
Av Kateryna Krutskykh


Gøril L. Andreassen
(2019). Samfunnsøkonomisk lønnsomhet i karbonfangst. Stat & Styring 3: 10-13.

Rocca, E. and Anjum, R. L. (2019). Why Causal Evidencing of Risk Fails. An Example from Oil Contamination. Ethics, Policy & Environment: 1-17.

Rocca, E., Copeland, S. M. and Ralph Edwards, I. (2019). Pharmacovigilance as Scientific Discovery: An Argument for Trans-Disciplinarity. Drug Safety: 1-10.

Alberto Bernués, Frode Alfnes, Morten Clemetsen, Lars Olav Eik, Georgia Faccioni, Maurizio Ramanzin, Raimon Ripoll-Bosch, Tamara Rodríguez-Ortega, and Enrico Sturaro (2019). Exploring social preferences for ecosystem services of multifunctional agriculture across policy scenarios. Ecosystem Services, Volume 39, October 2019.

Alfnes, F., Schjøll, A., and Dulsrud, A. (2019). Kartlegging av utviklingen i butikkstruktur, dagligvareutvalg og dagligvarepriser SIFO rapport 5-2019 skrevet for Nærings- og fiskeridepartementet. 106 sider.

Kjosavik, F. (2019). Kant on the possibilities of mathematics and the scope and limits of logic. In: Special Issue of Inquiry on "Critical Views of Logic". First published online August 7, 2019.

Gustavsen, G. and K. Rickertsen (2019). Personality Traits and Wine Consumption: Do Wine and Beer Drinkers Have Different Personalities?, forthcoming Journal of Wine Economics.

Asheim, G.B., T. Fæhn, K. Nyborg, M. Greaker, C. Hagem, B. Harstad, M.O. Hoel, D. Lund and K.E. Rosendahl (2019). The case for a supply-side climate treaty. The Paris Agreement can be strengthened by a treaty limiting global fossil fuel supply. Science 365 (6451): 325-327.

Aa Skei, M.; H. Lindhjem;S. Skjeflo and S. Navrud (2019). Smartphone and tablet effects in contingent valuation web surveys – No reason to worry? Ecological Economics 165 (November 2019): published online July 2, 2019.

Lindhjem, L., A. Dugstad, K. Grimsrud, Ø. N. Handberg, G. Kipperberg, E. Kløw og S. Navrud (2019). Vindkraft i motvind – Miljøkostnadene er ikke til å blåse av. «Aktuell kommentar» i Samfunnsøkonomen 2 (2019): 6-17.

Navrud, S. and G.K. Vondolia (2019). Farmers preferences for reductions in flood risk under monetary and non-monetary payment modes. Water Resources and Economics. Published online September 18, 2019.

Andreas Mikkelsen, Frode Kjærland and Tom Erik Sønsteng Henriksen (2019). Hedge Funds as a Diversification Vehicle. 10.3905/joi.2019.1.099.

Axel Viktor Heyman and Dag Einar Sommervoll (2019). House prices and relative location. Cities, doi: 10.1016/j.cities.2019.06.004.

Nicolay Worren, Jeroen van Bree & William Zybach (2019). Organization design challenges: results from a practitioner survey. Journal of Organization Design, 8(13).

Aida T. Ardebili, Kåre Skallerud, Kyrre Rickertsen
og Zara Zamandaraeh (2019). Hva forklarer sjømatforbruk i Iran?. Økonomisk fiskeriforskning Årgang 29, Nr. 2019. 

Desta B. Gebrehiwot and Stein T. Holden (2019). Variation in Output Shares and Endogenous Matching in Land Rental Contracts: Evidence from Ethiopia. Journal of Agricultural Economics, doi: 10.1111/1477-9552.12345.

Annette Alstadsæter, Niels Johannesen and Gabriel Zucman (2019). Tax Evasion and Inequality. American Economic Review, 109 (6): 2073-2103.

Annette Alstadsæter har vært en del av utvalget som har jobbet med en rapport på klimatiltak og virkemiddel for fiskeflåten, som ble lagt fram for høring 24.mai. Hele rapporten kan leses her.

Åvald Sommervoll and  ag Einar Sommervoll (2019). Learning from man or machine: Spatial fixed effects in urban econometrics. Regional Science and Urban Economics, doi: 10.1016/j.regsciurbeco.2019.04.005.

Md. Akhtarul Alam, Atle G. Guttormsen and Kristin H. Roll (2019). Production Risk and Technical Efficiency of Tilapia Aquaculture in Bangladesh. Marine Resource Economics, 34 (2): 123-141.

Romstad, E. &. G. Stokstad (2019). Land lease at the extensive and intensive margins, pp. 246-262 in Olaussen, J.O. (ed) Contributions in natural resource economics.  Festschrift to Anders Skonhoft., Fagbokforlaget,  Bergen.

Grimsrud, K., Sem, I. V., Lindhjem, H. og Rosendahl, K. E. (2019): Preferanser for Grønn skattekommisjons foreslåtte avgifter på rødt kjøtt og veitrafikk, Samfunnsøkonomen Nr. 2: 40-53.

Stein T. Holden
(2019). Economics of Farm Input Subsidies in Africa. Annual Review of Resource Economics, doi: 10.1146/annurev-resource-100518-094002.

Muuz Hadush, Stein T. Holden, Mesfin Tilahun (2019). Does population pressure induce farm intensification? empirical evidence from Tigrai Region, Ethiopia. Journal of the International Association of Agricultural Economics, doi:10.1111/agec.12482.

Menasbo Gebru, Stein T. Holden, Mesfin Tilahun (2019). Tenants’ land access in the rental market: evidence from northern Ethiopia. Journal of the International Association of Agricultural Economics, doi: 10.1111/agec.12484.

Shawn Pope and Alwyn Lim (2019). The Governance Divide in Global Corporate Responsibility: The Global Structuration of Reporting and Certification Frameworks, 1998–2017. Organization Studies, doi: 10.1177/0170840619830131. 

Alstadsæter, A., Johannesen, N. and Zucman, G. (2019). Tax evasion and inequality. Micronomic Insights.

Fredrik Andersen, Rani Lill Anjum and Elena Rocca (2019). Philosophy of Biology: Philosophical bias is the one bias that science cannot avoid. eLife.

Haug, E. 
(2019). The Philosophy of Randomness: Time in Relation to Uncertainty. Wilmott Magazine. Wiley Publishing.

Sørås, L., Haug, E. and Jørgensen, L. (2019). Methodology Flaws and Implications of A Complementary Medicine Study. The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Oncology, doi:10.1001/jamaoncol.2018.6628.

Finseraas, H., Hanson, T., Johnsen, Å. A., Kotsadam, A., & Torsvik, G. (2019). Trust, Ethnic Diversity, and Personal Contact: A field experiment. Journal of Public Economics. Den er åpent tilgjengelig som CESifo-notat.

Jacob L. Orquin, Martin P. Bagger, Erik S. Lahm, Klaus G. Grunert, Joachim Scholderer (2019). The visual ecology of product packaging and its effects on consumer attention. Journal of Business Research, doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2019.01.043.

Worren, N.
(2018). Caught in the matrix: Accelerate consulting firm. SAGE Business Cases.

Gjermund Grimsby og Endre Kildal Iversen (2018). Akademisk utdannings betydning for produktivitet i norsk markedsrettet næringsliv. Søkelys på arbeidslivet 35 (4): 259-276.

Stein T. Holden
and Sosina Bezu (2018). Exchange asymmetries in productive assets: Tools, fertilizer or cash? World Development 115, 269-278.

Frode Kjosavik,
Christian Beyer and Christel Fricke (2018). Husserl’s Phenomenology of Intersubjectivity. Historical Interpretations and Contemporary Applications, 1st Edition. Routledge, 380 pp.

Anjum, R. L., Copeland, S. and Rocca, E. (2018). Medical Scientists and Philosophers Worldwide Appeal to EBM to Expand the Notion of ‘Evidence’. BMJ Evidence Based Medicine, published online.

Paal Brevik Wangsness
(2018). How to road price in a world with electric vehicles and government budget constraints. Transportetion Research Part D, 65 (2018): 635-657, doi: 10.1136/bmjebm-2018-111092.

Navrud, S.
(2018). Assessing the economic valuation of the benefits of regulating chemicals. Lessons learned from five case studies. OECD Environment Working Papers (136): 15. Organisation for Economic Development and Cooperation (OECD), Paris. ISSN: 19970900 (online), doi: 10.1787/19970900.

Ghebru, H. and Holden, S. T. (2018). Land rental markets and rural poverty dynamics in Northern Ethiopia: Panel data evidence using survival models. Review of Development Economics, doi: 10.1111/rode.12548.

Elin Kubberød, Siw M. Fosstenløkken, Per Olav Erstad (2018). Peer mentoring in entrepreneurship education: towards a role typology. Education + Training, doi: 10.1108/ET-08-2017-0109.

Greaker, M., T-R. Heggedal and K.E. Rosendahl (2018). Environmental Policy and the Direction of Technical Change. Scandinavian Journal of Economics 120, 1100-1138.

Shawn Pope, Patricia Bromley, Alwyn Lim and John W. Meyer (2018). The Pyramid of Nonprofit Responsibility: The Institutionalization of Organizational Responsibility Across Sectors. Voluntas, doi: 10.1007/s11266-018-0038-3.

Rani Lill Anjum  Elena Rocca (2018). From Ideal to Real Risk: Philosophy of Causation Meets Risk Analysis. Risk Analysis, doi: 10.1111/risa.13187.

Rani Lill Anjum and Stephen Mumford (2018). Causation in Science and the Methods of Scientific Discovery. Oxford University Press

Per Halvor Vale (2018). Pengepolitikk etter finanskrisen. Samfunnsøkonomen, 4 (132): 60-67.

Samson P.Katengeza, Stein T.Holden and Monica Fisher (2018). Use of Integrated Soil Fertility Management Technologies in Malawi:Impact of Dry Spells Exposure. Ecological Economics, 156 (2019): 134-152.

Stein T. Holden
(2018). Fertilizer and sustainable intensification in Sub-Saharan Africa. Global Food Security, 18 (September): 20-26.

Grimsrud, K., H. Lindhjem, D.N. Barton and S. Navrud (2018). Challenges to ecosystem service valuation for wealth accounting. Chapter 5 (p. 136-151) in Shunsuke, M. and P. Kumar (eds) 2018:  Inclusive Wealth Report 2018. Measuring Progress Towards Sustainability. Routledge, London and New York.

Senyonga, L. and O. Bergland (2018). Impact of High-Powered Incentive Regulations on Efficiency and Productivity Growth of Norwegian Electricity Utilities. Energy Journal, doi: 10.5547/01956574.39.5.lsen.

Gustavsen, G. W. og K. Rickertsen (2018). Consumer Cohorts and the Demand for Meat and Dairy Products. Proceedings in Food System Dynamics, 169-181.

Henriksen, T. E. S., Pichler, Al., Frydenberg, S., Westgaard, S. (2018). Can commodities dominate stock and bond portfolios?. Annals of Operations Research, doi: 10.1007/s10479-018-2996-7.

Alem, H., Lien, G., Hardaker, J. B., & Guttormsen, A. (2018). Regional differences in technical efficiency and technological gap of Norwegian dairy farms: a stochastic meta-frontier model. Journal of Applied Economics, doi: 10.1080/00036846.2018.1502867.

Fosstenløkken, S. M. (2018). THE ROLE OF PLANS IN THE FORMATION OF A NEW INNOVATION PRACTICE: AN INNOVATION OBJECT PERSPECTIVE. International Journal of Innovation Management, doi: 10.1142/S1363919619500312.

Navrud, S. (2018). Book Review of “Contingent valuation of environmental goods. A comprehensive critique, edited by Dan¬iel McFadden and Kenneth Train. (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2017)»; Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy, 7 (1); 153-157.

Haug, E. (2018). Philosophy of randomness: limited or unlimited randomness?. Wilmott Magazine, Wiley, 96: 10-13.

Vale, P. H. (2018). What Decides the Exchange Rate? Theory – and Predictions of the Norwegian Krone against the Euro. Archives of Business Research, 6 (6). 353-365.

Casini, L., Boncinelli, F., Contini, C., Gerini, F., Scozzafava, G., Alfnes, F. (2018). Heterogeneous preferences with respect to food preparation time: Foodies and quickies. Food Quality and Preference, doi: 10.1016/j.foodqual.2018.07.010.

Marthe Hårvik Austgulen, Silje Elisabeth Skuland, Alexander Schjøll and Frode Alfnes (2018). Consumer Readiness to Reduce Meat Consumption for the Purpose of Environmental Sustainability: Insights from Norway Sustainability. 10(9), 3058; doi: 10.3390/su10093058. 

Schjøll, A, Alfnes, F. og Lanseng, E.J. (2018). Reklame i blogger – forbrukeres holdninger og reaksjoner / Advertising in blogs - Consumer attitudes and reactions (in Norwegian). Chaper 10 in Helle-Valle, J., Jacobsen, E., Storm-Mathisen, A. and Tangen, K.F. (eds.). Markedsføring og forbrukerne – samfunnsvitenskapelige blikk. pp. 158-169.

Joachim Scholderer and Nina Veflen (2018). Social norms and risk communication. Trends in Food Science and Technology, doi: 10.1016/j.tifs.2018.08.002.

Geir Wæhler Gustavsen og Kyrre Rickertsen (2018). Consumer cohorts and the demand for meat and dairy products. International Journal on Food System Dynamics, doi: 10.18461/pfsd.2018.1812.

Annette Alstadsæter, Niels Johannesen and Gabriel Zucman (2018). Who owns the wealth in tax havens? Macro evidence and implications for global inequality. Journal of Public Economics, 162 (June): 89-100.

Annette Alstadsæter and Martin Jacob (2018). Tax Incentives and Noncompliance. Evidence from Swedish Micro Data. Public Finance Review, doi: 10.1177%2F1091142116673900.

Elin Kubberød og Mina Norstrøm (2018). Innvandrergründere og mobilisering av ressurser under bedriftsetablering i Norge. Søkelys på arbeidslivet, 35 (3): 154-170.

Alstadsæter, A.
og Jacob, M. (2018). Tax Incentives and Noncompliance: Evidence from Swedish Micro Data. Public Finance Review, 46 (4): 609 - 634.

Alstadsæter, A., Johannesen, N. and Zucman, G. (2018). Who owns the wealth in tax havens? Macro evidence and implications for global inequality. Journal of Public Economics, 162 (June): 89-100.

Skjerpen, T., H.B. Storrøsten, K.E. Rosendahl and P. Osmundsen (2018). Modelling and Forecasting Rig Rates on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. Resource and Energy Economics 53 (June): 220-239.

Fæhn, T., G. Asheim, M. Greaker, C. Hagem, B. Harstad, M. Hoel, D. Lund, K. Nyborg, K.E. Rosendahl og H.B. Storrøsten (2018). Parisavtalen og oljeeksporten. Samfunnsøkonomen Nr. 3: 39-50, og på nettstedet Energi og Klima.

Katengeza, S.P., Holden, S.T. and Rodney W. Lunduka (2018). Adoption of Drought Tolerant Maize Varieties under Rainfall Stress in Malawi. Journal of Agricultural Economics, doi: 10.1111/1477-9552.12283.

Alem, H., Lien, G., Kumbhakar, S.C. and Hardaker, J.B. (2018). Are diversification and structural change good policy? An empirical analysis of Norwegian agriculture. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, doi: 10.1017/aae.2018.17.

Alstadsæter, A
., Johannesen, N. and Zucman, G. (2018). Tax evasion and inequality. VOX: CEPR Policy Portal.

Worren, N. (2018). Organization Design. Simplifying complex systems. Routledge, pp. 310.

Anjum, R. L. 
and Mumford, S. (2018). What Tends to Be. The Philosophy of Dispositional Modality. Routledge, pp. 194. Fredrik Andersen er medforfatter på et av kapitlene: Causation and Quantum Physics. I boka fremsetter vi en teori om en modalitet, eller mode of existence, som ligger mellom tilfeldighet og nødvendighet. Vi har kalt den ‘disposisjonalitet’ eller ‘tendenser’. Men disse tendensene er ikke det samme som statistiske tendenser eller logiske muligheter. Vi bruker denne modaliteten til å se på ulike filosofiske problemstillinger på nytt, innen metafysikk, logikk, epistemologi og etikk. Intro finnes her:

Gjerde, S. and Ladegård, G. (2018). Leader Role Crafting and the Functions  of Leader Role Identities. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, doi: 10.1177/1548051818774553.

Almås, I and Johnsen, Å. (2018). The Cost-of-living and its Implications for Inequality and Poverty Measures for China. Review of Economic Dynamics.

Angelsen, A. and Dokken, T. (2018). Climate exposure, vulnerability and environmental reliance: a cross-section analysis of structural and stochastic poverty. Environment and Development Economics, 23 (3): 257-278.

Wunder, S., Noack, F. and Angelsen, A. (2018). Climate, crops, and forests: a pan-tropical analysis of household income generation. Environment and Development Economics, 23 (3): 279-297.

Garcia, V. R., Angelsen, A., Shively, G. E. and Minkin, D. (2018). Does Income Inequality Influence Subjective Wellbeing? Evidence from 21 Developing Countries. Journal of Happiness Studies, doi: 10.1007/s10902-018-9992-0.

Holden, S. T., Fisher, M., Katengeza, S. P. and Thierfelder, C. (2018). Can lead farmers reveal the adoption potential of conservation agriculture? The case of Malawi. Land Use Policy, 76 (July): 113-123.

Worren, N.
(2018). Operationalizing the Concept of Conflicting Functional Demands. European Managemen Review, doi: 10.1111/emre.12173.

Holden, S. T., Strand, G.-H., Berge, E., Sjaastad, E. O. og Steinsholt, H. (2018). Regional variasjon i jordleie og bruksstruktur: En studie basert på tre utvalgte kommuner. KART OG PLAN, 78: 1–14.

Fisher, M., Holden, S.T., Thierfelder, C. and Katengeza, S. P. (2018). Awareness and adoption of conservation agriculture in Malawi: what difference can farmer-to-farmer extension make?. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, doi: 10.1080/14735903.2018.1472411.

Lien, G., Kumbhakar, S. C., Alem, H. (2018). Endogeneity, heterogeneity, and determinants of inefficiency in Norwegian crop-producing farms. International Journal of Production Economics, doi: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2018.04.023.

Alstadsæter, A., Johannesen, N., Zucman, G. (2018). Tax evasion and inequality. VOX CERP'S POlicy Portal, 9th of May.

Gustavsena, G. W. and Rickertsen, K. (2018). Wine Consumption in Norway: An Age-Period-Cohort Analysis. Journal of Wine Economics, 13 (1): 41-56.

Böhringer, C., K.E. Rosendahl and J. Schneider. Unilateral emission pricing and OPEC’s behavior. Strategic Behavior and the Environment 7: 225-280.

Fischer, C., M. Greaker and K.E. Rosendahl. Strategic technology policy as a supplement to renewable energy standards. Resource and Energy Economics 51: 84-98.

Böhringer, C., K.E. Rosendahl and T. Weiqi. ETS Design and Potential Effects in China: a comparison with the EU, in J. Wettestad and L. Gulbrandsen (eds.): The evolution of carbon markets. Design and diffusion, Oxford: Routledge.

Torgersen, G and S. Navrud. Singing in the rain: Valuing the economic benefits of avoiding insecurity from urban flooding. Journal of Flood Risk Management, doi: 10.1111/jfr3.12338.

Alem H.. The contribution of productivity and price change to farm-level profitability: a dual approach analysis of crop production in Norway. In: Greene, W., Khalaf, L., Makdissi, P., Sickles, R., Veall, M., Voia, MC. (eds.) Productivity and inequality. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics. Springer, Cham.

Sønsteng Henriksen, T. E.. Properties of Long/Short Commodity Indices in Stock and Bond Portfolios. The Journal of Alternative Investments, doi: 10.3905/jai.2018.1.060.

Elin Kubberød er fagredaktør og forfatter av artikkel i siste nummer av Uniped. Nummeret er viet entreprenørskapsutdanningen, og dette befester Handelshøyskolen  som en viktig nasjonal aktør på dette feltet. Uniped er Norges ledende tidsskrift for utdanningsforskning og publiserer innenfor hele bredden av utdanninger. Det er første gang noen sinne at entreprenørskapsutdanningen får sitt eget nummer, med Elin Kubberød i spissen som initiativtager og fagredaktør med gode kollegaer med på laget; Inger Beate Pettersen (HVL), Truls Erikson og Leif Christian Lahn (UiO).

Kasper Christensen, Joachim Scholderer, Stine Alm Hersleth, Tormod Næs, Knut Kvaal, Torulf Mollestad, Nina Veflen and Einar Risvik (2018). How good are ideas identified by an automatic idea detection system? Creativity and Innovation Management, 27 (1): 23–31.

Christoph Böhringer, Knut Einar Rosendahl and Jan Schneider (2018). Unilateral Emission Pricing and OPEC's Behaviour. Strategic Behavior and the Environment, 7 (3–4): 225-280.

Klaus Deininger, Fang Xia & Stein Holden (2018). Gendered Incidence and Impacts of Tenure Insecurity on Agricultural Performance in Malawi’s Customary Tenure System. Journal of Development Studies, doi: 10.1080/00220388.2018.1425395.

Vondolia, Godwin K. and Ståle Navrud (2018). Are non-monetary payment modes more uncertain for stated preference elicitation in developing countries? Journal of Choice Modelling, doi: 10.1016/j.jocm.2018.01.003.

Paperet til Annette Alstadsæter, Niels Johannesen & Gabriel Zucman "Tax Evasion and Inequality", NBER Working Paper No. 23772 (2017) er reviewed i journalen Jotwell: The Journal of Things We Like (Lots). 

Aanesen, M., Falk-Andersson, j., Vondolia, G.K., Borch, T., Navrud, S. & D. Tinch (2018). Valuing coastal recreation and the visual intrusion from commercial activities in Arctic Norway. Ocean and Coastal Management 153: 157-167.

Gjølberg, O., Burhan, A. (2018). Spatial Dirrefences in Rice Price Volatility: A Case Study of Pakistan 1994-2011. Pakistan Development Review 56 (3): 265-289.

Alstadsæter, A., Barrios, S., Nicodeme, G., Skonieczna, A. M., Vezzani, A. (2018). Patent boxes design, patents location, and local R&D. Economic Policy, 33 (93): 131–177.

Guile, D. & Fosstenløkken, S. M. (2018). Introduction to the special issue: knowledge dynamics, innovation and learning. Industry and Innovation, doi: 10.1080/13662716.2017.1414767.

Muratova, Y., Arnoldi, J., Chen, X., Scholderer, J.  (2018). Political rotations and cross-province firm acquisitions in China. Asian Business & Management, doi: 10.1057/s41291-018-0029-7.

Alem, H. (2018). The contribution of productivity and price change to farm-level profitability: a dual approach analysis of crop production in Norway. In Greene, W.H., Khalaf, L., Makdissi, P., Sickles, R., Veall, M., Voia, M.-C. (Eds.), Productivity and Inequality. Springer International Publishing, pp. 336. 

Christoph Böhringer, Knut Einar Rosendahl and Tang Weiqi (2018). ETS Design and Potential Effects in China: Comparison with the EU. In Jørgen Wettestad, Lars H Gulbrandsen (Eds.), The Evolution of Carbon Markets: Design and Diffusion. Routledge, pp. 264.

Holden, S. T.
and Tilahun, M. (2017). The importance of Ostrom’s Design Principles: Youth group performance in northern Ethiopia. World Development, 104: 10-30.

Kubberød, E.  and Pettersen, I. B. (2017). The role of peripherality in students’ entrepreneurial learning. Education + Training, 60 (1): 2-15.

Lill Anjum, R. and Mumford, S. (2017). "Emergence and Demergence" in M. Paoletti and F. Orilia (eds), Philosophical and Scientific Perspectives on Downward Causation, London: Routledge, pp. 92-109.

Nielsen, M. R., Pouliot, M., Meilby, H., Smith-Hall, C., Angelsen, A. (2017). Global patterns and determinants of the economic importance of bushmeat. Biological Conservation 215: 277-287.

Alfnes, F.,
Xianwen, C., Rickertsen, K. (2017). Labeling Farmed Seafood: A review. Aquaculture Economics & Management (Forthcoming).

Alfnes, F., Rickertsen, K., Shogren, J. (2017). Test-Retesting in Experimental Valuation of Perishable Food Products: Unstable Individual Bids and Reliable Market Demand. Journal of Agricultural Economics.

Rickertsen, K., Gustavsen, G., Nayga, R. (2017). Consumer willingness to pay for genetically modified vegetable oil and salmon in the United States and Norway. AgBioForum, 20(2).

Haug, E. G. and Hoff, H. (2017). Stochastic space interval as a link between quantum randomness and macroscopic randomness?. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 493: 400-409.

Haug, E. G. (2017). Can the Planck Length Be Found Independent of Big G?. Applied Physics Research, 9, (6).

Westgaard, S. and Steen, M. (2017). Is Beta Dead for Commodities?. The Journal of Investing, 26 (4): 16-26.

Worren, N. (2017). The matrix as a transitory form: the evolution of FMC technologies 2001–2016. Journal of Organization Design, doi: 10.1186/s41469-017-0023-0.

Kraxner, F., Schepaschenko, D., Fuss, S., Lunnan, A., Kindermann, G., Aoki, K., Dürauer, M., Shvidenko, A., See, L. (2017). Mapping certified forests for sustainable management - A global tool for information improvement through participatory and collaborative mapping. Forest Policy and Economics, 83: 10-18.

Kasper Christensen, Kristian Hovde Liland, Knut Kvaal, Einar Risvik, Alessandra Biancolillo, Joachim Scholderer, Sladjana Nørskov, Tormod Næs (2017). Mining online community data: The nature of ideas in online communities. Food Quality and Preference 62: 246–256.

Nina Veflen, Oddveig Storstad, Bendik Samuelsen, Solveig Langsrud, Therese Hagtvedt, Øydis Ueland, Fredrik Gregersen, Joachim Scholderer (2017). Food Scares: Reflections and Reactions. International Journal on Food System Dynamics 8 (2): 155-164.

Flügel, S., K. Veisten og Ståle Navrud (2017). Verdsetter vi andres trafikksikkerhet? Samferdsel. Publisert online 27.10.17.

Böhringer, C., B. Bye, T. Fæhn and K.E. Rosendahl (2017). Targeted carbon tariffs. Carbon leakage and welfare effects. Resource and Energy Economics 50: 51-73.

Aune, F.R., R Golombek, A. Moe, K.E. Rosendahl and H. Hallre Le Tissier (2017). The future of Russian gas exports. Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy 6 (2): 111-135.

Aune, F.R., A.C. Bøeng, S. Kverndokk, L. Lindholt and K.E. Rosendahl (2017). Fuel efficiency improvements – feedback mechanisms and distributional effects in the oil market. Environmental & Resource Economics 68:15–45.

Greaker, M. and K.E. Rosendahl (2017). Petroleumsvirksomhet i Barentshavet sørøst – om klima, økonomi og sysselsetting. Energi og Klima 24. august 2017.

Alstadsæter, Annette, Niels Johannesen, and Gabriel Zucman. (2017). Tax Evasion and Inequality. NBER Working Paper no. 23772.  

Alstadsæter, Annette, Niels Johannesen, and Gabriel Zucman (2017). Who Owns the Wealth in Tax Havens? Macro Evidence and Implications for Global Inequality. NBER Working Paper no. 23805.   

Liland, A., Y. Tomkiv, D. Oughton, S. Navrud, E. Romstad & L. Skuterud (2017). The power of collaborative deliberation in stakeholder dialogue seminars. Journal of Risk Research, doi: 10.1080/13669877.2017.1378247.

Schjøll, Alexander and Alfnes, Frode (2017). Eliciting consumer preferences for credence attributes in a fine-dining restaurant. British Food Journal, 119 (3): 575-586.

Tomić, M. and Alfnes, F. (2017). Effect of Normative and Affective Aspects on Willingness to Pay for Domestic Food Products—A Multiple Price List Experiment. Journal of Food Products Marketing, doi: 10.1080/10454446.2017.1323067.

Navrud, S.
(2017). Possibilities and challenges in transfer and generalisation of monetary estimates for environmental and health benefits of regulating chemicals. OECD Environment Working Papers No. 119, OECD Publishing, Paris.

Böhringer, C., B. Bye, T. Fæhn and K.E. Rosendahl (2017). Output-based rebating of carbon taxes in the neighbor’s backyard. Competitiveness, leakage and welfare. Canadian Journal of Economics, 50: 426-455.

Alstadsæter, Annette, Niels Johannesen, Gabriel Zucman (2017). Tax evaders exposed: why the super-rich are even richer than we thought. Open Ed, The Guardian.

Holden, S. T.
and Quiggin, J. (2017). Bounded awareness and anomalies in intertemporal choice: Zooming in Google Earth as both metaphor and model. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, doi: 10.1007/s11166-017-9254-2.

Kine Josefine Aurland-Bredesen (2017). Too green to be good: the efficiency loss of the Norwegian electric vehicle policy. Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy, doi:10.1080/21606544.2017.1325408.

Matthias D. Aepli, Roland Füss, Tom Erik S. Henriksen, Florentina Paraschiv (2017). Modeling the multivariate dynamic dependence structure of commodity futures portfolios. Journal of Commodity Markets, doi: 10.1016/j.jcomm.2017.05.002.

Alstadsæter, Annette, Martin Jacob, og Roni Michaely (2017). Do dividend taxes affect corporate investment? Journal of Public Economics 151: 74-83.

Mittenzwei, K., Pettersen, I. og E. Romstad (2017). En framtidsrettet jordbruksmelding? Samfunnsøkonomen 131 (2):22-28.

Böhringer, C., K.E. Rosendahl and H.B. Storrøsten (2017). Robust policies to mitigate carbon leakage. Journal of Public Economics 149: 35–46.

Arild Angelsen, Maria Brockhaus, Amy E. Duchelle, Anne Larson, Christopher Martius, William D. Sunderlin, Louis Verchot, Grace Wong, and Sven Wunder (2017). Learning from REDD+: a response to Fletcher et al.. Conservation Biology, doi: 10.1111/cobi.12933.

Holden, S. T. and Quiggin, J. (2017). Bounded awareness and anomalies in intertemporal choice: Zooming in Google Earth as both metaphor and model. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, doi: 10.1007/s11166-017-9254-2.

Monica Fisher, Stein T. Holden and Samson P. Katengeza (2017). Adoption of CA technologies among Followers of Lead Farmers: How Strong is the Influence from Lead Farmers?. CLTS Working Paper No. 7/2017. Centre for Land Tenure Studies, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Aas, Norway.

Haug, Espen G. (2017). The ultimate limits of the relativistic rocket equation. The Planck photon rocket. Acta Astronautica 136: 144-147.

Alstadsæter, Annette and Martin Jacob (2017). Who participates in tax avoidance? Evidence from Swedish microdata. Applied Economics, 49 (28): 2779-2796.

Navrud, S. and J. Strand (2017). Valuing Global Ecosystem Services: What Do European Experts Say? Applying the Delphi Method to Contingent Valuation of the Amazon Rainforest. Environmental and Resource Economics, doi:10.1007/s10640-017-0119-6.

Fischer, C., M. Greaker and K.E. Rosendahl (2017). Robust technology policy against emission leakage: The case of upstream subsidies. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 84: 44-61.

Stein T. Holden and Mesfin Tilahun (2017). Land Distribution in Northern Ethiopia from 1998 to 2016: Gender-disaggregated, Spatial and Intertemporal Variation. CLTS Working Paper No. 3/2017. Centre for Land Tenure Studies, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Aas, Norway.

Navrud, S.
, H. Lindhjem and K. Magnussen (2017). Valuing Marine Ecosystem Services Loss from Oil Spills for Use in Cost-Benefit Analysis of Preventive Measures. Chapter 5 (p. 124-137) in Nunes, P. A.L.D., E. Svensson, and A. Markandya (eds.) 2017: Handbook on the Economics and Management for Sustainable Oceans.Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK.

Strand, J.,  R. Carson, S. Navrud, A. Ortiz-Bobea, and J.T. Vincent (2017). Using the Delphi Method to Value Protection of the Amazon Rainforest. Ecological Economics 131: 475-484.

Kubberød, E. and Pettersen, I.B. (2017). Exploring situated ambiguity in students’ entrepreneurial learning. Education + Training, 59 (3).

Samson P. Katengeza, Stein T. Holden and Rodney W. Lunduka (2017). Adoption of Drought Tolerant Maize Varieties under Rainfall Stress in Malawi. CLTS Working Paper No. 4/2017. Centre for Land Tenure Studies, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Aas, Norway.

Girma Berhe Araya and Stein T. Holden (2017). Is Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Program Enhancing Dependency? CLTS Working Paper No. 5/2017. Centre for Land Tenure Studies, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Aas, Norway.

Tadesse, M. A
., Alfnes, F., Erenstein, O., Holden, S. T. (2017).  Demand for a labor-based drought insurance scheme in Ethiopia: a stated choice experiment approach. Agricultural Economics, doi: 10.1111/agec.12351.

Rasmussen, C., Ladegård, G., and Korhonen-Sande, S. (2017). Growth intentions and board composition in high-growth firms. Journal of Small Business Management. In print.

Frode. A. (2017). Selling only sustainable seafood: Attitudes toward public regulation and retailer policies. Marine Policy, (78): 74–79.

Rysstad, S. and B. Aarset (2017). The impact of resource protection on the transformation of property regimes: The cases of moose hunting and cod fishing in Norway. Environmental Policy and Governance, doi: 10.1002/eet.1744.

Holden, S.T., Deininger, K. W. and Xia, F. (2017). Gender-differentiated impacts of tenure insecurity on agricultural performance in Malawi's customary tenure systems. Policy Research Working Paper 7943. World Bank Group.

Monica Fisher, Stein T. Holden, and Samson P. Katengeza (2017). The adoption potential of Conservation Agriculture technologies in Malawi: A lead farmer promoter-adopter approach and assessment. CLTS Working Paper No. 1/2017. Centre for Land Tenure Studies, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Aas, Norway.

Stein T. Holden and Mesfin Tilahun (2017). The importance of Ostroms's design principles: Youth group performance in Northern Ethiopia. CLTS Working Paper No. 2/2017. Centre for Land Tenure Studies, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Aas, Norway.


Zheng, H.,  S. Navrud and S. Shen (2016). What Price for Ecosystem Services in China? Comparing Three Valuation Methods for Water Quality Improvement. Chapter 10 (pp. 176-198) in Ordonez de Pablos, P. (ed) 2016: Managerial Strategies and Solutions for Business Success in Asia, IGI Global Publisher.

Berenguer, E., Morello, T.M., Cammelli, F and the Sustainable Amazon Network (2016). Fogo sem controle: o dano sem benefício. Sustainable Amazon Network Policy Brief.

Skarderud, H., Kubberød, E.. (2016). Merkevarebygging i en oppstartsfase. Drevet av mål eller tilgjengelige ressurser? Magma, 8: 50.58.

Boncinelli, F., Gerini, F., Pagnotta, G. and Alfnes, F. (2016). Warning labels on junk food: experimental evidence. International Journal of Consumer Studies, doi: 10.1111/ijcs.12312.

Rickertsen, K., Alfnes, F., Combris, P., Enderli, G., Issanchou, S. and Shogren, J.F. (2016). French Consumers’ Attitudes and Preferences toward Wild and Farmed Fish. Marine Resource Economics, doi: 10.1086/689202.

Alstadsæter, Annette, Niels Johannesen og Gabriel Zucman (2016). "Kor mykje taper verdas land på skatteparadis?", i "SKJULT- Skatteparadis, kapitalflukt og hemmelighold", 2. utgave. ISBN: 978-82-999163-6-3 (ebok), s. 46 – 47. 

Alstadsæter, Annette, Martin Jacob, Wojciech Kopczuk, og Kjetil Telle (2016). Accounting for business income in measuring top income shares: Integrated approach using individual and firm data from Norway. NBER Working Paper No. 22888.

Navrud, S. (2016). Miljørapportering – fra utslippsregnskap til økosystemtjenester og miljøkostnader? Praktisk økonomi & finans 32 (3): 274-281.

Alstadsæter, Annette
and Martin, Jacob (2016). Dividend Taxes and Income Shifting. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 118(4): 693–717.

Espen Gaarder Haug (2016). The gravitational constant and the Planck units. A simplification of the quantum realm. Physics Essays, 29: 558-561.

Borge, L-E., B. Bye, M. Hoel og K.E. Rosendahl (2016). Nasjonalbudsjettet 2017: Oppfølging av grønn skattekommisjon, Samfunnsøkonomen Nr. 5 2016, 29-32.

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Stein T. Holden
and John Quiggin (2016). Climate risk and state-contingent technology adoption: shocks, drought tolerance and preferences. European Review of Agricultural Economics, doi: 10.1093/erae/jbw016.

Øyvind Nystad Handberg and Arild Angelsen (2016). Pay little, get little; pay more, get a little more: A framed forest experiment in Tanzania. Ecological Economics, in press.

Rocca, E. (2016). Bridging the boundaries between scientists and clinicians—mechanistic hypotheses and patient stories in risk assessment of drugs. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, doi: 10.1111/jep.12622.

Navrud, Ståle (2016). Best Practice Guidelines in Benefit Transfer of Forest Externalities” . Pp. 68-89 in Pere Riera and Giovanni Signorello (eds.) 2016: Valuation of forest ecosystem services. A practical guide. Oklahoma, USA: Books2Read Publishers. 2. edition. ISBN: 9781533779045.

Rebecca A. Efroymson, Keith L. Kline, Arild Angelsen, Peter H. Verburg,Virginia H. Dale, Johannes W.A. Langeveld, Allen McBride (2016). A causal analysis framework for land-use change and the potentialrole of bioenergy policy. Land Use Policy, 59: 516-527.

Navrud, S. (2016). Miljøverdsetting - verdsettingsmetoder og verdioverføring. Kapittel 1 (s.25.-54)  i K. P. Hagen og G.H. Volden (red.) 2016:  Investeringsprosjekter og miljøkosekvenser. En antologi med bidrag fra 16 forskere. Concept rapport nr. 48. Ex Ante Akademisk Forlag, Trondheim. ISBN: 978 82 93253 51 8.

Sandorf, E. D., M. Aanesen,, and S. Navrud (2016). Valuing Unfamiliar and Complex Environmental Goods: A Comparison of Valuation Workshops and Internet Panel Surveys with Videos. Ecological Economics, 129: 50-61.

Adobor, R.D.; P. Joranger; H. Steen; S. Navrud and J.E. Brox (2016). Re: To screen or not to screen for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis? A review of the literature. Public Health, 133: 124-125.

Fæhn, T., C. Hagem, L. Lindholt, S. Mæland and K.E. Rosendahl (2016). Climate policies in a fossil fuel producing country. Demand versus supply side policies. The Energy Journal, 38 (1): 77-102.

Grimsrud, K.G., K.E. Rosendahl, H.B. Storrøsten and M. Tsygankova (2016). Short run effects of bleaker prospects for oligopolistic producers of a non-renewable resource. The Energy Journal, 37 (3): 293-314.

Fischer, C., M. Greaker and K.E. Rosendahl (2016). Are Renewable Energy Subsidies in Need of Reform? In J. Strand (ed.): The Economics and Political Economy of Energy Subsidies, CESifo Seminar Series, Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.

Rosendahl, K.E. (2016). Miljøgevinster av å subsidiere fornybar energiteknologi, chapter 8 in K.P. Hagen and G.Holst Volden (eds.): Investeringsprosjekter og miljøkonsekvenser. En antologi med bidrag fra 16 forskere, Concept rapport nr 48, NTNU, Trondheim: Ex ante akademisk forlag, pp. 147-159.

Mesfin Tilahun, Lawrence Damnyag and Luke C.N. Anglaaere (2016). The Ankasa Forest Conservation Area of Ghana: Ecosystem service values and on-site REDD + opportunity cost. Forest Policy and Economics, 73: 168–176.

Worren, Nicolay (2016). Functional analysis of organizational designs. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 24 (5).

Worren, Nicolay; Hærem, Thorvald; Eger, Tido (2016). Reconfigure: An organization design exercis. Simulation & Gaming 1–15.

Atsbeha, D.M., D. Kristofersson, and K. Rickertsen
(2016). Component Supply Response in Dairy Production. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 43: 195-215.

Stein T. Holden and Hosaena Ghebru (2016). Land tenure reforms, tenure security and food security in poor agrarian economies: Causal linkages and research gaps. Global Food Security, 10: 21-28.

Rani Lill Anjum (2016). Evidence Based or Person Centered? An Ontological Debate. European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare, 4(2): 421-429.

Samantha Copeland (2016). Unexpected findings and promoting monocausal claims, a cautionary tale. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. DOI: 10.1111/jep.12584.

Stephen Mumford and Rani Lill Anjum (2016). A philosophical argument against evidence-based policy. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice.DOI: 10.1111/jep.12578.

Borgen, S.O. and B. Aarset (2016). First the seed, next the smolt? British Food Journal, 118 (10): 1-17.

Viggo Andreassen, Ivar Bredesen, Joachim Thøgersen (2016). Innføring i mikroøkonomi for økonomisk-administrative studier. Cappelen Damm akademisk.  ISBN 9788202492656

Roselyne Alphonce and Frode Alfnes (2016). Eliciting Consumer WTP for Food Characteristics in a Developing Context: Application of Four Valuation Methods in an African Market. Journal of Agricultural Economics.

Gyde Lund and Mesfin Tilahun (2016). Rwanda - State of Environment and Outlook Report 2015. Technical Report. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.5148.6328.

Gerini, Francesca, Frode Alfnes, and Alexander Schjøll (2016). Organic‐and Animal Welfare‐labelled Eggs: Competing for the Same Consumers?. Journal of Agricultural Economics.

Bachke, Maren Elise, Frode Alfnes, and Mette Wik (2016). Information and donations to development aid projects. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics.

Debela, Bethelhem Legesse (2016). Factors Affecting Differences in Livestock Ownership between Male and Female-headed Households in Northern Ethiopia. European Journal of Development Research.

Mesfin Tilahun, Regina Birner & John Ilukor (2016). Household-level preferences for mitigation of Prosopis juliflora invasion in the Afar region of Ethiopia: a contingent valuation. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management.

Rodríguez-Ortega, Tamara, Alberto Bernués, and Frode Alfnes (2016). Psychographic profile affects willingness to pay for ecosystem services provided by Mediterranean high nature value farmland. Ecological Economics, 128: 232-245.


Stein T. Holden, Erling Berge, Espen O. Sjaastad, Geir H. Strand og Håvard Steinsholt (2016). Jordleie og bruksstruktur i tre norske kommuner. CLTS Working Paper No. 9/2016. Centre for Land Tenure Studies, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Aas, Norway.

Stein T. Holden and Nina Bruvik Westberg (2016). Exploring technology use under climate risk and shocks through an experimental lens. African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 10 (1): 47-62.

Stein T. Holden and Hosaena Ghebru (2016). Land rental market legal restrictions in Northern Ethiopia. Land Use Policy, 55: 212-221.

Svein Ole Borgen and Bernt Aarset (2016). Participatory Innovation: Lessons from breeding cooperatives. Agricultural Systems, 145: 99-105.

Böhringer, C., K.E. Rosendahl and H.B. Storrøsten (2016). Smarte virkemidler mot karbonlekkasje, Samfunnsøkonomen Nr. 2 2016, 70-76.

Holden, S. T., Bezu, S. 
and Tilahun, M.. How Pro-poor are Land Rental Markets in Ethiopia? CLTS Report No. 1/2016. Centre for Land Tenure Studies, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Aas, Norway

Chen Xianwen, Frode Alfnes,  and Kyrre Rickertsen (2015). Consumer Preferences, Ecolabels, and Effects of Negative Environmental Information. AgBioForum: The Journal of Agrobiotechnology Management & Economics 18(3): 327-336.

Aune, F.R., R Golombek, A. Moe, K.E. Rosendahl and H. Hallre Le Tissier (2016). Eksport av russisk gass til Europa. Samfunnsøkonomen Nr. 1 2016, 10-19.

Stein T. Holden and Hosaena Ghebru (2016). Links between Tenure Security and Food Security in Poor Agrarian Economies: Causal Linkages and Policy Implications. CLTS Working Paper No. 7/2016. Centre for Land Tenure Studies, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Aas, Norway.

Stein T. Holden and Mesfin Tilahun (2016). Youth as Environmental Custodians: A Potential Tragedy or A Sustainable Business and Livelihood Model? CLTS Working Paper No. 6/2016. Centre for Land Tenure Studies, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Aas, Norway.

Stein T. Holden (2016). Landbrukseiendommer og jordleie i Rissa kommune. CLTS Working Paper No. 5/2016. Centre for Land Tenure Studies, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Aas, Norway.

Stein T. Holden
, Daniel Ali, Klaus Deininger and Thea Hilhorst (2016). A Land Tenure Module for LSMS. CLTS Working Paper No. 1/2016. Centre for Land Tenure Studies, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Aas, Norway.

Stein T. Holden and Sosina Bezu (2016). Preferences for land sales legalization and land values in Ethiopia. Land Use Policy, 52: 410-421.

Øyvind Nystad Handberg and Arild Angelsen (2016). Pay little, get little; pay more, get a little more: A framed forest experiment in Tanzania. School of Economics and Business Working Paper No. 2/2016. Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Aas, Norway.

Carolyn Fischer, Mads Greaker, and Knut Einar Rosendahl (2016). Strategic technology policy as a supplement to renewable energy standards. School of Economics and Business Working Paper No. 1/2016. Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Aas, Norway.

Aune, F.R., R Golombek, A. Moe, K.E. Rosendahl and H. Hallre Le Tissier (2016): Liberalizing Russian gas markets – an economic analysis, The Energy Journal 36 (SI1), 63-97.


Aune, F.R., A.C. Bøeng, S. Kverndokk, L. Lindholt and K.E. Rosendahl (2015). Drivstoffeffektivisering – fører det til mindre bruk av olje? Økonomiske analyser 4: 69-73.

Arild Wæraas and Jeppe Agger Nielsen (2015). Translation Theory ‘Translated’: Three Perspectives on Translation in Organizational Research. School of Economics and Business Working Paper No. 16/2015. Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Aas, Norway.

Holden, S. T. and Fisher, M. (2015). Subsidies promote use of drought tolerant maize varieties despite variable yield performance under smallholder environments in Malawi. Food Security: 1-14.

Bezabih, M., Holden, S. and Mannberg, A. (2015). The Role of Land Certification in Reducing Gaps in Productivity between Male- and Female-Owned Farms in Rural Ethiopia. Journal of Development Studies: 1-17.

Wik, M., Wei, T., Korneliussen, K., Zhang, R., Glomsrød, S. & Shi, Q. (2015). Drivers behind energy consumption by rural households in Shanxi. AIMS Energy, 3 (4): 576-591.

Noack, F., Wunder, S., Angelsen, A., Börner, J. (2015). Responses to Weather and Climate: A Cross-Section Analysis of Rural Incomes. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 7478: 1-47.

Angelsen, A., Dokken, T. (2015). Environmental reliance, climate exposure, and vulnerability : A cross-section analysis of structural and stochastic poverty. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 7474: 1-45.

Brouwer, R. and S. Navrud (2015). The use of benefit transfer in Europe. Chapter 4 (pp. 71-83) in R. Johnston, J. Rolfe, R. Rosenberger and R. Brouwer (eds.) 2015 : Benefit Transfer of Environmental and Resource Values: A Handbook for Researchers and Practitioners. Springer.

Lindhjem, H. and S. Navrud (2015). Reliability of Meta-analytic Benefit Transfers of International Value of Statistical Life Estimates: Tests and Illustrations. Chapter 19 (pp 441-464) in R. Johnston, J. Rolfe, R. Rosenberger and R. Brouwer (eds.) 2015 : Benefit Transfer of Environmental and Resource Values: A Handbook for Researchers and Practitioners. Springer.

Tilahun, M., Vranken, L., Muys, B., Deckers, J., Gebregziabher, K., Gebrehiwot, K., Bauer. H., Mathijs, E. (2015). Rural Households' Demand for Frankincense Forest Conservation in Tigray, Ethiopia: A Contingent Valuation Analysis. Land Degradation & Development, 26 (7): 642-653.

Tilahun, M., Maertens, M., Deckers, J., Muys, B., Mathijs, E. (2015). Impact of membership in frankincense cooperative firms on rural income and poverty in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia. Forest Policy and Economics.

Mesfin Tilahun, Eric Mungatana, Ashbindu Singh, Eugene Apindi, Jane Barr, Zinta Zommers and Gyde Lund (2015). The Economics of Land Degradation in Africa: Benefits of Action Outweigh the Costs. . ELD Report.

Burhan Ahmad and Ole Gjølberg (2015). Are Pakistan’s Rice Markets Integrated Domestically and With the International Markets?. SAGE Open Access, 1-15.

Kubberød, Elin; Hagen, Svein Thore (2015). Mentoring models in entrepeneurship education. EDULEARN proceedings, 4059-4069.

Dokken, T. and Angelsen, A. (2015). Forest reliance across poverty groups in Tanzania. Ecological Economics, vol. 117: 203-211.

Delacote, P. and Angelsen, A. (2015). Reducing Deforestation and Forest Degradation: Leakage or Synergy?. Land Economics, 91 (3): 501-515.

Debela, B. L., Shively, G. and Holden, S.T. (2015). Does Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Program improve child nutrition?. Food Security.

B. Aarset and S.E. Jakobsen (2015). Path dependency, institutionalization and co-evolution: The missing diffusion of the blue revolution in Norwegian aquaculture. Journal of Rural Studies, 41: 37-46.

Gavenas, E., K.E. Rosendahl and T. Skjerpen (2015). CO2-emissions from Norwegian oil and gas extraction. Energy (forthcoming).

Rosendahl, K.E. and H.B. Storrøsten (2015). Allocation of emission allowances: impacts on technology investment. Climate Change Economics, 6(3), 1550010.

Øvrum, A. og K. Rickertsen (2015). Inequality in health versus inequality in lifestyle choices. Nordic Journal of Health Economics.

Hambulo Ngoma, Nicole M. Mason, Nicholas J. Sitko (2015). Does minimum tillage with planting basins or ripping raise maize yields? Meso-panel data evidence from Zambia. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, vol. 212: 21-29.

Heggedal, T-R. and K.E. Rosendahl (2015). Norsk klimapolitikk i et globalt perspektiv. Magma 05/2015, 65-77.

Bezu, S. and Holden, S.T. (2015). Generosity and sharing among villagers:Do women give more?. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, vol. 57: 103-111.

Brian P. Mulenga, Chewe Nkonde, and Hambulo Ngoma (2015). Does Customary Land Tenure System Encourage Local Forestry Management in Zambia? A Focus on Wood Fuel. Working Paper No. 95. Indaba Agricultural Policy Research Institute (IAPRI).

C. Schneider, E. Coude, F. Cammelli and P. Sablayrolles (2015). Small-Scale Farmers' Needs to End Deforestation: Insights for REDD+ in São Felix do Xingu (Pará, Brazil). International Forestry Review, 17 (1): 124-142.

Daniel Muluwork Atsbeha, Rodolfo M. Nayga Jr., Kyrre Rickertsen (2015). Can prolonged breastfeeding duration impair child growth? Evidence from rural Ethiopia. Food Policy, vol. 53: 46-53.

Grimsrud, E.S., B. Aarset, A. I. Myhr, V. Skagemo and I. Olesen (2015). Genetic commons and codified commodities: Exploring the role of intellectual property rights (IPR) on genetic resources in Norwegian biotechnology innovation systems. Know your food! – Food Ethics and Innovation, Eursafe 2015, Wageningen Academic Publishers.

Aarset, B. and S. O. Borgen (2015). The Battle of the eyed egg: Critical junctures and the control of genes in Norwegian salmon farming. Aquaculture, vol. 445: 70-78.

Rosendahl, K.E. and J. Strand (2015). Emissions Trading with Offset Markets and Free Quota Allocations. Environmental and Resource Economics, 61 (2): 243-271.

Fosstenløkken, S.M. (2015). Developing End-user Innovation from Circuits of Learning. The Learning Organization.

Grønning, T. & Fosstenløkken, S.M. (2015). The Learning Concept Within Innovation Systems Theorizing: A Narrative Review of Selected Publications on National and Regional Innovation Systems. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 6 (2): 420-436.

Wæraas, A.
(2015). Putting on the velvet glove: The paradox of "soft" core values in "hard" organizations. Working paper No. 9/2015. Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Aas, Norway.

Böhringer, C., Bye, B., Fæhn, T. and Rosendahl, K. E. (2015). Targeted carbon tariffs. Carbon leakage and welfare effects. Working Paper No. 8/2015. Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Aas, Norway.

Ghebru, H. and Holden, S.T. (2015). Technical Efficiency and Productivity Differential Effects of Land Right Certification: A Quasi-Experimental Evidence. Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture, 54 (1): 1-31.

Aula, H-M., Tienari, J & Wæraas, A. (2015). The university branding game: Players, interests, politics. International Studies of Management & Organization, 45 (2): 164-179.

Drori, G., J. Tienari & Wæraas, A. (2015). Strategies of building and managing higher education brands. International Studies of Management & Organization, 45 (2): 99-104.

Hansen, B. G. & Jervell, A. M. (2015). Change Management in Dairy FarmingInternational Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food, 22 (1): 23-40.

Handberg, Ø. N. & Angelsen, A. (2015). Experimental tests of tropical forest conservation measures. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.

Stein T. Holden (2015). Risk Preferences, Shocks and Technology Adoption: Farmers’ Responses to Drought Risk. CLTS Working Paper No. 3/2015. Centre for Land Tenure Studies, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Aas, Norway.

Larson A.M., Dokken T., Duchelle A., Atmadja S., Resosudarmo I.A.P., Cronkleton P., Cromberg M., Sunderlin W., Awono, A. and Selaya, G. (2015). The role of women in early REDD+ implementation: Lessons for future engagement. International Forestry Review, 17(1): 1-23.

Osmundsen, P., K.E Rosendahl and T. Skjerpen (2015). Understanding rig rates. Energy Economics.

Victoria Reyes-García, Ronnie Babigumira, Aili Pyhälä, Sven Wunder, Francisco Zorondo-Rodríguez, Arild Angelsen (2015). Subjective Wellbeing and Income: Empirical Patterns in the Rural Developing World. Journal of Happiness Studies.

Stein T. Holden and Monica Fischer (2015). Can Adoption of Improved Maize Varieties Help Smallholder Farmers Adapt to Drought? Evidence from Malawi. CLTS Working Paper No. 1/2015. Centre for Land Tenure Studies, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Aas, Norway.

Aanesen, M., C. Armstrong, M. Czajkowski, J. Falk-Petersen, N. Hanley and S. Navrud (2015). Willingness to pay for unfamiliar public goods: Preserving cold-water corals in Norway. Ecological Economics. Vol. 112: 53-67.

Ngoma, H., Mason, N. M., and N. Sitko (2015). Does Minimum Tillage with Planting Basins or Ripping Raise Maize Yields? Meso-panel Data Evidence from Zambia. Indaba Agricultural Policy Research Institute (IAPRI). Working Paper 91.

Lindhjem, H ., K. Grimsrud, S. Navrud and S. O. Kolle (2015). The Social Benefits and Costs of Preserving Forest Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy 4. Published online 3.12.14.

Adobor, R. D., P. Joranger, H. Steen, S.Navrud and J. I. Brox  (2014). A health economic evaluation of screening and treatment in patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Scoliosis, 9:21. Published online 12.12.14.

Ellingsen, K., K. Grimsrud., H.M. Nielsen, C. Mejdell, I. Olesen., P. Honkanen, S. Navrud, C. Gamborg  and P. Sandøe (2015). Who cares about Fish Welfare? A Norwegian Study. British Food Journal, 117: (1). Published online 20.12.14.

Strand, J., R.T Carson, S. Navrud, A. Ortiz-Bobea, J. Vincent (2014). A “Delphi Exercise” as a Tool in Amazon Rainforest Valuation. Policy Research Working Paper 7143. The World Bank, Washington D.C.. December 2014. 46 pp.

Dokken, T. (2015). Allocation of land tenure rights in Tigray: How large is the gender bias? Land Economics, 91 (1): 106-125.

Kjell Gunnar Hoff, Asbjørn O. Pedersen, Nils Sanne (2015). Grunnleggende regnskap 2. Analyse av finansregnskapet, 2. utgave. s. 392.

Stephen Whitfielda, Jami L. Dixona, Brian P. Mulengab, Hambulo Ngoma (2015). Conceptualising farming systems for agricultural development research: Cases from Eastern and Southern Africa. Vol. 133: 54-62.


Stein T. Holden and Sosina Bezu (2014). Tools, Fertilizer or Cash? Exchange Asymmetries in Productive Assets. CLTS Working Paper No. 13/2014. Centre for Land Tenure Studies, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Aas, Norway.

Sosina Bezu and Stein T. Holden (2014). Rural-urban Youth Migration and Informal Self-Employment in Ethiopia. CLTS Report No. 1/2014. Centre for Land Tenure Studies, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Aas, Norway.

Dokken, T., Dwi Putri, A. A., & Kweka, D. L. (2014). Making REDD work for communities and forest conservation in Tanzania. In E. O. Sills, S. S. Atmadja, C. de Sassi, A. E. Duchelle, D. L. Kweka, I. A. P. Resosudarmo & W. D. Sunderlin (Eds.), REDD+ on the ground: A case book of subnational initiatives across the globe. Bogor, Indonesia: Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR): 245-260.

tein T. Holden and Sosina Bezu (2014). Land Valuation and Perceptions of Land Sales Prohibition in Ethiopia. CLTS Working Paper No. 12/2014. Centre for Land Tenure Studies, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Aas, Norway.

Bezu, S. and Holden, S.T.. Rural-urban Youth Migration and Informal Self-Employment in Ethiopia. CLTS Report No. 1/2014. Centre for Land Tenure Studies, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Aas, Norway

Ghebru, H. and Holden, S.T. (2014). Reverse-Share-Tenancy and Agricultural Efficiency: Farm-Level Evidence from Ethiopia. Journal of African Economies: 1-24.

Greaker, M., M. Hoel and K.E. Rosendahl (2014). Does a renewable fuel standard for biofuel reduce climate costs? Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 1, 337-363.

Gavenas, E. and K.E. Rosendahl (2014). Hva påvirker CO2-utslippene på norsk sokkel? Samfunnsøkonomen, Nr. 8, 22-31.

Bethelhem Legesse Debela and Stein T. Holden (2014). How Does Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Program Affect Livestock Accumulation and Children’s Education?. CLTS Working Paper No. 8/2014. Centre for Land Tenure Studies, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Aas, Norway.

Stein T. Holden (2014). Eindomsrettigheter og jordleie i Rissa gjennom 900 år. CLTS Working Paper No. 9/2014. Centre for Land Tenure Studies, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Aas, Norway.

Stein T. Holden (2014). Risky Choices of Poor People: Comparing Risk Preference Elicitation Approaches in Field Experiments. CLTS Working Paper No. 10/2014. Centre for Land Tenure Studies, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Aas, Norway.

Sosina Bezu, Christopher B. Barrett and Stein T. Holden (2014). Activity Choice in Rural Non-farm Employment (RNFE): Survival versus accumulative strategy. CLTS Working Paper No. 11/2014.  Centre for Land Tenure Studies, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Aas, Norway.

Flügel, S. (2014). Accounting for user type and mode effects on the value of travel time savings in project appraisal: Opportunities and challenges. Research in Transportation Economics.

Chen, X., and Garcia, R. J. (2014). Changing Patterns in The Salmon Trade between Norway and China: The Use of Economic Sanctions. Artikkelen har blitt presentert på "Non-Tariff Barriers, Food Safety and International Trade: Second Workshop", Oslo, Norge, 28. oktober.

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