Anders Qvale Nyrud

Anders Qvale Nyrud


  • Seksjon for fornybar energi og skogvitenskap

Jeg underviser og forsker innen fagfeltene treteknologi og skogindustriell økonomi.

Mine faglige interesser omfatter alle områder som påvirker lønnsomheten i norsk skogindustri. Bedre kunnskap om råvarer, industrielle produksjonsprosesser og markeder for skogprodukter kan bidra til økt verdiskaping og lønnsomhet i den norske skogsektoren. Jeg er spesielt opptatt av å studere treprodukters anvendelse (f.eks. funksjonelle, estetiske og psykologiske egenskaper) i perspektiv av vareegenskaper, industrielle produksjonsprosesser og markedskrav for sluttprodukter.

Jeg underviser i emnene TRE210 (Skogprodukter og materialteknologi), SKOG250 (Skogforvaltning - øvingskurs i tverrfaglig analyse) og TRE210 (Trelastindustri).


I teach and do research on Wood Technology and Forest Business.

My research focuses on aspects that influence the economic performance of the Norwegian forest sector, and which contribute to increased value added and profitability of the forest industry through improved knowledge of production processes and forest product markets. In particular, I am interested in studying the relationship between raw material properties, industrial production processes and market requirements for final products and their attributes (i.e. functional, aesthetical and/or psychological attributes).

I currently teach TRE210 (Skogprodukter og materialteknologi), SKOG250 (Skogforvaltning - øvingskurs i tverrfaglig analyse) and TRE210 (Trelastindustri).



  • Publikasjoner

    Liste med publikasjoner fra min forskning. (Cristin)

    Selected Publications (pr. 06-2017)

    Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals

    Nyrud, A.Q., Bysheim, K., Bringslimark, T. Forthcoming. Does elements of nature have a healing effect? The impact of wooden materials and landscape pictures in patient rooms. Accepted for publication in Arkitektur N.

    Kraniotis, D., Nyrud, A.Q., Skuldberg, K., Englund, F., Nore, K. 2016. Moisture buffering, energy potential and VOC emissions of wood exposed to indoor environments. Published on-line in Science and Technology for the Built Environment.

    Strobel, K., Nyrud, A.Q., Bysheim, K. 2017. Interior wood use: Linking user perceptions to physical properties. Published on-line in Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research.

    Burnard, M.D., Nyrud, A.Q., Bysheim, K., Kutnar, A., Vahtikari, K., Hughes, M. 2017. Building material naturalness: Perceptions from Finland, Norway and Slovenia. Indoor and Built Environment 30:92-107.

    Räty, T., Toppinen, A., Roos, A., Riala, M., Nyrud, A.Q. 2016. Environmental Policy in the Nordic Wood Product Industry: Insights Into Firms’ Strategies and Communication. Business Strategy and the Environment 25:10-27.

    Kraniotis, D., Nore, K., Brückner, K., Nyrud, A.Q. 2015. Thermography measurements and latent heat documentation of Norwegian spruce (Picea abies) exposed to dynamic indoor climate. Journal of Wood Science 62:203-209.

    Sjølie, H.K., Bysheim, K., Nyrud, A.Q., Flæte, P.O., Solberg, B. 2015. Future Development of the Norwegian Forest Industry, Based on Industry Expectations. Forest Products Journal 65:148-158.

    Nyrud, A.Q., Bringslimark, T., Bysheim, K. 2014. Health Benefits from Wood Interior in a Hospital Room: Preferences and Evidence-Based Biophilic Design. Architectural Science Review 57:125-131.

    Nyrud, A.Q., Bringslimark, T., Englund, F. 2011. Wood use in a hospital environment: VOC emissions and air quality. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 70:541-543.

    Nyrud, A.Q., Bringslimark, T. 2010. Psychological benefits of interior wood use: A review of the literature. Wood and Fiber Science 42:202-218.

    Høibø, O., Nyrud, A.Q. 2010. Consumer perception of wood surfaces: the relationship between stated preferences and visual homogeneity. Journal of Wood Science 56:276-283.

    McCluskey, D., Nord, T., Tykkä; S., Ollonqvist, P., Hugosson, M., Roos, A. Ukrainski, K., Nyrud, A.Q. 2009. Development of timber framed firms in the construction sector - Is EU policy one source of their innovation? Forest Policy and Economics 12:199-206.

    Bysheim, K., Nyrud, A.Q. 2009. Using a predictive model to analyze architects' intentions to use wood in urban construction. Forest Products Journal 59:65-74.

    Nyrud, A.Q., Roos, A., Rødbotten, M. 2008. Product attributes affecting consumer preference for residential deck materials. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 38:1385-1396.

    Nyrud, A.Q., Rooos, A., Sande, J.B. 2008. Residential bioenergy heating: A study of consumer perceptions of improved woodstoves. Energy Policy 36:3159-3166.

    Torgrim, T., Nyrud, A.Q., Eikenes, B. 2008. Joint cost allocation in the sawmilling industry: four methods for estimating raw material costs. Forest Products Journal 58:77-84.

    Roos, A., Nyrud, A.Q. 2008. Describing green vs. environmentally uninterested customers of wood products in Scandinavia - flooring and decking. Journal of Wood Science 54:402-407.

    Roos, A., Nyrud, A.Q. 2008. Preferences for Pressure Treated Wooden Deck Materials. Wood and Fiber Science 40:436-447.

    Nyrud, A.Q. 2004. Analyzing Norwegian forest management using an optimal harvesting rule. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 19:74-81.

    Nyrud, A.Q., Baardsen, S. 2003. Production Efficiency and Productivity Growth in Norwegian Sawmilling. Forest Science 49:89-97.

    Størdal, S., Nyrud, A.Q. 2003. Norwegian sawlog and lumber markets: a cointegration analysis. Forest Policy and Economics 5:57-68.

    Nyrud, A.Q., Bergseng, E. 2002. Production Efficiency and Size in Norwegian Sawmilling. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 17:566-575.

    Nyrud, A.Q. 2002. Integration in the Norwegain pulpwood market: domestic prices versus external trade. Journal of Forest Economics 8:213-225.

    Book chapters

    Bysheim, K., Nyrud, A.Q. 2016. Health and wellbeing in indoor environments. In: Cronhjort, Y., Vahtikari, K., Hughes, M. Functional Wood. Alto ARTS Books. Alto University, Espoo, Finland.

    Nyrud, A.Q., Roos, A. 2015. Kapittel 12.4 Sensorisk analyse av noon-food - Trevareindustrien In: Sensorisk Studiegruppe. Sensorikk – måling med menneskelige sanser. Kopinor Pensum, Oslo, Norway.

    Bringslimark, T., Nyrud, A.Q., Aslaksen, R. 2012. Utforming av helseinstitusjoner i et miljøpsykologisk perspektiv. I: Lappegård, Å., Fyhri, A., Nordh, H. Antologi for norsk mijøpsykologi. SINTEF Akademisk Forlag.

    Nord, T., Tykkä, S., McCluskey, D., Bajric, F., Bouriaud, L., Hugosson, M., Nyrud, A.Q., Ollonqvist, P., Roos, A., Ukrainski, K., Bysheim, K. 2010. Role of policies and national programmes on innovations in timber frame construction. In: Rameststeiner, E., G. Weiss and P. Ollonqvist. Policy Integration and Coordination: the Case of Innovation and the Forest Sector in Europe. COST Publishing.

    Nyrud, A.Q. 2009. Kapittel 29 Produkt og forbruker. In: Skogstad, P. Treteknisk Håndbok nr 4. Treteknisk. Oslo, Norway.

    Hetemäki, L. Nyrud, A.Q., Boston. K. 2005. Chapter 2: ICT and the Forest Sector: The History and the Present. Pp. 8-23 in: Hetemäki, L. and S. Nilsson (eds.). Information Technology and the Forest Sector. IUFRO Headquarters, Vienna, Austria.

    Nyrud, A.Q., Devine, Å. 2005. Chapter 4: E-Commerce. Pp. 49-63 in: Hetemäki, L. and S. Nilsson (eds.). Information Technology and the Forest Sector. IUFRO Headquarters, Vienna, Austria.

    Baudin, A., Eliasson, L., Gustafsson, Å., Hagström, L., Helstad, K., Nyrud, A.Q., Sande, J.B., Haartveit, E.Y., Ziethén, R. 2005. Chapter 8. ICT and the Wood Industry. Pp. 129-149 in: Hetemäki, L. and S. Nilsson (eds.). Information Technology and the Forest Sector. IUFRO Headquarters, Vienna, Austria.

    Baardsen, S., Nyrud, A.Q. 1997. Analyser av de norske tømmermarkedene - Festskrift til ære for professorene John Eid, Sveinung Nersten, Asbjørn Svendsrud Meddelelser fra Skogforsk 48.1. Skogforsk. Ås, Norway.

  • Undervisning

    Jeg underviser i emnene:

    SKOG210 Skogprodukter og materialteknologi

    TRE210 Trelastindustri

    SKOG250 Skogforvaltning - øvingskurs i tverrfaglig analyse