Ph.d-grad - Prøveforelesning og disputas.
Merete Forseth, Institutt for produksjonsdyrmedisin (ProdMed), Veterinærhøgskolen, forsvarer sin doktorgradsoppgave "Health and mortality in two broiler hybrids differing in growth rates" den 29. november 2024.
[Please note that this event will be filmed and made into a video to be published on social media]
English title of thesis
- "Health and mortality in two broiler hybrids differing in growth rates"
Norwegian title of thesis
- "Helse og dødelighet hos to slaktekyllinghybrider med ulik veksthastighet"
Prescribed subject of the trial lecture
- “Beyond Broiler Chickens: Examining the Animal Health and Welfare Implications of Genetic Selection for Performance in Farmed Animals - Challenges and the Path Forward”
Date: 29 November 2024 (Oslo time)
- 0900 hrs: Trial lecture (including questions and comments)
- 1000 hrs: Break
- 1100 hrs: Public defense
All are welcome to attend this event in Auditorium Hippocampus or on Zoom (no prior registration is required).
- Venue: Auditorium Hippocampus, Elizabeth Stephansens v. 15, 1433 Ås, Norway
- Zoom:
Evaluation Committee
- First opponent: Associate Professor Désirée Jansson, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Sweden
- Second opponent: Dr. Frank Tuyttens, Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Belgium
- Committee coordinator: Associate Professor Nicole Frost Nyquist, NMBU, Norway
- Main supervisor: Associate Professor Ingrid Toftaker, NMBU, Norway
- Co-supervisor: Professor Randi Oppermann Moe, NMBU, Norway
- Co-supervisor: Dr. Käthe Kittelsen, Animalia, Norway
A PDF version of the PhD candidate's thesis can be downloaded here. The link is valid through 29 November 2024, after which the thesis will be made available in NMBU Brage.