Tirsdag 19. november, forsvarer Tsedal Asres Wendmu (Noragric, LANDSAM) sin doktorgradsavhandling 'Biokulturelt mangfold av sorghum i Tigray, Nord-Etiopia'.
Prescribed subject of the trial lecture:
"Engaging with theory to enable the weaving together of different knowledge systems for improved agricultural governance in agrarian communities."
English title of the thesis:
Biocultural diversity of sorghum in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia
Time and place for the trial lecture and public defence:
Place: SKP auditorium. (Mazemap) or ZOOM
12:15: Welcome by Chair of Defence, Jennifer West and trial lecture
13:20: Presentation of the research by the candidate
14:00: Discussion with the two opponents
15:45: Closing of the PhD defence
16:15: Presentation of the evaluation by the committee and reception at the Sustainability Hub, NMBU's Economy Building.
Evaluation committee:
- Dr. Vanesse Labeyrie, CIRAD, Montpelier, France
- Dr. Elizabeth Sanna Barron, Department of Geography, NTNU
- Dr. Espen Sjaastad, Noragric, LANDSAM, NMBU
- Main supervisor: Dr. Ola Westengen, Noragric, LANDSAM, NMBU
- Co-supervisor: Dr. Hugo de Boer, University of Oslo
- Co-supervisor: Dr. Fetien Abay, Mekelle university, Ethiopia
Everybody is most welcome at the reception in the Economy building after the defence at ca 16:15

Tsedal Asres Wendmu
PhD Fellow