29 Nov - Randi Mork (LANDSAM)

Av Sheena Gilchrist Lisland

Randi Mork
Randi MorkFoto: Private

On 29 November 2019, Randi Mork, Department of Public Health ScienceFaculty for Landscape and Society will defend her thesis 'Effects of direct glare and interaction between the visual system and the musculoskeletal system during computer work'.

Norwegian title of thesis:
Effekter av direkte blending og interaksjon mellom det visuelle systemet og muskelskelettsystemet ved dataarbeid

Prescribed trial lecture:
What is the meaning of scientific evidence in health research and what does it mean to have enough evidence? With examples from occupational health

Time and place for the trial lecture:
Friday 29 November at 1215, SKP Auditorium, NMBU Ås Campus

Evaluation Committee:
First opponent: Professor Hans Olav Richter, Department of Occupational and Health Studies, University of Gävle, Sweden
Second opponent: Associate Professor Hillevi Hemphälä, Department of Ergonomics and Aerosoltechnology, Lund University, Sweden
Committee coordinator: Professor Grete Patil, Department of Public Health Science, NMBU

Main supervisor: Professor Camilla Ihlebæk, Department of Public Health Science, NMBU
Co-supervisor: Associate Professor Hanne Mari S. Thorud, Department of Optometry, Radiography and Lighting Design, University of South-Eastern Norway
Co-supervisor: Associate Professor Per O. Lundmark, Department of Optometry, Radiography and Lighting, University of South-Eastern Norway
Co- supervisor: Associate Professor Knut Inge Fostervold, Department of Psychology, University of Oslo

The doctoral thesis is available for public review at the NMBU library. The thesis number is 2019:43, ISSN 1894-6402, ISBN 978-82-575-1510-2
Please note that the trial lecture and public defence will be carried out in a Scandinavian language

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