Camilla Martha Ihlebæk

Camilla Martha Ihlebæk


  • Institutt for folkehelsevitenskap

Jeg er instituttleder og professor i folkehelsevitenskap, og underviser og veileder studenter på masterstudiet i folkehelsevitenskap. Forskningsinteressene mine er de siste årene i hovedsak konsentrert omkring sosial kapital,sosial bærekraft og helsefremmende aktiviteter, miljø og omgivelser. Men jeg forsker også på subjektive helseplager, psykososialt arbeidsmiljø, arbeidsdeltakelse og sykefravær, arbeidsrettet rehabilitering, helseteknologi og moderne helsebekymringer.


  • Publikasjoner

    Liste med publikasjoner fra min forskning. (Cristin)

    Peer-reviewed papers and book chapters (last 10 years):

    Ånestad RM, Nordbø ECA, Ihlebæk C. 2024. Social sustainability in local communities in Norway. Which factors are associated with people’s satisfaction of their local community as a place to live now and in the future? Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 1-9.

    Ihlebæk C, Ånestad R, Nordbø ECA. 2024. Bridging discourses on health promotion and social sustainability towards healthy community development. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 1-8.

    Pettersen GR, Nordbø ECA, Skipstein A, Ihlebæk C. 2024. Shopping centres as third places: Sociodemographic differences in use of shopping centres and non-shopping motivations for visits. Cities; 153, 105268.

    Ånestad RM, Nordbø ECA, Ihlebæk C. 2024. Revisiting the conceptualization of social sustainability from a health promotion perspective. A scoping review. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 1-12.

    Løkkeberg S, Ihlebæk C, Brottveit G, Del Busso L. 2024. Digital violence and abuse: a scoping review of adverse experiences within adolescent intimate partner. Trauma, Violence and Abuse; 25(3), 1954-1965.

    Ihlebæk C, Katralen H, Nordbø ECA, Skipstein A. 2023. The role of social capital for well-being in people with long-term illness and disease. Nordic Journal of Wellbeing and Sustainable Welfare Development, 2(2), 53–67.

    Pettersen GR, Nordbø ECA, Ese J, Ihlebæk C. 2023. Can shopping centres foster wellbeing? A scoping review of motivations and positive experiences associated with non-shopping visits. Wellbeing, Space and Society, 4, 100133.

    Arka T, Ellingsen-Dalskau LH, Ihlebæk C. 2023. Long-term commitment in voluntary social work – the role of an autonomy supportive work environment. Voluntary Sector Review, 14(3), 445–459. 

    Haugen K, Ihlebæk C, Calogiuri G. 2022. Arbeidsrettet rehabilitering: Tilbake i arbeid etter arbeidsplassintervensjon og oppfølging ved Hernes Institutt? Ergoterapeuten; 1: 42-52.

    Ihlebæk C. 2022. Planlegging, miljø og folkehelse. Chapter 13 in “Miljøplanlegging” (Eds S. Movik & K.B. Stokke). Universitetsforlaget, Oslo, pp 173-186.

    Ihlebæk C & Rustad MH. 2022. Psychosocial job strain and musculoskeletal pain in cabin crew – does gender matter? The International Journal of Aerospace Psychology; 32(1): 54-63.

    Lillefjell M, Maass R, Ihlebæk C. 2022 Applying Salutogenesis in Vocational Rehabilitation Settings. In: Mittelmark M.B. et al. (eds) “The Handbook of Salutogenesis”. Springer, Cham., pp 441-446.

    Ihlebæk C, Castellan C, Flobak J, Ese J. 2021. The School as an Arena for Co-Creating Participation, Equity, and Well-Being—A Photovoice Study from Norway. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 8252.

    Brusletto B, Nielsen RA, Engan H, Oldervoll L, Ihlebæk C, Mjøsund NH, Torp S. 2021. Labor force participation and working patterns among women and men who survived cancer. A descriptive 9 years longitudinal cohort study. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health; 2021; 49: 188–196.

    Ellingsen-Dalskau LH, Berget B, Tellnes G, Ihlebæk C. 2021. Understanding the relationship between subjective health complaints and satisfaction with life for people in prevocational training in Norway. Nordic Journal of Social Research; 12: 48-71.

    Ihlebæk C, Næss P, Stefansdottir H. 2021. Are compact cities a threat to public health? European Planning Studies, 2021, 29 (6), 1021–1049.

    Jøranson N, Calogiuri G, Olsen C, Ihlebæk C, Pedersen I. 2021. Effects on sleep from group-activity with a robotic seal in nursing home residents with dementia: A cluster-randomized controlled trial. International Psychogeriatrics, 33(10), 1045-1056.

    Hjellset VT & Ihlebæk C. 2020. Modern health worries in Pakistani immigrant women in Norway. International Journal of Intercultural Relations; 75, 48-55.

    Brusletto B, Ihlebæk C, Mjøsund NH, Torp S. 2020. From shaky grounds to solid foundations. A salutogenic perspective on return to work after cancer. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy 27(7), 524-35.

    Olsen C, Pedersen I, Bergland A, Enders-Slegers MJ, Ihlebæk C. 2019. Engagement in elderly persons with dementia attending group animal-assisted activity. Dementia; 18(1): 245–261.

    Hjellset VT, Ihlebæk C. 2019. Bi-dimensional acculturation and psychological distress in Pakistani immigrant women in Norway – A cross-sectional study. J Immigr Minor Health; 21(3):508-514.

    Stefansdottir H, Næss P, Ihlebæk C. 2019. Built environment, non-motorized travel and overall physical activity. Travel Behaviour and Society; 16: 201-213.

    Brusletto B, Torp S, Ihlebæk C, Vinje HF. 2018. A five-phase process model describing the return to sustainable work of persons who survived cancer: a qualitative study. European Journal of Oncology Nursing; 34:21-37.

    Ihlebæk C, Aamodt G, Aradi R, Claussen B, Thoren KH. 2018. The association between urban green space and self-reported life-style related disorders in Oslo, Norway.  Scandinavian Journal of Public Health; 46:589-96. 

    Nordbø EC, Aamodt G, Ihlebæk C. 2017. Subjective health complaints in individuals with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis: Associations with the severity of the skin condition and illness perceptions - a cross sectional study. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine; 24(3):438-446. 

    Omholt ML, Tveito TH, Ihlebæk C. 2017. Subjective health complaints, work-related stress and self-efficacy in Norwegian aircrew. Occupational Medicine; 67(2):135-142. 

    Lillefjell M, Maass R, Ihlebæk C. 2017. The application of salutogenesis in vocational rehabilitation settings. Chapter 30 in: ”Handbook of Salutogenesis” (Ed M. Mittelmark). Springer International Publishing, Switzerland.

    Johnsen TL, Indahl A, Eriksen HR, Ihlebæk C, Tveito TH. 2017. Work and mental complaints: Are response outcome expectancies more important than work conditions and number of subjective health complaints? Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation; 27(2):218-227.

    Olsen C, Pedersen I, Jøranson N, Bergland A, Enders-Slegers MJ, Calogiuri G, Ihlebæk C. 2016. Differences in quality of life in home-dwelling persons and nursing home residents with dementia – a cross-sectional study. BMC Geriatrics; 16:137.

    Øyeflaten I, Opsahl J, Eriksen HR, Norendal Braathen T, Lie SA, Brage S, Ihlebæk C, Breivik K. 2016. Subjective health complaints, functional ability, fear avoidance beliefs and days on sickness benefits after work rehabilitation – a mediation model. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders;17(1):225. 

    Jøranson N, Pedersen I, Rokstad AMM, Aamodt G, Ihlebæk C. 2016. Change in quality of life in elderly with dementia participating in Paro-activity: A cluster-randomized controlled trial. Journal of Advanced Nursing; 72(12):3020-33.

    Olsen C, Pedersen I, Bergland A, Enders-Slegers MJ, Ihlebæk C. 2016. Effect of animal-assisted activity on Balance and Quality of Life in home dwelling persons with dementia. Geriatric nursing; 37(4):284-91.

    Jøranson N, Pedersen I, Rokstad AMM, Aamodt G, Olsen C, Ihlebæk C. 2016. Group activity with Paro in nursing homes: Systematic investigation of behaviors in participants. International Psychogeriatrics; 28(8):1345-54.

    Olsen C, Pedersen I, Bergland A, Enders-Slegers MJ, Patil G, Ihlebæk C. 2016. Effect of animal assisted interventions on depression, agitation, and quality of life in nursing home residents suffering from cognitive impairment or dementia: a cluster randomized controlled trial. International journal of geriatric psychiatry; 31(12):1312-21.

    Ellingsen-Dalskau LH, Berget B, Tellnes G, Pedersen I, Ihlebæk C. 2016. Understanding how prevocational training on care farms can lead to healthy functioning, motivation and well-being. Disability and Rehabilitation; 38(25):2504-13.

    Pedersen I, Patil G, Berget B, Ihlebæk C, Gonzalez MT. 2016. Mental health rehabilitation in a care farm context: A descriptive review of Norwegian intervention studies. WORK; 53: 31-43.

    Ihlebæk C, Ellingsen-Dalskau LH, Berget B. 2016. Motivations, experiences and challenges of being a Care farmer – results of a survey of Norwegian Care farmers. WORK; 53: 113-121.

    Pedersen I, Dalskau LH, Ihlebæk C, Patil G. 2016. Content and key components of vocational rehabilitation on care farms for unemployed people with mental health problems: A case study report. WORK; 53: 21-30.

    Calogiuri G, Evensen K, Weydahl A, Andersson K, Patil G, Ihlebæk C, Raanaas RK. 2016. Green exercise as a workplace intervention to reduce job stress. Results from a pilot study. WORK; 53: 99-111.

    Jøranson N, Pedersen I, Rokstad AMM, Ihlebæk C. 2015. Effects on symptoms of agitation and depression for persons with dementia participating in robot-assisted activity - a cluster-randomized controlled trial. J Am Med Dir Assoc.;16(10):867-73.

    Hjetland R, Reiso H, Ihlebæk C, Nilsen RM, Grude N, Ulvestad E. 2015. Subjective health complaints and reduced general function are not associated with tick bites or antibodies to Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in blood donors in western Norway. BMC Public Health; 15:657.

  • Undervisning


    FHV313 Psykososiale faktorer og helse


  • Forskning og prosjekter

    Forskningsprosjekter med nettside utenfor NMBU

  • Mer om meg og CV

    I am interested in the local and regional level as an important arena for promoting health and well-being throughout Europe, and I am a Member of the Steering Committee, WHO Europe's Regions for Health Network since 2019.

    I am also interested in the development of partnerships and cooperation between universities and regional and municipipal governments. I am a Member of the expert council for social inequalities in health, Viken County, Norway. I am also a member of the Coordination Committee for Folkehelselab, Viken County, Norway.

    I am a member of the Editorial review board, Nordic Journal of Wellbeing and Sustainable Welfare Development.

    My background:

    • 2021-: Head of department, Department of public health science, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway
    • 2018-2019: Consultant, WHOs European office for Investment for Health and Development, Venice, Italy
    • 2012-: Professor (20%), Faculty of health, welfare, and organization, Østfold University College, Norway 
    • 2010-: Professor, Department of Public Health Science, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway.
    • 2008-2010: Associate professor, Department of Public Health Science, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway
    • 2009: Academic leadership,12 months Leadership program for researchers (UFF), Uni research (now NORCE), Bergen, Norway.
    • 2006-2008: Senior Researcher, Uni research (now NORCE), Norway
    • 2002-2006: Researcher, Uni research (now NORCE), Norway
    • 1997-2002: PhD degree, Faculty of Psychology, University of Bergen, Norway
    • 1995-1997: Research assistant, Uni Research (now NORCE), Norway
    • 1995: Pedagogical Degree, Faculty of Psychology, University of Bergen, Norway
    • 1993: Cand Scient., Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Bergen