About ABC Salt
NMBU is a consortium partner and work package leader in ABC-Salt, a four-year European Horizon 2020 project coordinated by the University of Groeningen.
In ABC-Salt, a research consortium of nine European partners are developing an innovative new route to sustainable liquid biofuels such as middle distillates from various lignocellulosic waste streams.
REALTEK is responsible for work package 3, "Primary liquefaction", where the targeted objectives will be to select the feedstock supply and the molten salts. Feedstocks will be selected to represent typical, low cost supplies, readily available in Europe, while molten salt or salt mixtures will be chosen on basis of chemical and physical properties.
Participants at NMBU

- This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 764089.
More about ABC-Salt
For more information about ABC-Salt, please visit the official project website at abc-salt.eu