CLTS launched new book on Land Tenure Reform in Asia and Africa

CLTS new book "Land Tenure Reform in Asia and Africa" was presented on the Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty on the 11th of April in Washington DC. 


The aim of the Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty is to encourage dialogue and sharing of good practices around the multiple reforms, approaches and experiences that are being used around the world.

This year CLTS new book "Land Tenure Reform in Asia and Africa" edited by Stein Holden, Keijiro Otsuka, and Klaus Deininger was launched on the Annual World Bank Conference on the 11th of April. The book discusses the influence of land tenure reforms on poverty and efficiency of land use and other natural resources. It teaches important policy lessons from the past and ongoing land tenure reforms.

Stein Holden presented the first chapter of the book with the title "Land Tenure Reforms, Poverty and Natural Resource Management: Conceptual Framework" and Keijiro Otsuka has drawn conslusions in the presentation with the title "Next steps on Land and Forest Tenure Reform: A summary of case studies" regarding the lessons that can be learned from past and ongoing land tenure reforms. The presentation can be downloaded here.

The paper "Links between Tenure Security and Food Seciruty: Evidence from Ethiopia" was as well presented on the Annual World Bank Conference.

More information about the Annual World Bank Conference can be obtained here.

The conference overview can be found here.


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