Doctors VET

Greetings from the Dean
Dear new doctors at NMBU Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.
You will find my salutations in the video below.
Best wishes,
Anne Storset
About this page
NMBU honour those conferred upon with a PhD degree between autumn 2019 and summer 2021. This web page is open to the public. You, and those you wish to share it with, can enter the experience at any time for the coming year from 17 September 2021 at 14:00 Central European Time (CET).
The web page includes similar elements found in a ceremony with physical presence, such as speeches, music, information about each NMBU doctor and a password-protected proforma diploma for display purposes.
The NMBU video salutation to the doctors:
List of the doctors:
Public defences 2021:
Public defences 2020:
Public defences 2019:

Halldor Felde Berg
Congratulations on the conferment upon the PhD Degree at NMBU, Halldor Felde Berg. Your thesis ”Reproductive potential and quality of SpermVital semen used for artificial insemination in cattle” was defended on 19.05.2020.

Hanne Friis Berntsen
Congratulations on the conferment upon the PhD Degree at NMBU, Hanne Friis Berntsen. Your thesis ”Mixtures of persistent organic pollutants and single perfluorinated compounds: Do they adversely affect nerve and immune cell function in vitro?” was defended on 29.04.2021.

Gudrun Seeberg Boge
Congratulations on the conferment upon the PhD Degree at NMBU, Gudrun Seeberg Boge. Your thesis ”Epidemiology of orthopaedic conditions in companion animals with emphasis on cranial cruciate ligament disease” was defended on 06.12.2019.

Patricia Bwalya
Congratulations on the conferment upon the PhD Degree at NMBU, Patricia Bwalya. Your thesis ”Streptococcus-like infections in farmed tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) of Lake Kariba: Characterization of pathogenic species and host responses” was defended on 01.06.2021.

Augustino Alfred Chengula
Congratulations on the conferment upon the PhD Degree at NMBU, Augustino Alfred Chengula. Your thesis ”Tilapia lake virus (TiLV) - development of PCR-based diagnostic assays and insights into infection mechanisms” was defended on 27.04.2021.

Maria Christou
Congratulations on the conferment upon the PhD Degree at NMBU, Maria Christou. Your thesis ”Exploring the short and long-term effects of developmental exposure in zebrafish exposed to anthropogenic chemicals” was defended on 30.10.2020.

Gunnar Dalen
Congratulations on the conferment upon the PhD Degree at NMBU, Gunnar Dalen. Your thesis ”Using online cell counts for detection and prediction of subclinical intramammary infection in dairy cows” was defended on 06.03.2020.

Saurabh Dubey
Congratulations on the conferment upon the PhD Degree at NMBU, Saurabh Dubey. Your thesis ”Nanoparticle based vaccine delivery of recombinant outer membrane proteins and characterization of Aeromonas hydrophila and Edwardsiella species in Asian aquaculture” was defended on 23.08.2019.

Silje Granstad
Congratulations on the conferment upon the PhD Degree at NMBU, Silje Granstad. Your thesis ”Impact of feed composition on rearing of broiler chickens without in-feed antimicrobials” was defended on 17.06.2021.

Anne Kristine Grostøl Hansen
Congratulations on the conferment upon the PhD Degree at NMBU, Anne Kristine Grostøl Hansen. Your thesis ”Choline is an essential nutrient for post-smolt Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L)” was defended on 14.05.2020.

Siri Helene Helland-Riise
Congratulations on the conferment upon the PhD Degree at NMBU, Siri Helene Helland-Riise. Your thesis ”Host phenotypic manipulation by the brain-encysting parasite Euhaplorchis californiensis” was defended on 29.11.2019.

Hege Synnøve Hellberg
Congratulations on the conferment upon the PhD Degree at NMBU, Hege Synnøve Hellberg. Your thesis ”Teleost gut morphology in sickness and in health, with emphasis on mast cell ontogeny and alimentary canal development in common wolffish, Anarhichas lupus Linnaeus, 1758” was defended on 25.10.2019.

Aina Jansen
Congratulations on the conferment upon the PhD Degree at NMBU, Aina Jansen. Your thesis ”Weight loss after bariatric surgery, persistent organic pollutants and their influence on endocrine systems” was defended on 30.11.2020.

Silje Modahl Johanson
Congratulations on the conferment upon the PhD Degree at NMBU, Silje Modahl Johanson. Your thesis ”Persistent organic pollutants and effects on developmental and functional process in mice” was defended on 23.10.2020.

Amritha Johny
Congratulations on the conferment upon the PhD Degree at NMBU, Amritha Johny. Your thesis ”Plant-based aquafeeds: Carry-over potential of mycotoxins and phytoestrogens from feed to fish and implications for fish health and food safety” was defended on 04.12.2020.

Anne Selvén Kallerud
Congratulations on the conferment upon the PhD Degree at NMBU, Anne Selvén Kallerud. Your thesis ”Something in the way you move: Studies of movement asymmetry in young Standardbred trotters” was defended on 16.04.2021.

Dhamotharan Kannimuthu
Congratulations on the conferment upon the PhD Degree at NMBU, Dhamotharan Kannimuthu. Your thesis ”Molecular characterization of Piscine orthoreovirus (PRV) and its pathogenesis in salmonids” was defended on 10.12.2019.

Håkon Kaspersen
Congratulations on the conferment upon the PhD Degree at NMBU, Håkon Kaspersen. Your thesis ”Quinolone resistant Escherichia coli from Norwegian livestock - A comparative genomics study” was defended on 25.02.2020.

Øystein Klakegg
Congratulations on the conferment upon the PhD Degree at NMBU, Øystein Klakegg. Your thesis ”Bacterial impact on growth, health and disease of farmed Atlantic salmon and lumpfish” was defended on 24.06.2021.

Elena Kirsanova
Congratulations on the conferment upon the PhD Degree at NMBU, Elena Kirsanova. Your thesis ”Genetics of chronic subclinical mastitis in Norwegian Red cows” was defended on 26.05.2020.

Siv Meling
Congratulations on the conferment upon the PhD Degree at NMBU, Siv Meling. Your thesis ”The presence of an acute phase response in experimental classical scrapie in lambs indicates a shift towards a pro-inflammatory status in the clinical terminal stages” was defended on 15.01.2021.

Karla Francisca Meza Parada
Congratulations on the conferment upon the PhD Degree at NMBU, Karla Francisca Meza Parada. Your thesis ”Comparative study of challenge models to evaluate protection after immunization with Piscirickettsia salmonis” was defended on 12.12.2019.

Helene Louise Eghave Midttun
Congratulations on the conferment upon the PhD Degree at NMBU, Helene Louise Eghave Midttun. Your thesis ”Effects of the brain-infecting parasite Pseudoloma neurophilia in laboratory zebrafish (Danio rerio)” was defended on 25.09.2020.

Torfinn Moldal
Congratulations on the conferment upon the PhD Degree at NMBU, Torfinn Moldal. Your thesis ”Impact of dietary plant oils and the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol on Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) with emphasis on the intestine” was defended on 07.11.2019.

Kahoza Kizito Mugimba
Congratulations on the conferment upon the PhD Degree at NMBU, Kahoza Kizito Mugimba. Your thesis ”The infection biology of tilapia lake virus: tissue tropism, host susceptibility and immune responses” was defended on 19.11.2020.

Elisa Daniel Mwega
Congratulations on the conferment upon the PhD Degree at NMBU, Elisa Daniel Mwega. Your thesis ”Molecular characterization and antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of Flavobacteriaceae isolated from farmed and wild Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in Tanzania” was defended on 10.12.2020.

Arve Nilsen
Congratulations on the conferment upon the PhD Degree at NMBU, Arve Nilsen. Your thesis ”Production of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in closed confinement systems (CCS) - salmon lice, growth rates, mortality and fish welfare” was defended on 27.09.2019.

Håvard Nørstebø
Congratulations on the conferment upon the PhD Degree at NMBU, Håvard Nørstebø. Your thesis ”The applicability of milking-time testing in automatic milking systems” was defended on 24.01.2020.

Katrine Mørk Paulsen
Congratulations on the conferment upon the PhD Degree at NMBU, Katrine Mørk Paulsen. Your thesis ”Tick-borne encephalitis virus - a one Health approach” was defended on 28.05.2020.

Erik Paulshus
Congratulations on the conferment upon the PhD Degree at NMBU, Erik Paulshus. Your thesis ”Antibiotic resistance in wastewater” was defended on 27.02.2020.

Kristin Sæbø Pettersen
Congratulations on the conferment upon the PhD Degree at NMBU, Kristin Sæbø Pettersen. Your thesis ”The effect of food chain stressors on Listeria monocytogenes” was defended on 18.01.2021.

Elena Maria Santidrián Yebra Pimentel
Congratulations on the conferment upon the PhD Degree at NMBU, Elena Maria Santidrián Yebra Pimentel. Your thesis ”New genomics and transcriptomics tools toward improving conservation strategies for sturgeons” was defended on 31.01.2020.

Kristin Opdal Seljetun
Congratulations on the conferment upon the PhD Degree at NMBU, Kristin Opdal Seljetun. Your thesis ”Antigoagulant rodenticides - toxicokinetics and prevalence in the dog and red fox” was defended on 07.05.2021.

Fredrik Strebel Skedsmo
Congratulations on the conferment upon the PhD Degree at NMBU, Fredrik Strebel Skedsmo. Your thesis ”NDRG1 and PrPc in peripheral nerve myelin maintenance: Insights from morphological studies in two unique animal models” was defended on 04.09.2020.

Lena Hammerlund Teige
Congratulations on the conferment upon the PhD Degree at NMBU, Lena Hammerlund Teige. Your thesis ”Detection of antibodies in Atlantic salmon using a bead-based multiplexed immunoassay” was defended on 24.02.2020.

Tamirat Tefera Temesgen
Congratulations on the conferment upon the PhD Degree at NMBU, Tamirat Tefera Temesgen. Your thesis ”Detection and viability assessment of foodborne parasites of public health importance on berries” was defended on 20.04.2021.

Ingrid Toftaker
Congratulations on the conferment upon the PhD Degree at NMBU, Ingrid Toftaker. Your thesis ”Epidemiologic studies of bovine respiratory syncytial virus and bovine coronavirus in Norway” was defended on 11.10.2019.

Kristine von Krogh
Congratulations on the conferment upon the PhD Degree at NMBU, Kristine von Krogh. Your thesis ”An Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) pituitary model system for reproductive and reprotoxic testing in vitro” was defended on 22.01.2021.

Jie Wang
Congratulations on the conferment upon the PhD Degree at NMBU, Jie Wang. Your thesis ”Gut health and microbiota during the life cycle of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) produced under commercial Arctic conditions: Modulation by functional feed ingredients investigated in vivo and in vitro” was defended on 12.04.2021.

Bjørn Håkon Wormstrand
Congratulations on the conferment upon the PhD Degree at NMBU, Bjørn Håkon Wormstrand. Your thesis ”The role of the blood supply to growth cartilage in physeal osteochondrosis and septic arthritis/osteomyelitis in foals and pigs” was defended on 15.10.2019.