E.; Cornelissen, G., Sorption of PAHs and PCBs to activated carbon: Coal versus biomass-based quality. Chemosphere 2012, 87, 573-578.
    46. Näslund J., Samuelsson G.S., Gunnarsson J.S., Nascimento F.J.A., Nilsson H.C., Cornelissen G., Schaanning M.T. 2012: Ecosystem effects of materials proposed for thin-layer capping of contaminated sediments. Marine Ecology Progress Series 449:27-39.
    47. Martine Muusse, Katherine Langford, Knut Erik Tollefsen, Gerard Cornelissen,Peter Haglund, Ketil Hylland and Kevin V. Thomas. Characterization of AhR agonist compounds in roadside snow. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, Volume 403, Number 7 (2012), 2047-2056.
    48. Carlsson P., Cornelissen G., Boggild C.E., Rysgaard S., Mortensen J., Kallenborn R. (2012) Hydrology-linked spatial distribution of pesticides in a fjord system in Greenland. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 14:1437-1443.Näslund J., Samuelsson G.S., Gunnarsson J.S., Nascimento F.J.A.,      Nilsson H.C., Cornelissen G., Schaanning M.T. 2012: Ecosystem effects of      materials proposed for thin-layer capping of contaminated sediments.      Marine Ecology Progress Series 449:27-39. doi:      10.3354/meps09546
    49. Ghosh U, Luthy RG, Cornelissen      G, Werner, D; Menzie, C. In-situ Sorbent Amendments: A New Direction in Contaminated      Sediment Management . ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 2011, 45, 1163-1168. Feature and cover page article.
    50. Hale, S. E.; Hanley, K.; Lehmann, J.;      Zimmerman, A. R.; Cornelissen, G., Effects of Chemical, Biological, and      Physical Aging As Well As Soil Addition on the Sorption of Pyrene to      Activated Carbon and Biochar. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2011,45      (24), 10445-10453.
    51. Cornelissen, G; Kruså, ME; Breedveld, GD; Eek, E; Oen, AM; Arp, HP; Raymond, C; Samuelsson, G; Hedman, JE; Stokland, Ø; Gunnarsson, JS. Remediation of contaminated marine sediment using thin-layer capping with activated carbon--a field experiment in Trondheim harbor, Norway. Environmental science & technology 2011;45(14):6110-6.
    52. Sparrevik, M; Saloranta, T; Cornelissen, G; Eek, E; Fet, AM; Breedveld, GD; Linkov, I. Use of life cycle assessments to evaluate the environmental footprint of contaminated sediment remediation. Environmental science & technology 2011;45(10):4235-41.
    53. Arp, HP; Azzolina, NA; Cornelissen, G; Hawthorne, SB. Predicting pore water EPA-34 PAH concentrations and toxicity in pyrogenic-impacted sediments using pyrene content. Environmental science & technology 2011;45(12):5139-46.
    54. 10.    Josefsson S, Karlsson OM, Malmaeus JM, Cornelissen G, Wiberg K. Structure-related distribution of PCDD/Fs, PCBs and HCB in a river-sea system CHEMOSPHERE 2011, 83,  85-94.
    55. Cornelissen, G., D. Broman, K. Næs. (2010). Freely dissolved PCDD/F concentrations in the Frierfjord, Norway: Comparing equilibrium passive sampling with “active” water sampling. J. Soil. Sed. 10, 162-171.
    56. Eek, E; Cornelissen G; Breedveld GD (2010). Field measurement of diffusional mass transfer of HOCs at the sediment-water interface. Environmental science & technology 44: 6752-9.
    57. Oen, AM; Janssen, EM; Cornelissen, G; Breedveld,      GD; Eek, E; Luthy, RG. In situ measurement of PCB pore water concentration      profiles in activated carbon-amended sediment using passive samplers.      Environmental science & technology 2011;45(9):4053-9.
    58. Hans Peter H Arp; Frederic Villers; Aivo      Lepland; Stavros Kalaitzidis; Kimon Christanis; Amy M P Oen; Gijs D      Breedveld; Gerard Cornelissen. Influence of historical industrial epochs on pore      water and partitioning profiles of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and      polychlorinated biphenyls in Oslo Harbor, Norway, sediment cores.      Environmental toxicology and chemistry 2011;30(4):843-51.
    59. Hale SE, Cornelissen      G, Arp HPH. Comment on "Partition Coefficients of Organic Contaminants      with Carbohydrates" ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2011, 45, 1158.
    60. Cornelissen, G., D. Broman, K. Næs. (2010). Freely dissolved PCDD/F concentrations in the Frierfjord, Norway: Comparing equilibrium passive sampling with “active” water sampling. J. Soil. Sed. In press.
    61. Cornelissen, G., G. Okkenhaug, J.E. Sørlie, G.D. Breedveld (2009). Transport of PAHs and PCBs in a landfill: a novel passive sampler to determine free and total dissolved concentrations in leachate water. J. Hydrol. 369, 253-259.
    62. Cornelissen, G., K. Wiberg, D. Broman, H.P.H. Arp, Y. Persson, K. Sundqvist, P. Jonsson (2008). Freely dissolved concentrations and sediment-water activity ratios of PCDD/Fs and PCBs in the open Baltic Sea. Environ. Sci. Technol. 43, 8733-8739.
    63. Cornelissen, G., A. Pettersen, D. Broman, P. Mayer, G.D. Breedveld (2008). Field testing of equilibrium passive samplers to determine freely dissolved native PAH concentrations. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 27, 499-508.
    64. Cornelissen, G., H.P.H. Arp, A. Pettersen, A. Hauge, G.D. Breedveld (2008). Assessing PAH and PCB emissions from the relocation of harbour sediments using equilibrium passive samplers. Chemosphere 72, 1581-1587.
    65. Cornelissen, G., A. Pettersen, E. Eek, E. Nesse, A. Helland, G.D. Breedveld (2008) Butyltins, PAHs and PCBs in urban runoff from two Norwegian cities. Mar. Poll. Bull. 56, 565-573.
    66. Cornelissen, G., G.D. Breedveld, K. Christanis, S. Kalaitzidis, A. Kibsgaard, A.M.P. Oen (2006). Norwegian Harbor Sediments Containing Carbonaceous Geosorbents: Strong Sorption and Reduction of Porewater Concentrations by Activated Carbon Amendment. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2006, 40, 1197-1203.
    67. Barthe, M., E. Pelletier, G. Cornelissen, G.D. Breedveld (2008) Passive samplers versus surfactant extraction for the evaluation of PAH availability in sediments with variable degree of contamination. Chemosphere 71, 1486-1493. (practical supervision)
    68. Sobek, A., G. Cornelissen, P. Tiselius and Ö. Gustafsson (2006) Passive partitioning of polychlorinated biphenyls between seawater and zooplankton-a study comparing observed field distributions to equilibrium sorption experiments. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2006, 40, 6703-6708. (partial supervision)
    69. Eek, E.; Cornelissen, G.; Kibsgaard, A.; Breedveld, G.D. (2008) Diffusion of PAH and PCB from contaminated sediments with and without mineral capping; measurement and modeling. Chemosphere 71, 1629-1638. (partial supervision)
    70. Hansen, M.; Børresen, M.H.; Schlabach, M.; Cornelissen, G. (2010). Sorption of perfluorinated compounds from contaminated water to activated carbon. J. Soil. Sed. In press.
    71. Brändli, R.; Bergsli, A.; Ghosh, U.; Hartnik, T.; Breedveld, G.D.; Cornelissen, G. (2009) Quantification of activated carbon contents in soils and sediments using chemothermal and wet oxidation methods. Environ. Pollut., 157, 3465-3470.
    72. Brändli, R.; Hartnik. T.; Henriksen, T.; Cornelissen, G (2008). Sorption of Native Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) to Black Carbon and Amended Activated Carbon in Soil. Chemosphere, 73, 1805-1810.
    73. Brändli, R.; Breedveld, G.D.; Cornelissen, G. (2009). Tributyltin sorption to marine sedimentary black carbon and to amended activated carbon. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 27, 503-508.
    74. Cornelissen, G., G.D. Breedveld, A.M.P. Oen, K. Næs, A. Ruus (2006) Bioaccumulation of native PAHs from sediment by a polychaete and a gastropod: Freely dissolved concentrations and activated carbon amendment. Environ. Toxicol. Chem., 2006, 25, 2349-2355.
    75. Critical review: Arp, H.P.H.; Breedveld, G.D.; Cornelissen, G.      (2009). Estimating the in situ sediment-porewater distribution      of PAHs and chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons in anthropogenic impacted      sediments. Environ. Sci. Technol. 43, 5576-5585.
    76. Cornelissen, G., I. Cousins, K. Wiberg, H. Holmström, M. Tysklind, D. Broman (2008) Black-Carbon dominated sorption of PCDD/Fs at a former wood impregnation site. Chemosphere, 72, 1455-1461.
    77. Breedveld, G.D., E. Pelletier, R. St. Louis, G. Cornelissen (2007) Sorption Characteristics of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Aluminum Smelter Residues. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2007, 41, 2542-2547.
    78. Oen, A.M.P. G.D. Breedveld, S. Kalaitzidis, K. Christanis and G. Cornelissen (2006) How quality and quantity of organic matter affect PAH desorption from Norwegian Harbor sediments. Environ. Tox. Chem., 2006, 25, 1258-1267.
    79. Cornelissen, G. and Ö. Gustafsson (2006) Effects of added PAHs and precipitated Humic Acid coatings on Phenanthrene sorption to environmental Black Carbon. Environ. Pollut., 2006, 141, 526-531.
    80. Cornelissen, G., Ö. Gustafsson, T.D. Bucheli, M.T.O. Jonker, A.A. Koelmans, and P.C.M. van Noort (2005) Critical review: Extensive sorption of HOCs to black carbon, coal and kerogen: mechanisms and consequences for sorption, bioaccumulation and biodegradation. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2005, 39, 6881-6895. Cited 204 times (Dec 2009).
    81. Cornelissen, G. and Ö. Gustafsson (2005) Prediction of large variation in BSAFs due to concentration-dependent      Black Carbon adsorption of Planar Hydrophobic Organic Compounds. Environ. Toxicol. Chem., 2005, 24, 495-498.
    82. Cornelissen, G. and Ö. Gustafsson (2005) The importance of Black Carbon, Unburned Coal Carbon and Amorphous Organic Carbon to Phenanthrene sorption in sediments. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2005, 39, 764-769.
    83. Cornelissen, G., J. Haftka, J.R. Parsons and Ö. Gustafsson (2005) Sorption to Black Carbon of organic compounds with varying polarity and planarity. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2005, 39, 3688-3694.
    84. Cornelissen, G. and Ö. Gustafsson (2004) Sorption of Phenanthrene to Environmental Black Carbon in Sediment with and without Organic Matter and Native Sorbates. Environ. Sci. Technol. 38, 148-155.
    85. Cornelissen, G., M. Elmquist, I. Groth and Ö. Gustafsson (2004) Effect of sorbate planarity on environmental Black Carbon sorption. Environ. Sci. Technol., 38, 3574-3580.
    86. Cornelissen, G., Z. Kukulska, S. Kalaitzidis, K. Christanis and Ö. Gustafsson (2004) Relations between Environmental Black Carbon Sorption and Geochemical Sorbent Characteristics. Environ. Sci. Technol., 38, 3632-3640.
    87. Armitage, J.; Cousins, I.; Persson, J.; Gustafsson, O.; Cornelissen, G.; Saloranta, T.; Naes, K.; Broman, D. (2008). Black Carbon-Inclusive Modeling Tool for Estimating the Aquatic Fate of PCDD/Fs. Environ. Sci. Technol.  42, 3697-3703. (review of manuscript, contribution on modelling input parameters)
    88. Hammes, K., M.W.I. Schmidt, R.J. Smernik, L.A. Currie, W.P. Ball, T.H. Nguyen, P. Louchouarn, S. Houel, Ö. Gustafsson, M. Elmquist, G. Cornelissen, J.O. Skjemstad, C.A. Masiello, J. Song, P. Peng, S. Mitra, J.C. Dunn, P.G. Hatcher, W.C. Hockaday, D.M. Smith, C. Hartkopf-Fröder, A. Böhmer, B. Lüer, B.J. Huebert, W. Amelung, S. Brodowski, L. Huang, W. Zhang, P.M. Gschwend, D.X. Flores-Cervantes, C. Largeau, J.‑N. Rouzaud, C. Rumpel, G. Guggenberger, K. Kaiser, A. Rodionov, F.J. Gonzalez-Vila, J.A. Gonzalez-Perez, J.M. de la Rosa, D.A.C. Manning, E. López-Capél, L. Ding (2007) Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soils and sediments using reference materials from soil, water, sediment and the atmosphere. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 2007, 21, in press, doi:10.1029/2006GB002914. (experimental contribution)
    89. Oen, A.M.P, G. Cornelissen and G.D. Breedveld (2006) Relation between PAH and black carbon contents in size fractions of Norwegian harbor sediments. Environ. Pollut. 2006, 141, 370-380. (partial supervision)
    90. Elmquist, M, G. Cornelissen, Z. Kukulska, and Ö. Gustafsson (2006) Distinct oxidative stabilities of char versus soot black carbon: Implications for quantification and environmental recalcitrance. Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 2006, 20, 1-11. (partial supervision)
    91. Koelmans, A.A., M.T.O. Jonker, G. Cornelissen, T.D. Bucheli, P.C.M. van Noort and Ö. Gustafsson (2006) Black Carbon: The Reverse of its Dark Side. Chemosphere 2006, 63, 365-377. (author contribution)
    92. Cornelissen, G., H. Rigterink, M.M.A. Ferdinandy and P.C.M. van Noort (1998) Rapidly desorbing fractions of PAHs in contaminated sediments as a predictor of the extent of bioremediation. Environ. Sci. Technol., 1998, 32, 966-970.
    93. Ten Hulscher D.E.M. and G. Cornelissen (1996) Effect of temperature on sorption equilibrium and sorption kinetics of organic micropollutants - a review. Chemosphere, 1996, 32, 609-626.
    94. Cornelissen, G., H. Rigterink, D.E.M. ten Hulscher, B.A. Vrind and P.C.M. van Noort (2001) A simple Tenax extraction method to determine the availability of sediment-sorbed organic compounds. Environ. Toxicol. Chem.,2001, 706-711.
    95. Cornelissen, G., P.C.M. van Noort, G. Nachtegaal and A.P.M. Kentgens (2000) A solid-state Fluorine-NMR study on hexafluorobenzene sorbed by sediments, polymers and active carbon. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2000, 34, 645-649.
    96. Cornelissen, G., M. van der Pal, P.C.M. van Noort and H.A.J. Govers (1999) Competition effects in the slow desorption of organic compounds from sediments. Chemosphere 1999, 39, 1971-1981.
    97. Cornelissen, G., P.C.M. van Noort and H.A.J. Govers (1998) The mechanism of slow desorption of organic compounds from sediments: a study using model sorbents. Environ. Sci. Technol. 1998, 32, 3124-3131.
    98. Cornelissen, G., H. Rigterink, B.A. Vrind, D.E.M. ten Hulscher, M.M.A. Ferdinandy and P.C.M. van Noort (1997) Two-stage desorption kinetics and in situ partitioning of hexachlorobenzene and dichlorobenzenes in a contaminated sediment. Chemosphere, 1997, 35, 2405-2416.
    99. Cornelissen, G., P.C.M. van Noort, J.R. Parsons and H.A.J. Govers (1997) The temperature dependence of slow adsorption and desorption kinetics of organic compounds in sediments. Environ. Sci. Technol. 31, 454-460.
    100. Cornelissen, G., P.C.M. van Noort and H.A.J. Govers (1997) Desorption kinetics of chlorobenzenes, PAHs and PCBs: sediment extraction with Tenax and effects of contact time and solute hydrophobicity. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 16, 1351-1357.
    101. Cornelissen, G., K.A. Hassell, P.C.M. van Noort, R. Kraaij, P.J.      van Ekeren, C. Dijkema, P. Adrie de Jager and H.A.J. Govers (2000)      Slow desorption of PCBs and chlorobenzenes from soils and sediments:      relations with sorbent and sorbate characteristics. Environ. Pollut. 2000,      108, 69-80.  
    102. Cornelissen, G.,H. Rigterink, P.C.M. van Noort and H.A.J. Govers      (2000)     Slowly and very slowly desorbing organic compounds in sediments show nonlinear      Langmuir-type sorption. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 2000, 19, 1532-1539.
    103. Cornelissen, G., H. van Zuilen and P.C.M. van Noort (1998)      Particle size dependence of slow desorption of in situ PAHs from      sediments. Chemosphere 1999, 38, 2369-2380.
    104. Oen, A.M.P., M. Schaanning, A. Ruus, G. Cornelissen, T. Källqvist and G.D. Breedveld (2006) Predicting low biota to sediment accumulation factors of PAHs by using infinite-sink and equilibrium extraction methods as well as BC-inclusive modelling. Chemosphere, 2006, 64, 1412-1420. (partial supervision)
    105. van Noort, P.C.M., G. Cornelissen, T.E.M. ten Hulscher, B.A. Vrind, H. Rigterink and A. Belfroid (2003) Slow and very slow desorption of organic compounds from sediment: influence of sorbate planarity. Water Research, 2003, 37, 2317-2322. (experimental contribution)
    106. Kraaij, R., J. Tolls, D. Sijm, G. Cornelissen, A. Heikens and A. Belfroid (2002) The effect of contact time on the sequestration and bioavailability of different classes of hydrophobic organic chemicals to benthic oligochaetes (tubificidae). Environ. Toxicol. Chem., 2002, 21, 752-759. (experimental contribution)
    107. van Noort, P.C.M., G. Cornelissen, D.E.M. ten Hulscher and A. Belfroid (2002) Influence of sorbate planarity on the magnitude of rapidly desorbing fractions of organic compounds in sediment. Environ. Toxicol. Chem., 2002, 21, 2326-2330. (experimental contribution)
    108. Kraaij, R. A. Belfroid, G. Cornelissen, W. Seinen and J. Tolls (2002) Direct evidence of sequestration in sediment affecting the bioavailability of hydrophobic organic chemicals to benthic deposit-feeders. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2002, 36, 3525-3529. (experimental contribution)
    109. Parsons, J., J.B. Segarra, G. Cornelissen, Ö. Gustafsson, T. Grotenhuis, H. Harms, C.R. Janssen, J. Kukkonen, P. van Noort, J.J. Ortega Calvo, O. Solaun Etxeberria (2007) Characterisation of contaminants in sediments – effects of bioavailability on impact. In Barcelo, D.; Petrovic, M. (Eds.), Sediment Quality and Impact Assessment of Pollutants, Elsevier B.V., 2007, chapter 2, pp. 35-60, ISBN:0444519629. (authoring contribution)
    110. Gerard Cornelissen and Gerd Kamerling. Towards an improved human and ecotoxicological risk assessment system in The Netherlands. Ministry of Public Works and Transport/ Knowledge Center on Soils and Sediments, Report 02-015, 2002, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 320 pp. (initiative and authoring contribution)
    111. van Noort, P.C.M., G. Cornelissen and D. ten Hulscher (1999) Sediment quality criteria, bioavailability, and sorptive attenuation of organic compounds. Learned Discourses, SETAC News, March 1999, 19-20. (experimental contribution)
    112. Cornelissen, G. and D.T.H.M. Sijm (1996) An energy budget model for the biodegradation and cometabolism of organic substances. Chemosphere, 1996, 33, 817-830.
    113. van Wezel, A.P., G. Cornelissen, J.K. van Miltenburg and A. Opperhuizen (1996) Membrane burdens of chlorinated benzenes lower the main transition temperature in DPPC vesicles: implications for toxicity by narcotic chemicals. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 1996, 15, 203-212. (student master research, responsible for all practical work)
    114. Siavalas, G., S. Kalaitzidis, G. Cornelissen, A. Chatziapostolou, and K. Christanis (2007) Influence of lignite mining and utilization on organic matter budget in the Alfeios River plain, Peoloponnese (S Greece). Energy and Fuels 2007, 21, 2698-2709. (experimental contribution)
    115. Kalaitzidis, S., K. Christanis, G. Cornelissen, and Ö. Gustafsson (2007) Tracing dispersed coaly-derived particles in modern sediments: an environmental application of organic petrography. Global NEST Journal, 2007, 9, 137-143. (experimental contribution)
    116. Hendriks, A.J., A. van der Linde, G. Cornelissen and D.T.H.M. Sijm (2001) The power of size. 1. Rate constants and equilibrium ratios for accumulation of organic substances related to octanol-water partition ratio and species weight. Environ. Toxicol. Chem., 2001, 20, 1399-1420. (experimental contribution)

  • Undervisning

    JORD 310

    MINA 200

  • Forskning og prosjekter

    Forskningsprosjekter med nettside utenfor NMBU

  • Mer om meg og CV

    Date of Birth:

    20 June 1971



    Current Positions:

    Technical Expert, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI)- 80%

    Professor, Norwegian   University of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway- 20%

    Associate Professor, Stockholm University, Department of Environmental  Science (ITM)- 10%

    Overview of Positions:

    From 2010 (tenured term): Professor, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB), Ås, Norway.

    From 2005 (tenured term): Technical Expert, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI), Oslo, Norway.

    From 2005 (tenured term): Associate Professor, Institute of Applied Environmental Research (ITM), Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden.

    2002-2004 (fixed-term; 80% fte): Post-doctoral researcher, Institute of Applied Environmental Research (ITM), Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden.

    2000-2002 (fixed-term; 80% fte): Risk assessment regulator, Ministry of Public Works and Water Management.

    1994-2000 (tenured term; 80% fte): Researcher/project manager, Institute for Inland Water Management and Waste Water Treatment (RIZA), Lelystad, The Netherlands.


    Track Record August 2015

    Number of full peer-reviewed research papers (ISI):    95

    H-index G. Cornelissen (ISI):                    34

    Total number of citations (ISI):                 > 4400

    Number of citations per paper (ISI)                     47

    The red thread in my research is the fate and behaviour of organic chemicals in soils and sediments, especially in black carbon such as biochar. Five distinct main areas:

    1. Biochar for Sequestering carbon, improving soil quality and remediating soil contamination. Six projects in Indonesia, Malaysia, Zambia, Tanzania, Nepal, Brazil. This area of research provides an important link between climate change and my previous experience with black carbon, pollution, passive sampling and sorption/desorption.

    2. Desorption of organic chemicals from soils and sediments: The merits of the research were i) the development of the “Tenax method”, still recognized world-wide as the most suitable desorption method, and ii) the discovery of the close connection between slowly desorbing fractions and the extent of microbial biodegradation.

    3. The impact of black carbon (soot and charcoal) on the sorption of organic compounds; The merit of this research was that it took the concept of black carbon sorption to the environmental level: previously it had been known that pure soot sorbed strongly, but it was unknown to what extent the environmentally present black carbon would impact overall binding strength.

    4. The use of equilibrium passive samplers for the measurement of freely dissolved organic compounds in air, water and soil/sediment: Development of one of the first field-applicable equilibrium passive sampler (thin polyoxymethylene), and the development of the first equilibrium passive sampler for air.

    5. In-situ remediation of soils and sediments through sorbent amendment (Research as PI at NGI, Oslo): Pilot tests  (in fact, the largest and deepest in the world, involving 80 tons activated carbon) were established for sediment and soil, with a number of industry partners and additional funding from the Norwegian EPA.

    Research funding raised: 20 projects totaling around NOK 50 mill, of which 12 as PI and 10 with the Norwegian Research Council. Most important recent projects funded last years:

    -          Norwegian Research Council project 243789, program Klimaforsk, 2015-2018, Principal Investigator Sarah E. Hale, NGI: Biochar as an adaptation strategy for climate change”, NOK 6.0 mill

    -          Norwegian Research Council Free Project 217918 "FriPro", 2012-2018, Principal Investigator Cornelissen, NOK 8.5 mill. “Biochar in soil: Carbon sequestration, Soil quality improvement and Contaminant remediation.”

    -          Norwegian Research Council project 204112, program FRIMUF, 2011-2014, Principal Investigators Jan Mulder and Gerard Cornelissen, IPM and NGI: Mechanisms and socio-economics of carbon sequestration and soil quality improvement of biochar in weathered, acidic agricultural lands”, NOK 6.7 mill

    -          Ministry of Foreign Affairs project (Embassy in Zambia), 2010-2015, Principal Investigator Cornelissen: “Biochar in weathered agricultural lands in Zambia: carbon sequestration and improved livelihoods”, NOK 6.4 mill

    -          Norwegian Research Council project, program NorGlobal, 2011-2014, Principal Investigator Gerard Cornelissen, NGI: “Biochar on acidic agricultural lands in South-East Asia: Sequestering carbon and improving crop yield”, NOK 3.9 mill

    -          Norwegian Research Council Joint Industry Project, 2007-2012, “Opticap: Thin layer capping of contaminated sediments using active materials”, Principal Investigators Eek and Cornelissen, NOK 24 mill (with contributions from Norsk Hydro, Norwegian EPA, and several other contractors).

    -          Norwegian Research Council Joint Industry Project, 2008-2012, “Active: Recovering Metal and Organic contaminated soil by Active Amendments”, Principal Investigator Cornelissen, NOK 4.7 mill (with contributions from Lindum, a large recycling company).

    -          Norwegian Research Council Research Project “Coast and Sediment”, “Activated Carbon Amendment as a Novel Remediation Technology: a field test in Trondheim Harbor”. 2008-2010, Principal Investigator Cornelissen, NOK 3.2 mill

    -          Norwegian Research Council Research Project “Coast and Sediment”, “Organic pollutants in a Norwegian Fjord: old sins or ongoing emissions”. 2007-2009, Principal Investigator Cornelissen, NOK 3.0 mill