PhD degree – Trial Lecture and Public Defence
Athman Kyaruzi Ahmad, Department of Mathematical Sciences and Technology (IMT), will defend his PhD thesis: "Participatory Action Research for engaging schools and communities to enhance relevant learning: the use of 'farm' as a pedagogical resource in Tanzanian rural primary schools", on 21 October 2016.
Norwegian title of thesis:
"Deltakende aksjonsforskning som strategi for å motivere grunnskoler og lokalsamfunn til å legge til rette for relevant læring: bruk av gården som pedagogisk ressurs i bygdeskoler i Tanzania"
Prescribed subject of the trial lecture:
"What structural, political, cultural and material conditions need to be established in order to ensure high educational quality in Tanzanian primary and secondary education?"
Time and place for the trial lecture and the public defence:
Friday 21 October 2016 in Urbygningen, Festsalen U215, Ole Sverres plass 1, Ås
12:30 Trial lecture
14:00 Public defence
Evaluation committee:
First opponent: Professor Jean McNiff, York St John University, Dorset, UK
Second opponent: Associate Professor Dorothy Cynthia Nampota, University of Malawi, Malawi
Committee coordinator: Associate Professor Knut Omholt, Department of Mathematical Sciences and Technology, NMBU
Main supervisors:
Associate Professor Sigrid Gjøtterud, Department of Mathematical Sciences and Technology, NMBU
Associate Professor Erling Krogh, Department of Mathematical Sciences and Technology, NMBU
The doctoral thesis is available for public review at the NMBU library.
Thesis number 2016:54, ISSN 1894-6402, ISBN 978-82-575-1374-0.