Utvalg av publikasjoner som bruker data fra BIOKLIM.
Den viktigste publikasjonen fra BIOKLIM er den årlige utgaven av Meteorologiske data for Ås. I tillegg blir data fra BIOKLIM brukt i en rekke publikasjoner fra NMBU-forskere, forskere ved andre Ås-institusjoner og ved andre norske og utenlandske læresteder. Bredden i forskningen er stor, og de senere årene har en blant annet sett en tydelig økning i interessen for lange dataserier til bruk i klimaforskning. Listen nedenfor viser publikasjoner fra REALTEK knyttet til BIOKLIM de siste 25 år som eksempel.
- Bjørnsen, Kristine: Temperaturendringer på Ås fra 1901-2020 : faktisk temperaturendring og andre ytre påvirkninger. Masteroppgave 2021. Fakultet for realfag og teknologi (RealTek), NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES 2021.
- Mareile Wolff, Thue-Hansen V.* and Grimenes A.A. Meteorologiske data for Ås 2020. NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES 2021. ISBN 978-82-7636-034-9
- Mareile Wolff, Thue-Hansen V. and Grimenes A.A. Meteorologiske data for Ås 2019. NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES 2020. ISBN 978-82-7636-033-2
- Stergiani, Charisi. Introducing microclimate into simulation models for buildings. Philosophiae Doctor(PhD) Thesis 2019:33. Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Fakultet for realfag og teknologi.
- Grimenes, A.A. & Thue-Hansen, V. Theor Appl Climatol (2019). Photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) in the Nordic countries and the relative flux density method. NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES 2019
- Brenden, Nina. Vindpåvirkning i luftinfiltrasjonsberegning. Masteroppgave 2019. Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Fakultet for realfag og teknologi.
- Mareile Wolff, Thue-Hansen V. and Grimenes A.A. Meteorologiske data for Ås 2018. NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES 2019. ISBN 978-82-7636-032-5
- Mareile Wolff, Thue-Hansen V. and Grimenes A.A. Meteorologiske data for Ås 2017. NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES 2018. ISBN 978-82-7636-031-8
- Mingjie Zhang a, Menghao Qin a,b,⇑, Carsten Rode b, Zhi Chen a. Moisture buffering phenomenon and its impact on building energy consumption. a School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China, b Department of Civil Engineering, Technical University of Demark (DTU), Lyngby, Denmark. 2017
- Waszczuk, Milosz. Eksperimentell validering av modeller for luftinfiltrasjon i bygninger. Masteroppgave 2017. Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Fakultet for realfag og teknologi.
- A. Sandak, I. Burud, A. Flø, T. Thiis, L. Ross Gobakken & J. Sandak (2017) Hyperspectral imaging of weathered wood samples in transmission mode. International Wood Products Journal, 8:sup1, 9-13, DOI: 10.1080/20426445.2016.1237079 .- Mareile Wolff, Thue-Hansen V. and Grimenes A.A. Meteorologiske data for Ås 2016. NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES 2017. ISBN 978-82-7636-030-1
- Knut Arne Smeland,a Kristian Hovde Liland,b Jakub Sandak,c Anna Sandak,c Lone Ross Gobakken,d Thomas Kringlebotn Thiisa and Ingunn Buruda* aNorwegian University of Life Sciences, Department of Mathematical Sciences and Technology, Campus Ås, Pb 5003, 1430 Ås, Norway. bNofima-Norwegian Institute of Food, Fisheries and Aquaculture Research, Pb 210, NO-1430 Ås, Norway cTrees and Timber Institute IVALSA/CNR, via Biasi 75, 38010 San Michele all’Adige (TN), Italy dNorwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, Pb 115, NO-1431 Ås, Norway, 2016. Near infrared hyperspectral imaging in transmission mode: assessing the weathering of thin wood samples. JOURNAL OF NEAR INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY
- Mareile Wolff1,2 and Marthe Wiik-Hansen Bjerkåsholmen1,3. Towards consistent snow depth measurements in a network applying different automatic sensor technologies and manual observations. 1Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås 2Norwegian Meteorological institute, Oslo 3now: Oslo municipality, Oslo.
- Marthe Wiik-Hansen Bjerkåsholmen. Standardisering av snødybdemåling i Norge- Standardization of Snow Depth Measurement in Norway. Masteroppgave 2015. Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet, Fakultet for miljøvitenskap og teknologi, Institutt for matematiske realfag og teknologi.
- Grini, Sigbjørn. Quality Control of Global Solar Irradiation Measured at Four Stations in Eastern Norway. Masteroppgave 2015. Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Enivironmental Science and Technology, Department of Mathematical Sciences and Technology.
- Mareile Wolff, Thue-Hansen V. and Grimenes A.A. Meteorologiske data for Ås 2015. NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES 2016. ISBN 978-82-7636-029-5
- Sivertsen T.H., Thue-Hansen V., and Grimenes A.A., 150 years of observation, research and education of students in the field of agricultural meteorology at Aas. Foredrag. 18‐th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "FLUXES AND STRUCTURES IN FLUIDS". Svetlogorsk ( close to Kaliningrad) June 2015.
- Thue-Hansen V. and Grimenes A.A. Meteorologiske data for Ås 2014. NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES 2015. ISBN 978-82-7636-028-8
- Herdis M. Gjelten 1,2, Øyvind Nordli 2, Arne A. Grimenes 1 and Elin Lundstad 2. The Ås temperature series in Southern Norway – Homogeneity testing and climate analysis. 1Department of Mathematical Sciences and Technology, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway, 2Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Oslo, Norway
- I. Burud,a,* L.R. Gobakken,b A. Flø,a T.K. Thiisa and K. Kvaala aDepartment of Mathematical Sciences and Technology, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, PO Box 2003, 1432 Ås, Norway. Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institute, PO Box 115, 1431 Ås, Norway. NIR news. Hyperspectral near infrared imaging of wooden surfaces performed outdoors and indoors. Vol. 26 No. 1 January/February 2015
- Katavic, Ivana. Fuktbufring og latent varme i eksponerte treoverflater. Masteroppgave 2014. Institutt for matematiske realfag og teknologi, Norges miljø- og biovitenskaplige universitet.
- Nordhagen, Victoria Rygh. Uttørking av trehus under oppvarming: en sammenlikning av simulering og måling. Masteroppgave 2013. Institutt for matematiske realfag og teknologi, Norges miljø- og biovitenskaplige universitet.
- Kraniotis, Dimitrios. Dynamic characteristics of wind-driven air infiltration in buildings, the impact of wind gusts under unsteady wind conditions. PhD. Department of Mathematical Sciences and Technology. December 2014
- Thue-Hansen V. and Grimenes A.A. Meteorologiske data for Ås 2013. NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES 2014. ISBN 978-82-7636-027-1
- Dimitrios Kraniotis, Tormod Aurlien og Thomas Thiis. On investigating instantaneous wind-driven infiltration rates using CO2 decay method. Department of Mathematical Scienses and Technology, Norwegian University og Life Sciences 2013.
- Espen Murtnes. Solar Heating in Norwegian Passive Houses. Masteroppgave 2013. Department of Physics, University of Oslo.
- Thue-Hansen V. and Grimenes A.A. Meteorologiske data for Ås 2012. NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES 2013. ISBN 978-82-7636-026-4
- Gjelten Herdis Motrøen. Homogenisering og analyse av temperaturserien på Ås. Masteroppgave 30. stp. 2012. Institutt for matematiske realfag og teknologi, Universitet for miljø- og biovitenskap.
- Thue-Hansen V. and Grimenes A.A. Meteorologiske data for Ås 2011. NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES 2012. ISBN 978-82-7636-025-7
- Thue-Hansen V. and Grimenes A.A. Meteorologiske data for Ås 2010. NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES 2011. ISBN 978-82-7636-024-0
- Grimenes A.A. og Thue-Hansen V. Byggrelaterte lokalklimadata for Ås. Universitetet for miljø- og biovitenskap, 2010.
- Thue-Hansen V. and Grimenes A.A. Meteorologiske data for Ås 2009. NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES 2010. ISBN 978-82-7636-023-3
- Thue-Hansen V. and Grimenes A.A. Meteorologiske data for Ås 2008. NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES 2009. ISBN 978-82-7636-022-6
- Thue-Hansen V. and Grimenes A.A. Meteorologiske data for Ås 2007. NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES 2008. ISBN 978-82-7636-021-9
- Thue-Hansen V. and Grimenes A.A. Meteorologiske data for Ås 2006. NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES 2007. ISBN 82-7636-018-1.
- Antonsen Ingvild. Jordtemperatur på Ås gjennom 100 år Homogenisering og analyse. Masteroppgave 30. stp. 2006. Institutt for matematiske realfag og teknologi, Universitet for miljø- og biovitenskap.
- Grimenes A.A. and Thue-Hansen V. The reduction of global radiation in south-eastern Norway during the last 50 years. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. Vol. 85, Number 1-2, pp 37-40. 2006
- Thue-Hansen V. and Grimenes A.A. Meteorologiske data for Ås 2005. NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES 2006. ISBN 82-7636-017-3.
- Sivle Anders. Svingniger i klimaet i perioden 1910 til 2004 Hvilken innvirkning en global klimaendring har på lokalt klima og på tidspunktet for start på våren og vekstsesongen. Masteroppgave 2005. Geofysisk institutt, Det matematiske- naturvitenskapelige fakultet, Universitetet i Bergen.
- Thue-Hansen V. and Grimenes A.A. Meteorologiske data for Ås 2004. NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES 2005. ISBN 82-7636-016-5.
- Grimenes A.A. and Thue-Hansen V. Annual variation of surface roughness obtained from wind profile measurements. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. Vol. 79, Number 1-2, pp 93-102. 2004.
- Bergerud Reidun Anita. Analyse av høyoppløste nedbørsdata for Ås i perioden 1990- 2002. Hovedoppgave i miljøfysikk 2003. Institutt for tekniske fag, Norges landbrukshøgskole.
- A.A.Grimenes an Ø. Nissen. Mathematical modelling of the annual temperature wave based on monthly mean temperatures, and comparisons between local climate trends at seven Norwegian stations. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Climatology, Vol 78, pp 229-246. 2004.
- Thue-Hansen V. and Grimenes A.A. Meteorologiske data for Ås 2003. Agricultural University of Norway 2004. ISBN 82-7636-015-7.
- A. A. Grimenes, C. Futsæther, E. O. Bjørkan, B. Berre, B. Johnsen. Calibration of a UV broadband instrument - Eppley TUVR UVnet. Poster at 5th Workshop on Ultraviolet radiation measurements. Kassandra, Halkidiki, Greece. 07.-08.10.2002.
- Thue-Hansen V. and Grimenes A.A. Meteorologiske data for Ås 2002. Agricultural University of Norway 2003. ISBN 82-7636-014-9.
- Thue-Hansen V. and Grimenes A.A. Meteorologiske data for Ås 2001. Agricultural University of Norway 2002. ISBN 82-7636-013-0.
- Bjørkan Einar Olav. En kalibrering av bredbåndsinstrument- Eppley TUVR ved NLH. Hovedoppgave 2001.
Institutt for tekniske fag, Norges landbrukshøgskole.
- Morten Bosseng og Ole Hoen. En internettpresentasjon av NLH's agroklimatiske forskningsstasjon. Hovedoppgave 2001. Institutt for tekniske fag, Norges landbrukshøgskole.
- Thue-Hansen V. and Grimenes A.A. Meteorologiske data for Ås 2000. Agricultural University of Norway 2001. ISBN 82-7636-012-2.
- A. A. Grimenes. Local climate changes in Poland and Norway based on analyses of an annual temperature wave model. Poster at Images and Reconstruction of Weather and Climate over the Last Millenium Cracow, Poland. 20.-22.9.2000
-Thue-Hansen V. and Grimenes A.A. Meteorologiske data for Ås 1999. Agricultural University of Norway 2000. ISBN 82-7636-011-4.
- C. Futsæther, A. A. Grimenes. Solar UV Measurements at the Agricultural University of Norway. Poster at Thematic Network for Ultraviolet Measurements. Espoo, Finland. 02.03.1998
- Thue-Hansen V. and Grimenes A.A. Meteorologiske data for Ås 1998. Agricultural University of Norway 1999. ISBN 82-7636-009-2.
- T. Græe B. Hansen, S. Kroken. Potetlager og temperaturatlas for de viktigste potetdistriktene i Norge. Melding Institutt for Tekniske fag, NLH nr 8, 1997
- Thue-Hansen V. and Grimenes A.A. Meteorologiske data for Ås 1997. Agricultural University of Norway 1998. ISBN 82-7636-008-4.
- B. Johnsen, M. Hannevig, C. Futsæther, A. A. Grimenes. The 1995 intercomparison of UV- and Par instruments at the University of Oslo. Statens strålevern, Østerås ISSN: 0804-4910. 1997
- Thue-Hansen V. and Grimenes A.A. Meteorologiske data for Ås 1996. Agricultural University of Norway 1997. ISBN 82-7636-007-6
- Thue-Hansen V. and Grimenes A.A. Meteorologiske data for Ås 1995. Agricultural University of Norway 1996. ISBN 82-7636-006-8.
- Thue-Hansen V. Meteorologiske data for Ås 1994. Agricultural University of Norway 1995.
- Thue-Hansen V. Meteorologiske data for Ås 1993. Agricultural University of Norway 1994.
- Thue-Hansen V. Meteorologiske data for Ås 1992. Agricultural University of Norway 1993.
- Thue-Hansen V. Meteorologiske data for Ås 1991. Agricultural University of Norway 1992.
- T. H. Sivertsen. Konstuksjon og testing av en fysisk matematisk mikrometeorologisk modell for en kornbestand (Construction and testing of physical mathematical micrometeorological model of a small grain crop)Ås 1991, ISSN 0802 – 3220, ISBN 82-575-0142-5
- Thue-Hansen V. Meteorologiske data for Ås 1990. Agricultural University of Norway 1991.
- Thue-Hansen V. Meteorologiske data for Ås 1989. Agricultural University of Norway 1990.
- Kvifte, Gotfred. Værobservasjoner i Ås gjennom 125 år. "Follominne" nr. 27, Årbok 1989,Follo historie- og museumslag. s 58-66.
- Thue-Hansen V. Meteorologiske data for Ås 1988. Agricultural University of Norway 1989.
- B. Berre, D. Lala. Investigation on photochemical dosimeters for ultraviolett radiation. SolarEnergy, Vol. 42, No. 5,pp. 405-416, 1989.
- Thue-Hansen V. Meteorologiske data for Ås 1987. Agricultural University of Norway 1988.
- G. Kvifte. Crop production and Growth Model for Cereals, Rape and Grass at Aas, Norway. Acta Agric. Scand.37:137-158;1987.
- Thue-Hansen V. Meteorologiske data for Ås 1986. Agricultural University of Norway 1987.
- Thue-Hansen V. Meteorologiske data for Ås 1985. Agricultural University of Norway 1986.
- V.Hansen. Barley Transpiration and Soil Status. Acta Agric Scand 35: 99-111, 1985.
- V. Hansen. Meteorologiske data for Ås 1984. Agricultural University of Norway 1985.
- V. Hansen. Spectral Distribution of Solar Radiation on Clear Days - A Comparison between Measurements and Model Estimates. Journal of Climate and Applied Meteorology. Vol. 23, No. 5, 1984.
- V. Hansen. Meteorologiske data for Ås 1983. Agricultural University of Norway 1984.
- G. Kvifte, K. Hegg, V. Hansen. Spectral Distribution of Solar Radiation in the Nordic Countries. Journal of Climate and Applied Meteorology. Vol. 22, No. 1, 1983.
- V. Hansen. Meteorologiske data for Ås 1982. Agricultural University of Norway 1983.
- K. Hegg. Daily values of global radiation, totally and divided in 5 wavelength bands, from 7 stations in the Nordic countries. Fysisk Institutt, Norges landbrukshogskole. 1983.
- V. Hansen. Meteorologiske data for Ås 1981. Agricultural University of Norway 1982.
- J.A. Olseth, K. Hegg. Ei samanlikning av solstrålingsklimaet i As og Bergen. Meldinger fra NLH.Vol. 61, 16, 1982.
- V. Hansen. Advection and evapotranspiration -part 2. Meldinger fra NLH. Vol. 61,Nr. 14, 10s, 1982.
- V. Hansen. On the problem of measuring precipitations. Meldinger fra NLH, Vol. 61,Nr. 6, 6s, 1982.
- V. Hansen. The Climate of Aas. VII: Climate correlations between neighbouring meteorological stations. Meldinger fra NLH, Vol. 61, Nr. 5, 10s, 1982.
- V. Hansen. Atmospheric monitoring using a solar spectrometer. Part 2: Determination of columnar atmospheric water vapor content from spectral measurements of the direct solar radiation. Arch.Met. Geoph. Biokl., Ser. B. 30, pp.67-72, 1982.
- V. Hansen. Atmospheric monitoring using a solar spectrometer. Part 1: Determination of aerosol size distribution spectra by inverting solar spectral extinction measurements. Arch. Met. Geoph. Biokl.,Ser. B, 30, pp. 45-66, 1982.
- V. Hansen. Meteorologiske data for Ås 1980. Agricultural University of Norway 1981.
- V. Hansen. Advection and evapotranspiration. Meldinger fra NLH, Vol. 60, Nr. 21,7s, 1981.
- V. Hansen. Evapotranspiration, - evaporationfrom vegetative surfaces. Meldingerfra NLH, Vol. 60, Nr. 2, 12s, 1981.
- V. Hansen, K. Hegg. Potential evapotranspiration from barley and short cut grass in relation to the surface energy budget. Arch.Met.Geoph.Biokl. Ser. B, 29,57-70, 1981.
- V. Hansen. Meteorologiske data for Ås 1979. Agricultural University of Norway 1980.
- B. Heldal. The Climate of Aas. VI. Local variation in minimum screen temperature. Meldinger fra NLH, Vol. 59, Nr. 19, 20s, 1980.
- V. Hansen. On the problem of estimating daily rates of potential evapotranspiration.Meldinger fra NLH, Vol. 59,Nr. 15, 15s, 1980.
- V. Hansen. Estimation of potential evapotranspiration. A theoretical approach.Meldinger fra NLH, Vol. 59, Nr. 1012s. 1980.
- V. Hansen, K. Hegg. Description of a Computer Controlled Data Logging System for Measuring Meteorological Variables. Agricultural Meteorology 20, 451-457, 1979.
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