Andrei Florin Marin

Andrei Florin Marin


  • Institutt for internasjonale miljø- og utviklingsstudier, Noragric



  • Publikasjoner

    Liste med publikasjoner fra min forskning. (Cristin)

    Marin, A., Sjaastad, E., Benjaminsen, T.A., Sara, M.N.M. & E.J.L. Borgervik (2020)Productivity beyond density: A critique of management models for reindeer pastoralism in Norway. Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice; 10 (9).

    Marin, A. (2019). Volatility: understanding global capitalism and climate change vulnerability in Mongolia. In Hylland Eriksen, T. and A. Stensrud (eds.), Climate, Capitalism and Communities: An Anthropology of Environmental Overheating, London, Pluto Press.

    Ofstad, S. & Marin, A. (2019). What Exactly Are We a Part of Now?’ Norwegian NGOs’ Engagement with State Governmentality. Forum for Development Studies, 46,

    Marin, A. & Naess, L.O. (2017). Climate Change Adaptation through Humanitarian Aid? Promises, Perils and Potentials of the 'New Humanitarianism'. IDS Bulletin 48 (4). (2 citations)

    Marin, Andrei & Bjørklund, Ivar (2016).
    Is Finnmarksvidda a Commons (in Norwegian, "Er Finnmarksvidda en allmenning?"). In: Samisk reindrift - Norske myter. Fagbokforlaget 2016 ISBN 9788245017519.  pp. 107-128.

    Benjaminsen, Tor A; Borgenvik, Johan; Sjaastad, Espen Olav; Marin, Andrei  (2016).
    Reindeer density, productivity, and efficiency: on Models, research, and politics. (In Norwegian, "Reintetthet, produktivitet og effektivisering: Om modeler, forskning og politikk). In: Samisk reindrift - Norske myter. Fagbokforlaget 2016 ISBN 9788245017519.  pp. 69-86

    Marin, Andrei & Bjørklund, Ivar (2015).
    A tragedy of errors? Institutional dynamics and land tenure in Finnmark, Norway. International Journal of the Commons 2015 ; 9 (1) pp. 19-40.

    Eriksen, Siri E H & Marin, Andrei (2015).
    Sustainable Adaptation under Adverse Development? Lessons from Ethiopia. I: Climate Change Adaptation and Development: Transforming Paradigms and Practices. Routledge 2015 ISBN 9781138025967.

    Olsson, L., Opondo,M, Tschaker, P., Agrawal, A., Eriksen, S., Ma, S., Perch, L., Zakieldeen,  S., Jampel, C., Mara, V., Marin, A., Satterthwaite, D., St. Clair, A., Sumner, A. (2014).                                                                                                                                                    Chapter 13: Livelihoods and poverty, in IPCC’s  Assessment Report 5,  Working Group II.

    Marin, Andrei & Berkes, Fikret (2013)
    Local people's accounts of climate change: to what extent are they influenced by the media?. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 2013 ; 4 (1), pp. 1-8.

    Eriksen, S. & Marin, A. (2013).                                                                                                                                                             Pastoral Pathways.Climate Change Adaptation Lessons from Ethiopia. Development Fund Report, 54 p. (

    Marin, Andrei Florin (2010).
    Riders under storms: Contributions of nomadic herders' observation to analysing climate change in Mongolia. Global Environmental Change 2010 ; 20 (1), pp. 162-176.

    Marin, Andrei (2008).
    Between Cash Cows and Golden Calves: Adaptations of Mongolian Pastoralism in the 'Age of the Market'. Nomadic Peoples 2009 ; 12(2), pp. 75-101

    Marin, Andrei (2006).                                                                                                                                                                               Confined and sustainable? A critique of recent pastoral policy for reindeer herding in Finnmark, Northern Norway. In Nomadic Peoples 10 (2)., pp. 209-232




    Mine publikasjoner

  • Undervisning

    EDS104 Environmental and Sustainability Science, Course Resonsible (BSc. in International Environment and Development Studies)

    EDS130 Introduction to Political Ecology, Course Responsible (BSc. in International Environment and Development Studies)

  • Forskning og prosjekter
  • Mer om meg og CV

    Curriculum Vitae

    Andrei Florin Marin




    Personal history

    Nationality: Romanian                                                                                         Contact: Andrei Marin

    Country of residence: Norway                                                                             Furuveien 2B,

    Civil Status: Married, 2 children                                                                         1430 Ås, Norway

    Date of birth: 25.09.1975                                                                                E-mail:; Phone: + 47 91 71 71 95


    Thematic expertise:  Climate change vulnerability and adaptation; indigenous knowledge; institutional change; sustainable development; agriculture.

    Geographic expertise:  Mongolia, Norway, Kenya , Ethiopia, Romania







    Jan. 2014- Present: Researcher, Department of International Environment and Development Studies (Noragric), Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU).

    May 2011-December 2013: Postdoctoral fellow, (Noragric), NMBU. Project: The politics of climate change adaptation. An integrative approach to climate and development interventions in Mongolia and Nepal, funded by The Research Council of Norway.

    Aug. 2010-May 2011: Associate professor, Department of International Environment and Development Studies (Noragric), Norwegian University of Life Sciences

    2005- 2010 PhD. candidate, Institute of Geography, University of Bergen, Norway. Thesis title: “Chasing the rains: Mongolian pastoralists’ vulnerability and adaptation to climate change in the ‘age of the market’ ”

    2004- PhD course in Development Studies at Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB)

    Oct. 2003- PhD. Seminar ‘Theories and Methodologies in Development Studies’ at the Research Centre on Development and International Relations (Aalborg University, DK)

    July, 2003- PhD course in Arctic Plant Ecology at UNIS (University Centre on Svalbard), Norway

    2000- 2003- MSc. Programme ‘Management of Natural Resources and Sustainable Agriculture’ at Noragric, UMB



    Research funding attracted


    2015-2018: EU Joint Programming Initiative Climate: Project "Social-Ecological Transformations: HUMan-ANimal Relations Under Climate Change in NORthern Eurasia” (PI leading the Mongolia case study) (ca. 150,000 euro for the case study).

    2014: Research Council of Norway- Norklima Programme- funds for international conference on “The Politics of Climate Change Adaptation” in Aas, Norway. (ca. 8000 euro)

    2011-2013: Research Council of Norway – lead the writing of research proposal for 3-year research project (ca. 500,000 Euro)

    2009: Meltzer Foundation visiting scholar stipend for a stay at the University of Cambridge, UK (ca. 3000 Euro)

    2006: Field research grant from the Meltzer Foundation (ca. 4000 Euro).

    2005-2009: 4-year full PhD scholarship from the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Bergen


    Peer-reviewed publications



    Marin, A. & Næss, L.O. (under review, submitted IDS Bulletin). Climate change adaptation through humanitarian aid? Promises, perils, and potentials of the ‘new humanitarianism’.


    Marin, A & Bjørklund, I. (2016). Is Finnmarksvidda a commons? (in Norwegian- “Er Finnmarksvidda en allmenning?”). In Sámi reindeer herding, Norwegian Myths (in Norwegian “Samisk Reindrift, Norske Myter”)(eds.)  Benjaminsen, T. A., I. M. Gaup Eira and M. N. Sara, eds. Oslo, Fagbokforlaget.


    Benjaminsen, T.A., Borgenvik, J.,  Sjaastad, E. & Marin, A. (2016). Reindeer density, production, and effectivization: on modells, research, and politics (in Norwegian «Reintetthet, produksjon og effektivisering: om modeller, forskning og politikk»). Forthcoming in Sámi reindeer herding, Norwegian Myths (in Norwegian “Samisk Reindrift, Norske Myter”), (eds.)  Benjaminsen, T. A., I. M. Gaup Eira and M. N. Sara, eds. Oslo, Fagbokforlaget.


    Marin, A & Bjørklund, I. (2015). A tragedy of errors? Institutional dynamics and land tenure in Finnmark, Norway. International Journal of the Commons, vol 9 (1).


    Olsson, L., Opondo, M, Tschaker, P., Agrawal, A., Eriksen, S., Ma, S., Perch, L., Zakieldeen,  S., Jampel, C., Mara, V., Marin, A., Satterthwaite, D., St. Clair, A., Sumner, A. (2014) Chapter 13: Livelihoods and poverty, in IPCC’s  Assessment Report 5,  Working Group II.


    Eriksen, S. & Marin, A. (2014) Sustainable adaptation under adverse development? Lessons from Ethiopia, in Social Adaptation to Climate Change in Developing Countries: “Development as usual is not enough”, eds. Eriksen, S., O’Brien K, Inderberg, T.H., Routledge.


    Marin, A. & Berkes, F. (2013) Local people's observations of climate change: are they influenced by science and media?, Wiley’s Reviews Climate Change, 4.


    Eriksen, S., Marin A. (2011) Pastoral pathways. Climate change adaptation lessons from Ethiopia. Development Fund Report, Oslo/Ås, Norway.


    Marin, A. (2010) Riders under storms: Contributions of nomadic herders’ observations to analysing climate change in Mongolia, in Global Environmental Change, 20 (1).


    Marin, A. (2008) Between cash-cows and golden calves: adaptations of Mongolian pastoralism in the ‘age of the market’, under review in Nomadic Peoples, 12 (2).


     Marin, A. (2006) Confined and sustainable? A critique of recent pastoral policy for reindeer herding in Finnmark, Northern Norway, in Nomadic Peoples, 10 (2), 2006.


    Marin, A. (2005) Pastoral Dilemmas in a European Context: Common or Private Reindeer Ranges in Sub-arctic Norway, in IIED Securing the Commons, 11.


     Conferences and public lectures


    Marin, A. (2015). The social life of the Pastureland Law and the politics of adaptation in Mongolia. Presented at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Chicago, April 2015.

    Marin, A. (2014). The politics of climate change adaptation in Mongolia. Policies, politics, and people. Paper presented at the Politics of climate change adaptation conference, Ås


    Marin, A. (2012): Panarchy, globalization and institutional change: a spatio-temporal scalar analysis of adapting institutions, paper presented at the Planet Under Pressure Conference, London, March 26-29 2012

    Marin, A. (2011): Contextualizing complexity: understanding driving forces of herders’ vulnerability to climate change, invited presentation at 3rd Annual Conference of Henry Luce Foundation, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

    Marin, A. (2011): Pastoralists' adaptation to climate change: understanding the interplay of development goals and climate change interventions in Mongolia, American Centre for Mongolian Studies, Ulaanbaatar.

    Marin, A. (2009): Double exposures: How synergies of environmental change and globalization limit adaptation for Mongolian pastoralists, GECHS Synthesis Conference: Human Security in an Era of Global Change, Oslo, (paper presentation)



    Popular Science/Media:



    1. Interview with Morgenbladet (in Norwegian): Not only climate changes increase class differences among Mongolian herders (original title «Ikke bare klimaendringene øker klasseforskjellene blant gjeterne i Mongolia”). (04.12.2010)

    1. Interview with CNN: High cost of cashmere on Mongolia plains (12.09.2010)


    1. Interview with The New York Times/ International Herald Tribune:

     “Pastoralism unraveling in Mongolia” (8. 12.2009)






     Reviewer for:


    Scientific journals/printing houses


    Funding bodies

    International Journal of the Commons

    EU- The European Research Council (ERC) Work Programme

    National Science Foundation of the United States- Social Anthropology Council

    Journal of Arid Environments

    Ecology and Society

    Norge-Amerika Foreningen (the Norway-America Association)


    Environmental Management

    Nomadic peoples


    Pastoralism: Research Policy and Practice


    University of Chicago Press


    Pedagogical qualifications


    I am currently course responsible for the undergraduate courses EDS104: Environmental and Sustainability Science, and EDS130: INtroduction to Political Ecology at Noragric, NMBU. During 2005-2014, I have been teaching undergraduate and graduate courses, supervised, examined, or development curricula for the following course:

    -Global environmental management (University college Oslo- taught in Ghana via ),

    -Management of dryland resource systems (UMB),

    -Introduction to Environmental Studies (UMB),

    -Critical perspectives on environment and development (course responsible, University of Bergen- UiB),

    -Resource management and development in the third world (UiB),

    -Theories of development and migration (UiB).  


    Language skills




    French- intermediate

    Italian- intermediate

    Mongolian- basic

    Romanian- mother tongue






    Prof. Tor Halfdan Aase, Institute of geography, University of Bergen

    Email: , Tel. 5558 3088


    Prof. Bruce Forbes, Arctic Centre, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland.

    Email:, Tel. +1-914-610-8684 (for the period Sept 2015- June 2016)