BBS World Service presenterte i dag podcasten Tax Havens i serien 50 Things That Made the Modern Economy, der dei forklarer fenomenet skatteparadis og Gabriel Zucman’s metode for å berekne skjulte utenlandsformuer.
BBS World Service kom i dag ut med podcasten Tax Havens i serien 50 Things That Made the Modern Economy, der dei bl.a. skildrar Gabriel Zucman’s metode for å berekne skjulte utenlandsformuer i skatteparadis frå boka The Hidden Wealth of Nations, som nylig kom på norsk som Skjult rikdom.
Den Berkeley-baserte franske økonomen Gabriel Zucman er også tilknytta Senter for skatte- og adferdsforskning ved Handelshøyskolen NMBU gjennom prosjektet How to tax capital in a globalized world? Lessons from population-wide administrative data.
BBC World Service skriv om programmet: “The economist Gabriel Zucman is the inventor of an ingenious way to estimate the amount of wealth hidden in the offshore banking system. In theory, if you add up the assets and liabilities reported by every global financial centre, the books should balance. But they don’t. Each individual centre tends to report more liabilities than assets. Zucman crunched the numbers and found that, globally, total liabilities were eight percent higher than total assets. That suggests at least eight percent of the world’s wealth is illegally unreported. Other methods have come up with even higher estimates. As Tim Harford explains, that makes the tax haven a very significant feature of the modern economy.”
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