PhD degree – Public Defence
Martine Andrea Olsen, Faculty of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science (KBM) will defend her PhD thesis “Cheese-making efficiency affected by protein source in concentrate feed for dairy cows and their αS1-κ-casein genotypes”, on 3 May 2023.
Norwegian title of thesis:
Hvordan ystingseffektivitet blir påvirket av proteinkilde i kraftfôr og genotyper av αS1-κ-casein.
Prescribed subject of the trial lecture (Approved):
Revolutionizing the Dairy Industry with Precision Fermentation: Advancements, Challenges, Product Quality and Sustainability.
The trial lecture was held on March 30th 2023.
Evaluation committee - trial lecture:
First opponent: Associate professor Catrin Tyl, NMBU
Second opponent: Associate professor Anne-Grethe Johansen, NMBU
Committee coordinator: Researcher Tove Gulbrandsen Devold, NMBU
Time and place for the public defence:
Wednesday 3 May 2023, at 12.15.
The defence will be held in Gullvepsen, Bikuben, NMBU
Evaluation committee:
First opponent: Professor Emeritus Anders Andrén, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden
Second opponent: Associate Professor Anna Nudda, University of Sassari, Italia
Committee coordinator: Researcher Tove Gulbrandsen Devold, NMBU
Main supervisor:
Professor Siv Skeie, NMBU
The doctoral thesis is available for public review.
For those of you who wants access to this please send an email to:
Thesis number 2023:32; ISSN 1894-6402; ISBN 978-82-575-2060-1