PhD degree – Trial Lecture and Public Defence
Petter Stefansson, Faculty of Science and Technology (REALTEK) will defend his PhD thesis "Hyperspectral imaging: algorithmic advances in variable selection and applications to wood science" on 30 October 2019.
Norwegian title of thesis:
"Hyperspektral avbildning: algoritmiske fremskritt innen variabelt utvalg og anvendelser til trevitenskap"
Prescribed subject of the trial lecture:
"Strategies for using Machine Learning in evaluation of hyper spectral images with respect to feature extraction"
Time and place for the trial lecture and the public defence:
Wednesday 30 October 2019 in Auditoriet, Senter for klimaregulert planteforskning (SKP), Kirkeveien 16, NMBU, Ås.
10:15 Trial lecture
12:15 Public defence
Evaluation committee:
First opponent: Professor Olle Hagman, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
Second opponent: Professor Federico Marini, University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy
Committee coordinator: Professor Knut Kvaal, REALTEK, NMBU
Main supervisor: Associate professor Ingunn Burud, REALTEK
Co-supervisors: Professor Thomas Kringlebotn Thiis, REALTEK
Associate professor Kristian Hovde Liland, REALTEK
PhD Lone Ross Gobakken, NIBIO
The doctoral thesis is available for public review at the NMBU library.
Thesis number 2019:77, ISSN: 1894-6402, ISBN 978-82-575-1637-6