Lindhjem, H., Dugstad, A., Grimsrud, K., Handberg, Ø. N., Kipperberg, G., Kløw, E., & Navrud, S. (2019). Vindkraft i motvind-Miljøkostnadene er ikke til å blåse av. Aktuell kommentar. Samfunnsøkonomen, 4, 6-17.
Dugstad, A., Grimsrud, K., Kipperberg, G., Lindhjem, H., & Navrud, S. (2020). Acceptance of wind power development and exposure–Not-in-anybody's-backyard. Energy Policy, 147, 111780.
Stensland, S., Dugstad, A., & Navrud, S. (2021). The Recreational value of Atlantic salmon angling under different fishing regulations. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 28(4), 362-372.
Dugstad, A., Grimsrud, K. M., Kipperberg, G., Lindhjem, H., & Navrud, S. (2021). Scope Elasticity of Willingness to pay in Discrete Choice Experiments. Environmental and Resource Economics, 1-37.
Brouwer, R., Pinto, R., Dugstad A. & Navrud, S. (2022) The economic value of the Brazilian Amazon rainforest ecosystem services: A meta-analysis of the Brazilian literature. PLoS ONE 17(5): e0268425. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0268425
Linnerud, K., Dugstad, A., & Rygg, B. J. (2022). Do people prefer offshore to onshore wind energy? The role of ownership and intended use. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 168, 112732.
Lindhjem, H., A. Dugstad, K. Grimsrud, G. Kipperberg, & S. Navrud. (2022). Medvind for landbasert vindkraft eller stille før ny storm? Vi har tatt tempen på folks preferanser for videre utbygging. Aktuell analyse, Samfunnsøkonomen, 5, 48-61.
Dugstad, A. & Navrud, S. (2023). The Reliability of Delphi Surveys and Benefit Transfer to Predict Outcomes of Contingent Valuation Estimates, Land Economics, 99(3).
Dugstad, A., Grimsrud, K. M., Kipperberg, G., Lindhjem, H., & Navrud, S. (2023). Place attachment and preferences for wind energy - a value-based approach. Energy Research & Social Science,100, 103094.
Dugstad, A., Grimsrud, K., & Lindhjem, H. (2023). Aksept for økt klimaavgift blant norske bedrifter. Praktisk økonomi & finans, 39(4), 352-367.
Iversen, E. K., & Dugstad, A. (2024). Spatial dimensions in stated preference valuation: The role of place attachment. Land Use Policy, 136, 106971.
Dugstad, A., Brouwer, R., Grimsrud, K., Kipperberg, G., Lindhjem, H., & Navrud, S. (2024). Nature is ours!–Psychological ownership and preferences for wind energy. Energy Economics, 129, 107239.
Grønbekk, M., E., Dugstad, A., & Rosendahl, K., E. (2024). Gir grunnrenteskatt vind i seilene? Kommuners aksept av landbasert vindkraft, Samfunnsøkonomen [Forthecoming].
Fall 2018: Teaching assistent, ECN201 Econometrics.
Spring 2019: Lecturer, ECN102 Kont matematikk for økonomer.
Spring 2020: Lecturer and course responsible, ECN280 Energy Economics.
Fall 2020: Lecturer and course responsible, ECN306 Economics of sustainability.
Fall 2021 - : Teaching assistant, ECN311 Microeconomics
Spring 2022 - : Shared lecture responsibility, ECN280 Energy Economics
Fall 2022 - : Lecturer and course responsible, ECN305 Research Methods in Economics