Arild Vatn

Arild Vatn


  • Institutt for internasjonale miljø- og utviklingsstudier, Noragric

Arild Vatn is an institutional and ecological economist and professor emeritus at the Department of International Environment and Development Studies at NMBU. He specializes in environmental governance and policy processes. Vatn is a former Vice President and President of the European Society of Ecological Economics. He has lead the research program 'Environment 2015' at the Research Council of Norway and a series of prominent PhD summer schools in ecological economics and environmental governance at various European universities and NMBU between 2006 and 2014. He has lead the NMBU research committee and been member of several other committees at NMBU and nationally including the National Committee for Research Ethics in Science and Technology (NENT). He received the NMBU research prize in 2002 - the second time it was awarded. He has also received international recognition for his contributions to his field, including the Thorstein Veblen prize in 2007 and the Kenneth Boulding Award in 2016. Vatn has received several prizes for his teaching and has lead the NMBU’s Master program in International Environment Studies. He was a coordinating lead author of the UN Nature Panel's (IPBES) 'Value Assessment' published in 2022. 

  • Fagfelt
    • Teaching
    • Master International Environment Studies
    • Theoretical research within institutional and ecological economics
    • Empirical research in environmental governance
  • Publikasjoner

    Liste med publikasjoner fra min forskning. (Cristin)


    Selected since 2005:

     Vatn, A., M. Aasen, J. Thøgersen, R.E. Dunlap, D.R. Fisher, O, Hellevik and P. Stern, 2022. What role do climate considerations play in consumption of red meat in Norway? Global Environmental Change, 73, 102490.

    Vatn, A., 2021. Berekraftig økonomi. Innsikter fra økologisk og institusjonell økonomi. Oslo: Fagbokforlaget.

    Kvakkestad, V., Å.L Steiro and A. Vatn, 2021. Pesticide Policies and Farm Behavior: The Introduction of Regulations for Integrated Pest Management. Agriculture, 11:828. https://­

    Tan, R., R. Hu and A. Vatn, 2021. What does sustainability demand? An institutionalist analysis with applications to China. Journal of Chinese Governance.­1080/23812346.2021.1940690

    Thøgersen, J., A. Vatn, M. Aasen, R.E. Dunlap, D.R. Fisher, O. Hellevik and P. Stern, 2021. Why do people continue driving conventional cars despite climate change? Social-psychological and institutional insights from a survey of Norwegian commuters. Energy Research & Social Science, 79(September):102168.­j.erss.­2021.102168

    Aasen, M. and A., Vatn, 2021. Institutional Context, Political-Value Orientation and Public Attitudes Towards Climate Policies: A Qualitative Follow-Up Study of an Experiment. Environmental Values, 30(1):43-63(21).­15752810­324075

    Vatn, A., V. Kvakkestad, Å, Steiro and I, Hodge, 2020. Pesticide taxes or voluntary action? An analysis of responses among Norwegian grain farmers. Journal of Environmental Management, 276:111074.

    Steiro, Å.L., V. Kvakkestad, T.A. Breland and A. Vatn, 2020.  Integrated Pest Management adoption by grain farmers in Norway: A novel index method. Crop Protection, 135:105201.

    Vatn, A., 2020. Institutions for sustainability—Towards an expanded research program for ecological economics. Ecological Economics, 168:106507

    Vatn, A., 2019. Polanyi, markets and environmental protection. Culture, Practice & Europe­an­ization, 4(1):74-77

    Nantongo, M., A. Vatn and P. Vedeld, 2019. All that glitters is not gold; Power and parti­cip­ation in processes and structures of implementing REDD+ in Kondoa, Tanzania. Forest Policy and Economics, 100:44-54

    Nantongo, M. and A. Vatn, 2019. Estimating transaction costs of REDD+. Ecological Econ­omics, 156:1-11

    Samndong, R.A. and A. Vatn, 2018. Competing tenures: Implications for REDD+ in the Dem­ocratic Republic of Congo. Forests, 9(11):662

    McNeill, D., M. Furuly and A, Vatn, 2018. REDD+, NGOs and Local Govern­ment in Tanzania. International Forestry Review, 20(3):375-389

    Primmer, E., H. Saarikoski and A. Vatn, 2018. An Empirical Analysis of Institutional Demand for Valuation Knowledge. Ecological Economics, 152:152-160.

    Vatn, A., 2018. Institutional Economics – The Economics of Ecological Economics! Ecology, Economy and Society, 1(1): 5 – 9.

    Vatn, A., 2018. Environmental Governance – From Public to Private? Ecological Economics, 148:170-177. 

    Samndong, R.A., G. Bush, A. Vatn and M. Chapman, 2018. Institutional analysis of causes of deforestation in REDD+ pilot sites in the Equateur province: Implication for REDD+ in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Land Use Policy, 76:664-674

    Aasen, M. and A. Vatn, 2018. Public Attitudes Toward Climate Policies: The Effect of Institutional Contexts and Political Values. Ecological Economics, 146:106-114.

    Vatn, A., G. Kajembe, E. Mosi, M. Nantongo, D.S. Silayo, 2017. What does it take to insti­tute REDD +? An analysis of the Kilosa REDD+ pilot, Tanzania. Forest Policy and Economics, 83 (October):1-9.

    Heller, M. and A. Vatn, 2017. The divisive and disruptive effect of a weight-based waste fee. Ecological Economics, 131:275-285

    Vatn, A., 2016. On limits. In Farley, J. and D. Malghan (eds.): Beyond Uneconomic Growth. Economics, Equity and the Ecological Predicament. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 83-105.

    Vatn, A., G. Kajembe, D.S. Silayo, and P. Vedeld. 2016. Governance structures for REDD+ – experiences from Tanzania. In Kulindwa, K., (ed.): Lessons and Implications for REDD+ Implementation: Experiences from Tanzania. CCIAMSUA, Morogoro, E&D Vision Publishing Ltd, Tanzania, pp 299 - 323

    Vatn, A., 2015. Environmental Governance. Institutions, Policies and Actions. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

    Vatn, A., 2015. Markets in environmental governance. From theory to practice. Ecological Economics, 117:225-233.

    Vatn, A., 2015. Global Environmental Governance. In Martinez_Alier, J. and R. Muradian (eds.): Handbook in Ecological Economics. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp 382-412.

    Muradian, R., M. Arsel,… A. Vatn, …, 2013. Payments for ecosystem services and the fatal attraction of win-win solutions. Conservation letters, 6(4):274-279.

    Aasen, M., and A. Vatn, 2013. Deliberation on GMOs: A study on how a Citizens' Jury affects the citizens’ attitudes. Environmental Values, 22(4):461-481.

    Vatn, A., and P. Vedeld, 2013. National governance structures for REDD+. Global Environmental Change, 23(2):422-432.

    Vatn, A. and P. Vedeld, 2012.  Fit, Interplay and Scale – A Diagnosis. Ecology and Society, 17(4):12.

    Vatn, A., 2012. Environmental Governance – the Aspect of Coordination. In Brousseau, E., T. Dedeurwaerdere, P.-A. Jouvet and M. Willinger (eds.): Governing Global Environmental Commons: Institutions, Markets, Social Preferences and Political Games. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 31-53.

    Vatn, A., 2012. Institutions, Rationality and Social Costs. In Ramazzotti, P., P. Frigato and W. Elsner, (eds.):  Social Costs Today Institutional Analyses of the Present Crises. London: Routledge, pp. 35-56.

    Vatn, A., 2012. Governing the Environment: The Institutional Economics Approach. In Marletto, G., (ed.): Creating a Sustainable Economy. An Institutional and Evolutionary Approach to Environmental Policy. New York: Routledge, pp. 67-91.

    Vatn, A., 2011. Environmental Governance – A Conceptualization. In Kjosavik, D. and P. Vedeld (eds.): The Political Economy of Environment and Development in a Globalized World. Exploring the Frontiers. Trondheim, Tapir Academic Press, pp. 131-152.

    Vatn, A., 2010. An Institutional Analysis of Payments for Environmental Services. Ecological Economics, 69:1245-1252.

    Vatn, A., 2009. Cooperative behavior and institutions. Journal of Socio-Economics, 38:188-196.

    Vatn. A., 2009. Sustainability, institutions and behavior. In Beckmann, V. and M. Padman­abhan (eds.): Institutions and Sustainability. Berlin, Springer, pp. 293-314.

    Vatn, A., 2007. Resource regimes and cooperation. Land Use Policy, 24(4):624-632.

    Kvakkestad, V., F. Gillund, K.A. Kjølberg and A. Vatn, 2007. Scientists’ Perspectives on the Deliberate Release of GM crops. Environmental Values, 16:79-104.

    Rørstad, P.K., A. Vatn and V. Kvakkestad, 2007. Why do transaction costs of agricultural policies vary? Agricultural Economics, 36:1-11.

    Vatn, A., L. Bakken, M. Bleken, O-H Baadshaug, H. Fykse, L.E. Haugen, H. Lundekvam, J. Morken, E. Romstad, P.K. Rørstad, A.O, Skjelvåg and T. Sogn, 2006. A Metho­­­dology for Interdisciplinary Analyzes of Pollution from Agriculture. Agricultural Systems, 88:270-293.

    Spash, C., and A. Vatn, 2006. Transferring Environmental Value Estimates: Issues and Alter­na­tives. Ecological Economics, 60(2):379-388.

    Vatn, A., 2005. Rationality, Institutions and Environmental Policy. Ecological Economics, 55(2):203-217

    Vatn, A., 2005. Institutions and the Environment. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar.

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