12 May - Pablo Durán Flores (MINA)

Av Cathrine Glosli

Pablo Durán Flores, Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management (MINA) will defend his PhD thesis "A novel framework for coupling mesoscale and steady-state CFD models for wind resource assessment", on 12, May 2020. 

Public defence - MINA

PhD degree – Trial Lecture and Public Defence

Pablo Durán Flores will defend his PhD thesis "A novel framework for coupling mesoscale and steady-state CFD models for wind resource assessment", on 12, May 2020

Norwegian title of thesis

"Ny metodikk for kobling av mesoskala og stasjonære CFD modeller for vindressurskart-legging."

Prescribed subject of the trial lecture

"On the theory of the variations of 3D wind and turbulence with height in the atmospheric planetary boundary layer, and how this wind variation is parameterized in meso-scale models."

Time and place for the trial lecture and the public defense

Tuesday 12, May 2020, at 12.15

This public defense will be held partly in digital form since physical presence is hindered as a result of the Covid19-situation.

The disputation can be attended by using the following link in Zoom: https://nmbu.zoom.us/j/61148137062

All are welcome to attend the digital meeting, but please read guidelines below before you open the link. This to make sure that the disputation can be held without too much interruptions and noise.

Evaluation committee

First opponent: Senior Scientist Erik Berge, Norwegian Meteorological Institute (MET)
Second opponent: Senior Researcher Carolin Schmitt, EnBW – Energie Baden-Württemberg AG, Germany
Committee coordinator: Associate Professor Nils-Otto Kitterød (MINA, NMBU)


Main supervisor: Professor Muyiwa Samuel Adaramola
Co-supervisor: Associate Professor Arne Reidar Gravdal
C-supervisor: Dr. Catherine Meissner (Windsim AS,Norway)
Co-supervisor: Associate Professor Sukanta Basu (TU Delft, The Netherlands)

Guidelines for attending

  • Do not use camera.
  • Put your microphone on mute.
  • If anyone has a question and wants to oppose ‘ex auditorio’, please write in the chat window of Zoom (1) “XY (your name) has a question" and (2) the question in brief. The chair of the defense will evaluate whether your question is opportune, and you will be given the word after the two opponents have concluded.
  • When you are being given the word, you switch on your microphone and camera. Ensure briefly whether you are being heard.
  • We advise you to test your own equipment before attending.

The doctoral thesis is available for public review. For those of you who want access to the thesis in pdf-form, please send an email to Ole Wiggo Røstad: ole.rostad@nmbu.no.

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