Elana Wilson Rowe

Elana Wilson Rowe


  • Institutt for internasjonale miljø- og utviklingsstudier, Noragric

My research is shaped by an enduring curiosity about how power relations are established and transformed in regional and global policy fields. I am particularly interested in approaches and methods that allow us to consider the interplay of diplomatic practices, security considerations and scientific/environmental knowledge, which are often studied as separate phenomenon. I have a longstanding research agenda on the political and security dynamics of the Arctic, as well as sets of publications on how climate change science has figured into Russia’s approaches to broader foreign and security policy and on representation of forests and of relevant expertise in international climate negotiations. 

I have recently concluded a major project combining these strands of research as PI on a European Research Council-funded project (Starting Grant, #80335, 2019-2024). The aim of this project was to understand the broader regional and global repercussions of governance efforts anchored in sub-global ‘ecosystems’ or ‘ecoregions’ (as identified by adjacent actors). I have also led projects funded by the Norwegian Research Council, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Norwegian Ministry of Defence. I am currently carrying out research on Arctic governance and security dynamics, governance and geopolitics of critical minerals, and ocean governance (global/regional).

Book publications include Governing Nature and Making Global Order (edited volume with Paul Beaumont and Lucas de Oliveira Paes, forthcoming 2025 with Bristol University Press), Arctic Governance: Power in Cross-Border Cooperation (Manchester University Press, 2018) and Russian Climate Politics: When Science Meets Policy (Palgrave, 2013). I have recently published articles with Political Geography, Global Studies Quarterly, and European Journal of International Relations (for a full list of publications see the tab on publications below or at my Google Scholar profile).

Prior to coming to NMBU, I taught master and PhD courses on energy politics, Arctic governance and the geopolitics of the green transition at Nord University.  I  am member/non-resident fellow of the Center for Arctic Security and Resilience at the University of Alaska-Fairbanks and a member of the Norwegian Scientific Academy for Polar Research. Communicating with a broad range of stakeholders has been a priority for me. I have engaged with non-academic audiences on Arctic, climate and Russian politics in the EU Parliament, military garrisons, Parliament, Student Unions, ministries (Defense; Environment; Foreign Affairs) and at the Munich Security Conference (Arctic Security Roundtable). I had the privilege of serving as a member of Norway’s expert committee determining Norwegian research priorities for U.N. Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (Havforskningstiåret), engaging with the natural science/management experts in identifying ocean policy concerns that can be addressed through interdisciplinary research.