Erica Maremonti

Erica Maremonti


  • Fakultetsadministrasjon, MINA

Erica is a research advisor and project manager for the VIMAS project, as well as a project assistant for the ICP-V program at MINA, NMBU. She has experience in research administration and project management. Erica is dedicated to supporting the research community at MINA through effective project management and advisory services, playing a key role in fostering collaboration between researchers and external partners. Erica is a biologist, specialized in Ecotoxicology with a PhD in Environmental Sciences/Radioecology. Erica earlier worked as researcher at the Centre for Environmental Radioactivity, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU). Her main research focus was to understand the toxic modes of action induced by chronic exposure to ionizing radiation and other relevant contaminants (e.g., toxic metals) at the cellular and molecular levels in different species and model organisms.