PhD degree – Trial Lecture and Public Defence
Siv Meling, Department of Production Animal Clinical Sciences, Faculty for Veterinary Medicine, will defend her PhD thesis, “The presence of an acute phase response in experimental classical scrapie in lambs indicates a shift towards a pro-inflammatory status in the clinical terminal stages” on 15 January 2021.
Norwegian title of thesis:
"Tilstedeværelsen av en akutt fase-reaksjon hos lam med eksperimentell klassisk skrapesjuke indikerer et skifte mot en pro-inflammatorisk tilstand i det kliniske endestadiet"
Prescribed trial lecture:
“What is the likelihood that a future TSE related zoonotic disease could emerge and require the same magnitude of intervention as seen during the BSE crisis?”.
Time and place for the trial lecture and public defence:
Date: January 15
10:00 – 10:45 Trial lecture
10:45 – 11:15 Break
11:15 – Public defence
Place: (New Zoom Webinar - copy and paste hyperlink into web browser, push enter)
Evaluation committee:
1st opponent Professor Neil Mabbott, The Roslin Institute, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
2nd opponent Professor Emerita Marianne Elvander, National Veterinary Institute, Knivsta, Sweden
3rd opponent Professor Charles McLean Press, NMBU
Main supervisor Professor Emerita Martha Jakobsen Ulvund, NMBU
Co-supervisor Dr. Anne Hjelle, International Research Institute of Stavanger (IRIS), Stavanger, Norway
Co-supervisor Dr. Janice Bar, The Roslin Institute, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
The doctoral thesis is available for public review.
Thesis number 2021:13, ISSN 1894-6402, ISBN 978-82-575-1721-2
For those who would like to access the thesis, please send an email to
This trial lecture and public defence will be held digitally since physical presence is hindered due to Covid-19. All are welcome to witness the digital defence, but please read and abide by the guidelines stated below. This is required for the defense to run without interruptions and noise.
Guidelines for attending the defence via Zoom:
- Please keep your camera off.
- If anyone wishes to oppose Ex Auditorio, please use the "raise hand" function in Zoom before the 1st opponent ends his or her opposition.
- Testing of your own equipment is advised before attending.