We have an avialable postdoctoral position in public economics, with particular emphasis on tax havens, illicit finance, and real estate markets.
Application deadline: August 20, 2022.
The School of Economics and Business at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) has a vacant postdoctoral position in public economics.
The position is full-time for two years with 100% research, or four years with 50% research and 50% teaching.
The position is part of ongoing and planned projects at Skatteforsk – Center for Tax Research at NMBU, http://www.skatteforsk.no.
Apply here: https://www.jobbnorge.no/jobseeker/#/application/apply/229677
Main tasks
The main purpose of a postdoctoral position is to qualify for work in high-level scientific positions. The main tasks of the candidate will be research, and optionally, teaching within the broader area of economics.
In terms of research, the applicant is expected to work on research related to tax haven use and other public economics issues, with the most time allocated to projects concerning the intersection between tax haven use and illicit finance and real estate markets.
The candiate will get access to large and unique data sets and join an international research group to take part in ground-breaking research with high relevance for society and the public debate.
For more (mostly in Norwegian) on our ongoing projects, see https://www.nmbu.no/fakultet/hh/forskning/forskningssentre/skatteforsk/temaer/skatteparadis
In terms of teaching, it could be related to the current ongoing MA-level courses BUS360 – Taxes, Inequality, and Sustainability and/or BUS362 – Corporate Tax and Sustainability, to the development of a new online course aimed at professionals (EVU) or teaching other courses in economics, as well as supervising master-students. The tentative teaching load corresponds to teaching 15 ECTS and supervising three master’s theses per year.
For more information on the position, renumeration, required qualifications and how to apply, please visit the advert on JobbNorge: https://www.jobbnorge.no/en/available-jobs/job/229677/postdoctoral-fellow-in-public-economics
For further information or questions, please contact Professor Annette Alstadsæter, email: annette.alstadsater@nmbu.no
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