Nyttige lenker

Nedenfor finner du en liste over nyttige linker relatert til Centre for Land Tenure Studies.

International organisations
FAO Land Tenure
Food Crisis and the Global “Land Grab”: News Services
Global Land Tools Network, UNHABITAT
International Land Coalition
Land Commodities
Land Divided Conference 2013
Planning Law and Property Rights Conference 2012
The International Association for the Study of the Commons (IASC)
UN Millennium Development Goals
World Bank Land and Poverty Conference 2012
World Bank Land and Poverty Conference 2011

Land policy and academic institutions
Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Institute for Liberty and Democracy
Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies
Institutions for collective action
Land Tenure Center, the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, University of Wisconsin – Madison
Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University

Journals and library resources

Digital Library of the Commons
International Journal of the Commons
Landportal: The gateway to land information

Norwegian institutions, data sources and web pages
Text in English
Centre for Rural Research, Norway
Lovdata: Norwegian laws and court decision
Norwegian Mapping Authority/Centre for Property Rights and Development
Statistics Norway
The land consolidation court of Norway

Text in Norwegian
Arkivverket: Primary sources for historical data for Norway
Eiendomsverdi: Eiendomsinformasjon satt i system
• Infoland
Links useful for the study of land registration in Norway
Maps in the school
Se eiendom
The cadastre (matrikkelen) for Norway

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