This conference aims to bring together leading researchers and policy makers to discuss recent research on value-added taxes (VATs), with relevance for lower-income countries.
Time and place: May 9-10, 2019, Washington D.C.
Submission Deadline: November 30.
This conference aims to bring together leading researchers and policy makers to discuss recent research on value-added taxes (VATs), with relevance for lower-income countries. We invite submissions of empirical and theoretical work, addressing the revenue, efficiency and equity implications of VATs, and other questions related to the optimal design of VATs. A unique feature of the conference will be the blending of frontier academic research with the practical experience of policy makers from World Bank client countries.
The conference is jointly organized by the World Bank, the Office of Tax Policy Research at the University of Michigan, Columbia University and the Norwegian University of Life Sciences.
Conference program: The conference will feature a combination of research talks and policy discussions. Each research talk will include 25 minutes for the presentation, 10 minutes for the discussion, and 5 minutes for Q&A. A special session will be dedicated to shorter (15-minute) presentations of early-stage work. Two special policy panels will (i) discuss country experiences in implementing a VAT and (ii) reflect on the relevance of research findings, and open questions that remain to be addressed. Active interaction between researchers and policy makers will be facilitated throughout the conference.
Paper submission: We invite academics, PhD students, World Bank and IMF staff, and researchers at other policy institutions to submit a research paper (preferable) or a two-page abstract at by November 30, 2018.
Funding: Economy class travel and hotel accommodation will be covered for presenters. Participation is free for both presenters and other participants.
Program committee: Annette Alstadsæter, Pierre Bachas, Anne Brockmeyer, Anna Custers, Wojciech Kopczuk, Oyebola Okunogbe, Joel Slemrod, Marijn Verhoeven.
We aim to notify the authors of selected papers by January 2019.