PhD degree - Public Defence: Marita Torrissen Mårli, Fakultet for kjemi, bioteknologi og matvitenskap (KBM) forsvarer sin ph.d.-avhandling «Bruk av nye molekylære verktøy gir ny innsikt i mastittpatogeners biologi» mandag 16. desember, 2024.
English title of thesis:
Elucidating the biology of bovine mastitis pathogens by novel molecular tools
Norwegian title of the thesis:
Bruk av nye molekylære verktøy gir ny innsikt i mastittpatogeners biologi
Prescribed subject of the trial lecture (Approved):
Molecular mechanisms of bovine mastitis infection and prospects for prevention and treatment. The trial lecture was held on Dec 02, 2024.
Evaluation committee - trial lecture:
Researcher Geir Mathiesen
Researcher Pawel Lycus
Associate professor Linda Liberg Bergaust (Administrator)
Time and place for the public defence:
Monday December 16th 2024, at 12.15.
The defence will be held at NMBU in Festsalen, Urbygningen, NMBU.
Evaluation committee:
First opponent: Assistant Professor Dr. ing. Girbe Buist, Groningen University Medical Center
Faculty of Medicine, Groningen, The Netherlands
Second opponent: Associate Professor Roger Junges, Institute of Oral Biology, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Oslo (UiO), Oslo, Norway
Committee coordinator: Associate professor Linda Liberg Bergaust, Department of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway
Main supervisor:
Associate professor Morten Kjos, KBM, NMBU
Associate professor Davide Porcellato, KBM, NMBU
The doctoral thesis is available for public review.
For those of you who wants access to this please send an email to:
Thesis number 2024:81; ISSN 1894-6402; ISBN 978-82-575-2221-6